Tim Miller Interview re: Blanchard Search

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LP didn't announce anything via Murt's internet feed until Tim declared the search was OVER!! I'd like to know what this "media frenzy" was that left such a sour taste in TM's mouth? I think Tim is acting like a complete jerk and doesn't want to give anyone credit for anything that takes credit from himself. Tim is the one who turned this thing into a circus beginning with banning Murt from filming any of the search on Saturday. He obviously doesn't want to give any credit at all, or thanks, to Murt's internet feed and those watching it who sent tons of food and water to the searchers! Tim is quite the drama queen and he had LP and Murt both walking on eggshells trying not to offend him in any way. Tim is coming off as being jealous of the attention that LP and Murt took away from himself. Shame on you, Tim, acting this way when ALL are working toward the same goal. You owe LP and Murt an apology for your behavior towards them....and you also owe everyone who followed Murt's internet feed an apology for your behavior, too, when all any of us wanted was to help in any way we could.

Of course the above is your opinion . . . but Tim is no jealous drama queen in search of attention . . . IMHO KUDOS to TES and Tim for their efforts!
All that to pull out after 1 1/2 days of searching? Oh, I realize some were still searching while they dismanteled the command post, but really, that seems like a big waste of money to me.

It was more than 1 1/2 days, but of course no one knows that because Murt and his camera were down at Blanchard Park.
No part of the search that was conducted by Tim ever became a media circus. Tim is a true gentleman, very soft-spoken and rarely says anything that doesn't need to be said. For him to go off like he did on LP tells me that, as bad as LP looks already, there's even more to the story.

Tim makes it a point NEVER to release information about any search to the public, and for good reason. Here we have LP telling every reporter and internet blogger he can find all about the cross and what he thinks it means. That was a total disrespect of Tim and of what Equuasearch stands for, and why did LP do it? For the media attention. Exactly what Tim did NOT want.

Sure, LP supported Tim on NG, he frequently brought up Tim's name - 'ask my good friend Tim' or 'Tim will tell you'. You never saw Tim do that, probably because he was not appreciative of the way LP so forcefully interjected himself into the search effort and turned it all into a crazy public spectacle.

LP has not "done nothing but help" Tim's team. He's turned the search into a full-fledged media event and has destroyed the good reputation Tim has worked so hard to earn over the years. Suddenly we have people who have always held Tim in the highest esteem criticizing him and attacking his judgment. All thanks to LP who made outrageous promises that Tim was unable to keep.

Tim never would have taunted the Anthonys by announcing that he would be holding a memorial service for the child they don't believe is gone. LP is totally responsible for the fiasco with the Anthonys today and Tim saw it all coming. That is why he high-tailed it out of town. Tim is a man of integrity. LP.....not so much.


Love this post . . . and remember, LP is an attorney (no harm to you lawyers out there). Tim is a henious crime victim.
Oh, poop. It doesn't even matter. I love both TM and LP. I should not feel I have to defend either one of them.


This debate is a complete distraction from the common objective. This is good for the A's because not only is focus being taken off Caylee, it is also being taken off KC now and -- the blog community is focused on 3rd parties and in-fighting. Internal debates.

This is so wrong at every level.
So TM said they froze TES credit cards because 37,000 had been spent by day one. What was it spent on? heard hotels and airfare were part of it. Food and water were donated, time, equip,etc donated. Didn't he say he was flying 100 "team members" in? at $200 a plane ticket and probably at least $60 a night in hotels, that adds waaaayyy up...how much was spent on THE SEARCH? I understand some travel/hotel expense but where did they stay? That's a lot of bucks!QUOTE]

Thank you! That's what I asked about a week ago. If TES runs on donations and volunteers what is costing so much money? I am sure there is money to be spent, no question, but just how much does it cost to a bunch of volunteers (that pay $35 to sign up!) to search???

It's $25 to become a member.
People can search without becoming a member...and it's not something they "push".

Feeding horses is EXPENSIVE.
Fuel for ATV's, RV's, is EXPENSIVE.
Porta Pottys were rented.
Electricity was run to the command center.
There were phone lines put in.
Just a few things...I"m sure there are many others we wouldn't even think about.
It was more than 1 1/2 days, but of course no one knows that because Murt and his camera were down at Blanchard Park.

