TH's emails shed light on Horman split

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But I believe it has been stated that the e-mail Desiree saw was sent to an extended family member. So not a friend.

That email, yes, but the others shown to Desiree and Kaine on Friday were purportedly sent to friends. If you believe that MSM got it right (lol) I'm not sure where the link would be...
I think it was the April e-mail written about Kaine that sent to a friend or friends and the one that caused Desiree so much grief was said to have been written to a family member.
I wasn't even thinking of Terri's possible confidentiality issues...I assume that the person who received the e-mails would give LE permission to use them as needed. I think once you send an e-mail that it becomes the property of the person who receives it.

I guess I am unsure why LE would feel that D&K needed to see the details now, if they just saw them. If they saw them months ago, well then, never mind. But if LE just showed them to D&K, then there must be a reason.
Maybe there's a really simple explanation. If during the meeting between the parents and LE mention was made by Desiree lets say, of the content of emails that had already been released. I could imagine LE confiding they had many more like them and the ones they had shown the parents were mild compared to others they hadn't released. Maybe Desiree requested specifically to see the really bad ones and LE complied.
I know when it comes to working with the family of person who is terminally ill, you take your cues from the family and give them all the information certainly, but in small doses that can be digested and assimilated. 'First do no harm' encompasses the patients family and support system. Could LE just be doing the same thing?
Terri's behavior during that conference has always bugged me, very strange actions. ~JMO~

ITA. TH's behavior made me suspicious of her immediately. Still, the news of her emails, sexts, surprised me. Kaine must be dying of guilt for bringing her into his life. To lose a child possibly to the woman who gave you your daughter. That poor little girl has to grow up and learn about all of this, and what is worse is she will never know her brother.

Terri is so hollow, detached, empty, 'going through the motions'. Its just not real. Its like she is just there to be there, because she basically has to be. And what is with all that arms around Kaine nonsense?

I agree...she also rolls her eyes up in her head during that embrace. I don't know what Det. Schults was saying at the time, but she did roll her eyes up.

Also, I don't think LE had any of the emails by this time but Kaine mentions the bus drivers and other school personnel that has been interviewed multiple times. Now that we know about the emails Terri had sent by this time, I do believe that she was making her irritation known to the parents also. LE probably had them put that part in the statement too to try and gauge her reaction to that.

Back OT, which is ...

Why did LE show DY and KH the (according to DY) "hate" emails re: Kyron? {And an adjunct question ... did LE have these emails for some time? Or are they newly discovered info?)

IMO? To let whoever received these emails know that they're outed, and to let TH know SHE's been outed for sending them.

"Desiree Young appeared on Today Monday morning. She talked about explosive emails that police showed her just last Friday. Sources told KGW that the emails were sent from Terri to an extended member of the family in the weeks just before Kyron's disappearance."

If we believe this (and since it's from KGW, I sorta do) an "extended member of the family" received the "hate" emails from TH during the weeks leading up the Ky's disappearance.

Why were these emails released to KH and DY, at this 'late date'? IDK. But *maybe* the police, in the course of other investigations, were only recently able to attain a search warrant for the "hate" emails.

MOO. However ... here is my speculation based on my belief in LE: There is more behind the "hate" emails ... much more. We must be patient. And we will see.
Back OT, which is ...

Why did LE show DY and KH the (according to DY) "hate" emails re: Kyron? {And an adjunct question ... did LE have these emails for some time? Or are they newly discovered info?)

IMO? To let whoever received these emails know that they're outed, and to let TH know SHE's been outed for sending them.

"Desiree Young appeared on Today Monday morning. She talked about explosive emails that police showed her just last Friday. Sources told KGW that the emails were sent from Terri to an extended member of the family in the weeks just before Kyron's disappearance."

If we believe this (and since it's from KGW, I sorta do) an "extended member of the family" received the "hate" emails from TH during the weeks leading up the Ky's disappearance.

Why were these emails released to KH and DY, at this 'late date'? IDK. But *maybe* the police, in the course of other investigations, were only recently able to attain a search warrant for the "hate" emails.

MOO. However ... here is my speculation based on my belief in LE: There is more behind the "hate" emails ... much more. We must be patient. And we will see.

thanks for setting me straight. I am going to change my statement to "I think maybe she sent it to one of her single extended members of the family." I really hope a mother or father would not do anything to encourage multiple emails wishing harm to a child.
Do we know if Terri even has any extended family? Would it be more likely to be someone on Kaine's side of the family? I doubt very much it would be Desiree's. It seems that a sister-in-law of Kaine's was defending Terri early on, or an ex-sister-in-law. Does anyone else remember that?
Do we know if Terri even has any extended family? Would it be more likely to be someone on Kaine's side of the family? I doubt very much it would be Desiree's. It seems that a sister-in-law of Kaine's was defending Terri early on, or an ex-sister-in-law. Does anyone else remember that?

