TH's emails shed light on Horman split

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"I have no money because I stayed home with Kyron at birth since his natural mom wouldn't - spent all of my 30k to do so. … "

This sentence sticks out to me the most because she also was able to stay at home with her daughter and her son. Some mothers out there would really love to be able to be a stay-at-home mom.

And about the unemployment - where'd that come from? I would love to see an employment history. We know that she taught here and there, but didn't her license get revoked after the DUI? She had just recently re-applied for it, IIRC.
Yeah, I was just thinking if that is her idea of being trapped, I'd love to swap lives with her (without Kyron being missing, of course). Some people don't know how good they have it...

And if she wasn't happy and felt her lot to be so bad, there was always the option for divorce, which she was well aware of, since she'd been through two before Kaine.
And she did have access to money. Kaine complained about how freely she spent money.
Vacations to Disneyworld, Hawaii; sports car; country home on five acres; baby with new outfits every day; perpetual gym membership; dining out frequently, lunches with friends; family trips to the zoo and amusement parks---I know that money can't buy happiness, but her form of "trapped" was much more comfy than a lot of women's.

In her warped mind, she probably did feel trapped.

I agree with you, I just think her perception of her life was warped. Not going out to a job everyday keeps her dependent on him for money. If she had a drinking problem or any kind of habit that took cash to keep it going, she was trapped in her mind.
I can't figure out for the life of me, why this miserable unhappy, every thing in my life sucks woman, didn't just divorce Kaine. Everyone talks about hindsight. Kaine should have seen things, Desiree should have taken Kyron. What about hindsight for Terri. She didn't have 25 years invested in the marriage, she has teaching credentials, was fully capable of working. She sniveled and whined about everything. Why in the he77 didn't she get herself out of her miserable life and divorce Kaine.
And if she wasn't happy and felt her lot to be so bad, there was always the option for divorce, which she was well aware of, since she'd been through two before Kaine.

Get outa my head puf.
"In 2003, Terri earned a master's of art education from Pacific University in Forest Grove and was an on-call teacher for the Hillsboro School District, remaining available as a sub until 2006.

The Teacher Standards and Practices Commission said she maintained her basic teaching license until March 2007, then took a break, renewing it in February this year. The state has no record of disciplinary action against her.

Unable to land a teaching job, she returned to restaurant work, taking a job as assistant manager at Red Robin in Sherwood, where she worked between December 2005 and August 2006."


At the end of 2006, Kaine sold the Aloha house, and in January 2007 the family moved to rural Northwest Portland. Terri found the secluded, wooded property on Northwest Sheltered Nook Road, and Kaine bought the house.

Three months later, the couple got married in their bathing suits in a small ceremony presided over by Kaine's dad on a beach in Kauai, Hawaii. On Mother's Day, Kaine gave his bride a brand-new candy apple red Ford Mustang GT.

She put a vanity license plate on the car — RDSQRL — shorthand for her nickname, Red Squirrel.

About the same time, Terri was working as an assistant manager at Newport Bay restaurant in Washington Square.

There is also a lot more background information if anyone wants to re-read it as a refresher.
It sounds to me like Terri has an unrealistic idea of what marriage is. She didn't look at it as a partnership, where people pool all their assets and work hard as a team to take care of the family unit and household. It appears she looked at it as a gravy train where the man does all the work and pays all the bills. No wonder she was on her third marriage!
Ok, but its a serious reach act like Terri once again was the unsuspecting victim and was floored that Kaine had a baby and a wife, I think Terri knew exactly what she was doing when it came to Kaine and she didn't care, that shows me a very, very unsavory person. Once again, I think Kaine is equally disgusting in that aspect, but it happened, its over, there is no looking back really, I just dont know why everything Terri related is dulled down to her not knowing, and being a victim, it gets so tiring.

Totally agree! And I am willing to wager Kaine was the recipient of her now famous sexting act as well. That's how she reels em in, then seals the deal with her golf ball/garden hose act. Diabolical! How can a 7 month pregnant woman compete with that????
A totally off-topic comment, but I just now noticed that Kaine's dad married them.
I can't figure out for the life of me, why this miserable unhappy, every thing in my life sucks woman, didn't just divorce Kaine. Everyone talks about hindsight. Kaine should have seen things, Desiree should have taken Kyron. What about hindsight for Terri. She didn't have 25 years invested in the marriage, she has teaching credentials, was fully capable of working. She sniveled and whined about everything. Why in the he77 didn't she get herself out of her miserable life and divorce Kaine.

That is the best point in all of this yet. Why is it that Kaine is faulted for not doing something about their marriage, but it's okay that SHE didn't do anything besides killing a child to get out of her marriage? There were ways out for her and she chose not to take them. But it's Kaine's fault for not getting Kyron away from her? Why couldn't Terri leave? Why couldn't Terri divorce and start a new life Kyron free? Why were those NOT options for her?

Oh, right, the gravy train would stop rolling in. She'd have to WORK for a living, not just live off of Kaine forever. I guess a child's life was less important than maintaining her carefree lifestyle. Just goes to show how self centered she really is!
And if she wasn't happy and felt her lot to be so bad, there was always the option for divorce, which she was well aware of, since she'd been through two before Kaine.

I think maybe she learned her lesson about divorce, they suck money out of you. This time she wanted to stick around long enough to get everything with the MFH plot. LOL. If it's true that is.
"In 2003, Terri earned a master's of art education from Pacific University in Forest Grove and was an on-call teacher for the Hillsboro School District, remaining available as a sub until 2006.

