TH's emails shed light on Horman split

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I'm not sure what you are getting at. Releasing the emails are not justice for Kyron. But they might be one little clue that moves the case forward toward justice for Kyron.

Okay. So the emails don't help find Kyron. They aren't justice for Kyron. They might hold evidentiary value to forward the case for justice for Kyron.

So, then I'm with Cluciano........why would LE show these emails to Desiree and Kaine, knowing that they might hold evidentiary value in taking a criminal case forward to get justice for Kyron? Their stance (LE) has been that they do not discuss pertinent information regarding an ongoing investigation.

I'm back to being confused :waitasec:
That doesn't seem ethical at all, to surreptitiously provide information to a judge in a civil case information regarding a criminal case that isn't being brought forth. I'm sure LE isn't doing THAT!

I'm starting to wonder if they knew that Kaine and Desiree would hold press conferences about the information they've been given.

I think LE has been doing this all along...and I don't blame them.

I would think they had to know the chances of Kaine and Desiree spilling the beans was pretty high, given all the spilling in previous press conferences
Posting for reference:

Terri's emails released August 9 & 10

The context is the reporter asked Kaine and Desiree about Terri's emails that had just been released on August 9 and 10. You can see in the transcription below, Kaine's reference to those released emails in response to the reporter's question.

KGW Interview of Kaine & Desiree, part 1, August 27, 2010

Note that this is the video I emailed with KGW about, because the link became broken. They informed me, as I previously posted, that this particular video is no longer available.

Whereas the video is gone, very fortunately, our member ami transcribed what Desiree said, as well as what Kaine said:

D: some of the emails were concerning to me. They're significant in the case; I can't really talk too much about content or anything of that nature but it wasn't a surprise I don't think to any of us, because we know how much Terri relies on her computer and interactions with emails and things.... it just, some of it, the content is... um... concerning. Very.... I can't even put a word to it... just makes me sick to my stomach.

K: I haven't looked at all the ones released... the ones I have seen, I don't understand why they've been released, I don't understand why they're in the news. The fact that they were emailed by Terri is the only reason that I can get from other people as to why they're out there. They don't do much, they don't say anything other than people releasing or leaking information so that they can get it on the news. I would like to know who's releasing those; I mean they really have no business doing that in the first place, and I think it's just a distraction... something that once again puts the spotlight on her... I think it's an attention thing... I think it is completely intentional, and in my mind it is completely unnecessary. There is no need to have that stuff out there, it doesn't really further anything...

Here's ami's post with her transcription:
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 8/27: KGW-TV Interview with Desiree and Kaine[/ame]

Also fortunately, our member Jules also did a partial transcription of what Desiree said, which fully supports ami's transcription:

Some of the emails were concerning to me, they’re significant in the case. I can’t really talk too much about content or anything of that nature but it wasn’t a surprise I don’t think to any of us... (snipped) Some of the content is concerning. I can’t even put a word to it – just makes me sick to my stomach.

Here's Jules' post with the partial transcription:
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 8/27: KGW-TV Interview with Desiree and Kaine[/ame]

Many thanks to ami and Jules!

Here's the thread about this video that ami and Jules' posts are from:
[ame=""]8/27: KGW-TV Interview with Desiree and Kaine - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Here are the emails released on August 9 that the reporter was asking Desiree about:
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Terri's emails[/ame]

Here are the emails released on August 10 that the reporter was asking Desiree about:
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Terri's emails[/ame]
Well, Desiree sure seems as though she was seeing at least some e-mails for the first time...
I agree there was a private meeting on Friday. So I'm wondering if there were even more emails revealed to the parents.

Desiree's outrage seemed fresh not like something she had been holding inside. MOO
I would expect Kaine & Desiree to hold press conferences on anything that would bring them closer to finding their precious child (Dead) or Alive(kidnapped). Certainly these e-mails show Terri's state of mind & actions toward Kyron having a mishap, kidnapping or assault & death which would narrow down the search& provide some closure for his loving parents. It would also bring this trial closer & the Death Penalty.
Desiree does not strike me as one who can contain herself when she is truly blindsided, she has to let it out, and that is what it seemed was happening this morning. She probably thought of nothing else all weekend and then just let it out today. I can't imagine what she read and barely want to, to make her react in this way...:(
Maybe LE is getting ready to classify this case as a homicide? And need to have Desiree and Kaine "on board" so to speak, about Kyron's fate? LE can't really proceed to a murder trial if the parents are both saying Kyron is alive.

