TH's emails shed light on Horman split

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There is nothing that can be said about Kaine that makes Terri look better.

Kaine is a victim. LE believes Terri is a killer. There is no moral equivalency here.

Being controlling, or cheap, or not giving Sports Car/Hawaiian vacation-Terri every material thing she not a license for her to kill a spouse or a helpless child.

Every fault of Kaine's is something another woman lives with every day...and loves that man and appreciates the life he provides for her. What man wants to live with a woman who sexts his friends, does "something similar" with the hired man, tries to have him killed. writes emails vomiting hate toward his child...and that LE believes disappeared or hurt or killed his child?

All men who want a woman like that...raise your hand!

There is no moral equivalency here. None can ever be made either.
If anyone has a link to back up their statements about Kaine being involved in Terri's increase in child support please provide it.

If not I consider it a bait, and I also consider it a bash.

Knock it Off.
I only want to say that I hope that my e-mails to my sisters and my friends are never made public before a trial or charges are filed, if I get in some kind of trouble. There is probably at least one e-mail a month sent to me, or by me, to a sister or friend, referencing a spouse and asking the recipient to please delete after reading. We all gripe about our spouses and nowadays, via e-mail, and don't expect those messages to end up in the newspaper.

I am a little surprised that so much is ending up in the news before any charges have been filed. Granted, the parents both think Terri is a monster and that may well turn out to be the case, but LE seems (and I am no expert) to be taking advantage of the situation in not needing to file charges but keeping their prime suspect in front of the public via leaks to the parents.

Desquire, do you know of other such cases where so much "dirt" about the suspect was made public before LE has said anything about the person being a POI or a suspect?

I am pretty much "off the fence" now, so that is not my issue, I am just wondering if any of this has a precedent. And hoping none of it comes back on LE when they are ready to go to trial.
No her license did not get revoked. Teaching licenses don't get revoked. She simply let it lapse....and recently applied to reistate it as she was looking to get back into teaching.

I wonder what the year of this e-mail is, because I too wonder how she could have been on unemployement...unless she has an employement history that we are unaware of, she hasn't been employed for way more than 19 months (isn't that the current length of benefits?).

Wasn't there an article sometime at the beginning that outlined her work history?

We've had a couple confusing explanations about Kaine & Terri's relationship at the beginning. I'm wondering if Terri was the daycare service...that may be what makes all this make sense.

And I bet Desiree didn't know.

And I bet Kaine was paying her.

After they got married I bet those payments stopped and then Kaine wanted the child support payments (which makes sense). But I bet her not having her own independence is what she is really freaking out about.

I know you are all saying she's complaining, complaining...but I kinda get what she is saying.

I feel kinda 'trapped' too, now that all my money is gone...trapped might be a harsh word's more or less the feeling of not having a safety net or any means by which to get one.

I am a SAHM...and have been for almost 8 years. My pay would probably be laughable in my industry IF, and that's a big IF, I could actually get a job there during this lovely economy. Reality is, if I were to go back to work (at whatever) chances are it wouldn't come close to covering afterschool programs & day care for my little one. And then factor in the could I face my children and say something like, mommy's need to spend time with adults is way more important...because it's NOT...but where does that leave love it, but even if I wanted a change, it makes no sense...I gotta ride it out.

Meantime DH hates the time I spend online too..but oh well I say, cuz it's the only adult interaction I get somedays (while all my friends & hubby is at work).

I hope that doesn't sound maybe Terri's e-mail sounds. Cause I don't resent anyone...but I used to have a TON more control over my days, and I do miss that, and finacially I feel pretty disabled. I couldn't even bare to review my 401K at this time...I havent' looked at it since the stupid crash...all the work I put into it, and now I'll be relying on my husband for that as well - it's a pretty lowsy feeling!

In a few years, when the littlest is in school fulltime, I'll be hoping for better luck in the job market - I've got a pretty short window to make it to anything respectable in terms of retirement, meantime, let's toast to SS being around when I retire.

Does that make any sense?

With Kaines career and income...I really don't see him saying you need to give me J****'s Child Support money. I just don't.

Especially if as it has been alluded to in other posts that Kaine & Terri might have had seperate banking accounts...and then Terri would not deposit those CS checks into her own account but, give them to Kaine...I doubt it.

It's obvious he spoiled her, trips, etc.
It's not emails between sisters and friends complaining about husbands that is at issue. It's thinking of the hateful emails about Kyron that are heartbreaking. He was so helpless. Seven years old!

