TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

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Posted: 5:05 PM Feb 1, 2007
Last Updated: 11:40 AM Feb 8, 2007
Reporter: Whitney Daniel, WVLT Staff


The District Attorney General Randy Nichols is not saying whether or not he will seek the death penalty, but he does say the state will seek conviction for all charges filed in a 24-page indictment from the Knox County Grand Jury.

Lemaricus Davidson, 25, faces a total of 46 charges. Davidson was indicted on 16 counts of Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, 2 counts premeditated murder of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts especially aggravated robberies from Christian and Newsom, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom, and 2 counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.

Letalvis Cobbins, 24, faces a total of 46 charges. Cobbins was indicted on 16 counts of Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, 2 counts premeditated murder of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts especially aggravated robberies from Christian and Newsom, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom, and 2 counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.

George Thomas, 24, faces a total of 46 charges. Thomas was indicted on 16 counts of Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, 2 counts premeditated murder of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts especially aggravated robberies from Christian and Newsom, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom, and 2 counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.

Just last night, police in Lebanon, Kentucky, arrested 18-year-old Vanessa Coleman. She faces 40 Tennessee state charges. Coleman was indicted on 12 counts Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, 1 count Premeditated Murder of Christian only, 1 count Especially Aggravated Robbery of Newsom only, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts of aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom and 2 Counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.

Eric Boyd, 24, also arrested in connection with the fatal carjacking, only faces federal charges as an accessory after the fact. He was not indicted by Knox county grand jury.

.............................more at link........................


The five men charged with the rape and murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom will make their next court appearance on 17 May. It's safe to say that they will do so without a satellite news-link truck anywhere in sight.
I'm not particularly a fan of the "hate crime" statutes, but it obliterates the law's intent to call every crime that has perpatrators of one race, religion or sexual identity and victims of a different race, religion or sexual identity a hate crime.

There are some who would say there is an unspoken racial motivation behind all black on white or white on black crime in the United States, where the issue is ever present in our unconcious and/or conscious lives. That said, in this case, I'm failing to see a conscious hate crime as definied by the hate crime laws.

The four men in jail on these charges are well-documented criminals (wanna take a guess as to whether most of their past crimes were committed against whites or blacks or Asians or Mexicans or Moslems or whatever? - I'm betting they just stole from whoever they could steal from regardless of who the victim was).

Additionally, prior to abducting Newsome and Christian, these men had executed a rash of crimes to include burglary, home invasion and they were planning an armed bank robbery. Again - do you think that rash of crimes and that armed bank robbery they wanted to pull were dictated by a victim's color.?No way - these guys just want to get what they can for nothing and terrorize in the process. That's what they do.

Right before taking Newsome and Christian, these guys said (to the girl who has also been indicted, IIRC) "we're going out to get some money."

These are just some bad guys who have spent a good deal of time in prison and who are well-versed in violence and theft and shows of power. Are they happy to take and harm and hurt and in other ways show power over white people? - yes, absolutely. But nothing I've read convinces me that they wouldn't and haven't done the same to many others - regardless of skin color.

Newsome and Christian were in the wrong place at the wrong time and what started as an auto theft turned far more sinister under the group criminal mentality that these guys possessed. Believe me - no one would have been safe in their paths that night.

My prayers to all the families and loved ones affected by this sad event.
This was a terrible crime. I hope these people get the harshest sentence possible. It's unthinkable what they put this young couple through.


PS...Great Post Southcitymom and I agree with you. I don't think this was a 'hate crime,' other than the fact that they hated the 'haves' because they were the 'have nots.' But, I agree, this poor couple was in the wrong place at the wrong time and they met up with a group already on a crime spree. Unfortunately, almost every article you read has a racial overtone. IMHO, it takes away from the crime and the victims. This was just a horrible act, all the way around.......fran
...... IMHO, it takes away from the crime and the victims. This was just a horrible act, all the way around.......fran

Exactly. Sometimes when evil collides terribly with innocence, we strain ourselves for an outside if this could possibly make what happened more palatable.

As to why this particular crime hasn't been getting more "air time" - I'm just cynical enough to believe that crime is so rampant, there's no way that all the terrible ones can get "great coverage."
I will be waiting to see what happens at this hearing on the 17th. I honestly hope it gets some type of coverage because people need to be aware there are people out there that WILL hurt you.

Please email Nancy Grace @
& go here:
This brutal disgusting double murder case is NOT getting any coverage by the national media. It is virtually being ignored for some reason.

But it one of the most disgusting cases I've ever read.

Christopher had his penis cut off & was set on fire & then shot.

The monsters made Channon watch them do that to Christopher. Then she was gang-raped for 4 days!!!!! They took turns urinating on her. cut-off her breasts & murdered her.


Here are some links about the case:
I apologize for not posting this in the correct thread, but could not find this!

I'm just SHOCKED that the news media is not covering this. If this could happen to those two, it could happen to any of us & the public needs to know!
OMG. I just finished reading this thread and all the links. This is one of the most EVIL crimes I have ever read about.

The only comfort is that the victims are now resting in peace. I cannot imagine how their families are able to cope. :(
I was listening to Elliot in the morning this morning on DC101 and they were talking about this awful crime. He was saying that these animals have someone staging a walk for them to "celebrate" the underprivleged targeting the overprivleged whites"

I tried to go to his website but it's been blocked from my work. Can anyone get there and find the name of the person who is trying to get this walk to talk place. It sounded pretty horrific stating that it was a "celebration" on what these animals did to these two "white" kids.
I will be waiting to see what happens at this hearing on the 17th. I honestly hope it gets some type of coverage because people need to be aware there are people out there that WILL hurt you.


