Tim Miller Talks to Websleuths--

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Nice to meet you Friday from Someone far away from you....Thank you for your post, its very helpful
Happy birthday To Tim Miller from Down Under here in Oz, wishing you a speedy recovery also...

As soon as I saw the post about a childs body (remains being found) I knew it was Caylee.

The reaction that Casey gave when hearing the news makes it even more now than ever the horrific fact that she did this on purpose

I wanted to ask , as I am not familiar with the rains and floods and so on there but as it was high with water in September when the search was on, is there a pattern of flooding and high water areas to seasons ?

I am just wondering whether whoever actually placed the body there timed it all as to the level of water and did so in the hope that it would remain high until the body totally decomposed thus leaving no trace of evidence (them not knowing about duct tape keeping evidence etc) but them thinking that the water would wash it all off ?

That they knew it would remain high for some many months

That perhaps the levels reduced quicker than what they anticipated ?
Thank you, Friday. No matter if one agrees or not, we all know, it worked out for the best. And, Happy Birthday, Tim. I hope you're feeling better.
Friday, you have given "pay it forward" a whole new meaning for me. Thank you for all you do. Tim. Happy birthday. You and your whole organization are an inspiration to me and also the supreme example of paying it forward in the best way humanly possible on this planet we call earth.

I will also follow the TES example and pray for George and Cindy. Tim said it best on his WESH interview that to have to deal with a murdered family member...also at the hands of another family member...is something that most of us on this planet will never have to deal with.

Thanks again Friday for this thread. Thank you Tim Miller and TES. And thank you to all my websleuth friends who do so much hard work for the missing and the lost.
Early this morning, shortly before the media got wind of the possible discovery of Caylee’s body, Tim phoned me to tell me the news, along with the fact that (official’s name withheld by me) said they’re sure it’s Caylee. I replied that everyone at WS was going to be beyond excited when they finally heard all that. Tim replied, “Go ahead and tell them. They deserve to be the first to know.”

Unfortunately, I couldn’t get on our darned website in time to break the news to you, or to confirm that no matter what LE says publicly, Tim said to tell you, don’t fret—it is Caylee.”

I just spoke to him again this afternoon, and explained I couldn’t get on WS site in time to give you this morning’s news. He’s going to continue keeping me informed about anything he learns in Orlando so that I can post it here—exclusively for you.

In the meantime, he said to tell you this: Months ago, TES did attempt to search the area where Caylee’s remains were found even though the area was mostly under water. In fact, he borrowed a special four wheel ATV offered to us by a helpful citizen, which was then driven through what appeared to be shallow water. And sank out of sight!

As you know, the one risk that trained searchers cannot take is that of damaging or destroying the very evidence they’re trying to recover. Tim said that if the plastic bag found today had been trampled by one of our horses, or run over by the ATV, the bag would have ruptured and the contents exposed and scattered, possibly/probably never to be found. He’s relieved that he called of the search of that area when he did or today’s discovery might never have happened.

He also said to remind you (half-jokingly) that he was right about at least one other thing: Caylee’s remains were not in the river at Blanchard Park. 

Oh, and in case you’re wondering about the ATV that was ruined when it sank, we naturally had to pay the owner for it--$10,000.

That’s all for now. Hopefully I will have other information to give you as the hours pass, and that I’ll be able to access our site when I do.

Tim sends his gratitude along with this message, and a request that you take just a moment to say a prayer for George and Cindy.

Hey, if he can forgive them, we certainly should be able to as well. (This comment is mine, not Tim’s.) I’m working on it, but my heart isn’t as open as his, I fear.

*respectfully snipped*
Thank you for posting this Friday and for everything you and TES have done and will do. :blowkiss: Very happy birthday to Tim. Wow!
Thank you Friday for your post. I don't post very often but I felt that I needed to sign in tonight and post, if only to say thank you to you and TM. I have always had a great respect for him and what he does. Again thank you Friday.
Thanks again Friday for all of your contributions to TES and especially for joining us here again.

Most of all Happy Birthday to Tim Miller! Wishing him many happy returns.
Wow! Thank you so much, Friday, for sharing all of that with us. As you probably know most of us here think the world of Tim and in our eyes he can do no wrong, no matter what he does...We love him for all that he has been through and what he has done to overcome his own personal tragedies. We will stand by Tim AND his organization come hell or high water and we so much appreciate you keeping us "in the know" about all of this-most especially Casey's reaction-THAT was the icing on the cake for ME! This little girl deserved so much better than her demonic mother gave her...may she rest in peace eternal.

