Timmy & Chelsea Croslin; and the hours before Haleigh went missing.

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Does Chelsea really think she's smart enough to eradicate her family's involvement? just explain everything away? These people & their inflated egos kill me. If she wants to help her husband, (ugh), she'd do best by keeping her mouth shut. But Chelsea keeps inserting herself into the limelight. & she got that tattoo on her foot, & has no problem showing it off. Lindsey has answered questions when asked, but has never inserted herself & tried to make herself the focal point. Chelsea's different alright.
I think she's BEEN deflecting all this time. Now that more is coming out, she's putting herself front and center in the lens of a camera to defend herself and her husband. She said early on she was up late that night doing paperwork. (Insurance papers, etc. IIRC). How could she not know the van was being taken and who was driving it if the keys were taken off the counter where she usually put them? No, Chelsea's known a lot more than she let on from the beginning. She may not have been able to put the pieces together until now but if she'd spilled her guts from the beginning, more of the pieces of the puzzle would have fit together much better as to who was doing what at what time. Once the phone records were obtained and numbers called from her phone, she's got more to say now that the info is out on a desk in the Haleigh room at Putnam County Sheriff's office. It will be interesting to see what she has to say IF asked the right questions on JVM tonight. I hope Levi is given an opportunity to throw out a couple of zingers.
I have always felt Chelsey and Timmy are up to thier you know whats in this mess. Joe stayed with Chelsey and Timmy, it was thier van with the deer blood and scratch, supposedly Misty called and talked to Timmy, Timmy and Chelsey quickly jumped ship and refuse to even visit when thier whole family is locked up and anytime things start getting stirred Chelsey is right there with paddle in hand. I definately think she is deflecting, BIG TIME!

I am with you! I always thought Chelsea and Timmy ran away when they
feared they would be investigated............
To answer the original post...yes, I think Chelsea is deflecting out of desperation. If she really believed that Ron was guilty, she wouldn't have dropped it so easily, when she was asking Misty about him, in the taped call. But, I don't blame her for being desperate. Their world is crashing down on their heads, & that goes for the Croslins & the Cummings.
I didn't hear everything Chelsea said on JVM tonight as I was getting things prepared for the Intimate Partners show later but......

I did hear Chelsea plead to Misty to tell the truth.

Either she was being honest and genuine or
she knows Misty will NEVER implicate her and Timmy or
she doesn't think Misty can watch the show and know what she said or
she knows Misty was asleep/passed out and doesn't know what happened and can't tell anyone anything or

Chelsea is a northern girl and her family is on the Cape. IIRC, she was very pregnant at the time of the incident, and once she had her third child, she and Timmy moved north where HER family was - moving with her babies - perhaps feeling more the more reliable family support was up north. I guess I've not seen that move as desperate, but rather, as a logical move, and surely an easier choice the crazier it got in Florida, IMO.

IIRC, they also invited Misty to go to Massachusetts ... Misty has said she wished she went. I have always thought that was a good move on Chelsea's part.

Now, Tommy & Lindsy's talk of moving to Belize (Central America) around the same time ... now THAT was interesting...and even more so in hindsight. THAT would have been a defensive move for someone who had just finished gig as accessory to homicide (or worse)...
Does anyone know if Chelsey is the one who told TN and GGMS about the search at the dock, that sent both of them to search the wood themselves before LE started searching the woods and water? I have always though and still do that Timmy is up to his eyeballs in this, and yes I do think that when things start getting a little hot that Chelsey is there to the rescue to throw another story out there to try and change the real focus of the case.

Grandma Flo called GGma Sykes about the search.

GRACE: Ms. Sykes, what do you think of them searching -- the police searching the St. John`s River?

SYKES: Well, evidently, they had some tip. Somebody called them. And they were down there searching. And I went down there early that morning and didn`t -- you know, they wouldn`t tell me anything. And I wasn`t -- I knew what they were searching -- you know, I knew they were looking for something participating (SIC) to Haleigh, but I didn`t really know what.

HOLLARS: I was the one that called you and told you that.

SYKES: Yes, she did. Ms. Hollars called me and told me -- she certainly did -- that she had called down here and told them what Tommy had told her. And Teresa and I went and -- over to that area and walked around all afternoon and looked in the woods over there. But of course, we didn`t find anything.


