TH's emails shed light on Horman split

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Second bolded part by me...

Yeah, and not only that, but:

"That and it was highly chaotic - had to been 300 people running around - no coordination...."

He was not only having what she thought were seizures causing him to walk in and back out of rooms and not remember anything, but it was highly chaotic at school with 300 people running around and no coordination - apparently including Kyron's teacher who was either partially deaf or not capable of distinguishing a sentence about exhibits from a sentence about a doctor's appointment. And she felt like he was in safe hands as she "watched him" walk down the hall. Huh.

Woman is a walking contradiction.. or should I say a typing contradiction..JMO
would it be safe to assume that she was upset and stressed... and not really caring about using proper grammar? you never said "put me down for 4" when someone was selling hoagies for the school band? someWHERE... somePLACE.. does it really matter?
i'm lucky if i can spell correctly when my fingers are flying and typing angry emails.
i think people are reading way too much into this... kind of like the ridiculousness of analyzing dede's tweets.. it's almost amusing.. then i remember there's a boy still missing..

Well, some people believe we make quite a bit of subconscious word choice *especially* when we're upset and stressed. Just like body language, or the things you dream about at night, it can be an indicator of things you're thinking and feeling.

So yes, for those that believe that your subconscious thoughts come to the surface while stressed, it does make a difference.
Hello, sleuthers. I was interested in reading your thoughts on the wording in TH's recent email.

"Kids saw him after I left. Teacher put him as absent at 10am. Someplace between 9-10 is when we think it happened…" from TH's email

I keep rereading TH's emails because they just don’t sound right to me. I don’t know if they’ve been edited, and if they have, that could be part of why they sound off. But if they weren’t edited/snipped, there is something really creepy IMO about TH speculating something happened between 9:00-10:00. I'm not sure I can explain it exactly, but here are some of my thoughts.

What makes her think that’s the time that it happened? Is that something she gathered from meeting with LE? Did she come up with that on her own to corroborate her leaving at 9:00 and therefore not be involved?

If Kyron was kidnapped or wandered off he could still be alive (especially with her writing the email just the day after his disappearance), so why does “it happened” sound so final?

What does she think “it” is? If he was acting funny and in a daze and he wandered off, would she call that an “it” happening? Or would she say, “That’s when we think he wandered off.” “It happened” sounds more like something that happened to him.

Who is “we”? “When we think it happened.” The rest of her emails only refer to herself and what she was doing. Is this a slip? Was there someone else involved? Is she including the teacher (from the sentence before)? Or Kaine? If her emails were about defending only herself since she thinks LE is blaming her, why does she use “we”? It sounds out of place.

I keep rereading the emails because it just doesn’t sound right to me. It sounds like she knows more than what she’s written.

I understand why attorneys tell their clients to stay quiet, since every tiny sentence can be dissected. I’m not purposely trying to find something to pick at, this one sentence just really makes me think. Thanks for any feedback you may have.

Everything above is JMO. :)

I've heard a criminal profiler say that the truth (about the crime) is usually laced within the lie. ;)
"Teacher put him as absent."

"Someplace between 9 and 10 we think it happened."

You know what's funny? IMO She sounds like a detective talking. In an interview or in a briefing of some sort.

Anyone remember when Casey started to sound like a detective talking in her interrogations?

Narcissists do that. They are empty. Have no feelings. Don't quite know how to behave in any given situation so ... they pick up cues from others - they mirror others. (i.e. they are named after Narcissus). They mimic the speech pattern, use the colloquialisms, assume the culture of the people they are spending time with.

As example, I submit Miss Casey Anthony:
Casey was a sexy shot girl one month. Next month, once Casey was spending days in her attorney's office (on bail with ankle braclet) she decided to become a lawyer & started dressing like one even. Glasses. White shirt. Black pants. Plain Jane.

Think about what Terri had been doing in the hours prior to writing this e-mail. Nothing but working with detectives. She was still in her "detective" persona.

