Time to move on/How best to honor Caylee now *merged*

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I agree with everything you are all saying and I apologize it was probably too soon. I will try to get a mod to delete this thread

Thanks Chckmate22....no need to delete, imo....maybe this has helped some people talk about this?

I just need to say that the phrase "get over it" has to be one of the most unhelpful and even hurtful things a person can say. Esp. if you have lost a person you love. I support those of you that have had to deal with that and I am sorry.
I am sure this wont be a popular thread, but as most of you I am sickened by the verdict, but it is time for us as a group to stand up for another child the way we have for Caylee. There are so many missing and murdered children still out there, so in honor of her lets try to help another.

I already have which is why I stood off the internet for a couple of days...

I became too emotionally involved with this case that knocked me for a loop. I have cried so many tears for a child I've never personally met. I cried more when I heard not guilty and fear going all out for another victim of crime only to be let down by the USA's judicial system.

When lying gets one off a murder charge, when a sleasy defense gets one off a murder charge, when untruthful evidence gets one off of a murder, it seems to be time to move on but with what price? My emotions are raw with anger and I have vowed never again to be so involved emotionally that my intellect went south. I just can't wrap my mind around how the truth is supposed to set one free yet, lies set this alleged murderess free..I have one other way to placate myself. That is, one day ICA will have to meet her maker and be judged on judgement day. That day her soul might not make it into Heaven and she will not be reunited with Caylee...Karma has to work and do this young woman in...it may take years but it will happen, no doubt in my mind this isn't the last we've heard of Casey Marie Anthony...JMHO

Justice for Caylee will never come to be...there is no justice for this precious child, not now and no time in the future...that's the biggest hurt..JMHO
Farewell, friends. God bless you all. It is time for me to go on a self-imposed media fast and catch up with my duties that can truly make a difference for the children in my life, as it is sadly too late for me to do anything about sweet little Caylee who was murdered at the hand of her own mother.

In parting, I leave you with the post I wrote late last night for "today I learned"

Today I learned that I have wasted huge chunks of the last several months of my life.

I learned that I was deluding myself to think I had any part in justice for Caylee. It felt good to sit here and share with fellow human beings, who actually have hearts, and believe that somehow we could make a difference. But alas we didn't make a difference.

In fact today I learned that even the finest prosecution team anyone could hope for, could, for some unexplicable reason, not win against sleaze and corruption.

I learned that there are attorneys and jurors and media figures who care not one whit for the law or truth and integrity.

In fact, I learned the true meaning of "Evil shall be called good, and good shall be called evil."

I learned that my priorities were sorely out of order; that it was a mistake to spend time on a problem I had no power to solve, that I should have been spending on my own family.
God bless Jeff Ashton, Linda Drane Burdick and Frank George, and Yuri Melich too, for working so hard and sacrificing for little Caylee. They are the true heroes in this case. All I did is sit here and somehow feel like I was part of something important, while neglecting my own duties.

I learned that it has become even more important to me than ever before, to teach the little ones under my care, right from wrong, and that lying is unacceptable to me and that I will never cover for them.
Because I learned that a twisted version of "unconditional love" is not love at all, but a license to kill.

I learned that I will never again be part of a case like this, unless there is something I can truly to do help, such as search for a missing child, or fight to pass laws which could rewrite our justice system.

I learned that I am done with any part of following true crime. Although I have "met" some incredibly intelligent and mentally stimulating people here on this forum, that it is not healthy for me to care so much.

I learned that the only thing that gives me comfort just now, is to know that God is still God; He is in control; those involved in this travesty of justice, from Casey down to the people who enabled her and those who were not willing to do what it takes to stop her now, will be dealt with by a Judge who sees all, knows all, and cannot be swayed from eternal justice.


I feel exactly as you do. Time to unplug. Time to take care of my little corner of the world. In the end, that's really all we have anyway. Look at the small picture and be a "star" in your own world. Change lives in your own world. Pray for the ones who still believe in justice.
I now feel about Casey Anthony the exact same way I feel about the "super stars" in Hollywood who make the news daily with their distorted lives and take on reality. They have no impact on MY WORLD. I am responsible for me and mine. That's all really. That's all I can do in my short time here on this earth.
In the end, all I really want to hear is: WELL DONE THY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT. WELL DONE.
I feel like right now it's too soon to move on. The verdict came in less than 24 hours ago, and we all have so much to say about it. WS is the place to express our feelings, and to also read what others think about it.