IMO, this is another time that GGma Sykes "contradicts" herself. Notice before Gma Flo gets her upset, GGma Sykes doe not mention that TN and her were there before LE. She makes it sound like when she went, LE was there. After Gma Flo calls her out, GGma Sykes admits they were there the afternoon before LE.
I'm just wondering if Chelsea is going on NG because Misty is breaking down and now she's deflecting? Just speculation on my part. Someone else may have posted this in another thread this weekend and if they have, I apologize. I haven't had a chance to read all the new posts!

Has this thought crossed anyone else's mind? I've been suspicious of Timmy and Chelsea since early in this case. :eye:

It is very clear to me Chelsea is liar. Why she is lying I have no idea but the constant changing stories is making me ill. Would she be dumb enough to do all this if her husband was involved?

I have said Tommy is the guilty party and Misty has some reason to feel responsible for a long time. Since before anyone went to jail. Since Misty took her voice test. Look at when Misty gets real upset and her voice cracks

When she talked about telling Cummings Haleigh was gone (so to me he is exempt-not a good guy and at fault for leaving Misty in charge but exempt)

When she speaks of Tommys son voice cracking why? To this degree. Could the child have some part, I doubt it. But this is his dad and Haleigh was his BF and implicating your brother in this is much more than a B and E.

Hank Sr when speaking to Misty over and over saying Tommy did not do this, he does not have the heart. Why does he do this? I did not hear him say this to Tommy about Misty. Does he fear it the truth? Misty's reaction, she does not say I know dad or your right but says in a mad way, Dad lets not talk about this now.

Tommy saying he can't let Misty go down for this. Really? If he was covering for Ron and Misty one would think he would be upset with them and would let her go down.

The most important his reaction to being accused way back when, he laughed. In stark contrast to Joe Overstreet and his tears, Tommy thought it was funny.
It is very clear to me Chelsea is liar. Why she is lying I have no idea but the constant changing stories is making me ill. Would she be dumb enough to do all this if her husband was involved?

I have said Tommy is the guilty party and Misty has some reason to feel responsible for a long time. Since before anyone went to jail. Since Misty took her voice test. Look at when Misty gets real upset and her voice cracks

When she talked about telling Cummings Haleigh was gone (so to me he is exempt-not a good guy and at fault for leaving Misty in charge but exempt)

When she speaks of Tommys son voice cracking why? To this degree. Could the child have some part, I doubt it. But this is his dad and Haleigh was his BF and implicating your brother in this is much more than a B and E.

Hank Sr when speaking to Misty over and over saying Tommy did not do this, he does not have the heart. Why does he do this? I did not hear him say this to Tommy about Misty. Does he fear it the truth? Misty's reaction, she does not say I know dad or your right but says in a mad way, Dad lets not talk about this now.

Tommy saying he can't let Misty go down for this. Really? If he was covering for Ron and Misty one would think he would be upset with them and would let her go down.

The most important his reaction to being accused way back when, he laughed. In stark contrast to Joe Overstreet and his tears, Tommy thought it was funny.
IMO I don't think CC is lying. She has talked about Haleigh ODing on RC pills before. There was no love lost between her and Ron. On JVM, she filled in the blanks that were missing and I think it makes a lot of sense. She was calm, not flustered and her pea to Misty was great.

Misty does not have any loyalty to her family. As soon as she was arrested, she turned on Tommy and had him charged with B & E on several of their neighbors. When the fight happened at the Cummings house, she had a restraining order against Tommy and her mother. Misty cares about Misty. I think that is why her dad was talking about Tommy not doing it.
IMO I don't think CC is lying. She has talked about Haleigh ODing on RC pills before. There was no love lost between her and Ron. On JVM, she filled in the blanks that were missing and I think it makes a lot of sense. She was calm, not flustered and her pea to Misty was great.

Misty does not have any loyalty to her family. As soon as she was arrested, she turned on Tommy and had him charged with B & E on several of their neighbors. When the fight happened at the Cummings house, she had a restraining order against Tommy and her mother. Misty cares about Misty. I think that is why her dad was talking about Tommy not doing it.

She has proven her own self to be a liar. Either she has a problem with memory loss[which still would not answer why she is speaking out of both sides of her mouth{i.e. lying}]...

