Timmy & Chelsea Croslin; and the hours before Haleigh went missing.

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i also want an interview with aunt elise.. i still can't figure out if she actually went to the home that night with AS. and if she did, why? if she didn't, why didn't she care that her name was dropped as potentially one of the last people to see haleigh?
bbm, where was that said?
bbm, where was that said?

it wasn't said anywhere.. i was stating it as a question.. maybe i didn't phrase it right.

i don't know how to phrase it actually. i was saying i would like her to be questioned about that night. if she was there, why? if not, why wouldn't she come out and say she wasn't there?
I see what you're saying, however LE said that Ron picked HaLeigh up. Misty, Ron and Teresa all said Ron picked HaLeigh up. Also as far as other people, Art Harris reported some said Ron picked HaLeigh up and that he spoke to a couple who said Misty picked her up. JMO I think the couple that said Misty were mistaken, they saw Chelsea imo.

IIRC.. Schauland, the spokesperson for PCSO is the one who stated Ron C picked up Haleigh and IIRC his statement was based on information Ron C and his mother had given to PCSO.. IMO Misty, Ron, and Teresa are not reliable witnesses..And IMHO same applies to AS and Chelsea..They are not reliable witnesses... None are..

Also, IF Art Harris reported some other people also stated Ron C picked up Haleigh, who are these other people? WHY didn't he name who the other people were who claimed Ron C picked up Haleigh? And WHY didn't he interview them and post their interview on his site like he did with J. Santos...JMHO
I would love to see an interview by LE with Teresa when they are asking the tough questions, maybe a list of questions compiled by us, and with Teresa connected up with a LDT, also Ron and Annette.:eek:

I would like to see a serious interview between Teresa and Pat Brown.
it wasn't said anywhere.. i was stating it as a question.. maybe i didn't phrase it right.

i don't know how to phrase it actually. i was saying i would like her to be questioned about that night. if she was there, why? if not, why wouldn't she come out and say she wasn't there?

Oh thank you, sorry, I misunderstood. I wish more information had come up regarding a lot of people's whereabouts and alibis. Timmy and Chelsea for sure, and quite a few more. For the bus, Chelsea is another one that said it was Ronald, not that it matters imo, the bus issue was covered by LE looong ago. Obviously they checked it out and then clearly stated it was Ronald, non issue, imo.
I think if we can figure out the reason Chelsea was there, it would provide some clues. Darn shame no interviewer ever asked her why she was there. :banghead:
This is the whole thing that bugs me the most...the bus stop & CC's role in the stories. Why was she there or why does she claim to have been there. Does LE believe her? MOO
This is the whole thing that bugs me the most...the bus stop & CC's role in the stories. Why was she there or why does she claim to have been there. Does LE believe her? MOO

Chelsea said she was there to pick up Austin and she didn't know if she would be getting HaLeigh too or not, but Ron was there to get HaLeigh.
Chelsea said she was there to pick up Austin and she didn't know if she would be getting HaLeigh too or not, but Ron was there to get HaLeigh.

All I can say is... What a tangle web one weaves for themselves when they practice to deceive..

Do you have a link where Chelsea stated she didn't know IF she would be getting Haleigh or not.. I find that statement quite interesting especially since Chelsea has publically stated she did not know Ron C and Misty had reunited..Seems to me I also heard Chelsea claim ALL Misty's belongings were in the van which further proves Misty and Ron had not reconciled...
Wonder what Chelsea was going to do with Haleigh IF Ronald wasn't there and she had picked Haleigh up.. Where was she going to take Haleigh IF Misty and Ronald were not reconciled...and Ron C had to go to work..Why would she even state she didn''t know IF she would be picking up Haleigh..
Wonder who asked her to pick up Haleigh or did she take it upon herself to just pick up a child of her sister-n- law's ex- boyfriend when she didn't even know her sister-n-law and the ex-boyfriend had reconciled their differences?
IMO.. Strange statement to make considering the whole situation....And lets not forget. Chelsea claims she had to take Lisa to Shands Hospital in Gainesville that afternoon/evening.. JMHO
All I can say is... What a tangle web one weaves for themselves when they practice to deceive..

BBm -Em, obviously they didn't practice enough!! haha

Do you have a link where Chelsea stated she didn't know IF she would be getting Haleigh or not.. I find that statement quite interesting especially since Chelsea has publically stated she did not know Ron C and Misty had reunited..Seems to me I also heard Chelsea claim ALL Misty's belongings were in the van which further proves Misty and Ron had not reconciled...
Wonder what Chelsea was going to do with Haleigh IF Ronald wasn't there and she had picked Haleigh up.. Where was she going to take Haleigh IF Misty and Ronald were not reconciled...and Ron C had to go to work..Why would she even state she didn''t know IF she would be picking up Haleigh..
Wonder who asked her to pick up Haleigh or did she take it upon herself to just pick up a child of her sister-n- law's ex- boyfriend when she didn't even know her sister-n-law and the ex-boyfriend had reconciled their differences?
IMO.. Strange statement to make considering the situation....JMHO

What a great post. It really just proves how convoluted their stories are. Way to go Em!
Oh thank you, sorry, I misunderstood. I wish more information had come up regarding a lot of people's whereabouts and alibis. Timmy and Chelsea for sure, and quite a few more. For the bus, Chelsea is another one that said it was Ronald, not that it matters imo, the bus issue was covered by LE looong ago. Obviously they checked it out and then clearly stated it was Ronald, non issue, imo.

i would love to know timmy and chelsea's whereabouts also. actually i would like a spreadsheet of every Croslin and Cummings family members locations at every hour from 4pm to 3am haha
I would like to see a serious interview between Teresa and Pat Brown.