Yeah but TES didn't search there, just LP and his divers. Was there a member or two of TES there? I'm not even sure.
Tim is a private citizen doing what he does out of purely good intentions and the hope that his own daughter's death will lead to saving other families some measure of pain. He does not owe the Anthony family, Orlando, or any of us a detailed justification for his every move.

It is not as if he took the donations, deposited them in his bank account and left for Hawaii for a month. He will use those donations to search for the mothers in North Carolina, and he will get donations in North Carolina that may be used in his next search in the next state.

I would hope that all who donated money, food, water, or whatever did it for the greater good and will understand that all of the searchers deserved that help, and that Tim will move on and use whatever funds he might still have to help other families who are suffering and terrified for their lost family members.


"I feel as though we accomplished a lot. Nearly all of the areas that law enforcement wanted covered have been searched. We generated far more resources than before. We now have 100 local members on the scene. They are capable of doing a good job and they are going to continue looking for Caylee. I challenge anyone to sit in my office and when the family of a missing person calls, tell them that they can't be helped until Caylee is found. Someone else can, cause I'm not going to do that. "

"The donations came to about $70.000. One of them was a $20,000 general fund donation. We are working on a final accounting, but between the rental cars, tents, hotels, equipment, generators and other resources, we have invested about $100.000 into the Caylee search

More at link
Yeah but TES didn't search there, just LP and his divers. Was there a member or two of TES there? I'm not even sure.

Yes, TES did search there and found nothing.

"I had my people use side-scan sonar to examine that water yesterday and then I went back myself and checked it again," Tim Miller said today in an interview with Investigation Discovery. "I told Leonard that it only takes an hour to scan it and that we had put four or five hours into it just so there would be no question as to whether she was there. I can tell you where every tire is at, I can show you where there is a bucket, where there is an old wheelbarrow and fender from a car. I can show you how deep the water is in every place and what the water temperature is. There is not a body in there."

Same link as above.
I have no actual accounting information, but if they brought along 100 TES personnel and searchers, dogs, horses, boats, command center trailers, four wheelers, tents, had to rent port a potties, get electrical hookups, provide airline tickets, gas, places to board horses, at least 50 hotel rooms for a week (they were there for several days before the 3 day search started), buy parks department permits, gas for their vehicles, printing costs for information sheets and volunteer sign up sheets, flags to mark evidence, arrange for buses for searchers, and a hundred other things I can't even begin to think of........that money could go VERY fast.

You are on a roll Raeann!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
My opinion of the whole LP, TM fiasco is that it's way out of hand. Reminds me of the old saying "no good deed goes unpunished" The ego's are too big, the purpose is getting lost and the men are fighting over territory.
Me and my husband participated in the search, and it was very disheartening to hear TM say Caylee will never be found. We had barely got home when this comment was reported. Why should he had said that, I don't get it. She is somewhere, more than likely Orlando, they got the pings. But the problem is she was EVERYWHERE, we searched an area that would be so strange to be at, I just could not wrap my brain around her actions during that time period.
We also had the honor to search for Jennifer, does TM think she will never been found too? It's been 2 years, if people can't be found why were we looking?
I am very confused by TM comments and behavior after this was over, I am also sad. I had a very interesting and rewarding experience that I shared with a wonderful group of people, I don't think no of us will forget it or each other.
So to hear this going on kinda of sad, I would hope we did some good. :cry:


I Know you didn't search to get a pat on the back, but I would like to say Thank You, you did good! TM said if we are to find Caylee it will be in God's
time not our time and Rev G even explained it's not for us to understand. I agree with both, but you did good. You and the other searchers ruled out another area where she might have been, but now we know she isn't.

What TM said was confusing, so was his behavior. I think we all just need to understand this situation is so far removed from the norm that we need to stop trying to understand and just accept. Accept TM may just not be able to handle the emotions of working with this family, there's no shame in that. Actually who would blame him for a second, not I. Maybe his explanation
didn't come out the way he meant it to or maybe he just can't say what he really feels; he knows one person could change the outcome of this whole mess with just a few words. If I were him I would be beyond words too.

If we just accept TM is as sad as anyone over baby Caylee not being found, it makes it easier to understand. You and others tramped into muck with strangers and came out with family. Just set aside all the conflict and know in your heart you did good.:blowkiss:
Yeah but TES didn't search there, just LP and his divers. Was there a member or two of TES there? I'm not even sure.

