TH's emails shed light on Horman split

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I don't think that Terri is totally inventing everything she says, nor do I believe every word she says. I think there is probably some truth buried in her tales of woe, as well as some outright lies.

I also don't believe every word Kaine says. That does not mean I think he is guilty in anything regarding Kyron, not does it mean I "support" Terri.

I agree with Desquire to the extent that most of us probably gripe to our friends at some point, and if we have a dramatic personality, may even embellish for effect. Terri seems to bury herself in lies more than most, while Kaine seems to be contradicting himself in many of his recent statements. So we'll likely never really know what went on in that house before June 4th.
Lots of people here faulting Terri for complaining but, let's be real, isn't this what women do? (WARNING: This post is payback for all of the "men are clueless horndogs" posts on the other thread.) My wife has a very comfortable life, 3 great kids and a prince of a husband. But no marriage is without its occasional bumps in the road and no person is perfect, so when she gets angry with me about something, you can be sure that at some point she will vent a litany of every flaw I have ever exhibited and every misstep I have ever made in the past 20+ years. I hear it and I'm sure her girlfriends hear it too. I've heard my wife's friends vent about their husbands in the same way. I've always just accepted that most women never forget a man's failing, real or imagined, they just add it to the list that gets pulled out and reviewed whenever the need arises. So let's see a show of hands, how many of the ladies here have never made a "20 Things I Hate About You" list regarding their man or have never vented those items to a friend?

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to make my real point: sometimes venting is just venting, just because a woman may keep such a list doesn't mean that list governs her relationship with her man every day. We vent, and, most of the time, we move on.

I think most are faulting Terri for stretching the truth...into a pretzel!

OT...when my husbands list reach #10 & one of those included infidelity...I chose to divorce vs. a MFH...;)
Lots of people here faulting Terri for complaining but, let's be real, isn't this what women do? (WARNING: This post is payback for all of the "men are clueless horndogs" posts on the other thread.) My wife has a very comfortable life, 3 great kids and a prince of a husband. But no marriage is without its occasional bumps in the road and no person is perfect, so when she gets angry with me about something, you can be sure that at some point she will vent a litany of every flaw I have ever exhibited and every misstep I have ever made in the past 20+ years. I hear it and I'm sure her girlfriends hear it too. I've heard my wife's friends vent about their husbands in the same way. I've always just accepted that most women never forget a man's failing, real or imagined, they just add it to the list that gets pulled out and reviewed whenever the need arises. So let's see a show of hands, how many of the ladies here have never made a "20 Things I Hate About You" list regarding their man or have never vented those items to a friend?

Just 20?? :D

I understand your post. Agree to some of it. :angel:


your wife, her friends or myself are not the focus of an investigation involving a missing child. Nor have we been involved in a MFH plan to get rid of our flawed husband. And then theres the sexting. And on and on....

It's just too much.
Im wondering what lead up to this email, like what were they discussing when she wrote these things.
I find it so difficult to express much of anything on this case, when there is so little information. Little pieces here and there.

Im wondering also , why this particular email was released, and why not the other half, who ever she was talking too ?
Lots of people here faulting Terri for complaining but, let's be real, isn't this what women do? (WARNING: This post is payback for all of the "men are clueless horndogs" posts on the other thread.) My wife has a very comfortable life, 3 great kids and a prince of a husband. But no marriage is without its occasional bumps in the road and no person is perfect, so when she gets angry with me about something, you can be sure that at some point she will vent a litany of every flaw I have ever exhibited and every misstep I have ever made in the past 20+ years. I hear it and I'm sure her girlfriends hear it too. I've heard my wife's friends vent about their husbands in the same way. I've always just accepted that most women never forget a man's failing, real or imagined, they just add it to the list that gets pulled out and reviewed whenever the need arises. So let's see a show of hands, how many of the ladies here have never made a "20 Things I Hate About You" list regarding their man or have never vented those items to a friend?