Lone you are so right. This would be THE interview! The one I would not want to miss! Pat would chew her up and spit her out.
BTW, didn't Teresa also say that she picked Haleigh up? Which did she say first , she picked her up, or her son picked her up?:waitasec:'
Which of her stories is true? Maybe neither.
Whatttttttttttttttttt? You haven't started your book yet???????????????? You better get on the ball Nonnie.........:floorlaugh:

If I wrote a book on this case, no one would believe it to be true, that is if they had not heard of the case. I would have to call it fiction. And of course, I would have to change the names to protect the innocent. Wait a minute...there are no innocents except the children...:waitasec:
Bact to the private investigator that Chelsea called, little did she know that Chelsea was the one looking for the big bucks, and not really wanting to look for Haleigh.:crazy:
If I wrote a book on this case, no one would believe it to be true, that is if they had not heard of the case. I would have to call it fiction. And of course, I would have to change the names to protect the innocent. Wait a minute...there are no innocents except the children...:waitasec:
Bact to the private investigator that Chelsea called, little did she know that Chelsea was the one looking for the big bucks, and not really wanting to look for Haleigh.:crazy:

BBM..Just saying but at the present time, I'm not thoroughly convinced the above is what exactly happened...IMHO and to quote Tim Miller.. Things are not the way they seem..JMHO
Lone you are so right. This would be THE interview! The one I would not want to miss! Pat would chew her up and spit her out.
BTW, didn't Teresa also say that she picked Haleigh up? Which did she say first , she picked her up, or her son picked her up?:waitasec:'
Which of her stories is true? Maybe neither.

No, Teresa never said she picked HaLeigh up.
I would like to see a serious interview between Teresa and LE.

They'd have to frisk her first. Remember when she was at headquarters and she was tape recording them and they threw her out? I'll say one thing for Teresa, she's got moxie (a type of moxie I don't admire by the way.)
They'd have to frisk her first. Remember when she was at headquarters and she was tape recording them and they threw her out? I'll say one thing for Teresa, she's got moxie (a type of moxie I don't admire by the way.)
just out of curiosity...why would tape recording them be illegal or wrong or whatever it was? moo.
just out of curiosity...why would tape recording them be illegal or wrong or whatever it was? moo.

I can't answer that dodie, except perhaps she was asking them sensitive questions (trying to glean info about how much they knew concerning RC's involvement.) Perhaps it is against the law in FL to tape someone without their knowledge and/or consent. Anyway, she was sent packing and told not to come back. :clap::clap:
just out of curiosity...why would tape recording them be illegal or wrong or whatever it was? moo.

Hope this answers your question dodie;

All parties must consent to the recording or the disclosure of the contents of any wire, oral or electronic communication in Florida. Recording, disclosing, or endeavoring to disclose without the consent of all parties is a felony, unless the interception is a first offense committed without any illegal purpose, and not for commercial gain. Fla. Stat. ch. 934.03. These first offenses and the interception of cellular frequencies are misdemeanors. State v. News-Press Pub. Co., 338 So. 2d 1313 (1976).

Under the statute, consent is not required for the taping of a non-electronic communication uttered by a person who does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in that communication. See definition of “oral communication,” Fla. Stat. ch. 934.02. See also Stevenson v. State, 667 So.2d 410 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1996); Paredes v. State, 760 So.2d 167 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2000).

I think it's safe to say that, in this case, there would be a reasonable expectation of privacy!
I would like to see an interview of the AC man. It really doesn't matter who conducts the interview at this point--I would just like to see this guy and hear directly from him whether he saw Haleigh that evening or not, as well as his account of who else was present, what time it was, etc.

Someone mentioned in a post "what a tangled web" we weave when first we practice to deceive. IMO, that's exactly how this case evolved into the mess that it is.

In the beginning I think they were all just trying to get through one day at a time. They didn't consider anything they said coming back to haunt them later. Each little lie was probably expected to be forgotten soon and in some instances I think the liars themselves even forgot what they had initially said...which could account for some of the changing stories. Other stories probably changed when they realized their initial story was raising eyebrows.

Lies mired then all into a mudpit that they can't even "bog" their way out of. They got in so deep that each attempt to lie their way out just dug them deeper. And the fact that they did such a good job getting rid of evidence has even those who were the least involved in a position of not being able to prove it.
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