She sang the praises of Ron up until about 6 mos ago. Even well after, as she put it "she and Ron were not on the greatest of terms". Still she sang the praises of Ron being a great dad and infact she said that even though they were not on great terms that she would BE LYING IF SHE WERE TO SAY ANYTHING OTHER THAN THE TRUTH ABOUT RON BEING A WONDERFUL FATHER[believe me I am not singing the praises of Ron, rather am only giving true&accurate accounts of Chelsea Croslin lying[and lying on way more than just 1 occasion]...
Here's one of her lies[either the following is a bold faced lie or what she spoke on JVM last night was a bold faced lie]...

As for the custody dispute, she calls it a big distraction that took the focus off finding Haleigh–and takes issue with those who accuse Ronald of being an unfit father.

“Even though we’re at odds now, because there’s a lot of stress in the family, I’m not going to lie about it,” Chelsea tells The Bald Truth. “I’ve never seen Ronald hit the kids. He’s a very good Dad, and he’s proved it. How often do you see a father get custody over a mother?”

Even before he began dating Misty, Chelsea would see him at the bus stop with Haleigh, dressed to the nines in matching outfits, “cute little bows in her hair. I was very surprised to see a single Dad be the one to get her dressed up, put her hair up…

“Haleigh was his little Daddy’s girl, completely. It’s true she wanted him to marry Misty, like she’s been saying. Long before she went
~~end snip

It's everyone's best guess or opinion of which version is the truth, but it doesn't get anymore completely contradictory in nature than what her statements are when compared...

Then on top of her singing the praises of Ron and even as stated above she is speaking about Ron&praising him, when her SIL was not even in the pic with Ron.. She prior to April had never even alluded to Ron being abusive to the kids much less being responsible for "his heart's" death..

Below she is speaking directly about Ron's work uniform and was present when they were asked to strip off all clothes including undies[Ron&Misty]for all their clothes to be taken in by LE for testing&possible evidence...

Begin snip~~
where she and Timmy joined the long line of family members for interviews, took polygraphs, and watched Ronald and Misty hand over the clothes they were wearing to police. “Ronald was wearing his company jumpsuit, like a blue work outfit that zipped up the front, and they both went in back and took off everything, including their underwear.”
End snip~~

Her words once again. Above highlighted&bolded by me in BLACK where she is giving specific details about what Ron was wearing and that it was his work jumpsuit, the color BLUE.
Then last night you have her on JVM evidently forgetting this info too that she'd already told and was singing an entirely DIFFERENT tune... Now saying that Ron's work uniform/jumpsuit was indeed ALL BLACK and goes even further with saying that it is Ron in his "black" work jumpsuit that Jr saw picking up and carrying his sister away[kids do not lie UNLIKE these adults].. Jr would've said I saw "daddy" carry away my sister, NOT a "man in black"

Chelsea is a liar, she, her very own self is the one that has proven that she is a liar.. Continuing to interject herself into a case that she supposedly is NOT involved with AND not HELPING THE CASE WITH TRUTHS BUT JUST THE OPPOSITE throwing in monkey wrenches of lies to keep everything that much harder to unravel&piece the puzzles of this case back together in order to see that justice is served in Haleigh's behalf.. Why would someone NOT involved[or had an immediate fam member that was{i.e Timmy or knows that Misty herself is the very one guilty of Haleigh's murder.. or both]

Either way Chelsea Croslin is a liar. How big of one and is she pathological? Don't know, only time will tell that but do know that she is a liar...
IMO it would have been in Chelsea's best interests to describe Ron as a pretty decent parent in the early days if she wanted to protect Misty because any of his parental shortcomings that Chelsea could have first hand knowledge of have happened while Misty was in the picture as well and the things that Ron may have done wrong reflect badly on Misty as well, who everyone wanted to portray as the perfect little Mommy. Not so perfect if she's okay with rampant drug use and other delinquent behaviors in the house and even contributes to some of that. The Haleigh-wanted-marriage bit is all about making Misty a perfect little mother figure.