I think that this crime also reinforces what experts say...Do not willingly allow the criminals to take you to a second crime scene. Do everything possible to get away at the first crime scene, to include fighting for your life.

I have heard the experts say that if a criminal wants to take you to a more secluded place, it is to do you harm. You are better off fighting and possibly losing your life at the first crime scene. You most likely will have no chance of survival once you are taken to a more secluded place.
I live here in Knoxville and Channon and her family were/are members of my boss' church. Apparently Channon's family tried very hard to keep the grisly details of their daughter's death out of the news, and do not choose to discuss the manner of death or the horrors she endured at all. They are interested in projecting the image of their daughter as she was in life - caring, loving, fun, happy - rather than repeatedly having her tragic end replayed. My boss said he would assume from what they have said previously that they would be heartbroken to know people are emailing this story with all the gory details trying to get MORE media attention. I received a "forwarded" email with details never published here in our paper. I can only pray the families are not subjected to this information at every turn for the rest of their lives.

I live here in Knoxville and Channon and her family were/are members of my boss' church. Apparently Channon's family tried very hard to keep the grisly details of their daughter's death out of the news, and do not choose to discuss the manner of death or the horrors she endured at all. They are interested in projecting the image of their daughter as she was in life - caring, loving, fun, happy - rather than repeatedly having her tragic end replayed. My boss said he would assume from what they have said previously that they would be heartbroken to know people are emailing this story with all the gory details trying to get MORE media attention. I received a "forwarded" email with details never published here in our paper. I can only pray the families are not subjected to this information at every turn for the rest of their lives.


Thank you for sharing, Dawn. I certainly can't blame Channon's parents for wanting to keep the details private. I would probably want to do the same.
Apparently the "racial hate crime" title is being propogated by the people of Knoxville themselves. This is what I was talking about in an earlier post. This guy should be charged himself!!! Jacque Patrick Fitzgerald!

"Jacque Patrick Fitzgerald (Knoxville) - St. Nicolas Thief, president and founder of Black Poverty Speaks, along with many local Knoxville blacks who live in the Washington Pike area has organized a social action protest celebration championing Lemaricus Davidson and Letalvis Cobbins.

Davidson and Cobbins are the brothers and two of the five suspects charged in the carjacking, kidnapping, rape and murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.

"We're coordinating the celebration to to jive with the march angry whites are planning in memory of the victims and because of the 'media black-out' they note the case is receiving from national news networks," Thief, who is currently stationed in Knoxville, said.

"We're celebrating underprivileged Knoxville blacks who victimize privileged Knoxville whites," he added. "

They're celebrating these thugs who victimized two innocent people on a date?? WTF?
I live here in Knoxville and Channon and her family were/are members of my boss' church. Apparently Channon's family tried very hard to keep the grisly details of their daughter's death out of the news, and do not choose to discuss the manner of death or the horrors she endured at all. They are interested in projecting the image of their daughter as she was in life - caring, loving, fun, happy - rather than repeatedly having her tragic end replayed. My boss said he would assume from what they have said previously that they would be heartbroken to know people are emailing this story with all the gory details trying to get MORE media attention. I received a "forwarded" email with details never published here in our paper. I can only pray the families are not subjected to this information at every turn for the rest of their lives.


Dawn - Is there a point to the email that you received? Was it sent to warn others or to make others aware that these things do happen? Was it sent to ensure that these thugs receive the death penalty? I hope that is what they all get because they are the scum of the earth.
Apparently the "racial hate crime" title is being propogated by the people of Knoxville themselves. This is what I was talking about in an earlier post. This guy should be charged himself!!! Jacque Patrick Fitzgerald!

"Jacque Patrick Fitzgerald (Knoxville) - St. Nicolas Thief, president and founder of Black Poverty Speaks, along with many local Knoxville blacks who live in the Washington Pike area has organized a social action protest celebration championing Lemaricus Davidson and Letalvis Cobbins.

Davidson and Cobbins are the brothers and two of the five suspects charged in the carjacking, kidnapping, rape and murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.

"We're coordinating the celebration to to jive with the march angry whites are planning in memory of the victims and because of the 'media black-out' they note the case is receiving from national news networks," Thief, who is currently stationed in Knoxville, said.

"We're celebrating underprivileged Knoxville blacks who victimize privileged Knoxville whites," he added. "

They're celebrating these thugs who victimized two innocent people on a date?? WTF?
does he really think the black members of the city are safe if these sickos go free? i dont know why they picked these kids. if it is cause they are white or cause they seemed rich or maybe because they are in the wrong spot at the wrong time. i dont care. nobody is safe from true evil.
does he really think the black members of the city are safe if these sickos go free? i dont know why they picked these kids. if it is cause they are white or cause they seemed rich or maybe because they are in the wrong spot at the wrong time. i dont care. nobody is safe from true evil.

Sounds to me like this Fitzpatrick dude is trying to stir up a racial riot. I googled his name and he showed up during the Duke/Dancer episode as well.

Apparently he thinks if you're an underprivledged black person living in poverty, you have the right to attack any better privleged person.

Sounds like a real gem of a guy to me.
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