I don't doubt that child loved Terri. He probably could not remember life without her in it..How does a child cope with hate growing in a 40 year old adult he loves...with no resources and no words in a child's vocabulary to counter it?

An adult could argue, reason, console, contradict. A child does not have those verbal skills. So he stayed in his room...fear growing I guess. A child cannot rent a motel room, take off in a car, decide to file for divorce. A child is after a home where hate and fear are growing.

Yes, we women send emails complaining to one another...but how many of us send emails wherein our intense hatred for a child in our care is the theme?

Kyron's life must have been like one of those horror movies with the theme music telling us that horror was advancing. He did his projects, he tried his best, he smiled at the camera for Terri...but he could not stop the hate.

This is what tears me apart.
I only want to say that I hope that my e-mails to my sisters and my friends are never made public before a trial or charges are filed, if I get in some kind of trouble. There is probably at least one e-mail a month sent to me, or by me, to a sister or friend, referencing a spouse and asking the recipient to please delete after reading. We all gripe about our spouses and nowadays, via e-mail, and don't expect those messages to end up in the newspaper.

I am a little surprised that so much is ending up in the news before any charges have been filed. Granted, the parents both think Terri is a monster and that may well turn out to be the case, but LE seems (and I am no expert) to be taking advantage of the situation in not needing to file charges but keeping their prime suspect in front of the public via leaks to the parents.

Desquire, do you know of other such cases where so much "dirt" about the suspect was made public before LE has said anything about the person being a POI or a suspect?

I am pretty much "off the fence" now, so that is not my issue, I am just wondering if any of this has a precedent. And hoping none of it comes back on LE when they are ready to go to trial.

:waitasec:Hmmm...I may be in that same boat one day since I have been known to say..."I'm gonna kill _____ if he/she doesn't _____! Oops!:angel:

My only excuse is I'm Italian and we are known for speaking with a lot of!

But, I totally agree with the above (stmarysmead)...these kind of emails & remarks are not what is being described as what Terri had been emailing in regards to Kyron...that sweet boy! :(
Kaine has said that Terri's communications with others are misdirections, but he had admitted that there were problems about her weight. He's said that she was upset about it and he got tired of hearing it. He could have told her to do something about it if it bothered her, which she twisted around to him getting on her about being fat. As far as Desiree not staying home with Kyron when he was a baby, well, she couldn't. Desiree was suddenly blindsided with being a single mom before Kyron was even born. How was she supposed to stay home with him. I do believe that Terri was very involved with Kyron as a small baby, probably from birth, because she was with Kaine and the reason Desiree was single. The money stuff and housework is ridiculous. Any woman not working should be doing all the housework if the husband is working. They probably owed lots of bills and her money had to contribute to things.
I only want to say that I hope that my e-mails to my sisters and my friends are never made public before a trial or charges are filed, if I get in some kind of trouble. There is probably at least one e-mail a month sent to me, or by me, to a sister or friend, referencing a spouse and asking the recipient to please delete after reading. We all gripe about our spouses and nowadays, via e-mail, and don't expect those messages to end up in the newspaper.

I am a little surprised that so much is ending up in the news before any charges have been filed. Granted, the parents both think Terri is a monster and that may well turn out to be the case, but LE seems (and I am no expert) to be taking advantage of the situation in not needing to file charges but keeping their prime suspect in front of the public via leaks to the parents.

Desquire, do you know of other such cases where so much "dirt" about the suspect was made public before LE has said anything about the person being a POI or a suspect?

I am pretty much "off the fence" now, so that is not my issue, I am just wondering if any of this has a precedent. And hoping none of it comes back on LE when they are ready to go to trial.

I was thinking the same thing.

I needed to hit "send" quickly with a little tugging at me & the dinner bell ringing so didn't get to reread or complete my thoughts...

As I was eating I was hoping that my thoughts came across ok, and didnt' appear as Terri's...but then I had the very same thoughts about e-mails to friends & family. Not bashing, just venting think you can do that freely with friends & family and not have to defend it. PLUS, there is history, and on one day you could be talkign about how hard it is to get through homework with your 2nd grader, and then the next how you wanted to kill him because he was acting up PLUS not getting his homework done, because DH was not home. You kinda have the notion that you are allowed to vent without it coming back to bite you. No one really means that they really wanted to kill the little pustule that brought you to the brink while Daddy was out of town, but certainly it helps to vent...
I dunno...

And one thought I also had that I didn't get in, just to kinda expand on my previous post...about the financials.

