Welcome, and glad you are no longer a lurker. That's a great story and I'm glad you take the time to tell your daughters about the illegal behaviour of some people and what these peeps can do. I have 5 grandchildren, three are girls (the twin boys are too young) and I talk and talk and talk to them about all of the difference situations. I often get the eye rolls, but I don't care. It worries me sick about all the nuts out there, and given the opportunity, what they would do to our little children!
Thanks for the welcome! I also have twin daughters, they are 15. Sometimes I wonder if I share too many horror stories, until I turn on the news and see brand new things everyday. They think I am "too protective". I think if they think that, I am doing my job. I just tell them I only have one of each of them and I need to protect it, just like they do with their cell phones, game systems, etc. Seems to quiet them. But I still get the eye rolls.