Match! TN - Campbell Co, HispFem 2097DFSC, 35-45, Jan'97 *Ada Torres Smith*

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Oh, please keep us updated. The tatoos are just too much of a match not to be's hoping for closure for the family.
mysteriew said:
Usually if there is an unidentified body found police will look at missing in their immediate area. They may notify others in the region. But that is about where it goes. That is why Doe Network got started, to provide a place for families who are searching to have a place to look.
There really isn't any excuse. If someone snatches someone or murders and wants to dump a body , for instance, they could be taken two states away in less than 4 hours. Within 24 hours they could be taken to a whole different area of the country. But no one would look outside the immediate area.
I would think LE would cross reference a database in neighboring states....Especially with something as identifing as the tattoos!!
What awesome detective work teo....To be able to possibly put a families ordeal to an end.
I actually looked at this again yesterday.... any updates? I told my students about this case and they are bugging me to see if LE got back to you. greaT SLEUthing- please tell us if you have heard anything.

I'll be shocked if it isn't a match, how did you come across that?
If you haven't heard anything, I would contact both law enforcement agencies again.
I tried contacting the Texas police listed under Ada's missing person page, but they have not called me back, and the lady I spoke with acted like I was some crazy person, she kept saying "Uh huh, and how did you come across this again? Umm mmmm, well I will get the detective to call you"

Someone asked how I came across it, and the answer is by chance. I was going person by person through the National Center for Missing Adults website reading, looking for things that stand out like braces or scoliosis, when I read about her tattoo and I remembered the "Ricky on thumb" from the doe network and compared them.
OK, here's my next suggestion. Print out both pages. Take them to your local police department, and ask to speak to the desk sergeant or the duty officer. Show him/her both pages, and ask them to contact the authorities listed.

Failing that, maybe we should all print them and mail them to the TN & TX authorities listed on the fliers. If they received enough copies from all over the country, maybe they would sit up and pay attention!

I just want YOU to get the credit for the discovery.
Maybe if we all printed off the two pages and faxed them to LE in our areas, maybe that would help too.

Would you be able to contact the Knoxville area newspapers and TV stations. News people usually eat this stuff up!

It has to be her. Too many similarities not to be the same person.
Wow, that's amazing! I can't wait to hear what happens :)
OMG, awesome find teonspaleprincess!!! please keep us posted and let us know if we need to start a fax and email campaign. contacting the news stations is a great idea if law enforecement won't take you seriously on something this credible.

... no more Anna Nicole threads for me, this is the kind of stuff that brought me here and this is what i need to get back to.
KT Can said:
OMG, awesome find teonspaleprincess!!! please keep us posted and let us know if we need to start a fax and email campaign. contacting the news stations is a great idea if law enforecement won't take you seriously on something this credible.

... no more Anna Nicole threads for me, this is the kind of stuff that brought me here and this is what i need to get back to.
What an awesome idea KT!!.... It's ashame how LE is literally blowing this off...even when someone has practically done all their legwork!!
Pepper said:
OK, here's my next suggestion. Print out both pages. Take them to your local police department, and ask to speak to the desk sergeant or the duty officer. Show him/her both pages, and ask them to contact the authorities listed.

Failing that, maybe we should all print them and mail them to the TN & TX authorities listed on the fliers. If they received enough copies from all over the country, maybe they would sit up and pay attention!

I just want YOU to get the credit for the discovery.
I agree. Also GREAT JOB :clap: . No doubt it's a match.
If this woman disappeared from Santee County, SC, why is the El Paso, TX PD the investigating agency listed on the doenetwork page for her?
It must be where she was found. That would be the investigating agency, but I am sure they are working together.

Teonspaleprincess, I am so proud of you! I reaqd this in the middle of the night and was to pooped to go turn on the light to post, but came back tonight to say thank you for the wonderful work you are doingt. And a Web Sleuther to boot! Neato!!!

Do we know anything more about this girl. Any newspaper articles? It would be very nice to learn more about her since she is now kind of a Websleuth friend.

scandi said:
It must be where she was found. That would be the investigating agency, but I am sure they are working together.
No. Look at the two pages at Doe. The UID woman was found in Campbell County, TN.

Details, Scandi!:blowkiss:

It looks like Texas was a typo since the doe was found in Tennessee.
hoppyfrog said:
If this woman disappeared from Santee County, SC, why is the El Paso, TX PD the investigating agency listed on the doenetwork page for her?
That is a very good question, although I'm not sure it is relevant info in finding Torres Smith. It might be that this is where her family lives and they filed her missing persons' report there?

I agree that there are a lot of similarities between the two. Good find, Teons.
What bugs me is that there is no mention of any missing teeth and partial dentures on the unidentified woman, as Ada Torres Smith is described to have. You would think they would put something like that in a description.

What bugs me even more is the reaction from LE towards Teons. Check this tip out, you ...:furious:.... ! Seriously. This kind of unresponsiveness must be a blow in the face for anyone looking for a missing loved one.
I think the next step should really be Pepper's suggestion ("OK, here's my next suggestion. Print out both pages. Take them to your local police department, and ask to speak to the desk sergeant or the duty officer. Show him/her both pages, and ask them to contact the authorities listed.")
I hope you're up for that, Teons.... Don't give up on this woman/these women just yet. :)
I found what I believe to be a match to a UID that was found locally on the Doe Network. I have been working since November 2005 to get LE to do the DNA test to see if it is a match. I have also been in contact with the family of the missing woman. They also think that it is a match. The problem that we are having is jurisdictional. Who does the DNA test, the agency with the missing person report or the agency who found a UID? Christine2448 has been working closely with someone from the agencies involved and hopefully the match will be confirmed soon.

Good find Teon, hopefully your match will be confirmed a lot sooner.

Here is the link to the match that Christine2448 and I are working on:
I like KT's idea about contacting the media....surely they would be interested in a possible solved missing persons case!!
Well, I'm severely irked that LE blew this off. :furious:

I'm going to do something. I work at a business, and there's a LE officer that comes in every morning that works in crime scene analysis for the local police department. I'm not in SC, TN or TX, but maybe if someone within the LE community sends it to them they'll listen. And I'll point her towards this thread, so she can see that our "Princess" gets the proper credit for allowing the family some peace.

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