Just a little thing I'd noticed when I read e-mails. Made me chuckle at the time. But I thought I'd share. Of course, I might be wrong...and it's JMHO.
Much ado about nothing.

Poor grammar and semantics, not some hidden code. That doesn't mean TH is not involved (of course she likely is), but this email isn't saying anything beyond some generic stuff.
Much ado about nothing.

Poor grammar and semantics, not some hidden code. That doesn't mean TH is not involved (of course she likely is), but this email isn't saying anything beyond some generic stuff.

IMO, I am not worried about the grammar either.

But I feel we do get to see some personality and perhaps some state of mind in these e-mails. We've never heard a peep out of her. I didnt' expect her to be so direct/assertive. I thought she might be more girlie-passive-aggressive-whining - (from the way she seemed to express nervousness and clinginess at the 1st presser). Tone from an e-mail is not terribly important, or even reliable - but ... it's all we've got at the moment. JMHO.
"I didn't just drop him off, I spent time with him, took pictures and he was in safe hands I thought as I watched him walk down the hall.

This is why the bio-mom felt hinky about the story from the start--where did she watch him GO???

That corridor isn't that long--with that many other people around--yet, no one else saw him after she 'watched him walk down the hall'! (into a chasm that swallowed him up without another person having seen him after her???)

And, oh boy--she really doesn't want anyone to believe that teacher. You know, the one who didn't become alarmed when Kyron didn't show up for class cuz of that dr. appointment!

I'm soooo tired of Terri the Vicitim.
"Teacher put him as absent."

"Someplace between 9 and 10 we think it happened."

You know what's funny? IMO She sounds like a detective talking. In an interview or in a briefing of some sort.

Anyone remember when Casey started to sound like a detective talking in her interrogations?

Narcissists do that. They are empty. Have no feelings. Don't quite know how to behave in any given situation so ... they pick up cues from others - they mirror others. (i.e. they are named after Narcissus). They mimic the speech pattern, use the colloquialisms, assume the culture of the people they are spending time with.

As example, I submit Miss Casey Anthony:
Casey was a sexy shot girl one month. Next month, once Casey was spending days in her attorney's office (on bail with ankle braclet) she decided to become a lawyer & started dressing like one even. Glasses. White shirt. Black pants. Plain Jane.

Think about what Terri had been doing in the hours prior to writing this e-mail. Nothing but working with detectives. She was still in her "detective" persona.

Just a little thing I'd noticed when I read e-mails. Made me chuckle at the time. But I thought I'd share. Of course, I might be wrong...and it's JMHO.

Almost missed this post while posting myself!!!

I thought about this also. Reminds me too much of CA and her 'persona'!
Almost missed this post while posting myself!!!

I thought about this also. Reminds me too much of CA and her 'persona'!

I wonder if her communications with Kaine likewise reflect Kaine's demeanor.
". . .teacher put him as absent."

I think the thought process behind this statement is "the teacher put him down as absent." In other words, "the teacher marked him down as absent."

And about that Masters . . .
I wonder if the press has actually checked whether she actually earned the Masters in Education from Pacific University that she claimed on her Facebook page.

Terri also posted online a linkedin resume, and it makes no mention of a Masters. However, she does claim on the Linkein resume to be a reading specialist and have special education expertise.

However. . . she has a basic teacher's license with no endorsements for any specialty. I'd wager the bet that TH took some courses at Pacific University. . . but didn't earn a Masters in Education.
It is almost 2 am and I'm going to scream if I don't see these new emails that were tweeted earlier about coming out!
Are any locals watching the news about the E-mails, I waited up for this, it better be good.
butterfly, I sure hope so, my benadryl is kicking in already
need link for local news stream for koin.

anyone have it?
And maybe this is why Kaine has been silent.
I am barely holding my eyes open and have to be up in another 3 hours...:banghead:
I sure hope these are worth it!
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