Oh I almost forgot, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIM! May you have many many more to come.
Thanks for keeping us updated. Do you know anything about Tims Health?

Yes, I do, but this is a time for everyone to relax, sit back, and enjoy the knowledge that what you've worked for and prayed so hard for has come to fruition. Tim is ill and needs to go home to check into one of Houston's superb hospitals. However, for now, he is so relieved and gratified that he made the right decision to call off the search of that flooded area, that he's finally stopped beating himself up over the Blanchard Park Debacle for the first time since he shut down that search. We're hoping that his good spirits will help keep him well enough to keep going for a few more days.

Thanks for your concern.
Yes, I do, but this is a time for everyone to relax, sit back, and enjoy the knowledge that what you've worked for and prayed so hard for has come to fruition. Tim is ill and needs to go home to check into one of Houston's superb hospitals. However, for now, he is so relieved and gratified that he made the right decision to call off the search of that flooded area, that he's finally stopped beating himself up over the Blanchard Park Debacle for the first time since he shut down that search. We're hoping that his good spirits will help keep him well enough to keep going for a few more days.

Thanks for your concern.

Ohhhh. He is in my prayers. I hope everything is ok. It's time to put himself first.

Thank you very much for sharing the information with us here at WS's, as a private Investigator I too have been on the end of witnessing many saddening outcomes such as this and it’s impossible to put your feelings into words with all the raw emotions that have built up over such a long period of time.

There are many of these instances that will stay with you forever and this case is defiantly one of them , especially if you are highly involved such as Tim and yourself are every hour of every day, God bless you all.

Texas Equisearch is truly our Hero’s and a Happy Birthday to Tim.

Self-proclaimed Master of Ping Maps,

Yours truly,
When Tim was coming back to search the 2nd time on NG he made a comment about having compassion for GA and CA. I felt the strength of his words and have thought of them often. He inspired me. Happy Birthday Tim and bless you!
Amazing, just absolutely amazing! Humanity at it's finest! I'm honored to be a part of such a wonderful group of people here at WS. Friday, you're wonderful! Tim, you've been nominated for Sainthood I'm sure and I too considered finding Caylee a very special birthday present...mine is tomorrow. Happy Birthday Tim and may God bless and keep you always. You're a special man!
Yes, I do, but this is a time for everyone to relax, sit back, and enjoy the knowledge that what you've worked for and prayed so hard for has come to fruition. Tim is ill and needs to go home to check into one of Houston's superb hospitals. However, for now, he is so relieved and gratified that he made the right decision to call off the search of that flooded area, that he's finally stopped beating himself up over the Blanchard Park Debacle for the first time since he shut down that search. We're hoping that his good spirits will help keep him well enough to keep going for a few more days.

Thanks for your concern.

Friday, I believe I speak for everyone when I say we'll just divert some of our fervent praying to benefit Tim now, as he surely needs our help. I will pray. I will light a candle for him, as well. God speed his recovery.
Happy Birthday Tim! Mines this Saturday:) I just wanted to say that you have a kind heart and soul. Even though I have never personally met you in person I can say I am a better person for have met and learned about your great cause. I want to say from the bottom of my heart thank you for caring enough for all the missing people out there and for doing what you do. God bless you :blowkiss:
Hey Friday. Thanks for the updates. I was disappointed with TES leaving without finding Caylee, but my expectations were too high, I had put Tim up on a pedestal so tall and high no man could have ever lived up to that. Shame on me for doing that. I just wanted her found so badly...anyway. Sometimes we have to "Let go & Let God" and that is what I finally convinced myself, and here we are today. So, thank you for all of your support to TES an organization that shouldn't have to exist but thank God it does. Happy Birthday and Good Health to Tim, he deserves both. God bless all the other searchers and last and never least, God bless all the WSers that never gave up hope.
Thanks for the info. Thanks to Tim for being such a stellar individual. The world is a better place with him in it. We need more like him!
Friday~ thank you so much for sharing this insight with us!
Happy Birthday Tim- it was wonderful to see you looking well tonight. Thank you for your compassion for missing people everwhere, you have been an inspiration to me and to thousands of others as well. Your tender mercy toward the grandparents is admirable.. I wish I could say the same about how I feel...which is compassionate but also a bit angry. God Bless your Endeavors.
Thank You Friday, and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Tim!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Big huggz To all!!

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