I do the bills in my house, even though my savings (and therefore any need for a seperate account) exhausted long ago. It's just one of my chores. Mainly because I am the analyst in my house, not my husband. ANyhoo, when he needs or wants something, he checks with me. We have large bills that need to be paid only 1 or twice a year (like most people) and he only gets paid 1x/mo. So some months the till is pretty dry. He knows he has to check before buying lots of stuff or we could end up bouncing a mortgage check or something. Anyhoo...I was thinking in my current financial I would feel if DH did the bills and I had to do the asking everytime I wanted to buy something...I think most moms put thmeselves last anyway, when it comes to stuff....the kids get new shoes WAY more often than me, like that. So if I got to the point that I HAD to have shoes & needed to first check with DH....I tellya that would do a number on my already pretty deflated ego... I tjink too, that I might just start to resent having to do that too.

No excuses, I'm not at all trying to defend her...just wondering if that e-mail is really painting the picture that we are being led to believe.

I too wonder about this "dirt" doesn't make sense to me, as far as a strategy from LE. But I may not be the best to judge as a relative newbie to these types of cases.

It just seems strange to me that "they" (assuming LE) keeps releasing more & more to the parents. It just doesn't seem necessary to add anymore feul to the fire...I don't get it. And where is any hope of getting a fair trial for her...shouldn't that be a consideration for them? This case is now being followed internationally...where in the world could they move the trial? What happens if it is determined that she couldn't recieve a fair trial, what then?

And what's with information being filtered THROUGH Des & Kaine? Why aren't they releasing this information themselves? Maybe their intention is really not to release it to the public, but that it just happens...wouldn't that be a consideration for them moving forward?

I dunno...this doesn't make sense to actually makes me question whether they are really targeting Terri or just making ot appear as though they are. I may be wrong, but it just seems like they'd be more protective about 'evidence.'

But this whole case has me questioning SO much - it defies logic so often!
Why didn't TH just divorse the man she wanted dead ( MFH)?
and leave KYRON with Kaine? Since she hated the child?

Why did she stay???

So she could drink all day, hit the gym and never work???
Why didn't TH just divorse the man she wanted dead ( MFH)?
and leave KYRON with Kaine? Since she hated the child?

Why did she stay???

So she could drink all day, hit the gym and never work???

I've asked myself that SO many times...aren't her parents wealthy? She wasn't tied to a job. If she wanted away from Kyron & Kaine, why wouldnt' she have just taken Kitty, J, and moved in with them.

And if she didn't care about Kyron, then who cares what happens when she's gone....right? He'd either go back to Des (who apparently wanted him but Kaine said no) or he'd stay with Kaine.

Why try to hire a hit man and why do away with Kyron?

Now she's at her parents without Kitty & without James (despite what Kaine thinks, I'm thinking J's dad probably has him as far away from the circus as possible - I'm betting he's still with his dad).

I believe Terri's parents were schoolteachers. I doubt they could provide her ( in their retirement) with the same standard of living that Kaine could. A dead husband and/or a dead child would probably leave her with more money and free time.

That's a win/win.

And there was hate in this. Not complaining emails from sister to sister or friend to friend about a HUSBAND...there was hate toward a powerless 7 year old child. So how to explain ANYTHING about Terri Horman...first you have to grasp how a 40 year old woman hates a 7 year old child "intensely."
I've asked myself that SO many times...aren't her parents wealthy? She wasn't tied to a job. If she wanted away from Kyron & Kaine, why wouldnt' she have just taken Kitty, J, and moved in with them.

And if she didn't care about Kyron, then who cares what happens when she's gone....right? He'd either go back to Des (who apparently wanted him but Kaine said no) or he'd stay with Kaine.

Why try to hire a hit man and why do away with Kyron?

Now she's at her parents without Kitty & without J**** (despite what Kaine thinks, I'm thinking J's dad probably has him as far away from the circus as possible - I'm betting he's still with his dad).


I could be mistaken but, wasn't it reported that J**** was living WITH Terri & her parents in Roseburg now?

ps...don't forget to change J's name...
I've asked myself that SO many times...aren't her parents wealthy? She wasn't tied to a job. If she wanted away from Kyron & Kaine, why wouldnt' she have just taken Kitty, J, and moved in with them.

And if she didn't care about Kyron, then who cares what happens when she's gone....right? He'd either go back to Des (who apparently wanted him but Kaine said no) or he'd stay with Kaine.

Why try to hire a hit man and why do away with Kyron?