Yes, I do remember that.
I wouldn't be surprised if that is the same person, who was responsible for the early emails Terri sent on the 5th of June to, being let out.
I also wouldn't be surprised if there isn't a boatload more.
I also don't think there is any chance that these emails were sent by someone else, other than Terri herself.
I also won't be surprised, when more of them come out.
I also won't be surprised, when we find out, that what LE found out, things they wished they didn't know, came from the emails that Terri has sent.
I don't know but I think in that LE releases so little that when they do they are sending a message to Terri and her defense team. What if, Houze was never told about these emails? Now that puts Terri in a pickle with her attorney doesn't it?

And it also sends the message to Terri, your supporters are not your supporters anymore. The walls are closing in.

It puts a great deal of pressure on Terri that she can trust no one. Isolates her even further.

I think this is strategy. To keep her unbalanced and maybe she will do something foolish. If not, it sends the message to her attorney we have lots more than you think we do.
Do we know if Terri even has any extended family? Would it be more likely to be someone on Kaine's side of the family? I doubt very much it would be Desiree's. It seems that a sister-in-law of Kaine's was defending Terri early on, or an ex-sister-in-law. Does anyone else remember that?

On her Facebook she claimed to have a cousin in Roseville, CA. I think she may have some family down there, since that's where her father's originally from...northern California area.
This email may have gone to her ex-husband also. I believe Terri would tell anyone who would listen about her issues real or perceived.
This email may have gone to her ex-husband also. I believe Terri would tell anyone who would listen about her issues real or perceived.

ITA. Wasn't she sending one of her ex-husbands emails about her new baby after baby K was born? She's just odd. She thinks anyone she sends email to wants to hear what she has to say. It's like she truly doesn't understand boundaries and courtesy. If someone shows in the slightest that thye like what they are seeing from her or actually listen to her, she thinks they want to know everything.
ITA. Wasn't she sending one of her ex-husbands emails about her new baby after K** was born? She's just odd. She thinks anyone she sends email to wants to hear what she has to say. It's like she truly doesn't understand boundaries and courtesy. If someone shows in the slightest that the like what they are seeing from her or actually listen to her, she thinks they want to know everything.

To me, it speaks to yet another pattern. To wit:

"Horman threw shot put, but her best event was discus. In May 1988 during her senior year, she was a contender at the state track championships but, in the end, did not place.

That year Horman met Ecker at a Fred Meyer store in Roseburg where he worked. They dated for a few months but then became friends, with Horman sharing confidences with him."


"By 1995, Horman's marriage to Tarver soured, with each accusing the other of infidelity. They divorced in November, and she gained custody of J, with Tarver agreeing to later pay child support.

Horman moved back to her parents' house in Roseburg. She later attended McDonald's fast food management school and worked for a time at a McDonald's in Cottage Grove, Ecker said.

Romantically, she moved on as well. She started dating Ecker again, and in August 1996 they married in Springfield."

~ snip

"The red-headed, blue-eyed girl with a big smile became a focus of Terri's life. She plastered her Facebook page with pictures of K*** eating, playing and sleeping and, out of the blue, sent a stream of messages about the baby to Tarver, whom she usually talked to about J."
To me, it speaks to yet another pattern. To wit:

"Horman threw shot put, but her best event was discus. In May 1988 during her senior year, she was a contender at the state track championships but, in the end, did not place.

That year Horman met Ecker at a Fred Meyer store in Roseburg where he worked. They dated for a few months but then became friends, with Horman sharing confidences with him."


"By 1995, Horman's marriage to Tarver soured, with each accusing the other of infidelity. They divorced in November, and she gained custody of J, with Tarver agreeing to later pay child support.

Horman moved back to her parents' house in Roseburg. She later attended McDonald's fast food management school and worked for a time at a McDonald's in Cottage Grove, Ecker said.

Romantically, she moved on as well. She started dating Ecker again, and in August 1996 they married in Springfield."

~ snip

"The red-headed, blue-eyed girl with a big smile became a focus of Terri's life. She plastered her Facebook page with pictures of K*** eating, playing and sleeping and, out of the blue, sent a stream of messages about the baby to Tarver, whom she usually talked to about J."

So are you saying she thought she could get Tarver back into her life by talking about baby K? Or was she trying to one up him, like look how good my life is, I have such a wonderful baby, and everything is perfect?
So are you saying she thought she could get Tarver back into her life by talking about baby K? Or was she trying to one up him, like look how good my life is, I have such a wonderful baby, and everything is perfect?

Hard to say, but past experience taught her that she could manipulate/endear husband number 2 into loving and adopting her child from marriage number one.
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