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to make my real point: sometimes venting is just venting, just because a woman may keep such a list doesn't mean that list governs her relationship with her man every day. We vent, and, most of the time, we move on.

Sure. Griping about spouses is something men and women both do. But emailing friends about hatred for a child in the home is pretty uncommon, and that child--the object of that hatred--going missing later, well, that's what sets this case apart.
Maybe the 30K had a miraculous healing effect on Terri's crippling migraines and pinched spinal nerve to enable her to sit in classes to obtain that BA...

From pinched spinal nerve to being able to benchpress any potential conquest's weight...quite a convalescence, huh?
Lots of people here faulting Terri for complaining but, let's be real, isn't this what women do? (WARNING: This post is payback for all of the "men are clueless horndogs" posts on the other thread.) My wife has a very comfortable life, 3 great kids and a prince of a husband. But no marriage is without its occasional bumps in the road and no person is perfect, so when she gets angry with me about something, you can be sure that at some point she will vent a litany of every flaw I have ever exhibited and every misstep I have ever made in the past 20+ years. I hear it and I'm sure her girlfriends hear it too. I've heard my wife's friends vent about their husbands in the same way. I've always just accepted that most women never forget a man's failing, real or imagined, they just add it to the list that gets pulled out and reviewed whenever the need arises. So let's see a show of hands, how many of the ladies here have never made a "20 Things I Hate About You" list regarding their man or have never vented those items to a friend?

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to make my real point: sometimes venting is just venting, just because a woman may keep such a list doesn't mean that list governs her relationship with her man every day. We vent, and, most of the time, we move on.

Yes, so true! If your wife is anything like me, after "venting" to friends, I am almost always reminded of how blessed I am with my husband--must be that Higher Power at work! ;)

Terri's venting, IMO, is natural and probably healthy. It leads me to think that she was not involved with Kyron's disappearance--if she were suppressing those feelings, she would be more apt to "snap". JMO
Lots of people here faulting Terri for complaining but, let's be real, isn't this what women do? (WARNING: This post is payback for all of the "men are clueless horndogs" posts on the other thread.) My wife has a very comfortable life, 3 great kids and a prince of a husband. But no marriage is without its occasional bumps in the road and no person is perfect, so when she gets angry with me about something, you can be sure that at some point she will vent a litany of every flaw I have ever exhibited and every misstep I have ever made in the past 20+ years. I hear it and I'm sure her girlfriends hear it too. I've heard my wife's friends vent about their husbands in the same way. I've always just accepted that most women never forget a man's failing, real or imagined, they just add it to the list that gets pulled out and reviewed whenever the need arises. So let's see a show of hands, how many of the ladies here have never made a "20 Things I Hate About You" list regarding their man or have never vented those items to a friend?

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to make my real point: sometimes venting is just venting, just because a woman may keep such a list doesn't mean that list governs her relationship with her man every day. We vent, and, most of the time, we move on.

in days of baby with preschoolers and puppies gone by...
I didn't write my rants down and press send. I used the phone a tiny bit, (ahem), however. (that's what grandmoms are for). And then ... I'd get my period. And laugh at myself :eek:
Sure. Griping about spouses is something men and women both do. But emailing friends about hatred for a child in the home is pretty uncommon, and that child--the object of that hatred--going missing later, well, that's what sets this case apart.

While I totally believe Desiree and that she took the e-mails she saw to mean that Terri was displaying hatred of Kyron, I'd still like to see the e-mails before making a real judgement. Everything Desiree sees now is with the knowledge that Kyron is missing and probably not alive, so anything at all with be taken with that in mind. I am guessing whatever she wrote did not alarm the other person at the time? And was possibly taken with either a grain of salt or as a joke? But of course now, it is much, much darker.

Just saying, I would rather read them before judging Terri from them. It seems almost everything we have to judge Terri on comes in roundabout ways. I wish LE would put something out there, if they want it out there.
From pinched spinal nerve to being able to benchpress any potential conquest's weight...quite a convalescence, huh?