I believe that this forum should be archived in a few months; 2012 at the latest. Every forum here is for an unsolved case. This isn't an unsolved case because we know what happened to Caylee no matter what the verdict was. We shouldn't treat it as one. Eventually, this won't be the top story on the news. It will be brought up whenever Casey does something "newsworthy" and I don't think we should all be here discussing that. If there's a book released about the case, we can discuss it in that forum. We can have a thread in The Parking Lot for just general discussions, like we do for Scott Peterson. But I don't think the forum should be here since it will just be filled with discussions about Casey's new life and her TV interviews, etc etc.
I am so drained from following this for 3 years...part of me just wants to walk away from websleuths. But i know there will be more Caylees that deserve our time and attention. Hoping time and stepping back for awhile will eventually give me more strength.
But really how are we helping? I dont mean to be a debbie downer, but it didnt help Caylee. We have no control over trial cases. Now missing people, yes, we can help, but if a prep goes to trial there is nothing anyone can do but the lawyers, witnesses, and the jury.
I'm actually wondering if we didn't cause the verdict by following the case so closely. If the jurors had no idea who ICA was or what the details of the crime were, they may have followed their guts the way we all did when we first heard of the 31 days. I really believe we may have made things worse.
GA and CA wouldn't have gained financially and neither would ICA. TES would have been embraced by the As perhaps and found Caylee before she was submerged in the swamp. No celebrity legal types would have flocked to her defense and Baez wouldn't be a hero, he'd be disbarred.
I won't be following any more 'cases' any time soon. The idea that Misty C is spending 20+yrs in prison for selling a few tabs RX drugs to cops disguised as adult junkies while ICA walks free to kill again, frankly sickens me. I'm not saying MC is innocent, but she's a far cry more sympathetic a character than ICA will ever be IMO.
The legal system is based on what can be proven, not what is true and that is very very sad in terms of justice.
I have only been following this case for a year. But, to all you 2 years people, well done for making sure that little girl had people who do care about her. Its been a privillage to talk and read about this trial with you all.

When I first read about this trial, it was on acandyrose a brilliant website. There was impartial evidence there. I still found guilt in every wird I read and reread there.

I dont want to say goodbye to caylee, but I feel so let down and so completely sad and I had to reread those press reports when I woke this morning.

RIP little caylee, we all love you very much
I posted the below last night. And I still mean every word. I WILL turn this travesty into a positive. I will do something to show that Caylee's life meant something. I have to somehow make sense of the universe again. I have to believe that everything happens for a reason even if I can't make sense of it. I have to have faith that God has a plan and that he will somehow and someway make this wrong right again. Remember that even though Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman didn't get their justice God still allowed it to work out in the end. OJ is still sitting in a 8x6 cell for the rest of his life.

My post from last night:

I've bawled most of today as I'm sure that most of you have as well. It's clear that Caylee will never get the justice she deserves (at least not in this life I'm certain she will when Casey starts her next life).

After I left work today I went and purchased 4 purple balloons for release. I wrote Caylee's name and that I would always remember my promise to her. Once I got home I released the balloons into the bright blue California sky.

I know the verdict and sadness that Caylee was failed even in death has shaken us all but we can try to make this miscarriage of justice into a positive.

I have never had a problem serving on a jury (I"ve never been selected due to working in the legal field myself) but I know many of you have heard others complain about jury duty, if you haven't complained about it yourself. What we can do is that each time we are called to jury duty, remember Caylee Marie. Each time we hear a family member or friend complain about jury duty, remind them of Caylee Marie. The justice system is only as good as those who swear to uphold it as jurors. Maybe it wasn't the justice system that failed today maybe we failed it. Many of us watched the jury selection and we all saw how many people tried desperately to get out of serving on this case. If just one of us had sat on the jury we know the outcome would have been different. Maybe if one of those potential jurors who tried to get out of sitting on the case had served maybe we would have had a different outcome. We will never know. I think it's important to realize that just one person can make a difference if they serve on a jury and we should all be eager and willing to serve our civic duty.

My personal promise to Caylee as I released those balloons was the above thought and one more additional promise. Caylee Marie was taken from this life far too soon. She was only allowed to live a mere 2 1/2 years. I think it's so important to take this utter travesty and turn it into a positive. So my promise is that I acknowledge that I have been given the gift of life. I have more time to live that Caylee Marie was denied. And I'm going to do something, anything really, positive. I'm going to try and do something positive that Caylee Marie might have done had she had the opportunity to live longer. My Bella Vita pledge to Caylee Marie is to do something positive and "beautiful" in her memory. To let her know that her life meant something, no matter how little she was on this Earth. I'm not sure what that something is but I will do it.

I encourage each of you to also follow with your own Bella Vita pledge to her.

Tonight I've struggled to understand why God would allow this to happen. I've struggled to understand the universe and how what happened today makes any sense at all. I've had to come to the realization that sometimes life isn't always fair and that God does have a plan and everything does happen for a reason, even if I don't understand it.
I agree with you and like you I have followed this case from the beginning- it has taken it toll- but I know that there are so many other beautiful children out there and just maybe we can help one of them really find justice. This case is disturbing sad and sickening, but that is not the fault of the others that are out there somewhere, alone with no one fighting for them. I am just trying to take a bad bad bad situation and turn it into a positive one

Considering all the evidence, the prosecutors, LE, experts, etc....

