GUILTY TN - Benjamin Shook for kidnapping, rape of 14yo girl, Surgoinsville, 2015

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so if he planned it for that long, why didn't he have proper supplies? they had to survive on berries & apples & creek water
Well, it's about time !!

Question: Do scent tracking dogs lose their ability in the state of Virginia ?

This case makes me question whether those abilities are genuine or just urban myths. It may turn out these dogs are just really expensive pets for LE to carry around in their K9 SUV's.

they had a lot of storms - that impedes their ability
I think she should do some volunteer work with runaways & at-risk youth. She could give some speeches as cautionary tales. I think she's well-spoken & could help prevent other teenagers from falling prey to online predators.
Not my call, but I completely disagree with any child in a situation like this being interviewed by the any soon after her recovery.

And...the house sitter rocks..a lot of people would be fearful of getting involved.

I have to disagree!
This girl planned this for months. thank God it ended the way it did.
Parents need to hear this from her mouth. Other kids need to hear this..
time to get vocal it happens way to much. All these girls running away with these guys
This is somewhat OT but I find it extremely disturbing to see the same story being told over and over again about young girls finding guys on the internet on various sites that are frightening beyond belief!

In Ontario a new Sex Education curriculum is being introduced into the school system. There is great controversy surrounding what is being taught and when and I'm not going to get into that piece of the curriculum, which is being taught at a fairly early grade, is INTERNET SAFETY!

I believe, UNFORTUNATELY, that this is a very necessary piece of the curriculum and unfortunately I think it's something that has been missed with the spread of the internet.

Part of the sex ed controversy is what is being taught and the age and should it be the schools or parents.

I do not have children but I understand how so many of today's teenagers think they know everything and that their parents are over protective. The Internet has opened up a whole new avenue for pedophiles that has proliferated beyond belief.

Maybe Internet Safety with a view to sexual safety should be taught in schools. To be honest I'm for anything that makes kids sit up and take notice and not believe everything that they see on the internet.

I'm so sad that this keeps happening.
I think that all of us including children have this perceived notion that we are all invincible. Or We will not be caught. Maybe as adults we may consider the consequences of our actions a little longer. But even then we may not always make the best choice. That gray matter that is tucked away in our skull is still on the developing stage for H and all the other H's out there. We can sit as judge and jury from a distance because we have learned from our mistakes.

I think as long as the THRILL factor remains so strong young people will continue to make poor choices. I do not have the answer. I will never face this because at my stage in life (60) my chances of raising a child or a teen for that matter are nil. It takes bravery and a strong sense of the Divine to enter those waters
The internet is, has, and always will be dangerous. I used aol to talk to strangers when I was the ripe old age of 13 in the 90s. I remember my dad grounded me for about 3 months when he found out I was making calls to New York and Minnesota.

Now, I wasn't going to tell my story, but I think it is VERY relevant. I was 16 or 17 and talked to a guy online that told me he was 25. He lived in NY and would listen to me complain about my family, give me advice, etc. I trusted him a lot and he was always very kind to me. I ended up having very strong feelings for this man.

One day I got very upset with my parents and he told me that the train near my house goes directly to his hometown in NY (I'm in MD) and that I could always find "refuge" with him if I wanted. I started looking at prices and saving my money, but I didn't have a high paying job and couldn't afford it at that time. He sent me $50 to help me save up. Then he admitted to me he wasn't 25 like he said, he was 40.

Now.....I was 17 and he was 40. Once I found out he had lied to me, I was upset and stopped planning my trip, but continued to talk to him. I ended up joining the military and lost touch with him about a year later.

Looking back, EW. That guy was creepy and disgusting. But my point is, this kind of stuff could happen to ANYONE. I wasn't slutty, I wasn't a runaway, and I wasn't a delinquent. I simply needed someone to talk to, and found him in a chat room. He could have really hurt me if I had the money for that train ride. I know divine intervention kept my butt at home. (And lack of money obvi.)

The internet is dangerous business. Kik messenger is just a modern-day chat room. Getting rid of these apps won't make these people go away; they will find their way to kids regardless.
This is somewhat OT but I find it extremely disturbing to see the same story being told over and over again about young girls finding guys on the internet on various sites that are frightening beyond belief!