This is strictly MY OPINION, but I work in the medical field and I'm seeing a few red flags that indicate perhaps Terri became addicted to pain meds at the time of that accident. I'm not saying that is the case now, but it certainly makes sense when looked at in the context of what Kaine said about the alcohol being the tip of the iceberg and subpoenaing her medical records.
Lots of people here faulting Terri for complaining but, let's be real, isn't this what women do? (WARNING: This post is payback for all of the "men are clueless horndogs" posts on the other thread.) My wife has a very comfortable life, 3 great kids and a prince of a husband. But no marriage is without its occasional bumps in the road and no person is perfect, so when she gets angry with me about something, you can be sure that at some point she will vent a litany of every flaw I have ever exhibited and every misstep I have ever made in the past 20+ years. I hear it and I'm sure her girlfriends hear it too. I've heard my wife's friends vent about their husbands in the same way. I've always just accepted that most women never forget a man's failing, real or imagined, they just add it to the list that gets pulled out and reviewed whenever the need arises. So let's see a show of hands, how many of the ladies here have never made a "20 Things I Hate About You" list regarding their man or have never vented those items to a friend?

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to make my real point: sometimes venting is just venting, just because a woman may keep such a list doesn't mean that list governs her relationship with her man every day. We vent, and, most of the time, we move on.

I understand what you are saying, lol, we aren't married are we? :crazy:

But take all that, and then add a major mental problem, or not even that alcoholism, or drugs, I mean there is evidence of resentment over Kyron, another womans child, I dont know if she ever had to deal with that before, maybe she snapped.
This is strictly MY OPINION, but I work in the medical field and I'm seeing a few red flags that indicate perhaps Terri became addicted to pain meds at the time of that accident. I'm not saying that is the case now, but it certainly makes sense when looked at in the context of what Kaine said about the alcohol being the tip of the iceberg and subpoenaing her medical records.

Maybe but, from my own limited experience taking vicodin post op after a made me very "happy & loving" toward everybody...even my FIVE children and my then husband...never did I feel like hiring a hitman to off my husband or disappearing even one of my kids.

I realize my time on vicodin was brief but, they were quite happy days indeed. ;)

Of course if someone were to be using them habitually and then ran out of their could very well have had a negative effect on their emotional state.
I'm confused about a statement DY made on Good Morning America...

she says, "on a couple of different occasions Terri had called me specifically so that I could talk to Kyron because he was so upset, and Terri personally wanted me to take Kyron"

I don't understand why TH would call DY to talk to Kyron and comfort him if TH was responsible for upsetting him. Does that make any sense?

Would you call your step-son's mother so she could talk to him if you were abusing him (emotionally, verbally)?
Lots of people here faulting Terri for complaining but, let's be real, isn't this what women do? (WARNING: This post is payback for all of the "men are clueless horndogs" posts on the other thread.) My wife has a very comfortable life, 3 great kids and a prince of a husband. But no marriage is without its occasional bumps in the road and no person is perfect, so when she gets angry with me about something, you can be sure that at some point she will vent a litany of every flaw I have ever exhibited and every misstep I have ever made in the past 20+ years. I hear it and I'm sure her girlfriends hear it too. I've heard my wife's friends vent about their husbands in the same way. I've always just accepted that most women never forget a man's failing, real or imagined, they just add it to the list that gets pulled out and reviewed whenever the need arises. So let's see a show of hands, how many of the ladies here have never made a "20 Things I Hate About You" list regarding their man or have never vented those items to a friend?

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to make my real point: sometimes venting is just venting, just because a woman may keep such a list doesn't mean that list governs her relationship with her man every day. We vent, and, most of the time, we move on.

Once again, if this were just a matter of discussing this one email, I would agree completely. Things look so much better fir Terri when we pull them out of the muck, clean em up , and look at them in isolation.

