Titanic tourist sub goes missing in Atlantic Ocean, June 2023

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What’s throwing me off is if they’re directed via text from the mothership, how is the mother ship tracking them in order to be able to tell them where to go? If they did have some sort of tracking, did that fail? Or are they just blindly giving directions hoping they’re following them exactly and not pushed off course at all?
are there moving parts on the vessel that would make a sound? presumably the occupants would be conserving oxygen and not exerting themselves?

I suppose it wouldn't really matter which it was if it resulted in finding the vessel and they were still alive.

I’d be hard pressed to take something to make me sleep in such a situation. (Too much WS?) I would automatically assume they intend for me to sleep sleep, so they could have my air.

I do wonder what the conversations have been and how the tourists are dealing with CEO and his profit over safety death trap.

I've been thinking about this all morning. Nobody could predict how they might react in this situation but at some point I would think each man would realise that the air would last longer if he was the only one breathing it, which is a horrifying thought, but self preservation is a strong human instinct, and add to that the possibility of going stir crazy, or the thought that one of your fellow passengers could start to panic and consume air faster, I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that if the sub is recovered, not everyone on board might be still breathing :(.

Obviously I hope that they are found safe and sound, but if not I can only hope that they didn't suffer.

Another harrowing tale from a trip in the sub.
Thank you. From the article:

“'You need strong nerves, you mustn't be claustrophobic and you have to be able to sit cross-legged for ten hours,' Loibl says. 'It must be hell down there. There's only 2.50 meters of space, it's four degrees, there's no chair, no toilet.'

When he did read the Titanic, however, he described a sense of euphoria.

With Loibl inside, the Titan travelled around the wreck of the Titanic twice, and once even touched down on its deck, he said, before making the return journey.”

I take it that means it’s 4°C within the sub.

He also is confirming the captain went against the rules and touched down on its deck. That could destroy the Titanic but more importantly would risk the sub falling through the floor of the wreckage and getting stuck.

My impression is that the captain was interested in putting on a show for the paying customers and was being incredibly risky.
Well dammit, let’s have one then! I believe. I believe. I believe. Say it all together folks. Please. It’s kinda now or never. I first started reading the thread, of course I believed they would be okay. Good grief, I thought, they don’t even need a miracle. They got the whole damn world looking for them. Then I went out to tell my husband, and instantly my hopes dropped. You would have just had to be here the last 48 years. Ok, I’m facing reality now. They were doomed before they started. Then just now, he came up to me and said ‘ya know, they just might make it.‘ I said no, ya think? ‘But seriously they still have a chance, I think’ he said. Well, if the most pessimistic man in the whole world thinks we can hope for a miracle than certainly I can stand up for what I believe in. Miracles. ❤️

At the moment we can think of it like Schrodingers cat I guess, for a few more hours at least.

Another harrowing tale from a trip in the sub.

He mentions you have to be able to sit cross-legged for 10 hours, without standing. Given the time, that puts the passengers at risk of blood clots in their legs, which then travel to the heart & lungs.
Shortly before the sub was launched, Loibl says the bracket of the stabilisation tube - used to provide balance as the craft descends into the depths fell off the vessel.

'That was reattached with zip ties. That didn't worry me,' he tells Bild.

The part about the sub going around the Titantic and at one point touching down on the deck was both interesting and also disgusting to me. Could the sub have made it down to the Titanic and then got caught up in the ship somehow. This disgusts me because it's not for "research' but for thrill seeking.
What’s throwing me off is if they’re directed via text from the mothership, how is the mother ship tracking them in order to be able to tell them where to go? If they did have some sort of tracking, did that fail? Or are they just blindly giving directions hoping they’re following them exactly and not pushed off course at all?
I have no idea, but at this point, it really wouldn't astound me too much to find out they were using an ouija board. So much of this venture seems to have been held together with zipties and blind boneheaded optimism, rather than actual science.

The part about the sub going around the Titantic and at one point touching down on the deck was both interesting and also disgusting to me. Could the sub have made it down to the Titanic a thennd got caught up in the ship somehow. This disgusts me because it's not for "research' but for thrill seeking.
Pretty sure the touching down on the deck was very illegal, though I'm sure they'd claim if asked that it was an accident or didn't happen at all. As far as I know, they're not meant to get that close to the wreck, both for their own safety and for the preservation of the site.

Shortly before the sub was launched, Loibl says the bracket of the stabilisation tube - used to provide balance as the craft descends into the depths fell off the vessel.

'That was reattached with zip ties. That didn't worry me,' he tells Bild.


Honestly, the more I read about this thing, I think it's likely we'll soon see a YT video "How To Make Your Own Submersible - All made from Dollar Tree items!!"

Here's more information about the five people whose lives are at stake as the international community focuses on finding them and bringing them home alive; as their wives, children, parents, friends and colleagues from around the world wait with hope that today will bring the miracle that we have all been waiting for.

Everything else can wait, none of it is important right now. The lives of these individuals, the expertise of the searchers, and the love and prayers of their families is all that matters.

Shortly before the sub was launched, Loibl says the bracket of the stabilisation tube - used to provide balance as the craft descends into the depths fell off the vessel.

'That was reattached with zip ties. That didn't worry me,' he tells Bild.

I'm sorry, what?!?! Last I checked, zip ties aren't built to withstand water pressure of 400 atmospheres (6,000 PSI) -- the equivalent of 35 elephants standing on it.
Well dammit, let’s have one then! I believe. I believe. I believe. Say it all together folks. Please. It’s kinda now or never. I first started reading the thread, of course I believed they would be okay. Good grief, I thought, they don’t even need a miracle. They got the whole damn world looking for them. Then I went out to tell my husband, and instantly my hopes dropped. You would have just had to be here the last 48 years. Ok, I’m facing reality now. They were doomed before they started. Then just now, he came up to me and said ‘ya know, they just might make it.‘ I said no, ya think? ‘But seriously they still have a chance, I think’ he said. Well, if the most pessimistic man in the whole world thinks we can hope for a miracle than certainly I can stand up for what I believe in. Miracles. ❤️
Yup....NEVER loose faith, even in the darkest hour. I've seen, as many others, miracles ... children in the jungle saved, children in a cave, a three year old watched over by a bear for days, trapped miners, kidnapped victims, the list is endless.

Keep the faith, prayers and visions of a positive outcome.

Pretty sure the touching down on the deck was very illegal, though I'm sure they'd claim if asked that it was an accident or didn't happen at all. As far as I know, they're not meant to get that close to the wreck, both for their own safety and for the preservation of the site.


The CEO Stockton Rush reminds me of the businessman who created the extremely dangerous and poorly designed 168 ft water slide, Verruckt, that decapitated a 10 yr old boy. He was the son of a state legislator who voted to abolish regulations for amusement park rides. The slide even failed safety tests, with sleds going 70 mph and sandbags used instead of humans going airborne. They still opened the ride to the public. No one was prosecuted or punished.


Scroll down and click on “live map”:

I'm sorry, what?!?! Last I checked, zip ties aren't built to withstand water pressure of 400 atmospheres (6,000 PSI) -- the equivalent of 35 elephants standing on it.
But they're innovators! It's fine!

(Also pretty sure plastic would get very brittle at that depth due to the extreme cold. Coincidentally, the poor quality steel getting brittle in the very cold Atlantic waters was likely one of the big contributors to the severity of the original disaster.)

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