TH's emails shed light on Horman split

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I really don't think she has a master's degree. Her linkedin profile doesn't mention a master's degree under "Education." One of the first articles to give a rough timeline for her mentioned that she got a master's degree "around 2004," so that tells you right there that the reporter didn't check up with the school. Maybe she took some graduate-level classes or maybe she just lied, but I'm willing to bet she doesn't have one.

I totally completely 100% agree with you. I think we'll find that she is FOS on just about everything. I never believed she had a masters degree, just no information to refute it. and still don't. I'd be suprised if she did more than take a few classes on Kaine's dime, and probably sucked more than one golf ball through a hose while she was at it :angel:
I totally completely 100% agree with you. I think we'll find that she is FOS on just about everything. I never believed she had a masters degree, just no information to refute it. and still don't. I'd be suprised if she did more than take a few classes on Kaine's dime, and probably sucked more than one golf ball through a hose while she was at it :angel:

I have had the same suspicion as well. I also don't believe all those phony endorsements, either. I think she lies the way most people breathe.
We don't know that TH took her rage out on an innocent child. We know that Kyron's parents believe this to be true, and that she is clearly a suspect.

This case is going to have to have a trial and a jury someday, God willing. I sure hope they can find a dozen people who have an open mind and are willing to listen for actual evidence.

The venom against TH scares me, in that she is an American citizen and has not been charged with any crime at this point. Across the internet, she has been damned, tarred and feathered. If she is guilty, she will pay, I believe that to be true. But as precarious as my position on the so-called fence has become, I am still clinging to it, just for the sake of hoping there are a dozen or more people in Oregon who will be able to render a fair verdict. I don't live there, so I won't be one of them.
I don't think Terri knew she could just take the baby and leave...remember when Kaine did it? She wrote I didn't know you could do that?

(I wish she had known, if it would mean she did just that many months ago, gone to her parents with the little one...)

This is another reason why the alleged MFH and Terri being involved in Kyron's disappearance don't add up for me--those are "last resort" actions.
I find that at this point, I am more inclined to believe Terri's reports of Kaine's actions in this email than Kaine's reports of Terri's actions in the documents he filed. She was writing and venting, with no agenda...can't say the same for him...JMO
I'm thinking it was more, "Here, I'm tired of dealing with him, YOU calm him down and make him feel better."

I doubt this was a happy conversation between Desiree and Terri. I think Terri reached her limit and wanted Desiree to take over on more than one occasion.

ah, Aedrys, did you forget who we are talking about here? What would a good sociopath do in this situation? She would put kyron on the phone after telling DY in her sweetest voice that he needs to talk to his mommy. After telling kyron, in her "actual Terri" voice "here you freakin' brat, call your *mother*" Everything's good on all fronts. Kyron knows she hates him, but is too afraid to tell; DY thinks he's just upset and thinks TH is a saint for having him call her in spite of the obvious tension in their relationship. And the seed that Kyron needs to LEAVE is planted while TH looks like she's saying so out of concern for Kyron.

jmoo. And Aedrys, in case my tone isn't clear, I am in complete agreement with your assessment of the situation. Just not how that particular conversation went down. you da' bomb lol
I see and agree with your point wholeheartedly. IMO, Terri took it to a new level in that dept. as it is now blowing up in her face. If this venting was also part of her plan to look innocent after Kyron disappeared, I don't know, but if it was, it failed.

Venting can become unhealthy and only fuel the fire. A lot of spouses don't know how good they have it, but I do. I learned that it isn't who loves us, it's who puts up w/us.

must say i agree with that. there are people out there, who, once they vent, are able to get past what they vented about. when said incident comes up in future conversations later on, usually we end up laughing about it. 'oh yeah, remember when ....' venting can be healthy if we learn to let go once we get it out of our systems. most of us have been there, done that, right? its when you can laugh about it that you've allowed yourself to heal, move on and grow from the incident.

but when we allow it to stew and fester, and continually vent about the same thing(s) over and over again, refuse to forgive and get past it, keep it all inside and to yourself - thats when it becomes unhealthy. feelings of anger, resentment, rage, revenge, inflicting emotional pain and suffering, and so on, that it reaches not only unhealthy but dangerous levels as well.

add to that someone of terri's mental state, and you have a kyron waiting to happen, unfortunately. an innocent bystander who never wanted to be in the middle of the bovine scatterings going on at home to begin with.

its too bad terri was too selfish to allow kaine to pay that gawdawful child support and allow herself a possibility of peace of mind without her thorn in her side in her face day in and day out (as i imagine she felt towards kyron, in addition to the hatred she was drenched in).

but after awhile, she would have been back in that dark miserable place. because of who she is, even with just kaine, the baby and terri, she would have still been miserable.
I was being serious about maybe Terri really did not think she could just take the baby and leave...and maybe she was shocked to find out she could have done so. She found out from a 911 call, apparently, that it is perfectly legal for one parent to leave and take a child, as Kaine did when he had the need to do so.