But some of us cannot do that. We see a picture emerging of a woman who is not like your wife, her friends, or our friends.

This email reminds us that we have now learned there are other emails showing intense hatred for a 7 year old child. My friends vent about husbands at times, of course, but NEVER, never have I heard one of them express hatred for a child...any child.

Murder for Hire..sexting with a new man just days after her "loved: husband walks out...sexting while a child she helped raise might be AT THAT MOMENT sexually tormented by some predator. There is something off about her aggressiveness, her bragging about her strength, if you truly believe that Kyron's situation was strong in her mind and heart.

I knew a woman whose child fell off the observation deck at an airport and was killed. Years later, that airport mention brought a shadow of pain across her eyes. If there was ANY chance that Kyron was being tortured by a pedophile...could Terri just lose herself in sexting? Is she THAT self-involved? There is something sick in it...especially the way she went about it...not about comfort..about power and aggression.

Maybe it was celebratory. The Lioness celebrating after the kill.
Snipped for length...

Grrr... can I just say this really makes me bristle. Child support includes all of the things it takes to maintain a child's home and care - including food, a place to live, a bedroom, heat and running water and soap and shampoo and on and on. Why would she think she shouldn't contribute that money, which was meant to help maintain these things for her son, to the household bills that were in part being used by her son? I wonder what she believed child support should be used for instead?

Maybe $1000 was all she received, and Kaine wanted all of it? Just my thoughts...
I'm confused about a statement DY made on Good Morning America...

she says, "on a couple of different occasions Terri had called me specifically so that I could talk to Kyron because he was so upset, and Terri personally wanted me to take Kyron"

I don't understand why TH would call DY to talk to Kyron and comfort him if TH was responsible for upsetting him. Does that make any sense?

Would you call your step-son's mother so she could talk to him if you were abusing him (emotionally, verbally)?

Terri may have called Desiree and put Kyron on to speak with his mom in a possible scenario such as..."Do you want me to call your Mom and tell her what you did today in school?"
I'm confused about a statement DY made on Good Morning America...

she says, "on a couple of different occasions Terri had called me specifically so that I could talk to Kyron because he was so upset, and Terri personally wanted me to take Kyron"

I don't understand why TH would call DY to talk to Kyron and comfort him if TH was responsible for upsetting him. Does that make any sense?

Would you call your step-son's mother so she could talk to him if you were abusing him (emotionally, verbally)?

Right--there are inconsistencies, and it does not make sense. I'm waiting for entire emails to be released...
Maybe but, from my own limited experience taking vicodin post op after a made me very "happy & loving" toward everybody...even my FIVE children and my then husband...never did I feel like hiring a hitman to off my husband or disappearing even one of my kids.

I realize my time on vicodin was brief but, they were quite happy days indeed. ;)

Of course if someone were to be using them habitually and then ran out of their could very well have had a negative effect on their emotional state.

I think they effect people differently. I'm with you -- I'm a happy narco lol I even feel energized. I think it tones down my undiagnosed add :)

My ex otoh, was the opposite. He was hardcore addicted and admitted to me that he couldn't stop taking them and that they made him irritable and even rageful. He also admitted that my son crying when he was a baby made his insane. Once I even caught him shaking my son when he was less than two years old. As soon as he knew I was in the doorway, he put on a big smile and pretended he was just holding him up in the air playing with him. It was sick. :furious:

eta: I should clarify that I'm not an actual "narco" -- just a little levity :::where's that angel smiley:::
Is there a question whether these emails are actually Terri's? Intense hatred for a little innocent child, that is MISSING, and there is still doubt if shes guilty? Intense hatred for a little adorable boy is probably one of the most evil things I have ever read. I cant just chalk this up to, oh well hope I dont get in trouble and send an email when mad, I mean wow, this is not a normal thought process, I mean jealousy of a child? And the child is missing? And shes flunking lie detectors, and withdraws visitation requests for her daughter... This gets more sinister every day, thats for sure.
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