Now she's at her parents without Kitty & without James (despite what Kaine thinks, I'm thinking J's dad probably has him as far away from the circus as possible - I'm betting he's still with his dad).


Which DAD?
Remember Terri got her second husband to adopt J**** & pay child support.Then when he was living with her & 3rd hubby Kaine, she sent him to live with her 1st husband J 's biodad? Where IS poor J?:banghead:
I've asked myself that SO many times...aren't her parents wealthy? She wasn't tied to a job. If she wanted away from Kyron & Kaine, why wouldnt' she have just taken Kitty, J, and moved in with them.

And if she didn't care about Kyron, then who cares what happens when she's gone....right? He'd either go back to Des (who apparently wanted him but Kaine said no) or he'd stay with Kaine.

Why try to hire a hit man and why do away with Kyron?

Now she's at her parents without Kitty & without James (despite what Kaine thinks, I'm thinking J's dad probably has him as far away from the circus as possible - I'm betting he's still with his dad).


It was Terri's attorney, Bunch who said J was living with his mother.
I doubt very much that Terri could just take the baby and leave, anymore than Desiree could just take Kyron. I don't think that was an option. Kaine may have even told Terri that at some point. We will have to wait and see.

As far as the "hate" e-mails, I really will wait to see what they say. They would probably read very differently if Kyron was alive and accounted for right now, but when Desiree saw them, he had been missing for almost 6 months. I mean, what may have just seemed like snarky comments to a friend or relative all of sudden are far more insidious, due to the "void" of Kyron.
I found this too. Not sure if it means anything:

"As a family, the couple played video games and occasionally took trips, visiting Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla., and traveling to Israel."

A few things:
1. That is really cool if they took Kyron and J***. What an opportunity to see the world! Hmmm...passport, anyone?
2. My mom is a 110% Christian and could not wait to visit Israel, which she did after retired; however, it does kind of beg the question about the religious orientation of the family. Hormann (with the extra N) is a Jewish name, but Moulton is not - per my cursory search. I only say this because some psychotic/postpartum women "hear" God.

I cannot provide a link, but a while back on either this forum or another, I read that Intel (Kaine's employer) has a big facility in Israel to which they send employees for special events/training, whatever. I imagine that Kaine was sent there, and his family accompanied him. Some companies are generous to the point of making certain travel situations into family occasions.
I doubt very much that Terri could just take the baby and leave, anymore than Desiree could just take Kyron. I don't think that was an option. Kaine may have even told Terri that at some point. We will have to wait and see.

As far as the "hate" e-mails, I really will wait to see what they say. They would probably read very differently if Kyron was alive and accounted for right now, but when Desiree saw them, he had been missing for almost 6 months. I mean, what may have just seemed like snarky comments to a friend or relative all of sudden are far more insidious, due to the "void" of Kyron.

Why couldn't she jsut take her - Kaine had to work. Plus Kaine did it. They are both parents, unless there is some kind of custodial agreement it isn't against the law to take a child.

I may be wrong, but J was moved for a short time to Terri's parents, then he was moved to his bio dads. I don't know what is going on with child support - but unless some kind of legal change has been made, I would guess that the adopted dad is now paying the bio dad.

Kaine reported in his presser that he belives (but has no knowledge) that J has moved back with Terri. I kinda doubt it...I would think his dad still has him as far from the circus as he can be...although I would hope that he gets to see his mom from time to time.

and I totally agree with your assessment of the said it much better & with much fewer words than I!
I don't think Terri knew she could just take the baby and leave...remember when Kaine did it? She wrote I didn't know you could do that?

(I wish she had known, if it would mean she did just that many months ago, gone to her parents with the little one...)
I doubt very much that Terri could just take the baby and leave, anymore than Desiree could just take Kyron. I don't think that was an option. Kaine may have even told Terri that at some point. We will have to wait and see.

As far as the "hate" e-mails, I really will wait to see what they say. They would probably read very differently if Kyron was alive and accounted for right now, but when Desiree saw them, he had been missing for almost 6 months. I mean, what may have just seemed like snarky comments to a friend or relative all of sudden are far more insidious, due to the "void" of Kyron.

Why couldn't she take the baby and leave? Were her legs broke? Did Kaine hide her car keys?

And we need to see the emails before we start dulling down what she meant when she appears to talk about how she greatly dislikes Kyron, the missing 8 year old boy. I have read the oh, thank god hopefully none of my emails are revealed if I am accused of something heinous, and thats fine, but if someone is holding hatred for a 7 year old, there is no good excuse for it whatsoever, bad day or not.
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