Yet today, it is Kaine who is saying he believes Kyron is alive, while Desiree seems to have reached a very dark place.

I think you are on target. It's probably more of an empathy thing. They need to prepare the parents for what the reality is. They want to show them before they are leaked. Kind of give them a heads up. It would be horrible for a parent of a missing child to stumble upon something that shows that the person who is the focus of the investigation harbored resentment towards the missing child: "Why didn't you tell me?" They are being sensitive, I think.

My understanding is that it's okay if the family believes the victim is alive, and says the victim is alive, but that it's LE, the DA, etc, who can't say or give indications the victim is alive, because the #1 element of a homicide case is that the victim is dead. To indicate otherwise opens the door for the defense to say, "But your honor (or my dear jurors), even LE/the DA doesn't believe this person is deceased!".

True, but LE probably wants the parents to understand what they are doing and get on the same page. Can you imagine the DA filing murder charges while the parents give tearful press conference saying LE is wrong, their child is alive? Ultimately, it probably would not affect the trial much but it is not great PR.

If LE showed these emails to Kaine and Desiree, I believe...though others may differ...that they had an investigative reason.

LE is not interested in the Horman divorce or in inciting problems between the grieving parents...they are building a criminal case. A case that involves a little boy who is missing and probably dead. They are professionals, focused only on THAT.

And WHO is still the focus after all this time and the involvement of many agencies? ...Terri Horman. These texts revealed just last the target and direction of their investigation: LE's focus remains squarely on Terri Horman.

LE has apparently not decided there is no evidence to charge her, or that the Landscaper is a mean-spirited illegal alien, or that Kaine is trying to frame her. Their case is being built against Terri. There is no other reason to be revealing these emails if Terri has been cleared and every thing heard, said, etc. about her is hearsay or bogus.

All the angst about tactics in the Horman divorce, or all the "shoulda-woulda-coulda"...does not change the fact that the person suspected of the most awful act of cruelty in this case...the person most deceptive, most cunning, most neither of the biological parents. Pointing at them is a side show to try to clean up Terri. The person most likely in LE's eyes to have hurt or killed have committed the MONSTROUS act at the center of this Terri.

Nothing Kaine did comes close. Nothing. All that is side issue..distraction...but it cannot help Terri. Nothing Kaine did or didn't do...can mitigate the hatred a 40 year old woman held for a 7 year old child.

There's no equivalency here. Trying to find something negative about Kaine in every vile revelation about Terri will not help in the courtroom. "I killed Kyron because he was too dumb to see I was an alcoholic." or "He should have told Desiree then I wouldn't have been forced to kill his kid in front of Baby K"will not work for the defense IMO.

Nothing Kaine did or did NOT do comes close.


Nice post.

Okay. Is justice for Kyron found in these emails?

I'll echo what some have already said: I think justice is found sometimes by putting puzzle pieces together. The state does not have to prove motive but it sure helps win a case.

LE seems to be continuing to build their case in the absence of a little, precious body, while searches continue. They seem to be trying to build a case that's solid whether they find our Kyron or not. The parents have said they are very happy with the investigation and the investigators. I think this is why - LE continues to keep them as informed as possible, along the way. They don't want the parents to be blindsided by what's to come. I think that is why they let the parents know about the e-mails. I'm just hoping it means an arrest is coming soon.
If LE is now going more towards a deceased Kyron instead of looking for him being alive, wouldn't they have to give some reason to the parents? After gathering all the emails, chats, whatever, and questioning the person on the other end they also might want to get with the parents and ask what was going on at this or that time, how was Terri behaving, was she acting differently towards Kyron, etc. Plus, Tony is a detective and even some of the people that Terri told these things to could have come forward on their own to the parents.
Okay. So the emails don't help find Kyron. They aren't justice for Kyron. They might hold evidentiary value to forward the case for justice for Kyron.

So, then I'm with Cluciano........why would LE show these emails to Desiree and Kaine, knowing that they might hold evidentiary value in taking a criminal case forward to get justice for Kyron? Their stance (LE) has been that they do not discuss pertinent information regarding an ongoing investigation.