I was also being serious when I said that if only she had known this, maybe she would have just done that instead of whatever else she may have done...and how much better and happier all concerned would be...she and Kaine fighting it out in court is much preferable to resorting to whatever may have happened to Kyron. A very tragic irony it would be if she feared a custody fight with Kaine more than a murder trial...I don't think her brain fuctions like most people, so who knows what went through it...if she is a sociopath, she was simply working out ways to have the end result be only her and baby.
If Terri was hoping Desiree would take Kyron but Kaine was fighting it, then I can see where Terri would try to play "buddy buddy" with Desiree--and maybe even Kyron to his face. She may have reasoned, at least for awhile, that the more people who wanted the opposite of what Kaine wanted, the more likely he could have been worn down.

Knowing now just how devious Terri could be, it's easy to see where she herself may have subtly made Kyron feel sad, scared, mad, uncooperative--and then played the caring stepmom who hooked him up with his bio mom. This seems to be a woman who was able to manipulate a lot of grown men--and maybe even Desiree ... what chance did an innocent little boy like Kryon have to realize it was Terri making him feel bad in the first place?

ETA--I'm starting to think of Terri as Nurse Ratchet in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
That was also a different time period, way different economy, and at that time, the man was expected to bring home the bacon while the wife raised the kids.

Not in today's economy. I watch my friends struggle. For instance, one friend is a dad having two jobs and a bad knee from when he was in the military but he works those two jobs all so that his wife can stay home and take care of their four kids (two teenagers and two little kids). They are not rich and struggle everyday with every penny. I have another friend who works way too many hours a week away from his family while his wife stays home and raises their two boys. They are pinching pennies too, and she's a diabetic that doesn't take care of herself half the time, and sometimes she overspends their money. Both women are stay at home moms and my friends too, but I would not want to be in their situation. Unless you're very wealthy and can really afford it, SAHM is not the ideal situation it used to be.

For Terri to be so lucky, have the ideal situation, and sit there and whine because she has to contribute to the household is just self centered and lazy on her part. So now she gets yet another pass because it's normal to complain? Normal women who complain don't plot to kill their husbands, make their older child leave the home, and then kill their stepchild when they can't take it anymore. There is nothing normal or pleasant about Terri complaining about being an overly spoiled SAHM. It's a slap to the face of every SAHM out there struggling to raise kids, hoping their husband can make enough to make ends meet, and hoping they get to eat and keep their home next month (or sometimes next week).

Considering his job, they make very good money. I dont think it would be any problem for her to stay at home. UNLESS where they live is very expensive?
Also, considering she had 3 children to take care of at the time I doubt if she was sitting around eating bon bons LOL
One under 2, one in elem. school and a difficult teen (no offense, we are all usually difficult at that age!) she had her hands full I would think. The gym lady in Dateline show said she always looked tired.

but.....theres something kind of off about her unemployment running out the same day Kyron went missing. JMO
Do we know her unemployment ran out on June 4th?
Seems like the media would have picked up on something as coincidentl as that and made much of it...
Well it was that way in the old days. But most modern women see things differently. Pretty much only wealthy women or welfare women get to stay home full time these days. At least once the kids are in school. It's tough to make ends meet on one income, even an engineer's income.

hmmm perhaps this is a geographical thing???

most of the women in my immediate neighborhood are SAHM or part time (very casual) in their careers. or they volunteer their time to projects they believe in. I would not consider my demographic "wealthy" but definitely not welfare either.

also not in response to the quoted post but in general I also know that despite perks of this lifestyle..driving nice cars, gym memberships, 2 or more vacations per year, a ridiculous habit for starbucks lattes and long lunches filled with venting and on bad days a few martini's to smooth it over... that domestic abuse does still happen although from the outside it is hard for some to see. It exists in all classes and the perks of the lifestyle make no excuse for it or make those women whiners or complainers. The lifestyle is usually something they married into meaning it was always portrayed to be theirs and on the table so fair dues.. the abusive controlling behaviors are usually hidden but rears its ugly head after the fact so not fair dues...

so from my experience TH could have had a very controlled/abusive marriage or she may not have. We having no way of knowing who's version is correct. For me this email shows a possibility of both sides being correct but there is no evidence to point one way or the other. I will say if the e-mails where she expresses pure hatred for Kyron surface i'll slip off my fence.. i just cannot fathom that to be an everyday vent/ complaint and if anyone one i knew expressed anything remotely like that i would seriously not be able to overlook it.. I 'd be making sure they got the help they obviously need.
I was being serious about maybe Terri really did not think she could just take the baby and leave...and maybe she was shocked to find out she could have done so. She found out from a 911 call, apparently, that it is perfectly legal for one parent to leave and take a child, as Kaine did when he had the need to do so.