Yes, TES DID SEARCH THERE........the day before. The area was searched several times. The area was cleared by a man who is an expert at searching and has found 100's of missing people. His name is Tim Miller.

For some reason, that was not good enough for LP and he went on yet ANOTHER one of his "theories". Complete with cameras in tow.

The reason you may have not heard about TES in BP is because they have a sense of tact and professionalism that is paramount to a successful search and recovery effort. They don't feel the need to have their every moment shown live
so the morbidly curious can watch their every move. There is also such a thing known as 'chain of evidence', which is paramount to a prosecutor making sure said evidence is not thrown out of court due to a defense allegation that it may have been tampered with. Or worse yet, that said evidence is 'tainted' or possibly destroyed, due to curiosity seekers running amok at a possible crime scene, where they have no business.

Bottom line is this: TES and Tim know how to do it and do it right.

LP is way out of his league and possibly hindering an investigation with his nonsense and theatrics. He is no better than the A's and possibly worse, as he injected himself into this nightmare deliberately and now refuses to just go away.
I'm a local lady, and have seen it first hand.

I ask again, please enlighten me. :) Just what have you seen Cindy or George do besides drive around the billboard and stand at a table *accepting* donations for t-shirts. I would really love to know and would be willing to bet I am not alone. Since you state that you have seen them searching first hand, could you please give an example?
Mitzi: the number of people who contacted TES or LP and said they would be there and the number of people who actually came to help, well you can see how far apart those numbers were. Don't know why people didn't come, some said they thought they would not be needed because so many other people were coming. I don't know where the 'expected number' came from. I know I heard LP talk about it on NG, and I know I heard TM say he was expecting it to be the largest search ever - just don't know where the numbers came from.

I was at the search and worked at the command center both days. Like the people who said they were coming and didn't - Some of the water and food that was promised did not show up either - that I know for a fact. I don't know the logistics of food/water at any other search, I can't answer about what they normally do, I can only tell you what I know about this search. What was incredible though, was the response from local people and non local people when they heard that there was a need for water and food at this search. It made me smile more than once to see a pizza place driver show up and climb out of his/her car with 10 to 15 pizzas and look around trying to figure out exactly 'who' to deliver them to - and the people who showed up with bottled water in their trucks, cars, etc. or placed an order for water and had it delivered.

Hope I answered at least part of your question for you.

Thanks, yes that helps, but I still wonder if some of the donated "cash" is normally used for food for volunteers during the searches or is the food usually donated as "food", not bought with TES donated money!...just don't know what is the norm.:)
Volunteers are told to BRING LUNCH and water for themselves. Any donations are icing on the cake.................. I was there Sat/Sun/Mon and searched all day and this is a SEARCH not a "picnic." As for the food and water I was there and I never saw so many left over PIZZA from all companies,QUIZNO's,Pre-packaged sandwiches,POP-EYES, homemade sweets,BOTTLED WATER and a nice treat MCDonalds yesterday for all of us searches. And over the weekend McDonald gave 50% discount to searches in stores....and they were very generous giving us ice and bottled water.

KUDOS to METRO-ICE......................for the huge donation.

Thanks chesterp...now I understand better.:)

And thankyou and all others who worked so hard those 3 days to find that sweet baby. G*D BLESS you all!:blowkiss:
Bolded by me.
Why do you think TM doesn't know that the A's don't want her found?? I've seen no evidence to back that up. He has to tread lightly around the A's on this, and I think he's doing as good a job as anyone can expect. As for your remark about "drama queen antics", well, I think that's about as off base as can be, and quite RUDE at that. Show me any other person who would go through what he's been through and turn it into something as positive as he has: an organization that is dedicated soley to finding missing people. I see nothing "drama queen" about it. Shame on you for saying that about such an upstanding, caring, humble person. TM is a saint and a hero, no two ways about it.

What factual evidence to you have to back up your accusation that the A's don't want Caylee found? Please note, that I asked for factual evidence,not personal opinion.
Tim Miller, founder of Texas EquuSearch, was aggravated at Padilla's search, calling it a media stunt.

"It's the Leonard Padilla show," he said. "Forget about Caylee Anthony."

Miller said Texas EquuSearch had already checked that area in a boat with scanning equipment.

"There's nothing there," he said.

Miller has that right! Padilla knew going in that the beads in question, had been claimed by another family as their own. Padilla is running out of things to flap about on his favorite tabloid TV show.

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