I'm back to being confused :waitasec:

I don't know why either, but I wouldn't call myself confused. More like "not informed" I should be.
Not sure if this has been noted on WS today. Still trying to catch up.

"Desiree Young appeared on Today Monday morning. She talked about explosive emails that police showed her just last Friday. Sources told KGW that the emails were sent from Terri to an extended member of the family in the weeks just before Kyron's disappearance.

Must admit: I discovered this tidbit at another site. But the reference is valid.
So Desiree did only see these e-mails on Friday and it was Le who showed them to her according to that article.

Who on earth would receive these and not let Kaine or Desiree know? Unless it was someone in Terri's family??

I hope the person turned these over to LE without waiting for them to be found, at least...

Whenever you think this can't get worse, it just does.
Poor Kyron.
I did say release to the parents, not the public. The parents themselves waited apparently 48 hours to release the information within the emails to the public.

I am very perplexed. The heads and tails of this are completely cattywampus for me.

Please don't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong but I take it what has you are referring to in this post as well..

I'm very curious then why LE would release these to the parents, given their stance on not releasing any information pertaining to this ongoing investigation.

I am at a complete loss, as a matter of fact.

is that LE is releasing "evidence", info, etc when time after time they have said they{LE} will not be turning over, nor giving copies of, nor even sharing addresses of certain info and ppl involved in this active, ongoing investigation?

But where the difference lies is that it is Terri Horman's defense lawyer that is requesting this info that is REPEATEDLY BEING TURNED DOWN FOR THE REPEATED SAME REASON...due to the active, ongoing investigation.. They are not privy to an ounce of that info UNTIL CHARGES ARE FILED..{hence the very reason that so very many of us agree is why LE has not yet arrested Terri Horman}..

However Kaine Horman and Desiree Young are the parents of this precious innocent little boy that is at the heart of this investigation..and as such they are privy to ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING that LE chooses and/or wishes to share with them.. if for no other reason than LE deeming it appropriate to let them know or just choose to share because they would like for Kyron's parents to know...

There is DEFINITELY A REASON that when Terri's lawyers attempt to get any info or knowledge about the case they are met time and time again with

and that Anything and everything LE chooses they can and will continue to share with Kaine and Desiree...
I agree there was a private meeting on Friday. So I'm wondering if there were even more emails revealed to the parents.

Desiree's outrage seemed fresh not like something she had been holding inside. MOO

That was my impression too - that the emails she said she was shown on Friday were totally new ones.

ETA: I don't mean newly sent/received by Terri and the recipient. I mean new to Desiree's knowledge of their existence.
If I understood Desiree's statements correctly, she was upset that Kaine already knew about these emails and did not inform her. So, he knew about them at some point before she did. Is this correct?
If I understood Desiree's statements correctly, she was upset that Kaine already knew about these emails and did not inform her. So, he knew about them at some point before she did. Is this correct?

I just listened to it again and she was upset that Kaine had several opportunities to talk to her and Tony about what was going on in the house and didn't.
**sorry to interrupt* but what emails? Is there a thread about the actual emails you guys are talking about?
Not sure if this has been noted on WS today. Still trying to catch up.

"Desiree Young appeared on Today Monday morning. She talked about explosive emails that police showed her just last Friday. Sources told KGW that the emails were sent from Terri to an extended member of the family in the weeks just before Kyron's disappearance.

Must admit: I discovered this tidbit at another site. But the reference is valid.

You just have to wonder if that "extended family member" had taken TH seriously and just called Kaine on the phone or forwarded those emails, everything might have been different. :furious:
**sorry to interrupt* but what emails? Is there a thread about the actual emails you guys are talking about?

No, these emails have not been released. They were discussed by Kyron's biological mother Desiree on the Today Show. If you scroll back a few pages you can find the link to her interview.
If I understood Desiree's statements correctly, she was upset that Kaine already knew about these emails and did not inform her. So, he knew about them at some point before she did. Is this correct?

No, I believe they both received these emails for review on this past Friday...first time seeing them. (fwiw, I also believe these comms occurred prior to Kyron's disappearance.)

As a result of viewing these emails, Desiree became upset about how she now sees that Kaine did not alert her to TH's serious problems with alcohol, parenting Kyron, etc., prior to the boy's going missing.

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