If they couldn't get justice for Caylee, how could we possibly help anyone? :(
I, too, want to start moving towards putting this sad case behind me. We all cope and heal in different ways. I began today by deleting about 75 photos I had gathered during the case when we were working on the Anthony house floorplan. It was good to delete them and free my mind and my computer from these reminders. Yes, time to enjoy the time that used to be spent discussing this case. That, I look forward to.
It's not time for ME to move on. I'm going to sit right here and fume until some kind of justice occurs for this precious little girl. Even if the only justice she ever gets is that thing who gave birth to her can't show her face in public without a crowd calling her out.

That's just how I roll.
I fell in love with baby Caylee before I ever saw her face. My two oldest daughter's called me to ask me if I had heard of the story of the two and a half year old child who was missing for 31 days before her grandma reported her missing. I just could not comprehend this. For days I could only think, how do you have a baby come home from the hospital to live in your home for 2 1/2 years and not see her for 31 days, not know where she is. My heart just went out to this sweeet little angel. I had not heard of this story, I hadn't watched NG in years. But the next time NG came on I watched her, and I have been attached to baby Caylee for three years. I have lost all faith in our justice system. I need to walk away from all of this for awhile. I was a CASA for years, I saw first hand how our justice system has failed our most innocent. I wonder how our country can get so involved in what other countries do with child abuse but ignore what is going on here in the USA. I'm burned out! I know as I am typing this there is a child being abused/murdered. But I just can't do this any more. Not right now. I wish to all who do chose to continue to stay involved the very best!
I don't know where to put this...but I really don't like coming to my favorite place (Websleuths) after yesterday verdict and find a smiling, hugging Casey on the front, this is Caylee's threads...can we have a picture of Caylee instead??. JMO
I will not follow this case on any media outlet other than WS, will not buy any books, watch any movies. I am done with all of them. They will get a visit by KARMA one day and she will certainly not be nice when she gives them all she has to give. These case is done, the verdict was wrong, but there is nothing else that can be done to get justice for this baby girl, that apparently strangers cared more for than her own family. Very sad indeed. I will spend most of my time on WS reading/helping on other missing children. ICA does not deserve one more second of my time.
I'm moving on to the 2 hour Jaycee Dugard special this Sunday(I think) and am filling my head with a life story that has a better ending.
I think it's best to leave it up to the individual as to whether or not it's time to move on. Many people were emotionally invested in Caylee's story. It's not easy to just let go of the love you feel for her. Even though we didn't know her. To call it obsession... I have no comment. Caylee's case is very personal for me as I was still recovering from postpartum psychosis when it came to light. The verdict brought out many motherly emotions for me.

Given time many of us will find ourselves in a better place to give of our hearts so generously again. I will honor and offer my support to those who are able to move on and those who wish to sit with me and continue to mourn Caylee and the verdict which (imo) denied her justice.
I am sure this wont be a popular thread, but as most of you I am sickened by the verdict, but it is time for us as a group to stand up for another child the way we have for Caylee. There are so many missing and murdered children still out there, so in honor of her lets try to help another.

I would love to but I have been here too long and I am a bit burned out. I need a break for a bit. God bless all of you and bless our sweet little Caylee.
It will be a very long time if ever I recover from this. I still can't believe it and neither can a good portion of our country and outside it seems.
All I can think of is her walking free tomorrow and saying to herself "I am such a good liar" It makes me sick, I hate that this happened, I really do because I have lost some faith here and I know I am not alone.
This will be something that I will take my time getting over. And Im pretty sure that my tears won't dry for some time.

But I find some faith and comfort in what some of you guys are saying. No matter how hard or even impossible it may seem, I would want to find something positive out of this. That seems impossible right now...very impossible.

But I can't and wont leave WS. You guys have taught me so very much in the last three years...and some of you have even personally written me messages of support when I've written about The Soldier being deployed or another military move or even something as simple as re-connecting with my birthmother...and in this time of dire saddness....the only place that I feel comfortable coming to right now is here, with other mourners.

There are other cases and will be other cases. I will follow some of them and I will pray for those who are missing or did not or will not get justice. I will do what I can from my lazy-boy in Savannah, GA to support and help and pray for those people who have threads here.

I do think The Soldier is happy to have me back, though. He didn't follow the case but was a saint the past couple of weeks when i dominated the tv and conversation. But he did put his arms around me yesterday when I was bawling...

It'll be awhile...and Im not sure if i will call it moving on...I'll always keep Caylee in my heart.
Thanks Chckmate22....no need to delete, imo....maybe this has helped some people talk about this?

I just need to say that the phrase "get over it" has to be one of the most unhelpful and even hurtful things a person can say. Esp. if you have lost a person you love. I support those of you that have had to deal with that and I am sorry.

Please please understand I have NEVER said "get over it", I said time to move on..I know from personal experience from the loss of my own daughter 15 years ago ..I WILL NEVER get over it..I was just trying to maybe see if there wasnt something that we could do to take our energy and help someone else..that was it I am sorry if offended anyone

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