The Teacher Standards and Practices Commission said she maintained her basic teaching license until March 2007, then took a break, renewing it in February this year. The state has no record of disciplinary action against her.

Unable to land a teaching job, she returned to restaurant work, taking a job as assistant manager at Red Robin in Sherwood, where she worked between December 2005 and August 2006."


At the end of 2006, Kaine sold the Aloha house, and in January 2007 the family moved to rural Northwest Portland. Terri found the secluded, wooded property on Northwest Sheltered Nook Road, and Kaine bought the house.

Three months later, the couple got married in their bathing suits in a small ceremony presided over by Kaine's dad on a beach in Kauai, Hawaii. On Mother's Day, Kaine gave his bride a brand-new candy apple red Ford Mustang GT.

She put a vanity license plate on the car — RDSQRL — shorthand for her nickname, Red Squirrel.

About the same time, Terri was working as an assistant manager at Newport Bay restaurant in Washington Square.

There is also a lot more background information if anyone wants to re-read it as a refresher.

OMG and she's complaining about a terrible life?
I think maybe she learned her lesson about divorce, they suck money out of you. This time she wanted to stick around long enough to get everything with the MFH plot. LOL. If it's true that is.

Actually, if anything, she's the one that sucked both of her ex-husbands dry of money. I didn't see anywhere that she suffered one bit with either of those divorces. She came out on top big time. Maybe she realized it would be different this time, and she wouldn't be the victor for the first time in her life?
Totally agree! And I am willing to wager Kaine was the recipient of her now famous sexting act as well. That's how she reels em in, then seals the deal with her golf ball/garden hose act. Diabolical! How can a 7 month pregnant woman compete with that????

Yes, this is exactly what I believe as well. Kaine and Chris Coleman both found themselves married to lovely young women...but then a sexual "predator" entered the picture. ...the "golf ball trick"...the salacious language, the sexting, the omnipresent intense sexuality was something I bet neither of these guys had ever experienced before. The wives could not compete. Coleman killed his wife and sons after sexting with Tara...Kaine walked out on his pregnant wife. But it would eventually cost him his son.

Terri's sexts gave us a real insight into how she she pulls men she manipulates. I think this was how she kept Kaine in line...pulled him back when her drinking took a toll.

The sexts and the emails are a real insight into this frightening and manipulative woman.
About custody:

"In mid-December 2002, Terri and J**** moved into his house in Aloha, Kaine said.


Court records show that Desiree had primary custody of Kyron after her divorce with Kaine in early 2003. Both Kaine and Desiree said they worked out a joint arrangement: Kyron stayed with Desiree at night, was in day care and then spent two hours every afternoon at the Aloha house where Terri, Kaine and J**** were living.

In 2004, when Desiree moved to Canada to seek medical treatment, Kaine gained custody of his son. He said he was primary caretaker, dropping Kyron off at day care and picking him up."

Kyron was born in 2002, correct? So, Terri moved in with Kaine when Kyron was around 2 months old. BUT, Desiree had primary custody and Kyron spent 2 hours a day there until 2004 when Kyron was approximately 2 years old.
Actually, if anything, she's the one that sucked both of her ex-husbands dry of money. I didn't see anywhere that she suffered one bit with either of those divorces. She came out on top big time. Maybe she realized it would be different this time, and she wouldn't be the victor for the first time in her life?

Sorry about that, I didn't realize she ended up with all the money in the divorces. I just guess maybe she didn't want to be known as the person who was divorced 3 times. I have had 3 divorces too LOL.
About custody:

"In mid-December 2002, Terri and James moved into his house in Aloha, Kaine said.


Court records show that Desiree had primary custody of Kyron after her divorce with Kaine in early 2003. Both Kaine and Desiree said they worked out a joint arrangement: Kyron stayed with Desiree at night, was in day care and then spent two hours every afternoon at the Aloha house where Terri, Kaine and James were living.

In 2004, when Desiree moved to Canada to seek medical treatment, Kaine gained custody of his son. He said he was primary caretaker, dropping Kyron off at day care and picking him up."

Kyron was born in 2002, correct? So, Terri moved in with Kaine when Kyron was around 2 months old. BUT, Desiree had primary custody and Kyron spent 2 hours a day there until 2004 when Kyron was approximately 2 years old.

So exactly how does one find an eye problem with a child not even in the father's custody until he was about one year old, at six months old, having only lived with the child's father for four months at that point? Someone was fibbing for sure about this. She really is sociopathic. Did she think her sympathetic friends would never find out about her lies? Did she think she was that good of a liar? Wow.
Ok, but its a serious reach act like Terri once again was the unsuspecting victim and was floored that Kaine had a baby and a wife, I think Terri knew exactly what she was doing when it came to Kaine and she didn't care, that shows me a very, very unsavory person. Once again, I think Kaine is equally disgusting in that aspect, but it happened, its over, there is no looking back really, I just dont know why everything Terri related is dulled down to her not knowing, and being a victim, it gets so tiring.

Who said she was a "victim" of Kaine's affections? I did not. Consenting adults. Period.

We don't know how Kaine & Terri met and fell for each other. Only they do.

About all we know it is, it was in the realm of adultery and still pizzes Desi off to this day, she took to her bed for months after, and Kaine feels like Desi knew what the marital agreement between himself and pregnant Desi was at this difficult time in their marriage. That's a sad story, but I suppose, it's not an unfamiliar story in terms of how marriages can end.

I agree we should not try invent the back story and assign victim roles. All we know is, it happened.
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