I was also being serious when I said that if only she had known this, maybe she would have just done that instead of whatever else she may have done...and how much better and happier all concerned would be...she and Kaine fighting it out in court is much preferable to resorting to whatever may have happened to Kyron. A very tragic irony it would be if she feared a custody fight with Kaine more than a murder trial...I don't think her brain fuctions like most people, so who knows what went through it...if she is a sociopath, she was simply working out ways to have the end result be only her and baby.

She was twice divorced. A child was involved both times. Somehow I doubt that she had no idea she couldn't leave with a child. She already did it twice. :waitasec:
Well it was that way in the old days. But most modern women see things differently. Pretty much only wealthy women or welfare women get to stay home full time these days. At least once the kids are in school. It's tough to make ends meet on one income, even an engineer's income.

Today, there is also the growing homeschool movement, where moms stay at home with their children--at all economic levels. For some it's a worthy sacrifice...JMO
I find that at this point, I am more inclined to believe Terri's reports of Kaine's actions in this email than Kaine's reports of Terri's actions in the documents he filed. She was writing and venting, with no agenda...can't say the same for him...JMO

imo, she had a very well planned out agenda and the e-mail was part of that. Kaine, otoh, had no agenda. So his outing of Th's behavior seems like sour grapes. All part of the plan. Spend a few years living with a sociopath and you will see what I mean. If you haven't, you will never get it. And I can't fault you for that. I wouldn't have believed it unless I lived it, either.
We don't know about the unemployment. Someone mentioned earlier and I have already ruled. We need MSM on that or please let's not let that rumor grow legs.
hmmm perhaps this is a geographical thing???

most of the women in my immediate neighborhood are SAHM or part time (very casual) in their careers. or they volunteer their time to projects they believe in. I would not consider my demographic "wealthy" but definitely not welfare either.

also not in response to the quoted post but in general I also know that despite perks of this lifestyle..driving nice cars, gym memberships, 2 or more vacations per year, a ridiculous habit for starbucks lattes and long lunches filled with venting and on bad days a few martini's to smooth it over... that domestic abuse does still happen although from the outside it is hard for some to see. It exists in all classes and the perks of the lifestyle make no excuse for it or make those women whiners or complainers. The lifestyle is usually something they married into meaning it was always portrayed to be theirs and on the table so fair dues.. the abusive controlling behaviors are usually hidden but rears its ugly head after the fact so not fair dues...

so from my experience TH could have had a very controlled/abusive marriage or she may not have. We having no way of knowing who's version is correct. For me this email shows a possibility of both sides being correct but there is no evidence to point one way or the other. I will say if the e-mails where she expresses pure hatred for Kyron surface i'll slip off my fence.. i just cannot fathom that to be an everyday vent/ complaint and if anyone one i knew expressed anything remotely like that i would seriously not be able to overlook it.. I 'd be making sure they got the help they obviously need.

Homes are very expensive in the Portland area. Their house was more than $300,000, and it isn't anything fancy, but does have some acreage. It is not cheap to live in Portland.

Plus, there certainly are lots of SAHM, and I think that is wonderful and I am an advocate for that whenever possible. But we also need to remember that a lot of those families are probably spending way more than they make, and bankruptcies are at a very high level right now.
Today, there is also the growing homeschool movement, where moms stay at home with their children--at all economic levels. For some it's a worthy sacrifice...JMO

I'm guessing those *worthy* moms aren't hoarding their unemployment and child support checks while they're homeschooling. I'm betting they don't even have unemployment OR child support. And if they did, they'd be going right into the family pot...w/o whining
She was twice divorced. A child was involved both times. Somehow I doubt that she had no idea she couldn't leave with a child. She already did it twice. :waitasec:

But she did not take Kaine's child away in those other divorces. We have no way of knowing what she felt or knew about what might happen if she did this with Kaine. She already saw him able to keep custody of Kyron, when Desiree recovered, and none of us have any idea what the real story is there. Kaine might have indicated to Terri that taking the baby was not an option, as he did to Desiree. And Terri probably had plenty of skeletons still in her closet at that point, so that she knew she would never get custody if she went up against Kaine. Again, I am trying to think through her possibly abnormal brain, not defending any decision or choice she has ever made in her lifetime.
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