In Ontario a new Sex Education curriculum is being introduced into the school system. There is great controversy surrounding what is being taught and when and I'm not going to get into that piece of the curriculum, which is being taught at a fairly early grade, is INTERNET SAFETY!

I believe, UNFORTUNATELY, that this is a very necessary piece of the curriculum and unfortunately I think it's something that has been missed with the spread of the internet.

Part of the sex ed controversy is what is being taught and the age and should it be the schools or parents.

I do not have children but I understand how so many of today's teenagers think they know everything and that their parents are over protective. The Internet has opened up a whole new avenue for pedophiles that has proliferated beyond belief.

Maybe Internet Safety with a view to sexual safety should be taught in schools. To be honest I'm for anything that makes kids sit up and take notice and not believe everything that they see on the internet.

I'm so sad that this keeps happening.

I was involved as a witness to a case of an online predator/pedophile back in 1993 (yes, TWENTY-TWO years ago) and internet safety was already being taught back then by LE and other professionals that were already investigating this crap online. In fact I still have a flier from one of the detectives. He used to hold seminars with other LE in the US and Canada to train officers and agents how to investigate and teach about safety especially for kids online (keep the pc in the family room, time limits, know your kids passwords, use net filters, etc.) It's not as if online safety isn't being taught, it's that many teens don't CARE.

They don't take it as serious as it is, just as they shine on warnings about underage drinking and all the other things teenagers do that end up being really BAD decisions.
Benjamin Shook pleads not-guilty in connection to AMBER Alert


After pleading not guilty, the defense claimed that Shook suffers from some sort of mental defect that hinders his understanding of the proceedings. Therefore, Judge Clifton Corker ordered Shook to undergo a forensic evaluation for mental health.

[emoji19] news/34205708

Sent from my celery phone using Tapatalk.
Benjamin Shook pleads not-guilty in connection to AMBER Alert


After pleading not guilty, the defense claimed that Shook suffers from some sort of mental defect that hinders his understanding of the proceedings. Therefore, Judge Clifton Corker ordered Shook to undergo a forensic evaluation for mental health.

[emoji19] news/34205708

Sent from my celery phone using Tapatalk.
Too late to edit. Here is a direct link...oops

Sent from my celery phone using Tapatalk.
Quite righteous for the Defense to claim mental defect for Mr. Shook. No one without a screw loose would plan with a vulnerable child an escape into the wild with so few resources. A very convenient defense. There are thousands of people with cognitive difficulties with hearts of gold who would think about the safety and protection of a child not to isolate them from the ones who offer their greatest source of protection:home.
The internet is, has, and always will be dangerous. I used aol to talk to strangers when I was the ripe old age of 13 in the 90s. I remember my dad grounded me for about 3 months when he found out I was making calls to New York and Minnesota.

Now, I wasn't going to tell my story, but I think it is VERY relevant. I was 16 or 17 and talked to a guy online that told me he was 25. He lived in NY and would listen to me complain about my family, give me advice, etc. I trusted him a lot and he was always very kind to me. I ended up having very strong feelings for this man.

One day I got very upset with my parents and he told me that the train near my house goes directly to his hometown in NY (I'm in MD) and that I could always find "refuge" with him if I wanted. I started looking at prices and saving my money, but I didn't have a high paying job and couldn't afford it at that time. He sent me $50 to help me save up. Then he admitted to me he wasn't 25 like he said, he was 40.

Now.....I was 17 and he was 40. Once I found out he had lied to me, I was upset and stopped planning my trip, but continued to talk to him. I ended up joining the military and lost touch with him about a year later.

Looking back, EW. That guy was creepy and disgusting. But my point is, this kind of stuff could happen to ANYONE. I wasn't slutty, I wasn't a runaway, and I wasn't a delinquent. I simply needed someone to talk to, and found him in a chat room. He could have really hurt me if I had the money for that train ride. I know divine intervention kept my butt at home. (And lack of money obvi.)

The internet is dangerous business. Kik messenger is just a modern-day chat room. Getting rid of these apps won't make these people go away; they will find their way to kids regardless.

Thanks for sharing your story with us, CD82.

OkieGranny, thanks for all your updates in all of these cases. I've been catching up here on the WS night shift and reading all of your updates in various cases/threads. Much appreciated.

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