But of course Chelsea is not saying very much about Ron's parenting even in the first quote, IMO. Rather bad parents get custody all the time and lots of people who hit their children do not hit them when people are watching. Cute clothes are, well, cute but some pretty awful parents have had nicely dressed children. And how does she even know that it was Ron to choose Haleigh's outfits? Didn't AB take care of the children before Ron met Misty and the grannies are said to have played an important role as well?

I'm not sure about any of the Croslin's parenting standards anyway. Did Chelsea ever report the evident drug problems that Tommy, Ron and Misty had to the child protection services?
I get the impression that Chelsea is trying to convince herself as much as she's trying to convince the rest of us.
I wish someone would ask Chelsea "So Misty called you frantic and said Haleigh was missing...How in the world did you just go back to sleep?" Speaking for myself, there is NOONE in my phone book that could call me with such news and get that response from me. I realize that there wouldn't be much I could do but that wouldn't stop me from getting in my car and going to try and do something, to help look, to offer some support, something, anything ANYTHING other than roll over and go back to sleep and I don't care what time it was.
IMHO..I'm thinking Chelsey may have lied about the od theory. She knows Haleigh did not die from an overdose on Green Lane.. Timeframe she gave about the fight over the phone with Ronald Cummings and the reason for the fight doesn't add up with GGMS being at the MH that night...

She seemed quite certain when she stated Ronald Cummings knew his daughter was deceased when that 911 call was made though and when she told the world that MH was staged to make it look like Haleigh had been abducted..
So I suspect Chelsey knows alot more that she has been willing to reveal thus far...JMHO
IF either Timmy or her were aware of what happened and helped in any way she will deflect from that information being revealed..
Misty said two people involved one they cared about alot the other not so much... I'm thinking Timmy is the one they both love...and Tommy, not so much..
Do I believe either of them killed Haleigh? No.. Ronald Cummings gets my vote..JMHO
I agree wholeheartedly. Ron did the deed and ORDERED the Croslin clan to clean up the loose ends while he was at werk. This is strictly my opinion. Furthermore, and my opinion only-no facts, TN helped Ron with the plan.

Below she is speaking directly about Ron's work uniform and was present when they were asked to strip off all clothes including undies[Ron&Misty]for all their clothes to be taken in by LE for testing&possible evidence...

Begin snip~~
End snip~~

Her words once again. Above highlighted&bolded by me in BLACK where she is giving specific details about what Ron was wearing and that it was his work jumpsuit, the color BLUE.

Then last night you have her on JVM evidently forgetting this info too that she'd already told and was singing an entirely DIFFERENT tune... Now saying that Ron's work uniform/jumpsuit was indeed ALL BLACK and goes even further with saying that it is Ron in his "black" work jumpsuit that Jr saw picking up and carrying his sister away[kids do not lie UNLIKE these adults].. Jr would've said I saw "daddy" carry away my sister, NOT a "man in black"


I really don't see the big difference between the color of the work jumpsuits.
The blue could have been navy blue, when in the darkness of the trailer looked black.

I really don't see the big difference between the color of the work jumpsuits.
The blue could have been navy blue, when in the darkness of the trailer looked black.

Baxter, I too am ready to go along with the small difference in describing a piece of clothing as navy blue and black. It seems to me Chelsea was trying to describe something "dark in color."

I think anyone who has tied to match up men's black or dark blue socks as pairs is familiar with how easily they can appear alike. jmo
Tonight Chelsea Croslin, Profiler Pat Brown and homicide prosecutor Donna Pendergast discuss the Haleigh Cummings case @ 9 PM ET!

Also, I have confirmed that Teresa Neves made rude remarks to Lisa Croslin after court & that Annette Sykes made a hand gesture of a gun and said "bam bam bam" and pointed at Flo Hollars, Flo's daughter & Lisa Croslin.

Listen here: http://tobtr.com/s/1299850
Also, I have confirmed that Teresa Neves made rude remarks to Lisa Croslin after court & that Annette Sykes made a hand gesture of a gun and said "bam bam bam" and pointed at Flo Hollars, Flo's daughter & Lisa Croslin.

Can't help but say it...what a bunch of classy people.
levi why dont they press charges this is severe threats..im sure they would if it was opp..and also tc and mc need a good lawyer if not there going down for rc..tc and mc dont no where hc is imo they have been told theyll be the ones to go down because they dont no.
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