GUILTY TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #20

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
They were caught off guard and attacked by four people, with guns...they did not have a chance to let anyone know anything, or to fight them can't prevent this type of is horrifying but sometimes you just can't.

I though it was only two that car jacked them? I would have fought like hell just to try and get away even if I knew I was going to be killed.
Just to be clear I am not blaming C & C in any way either.
Well a couple of lessons:

Have a 'code word' that lets your parents know you are in danger.
Don't go with anyone even if they have a gun or knife, better off fighting to get away immediately IMO.
Don't think for one minute you will get away unharmed if they have your car and money already. They don't want witnesses.
Always be aware of your surroundings, especially at night when getting in or out of your vehicle.
Some people are just vicious, hateful, violent predators.

even if they threaten to kill you because your just going to get killed anyways.
I don't know if I could go through it all over again but if I had to I would see to it that my loved one got justice.
What was the call to the Dad? TIA

Channon called her father at 12:33 A.M. telling him that she & Chris were going to watch a movie and that she would be home at 2 or 3 in the morning.

Pros say that the couple was already kidnapped at 10:30 P.M. when the call was made.
I though it was only two that car jacked them? I would have fought like hell just to try and get away even if I knew I was going to be killed.

The ringleader's brother, Letalvis Cobbins, both in his police interview and when he took the stand, said there were 3 involved in the abduction. They were Davidson (the ringleader), Cobbins, and Eric Boyd, who was convicted in federal court of helping Davidson hide out.

David In TN
I agree guys, hindsight is of cours 20/20, but your best course of action is to fight immediately. That is your best chance of escape.

I would like to comment on the early post about no one talking about what happened to chris. That was one thing that really caught my attention through the trials. Some of the stories of the suspects matched up and gave a rough idea of what happened. But there is a huge hole in all the stories when it comes to Chris, and a huge gap in time. The testimony offered by the suspects was that chris may have briefly been brought in the house, then taken out, presumably to the RR tracks (by whom varied in the stories.) But from the timeline of the coroner, we know that isnt what happened. That fact that NO ONE will talk is evidence that what happened to Chris was indeed horrific. And I can only assume that Channon probably was witness to it.

As to the question of whethere Judge Baumgartner's alleged drug use would result in new trials, I doubt it. Even assuming the allegations are true, the defendants would have to show that they were prejudiced by his actions, made incorrect rulings or comments. I watched most of the trials and I saw/heard nothing that would indicate reversible error by the Judge. But more importantly, I'm not sure some of the defendants would want to ask for a new trial. Davidson, sure, he has nothing to lose. But the others would have to consider the possibility that a second jury could return a death sentence for them. In light of all that, I thinks it highly unlikely there would be new trials.
David in TN, I'm glad you mentioned Eric Boyd. I dont think we should allow him to be forgotten. He was almost certainly a part of the original car-jacking. His subsequent involvment is hazy, but he was certainly involved more than that just covering up the crime. For reasons not known, Boyd has gotten off lightly so far. I think the public is owed some answers on this. I have my own ideas on Boyd, but will leave that for another time.
On the show I watched last week, (Sins and Secrets?) it looked as though the attackers got into their (victims) vehicle while they were kissing and made them get into the back...not that they got out and went into another vehicle. Not sure if this is what happened?
On the show I watched last week, (Sins and Secrets?) it looked as though the attackers got into their (victims) vehicle while they were kissing and made them get into the back...not that they got out and went into another vehicle. Not sure if this is what happened?

Yes, that is what happened. IIRC, Shannon was sitting in the driver seat of her vehicle and Chris was standing outside next to her, and they were kissing. They were ambushed by at least 2 of the perps. Channon and Chris were forced into the back seat floorboard of her vehicle, one laying on top of the other.

I think it all happened so fast that Channon and Chris didn't have enough time to even think about fighting back. IMO, the carjacking took only seconds to complete. I believe they were overpowered immediately.

Just such a tragedy....
Yes, that is what happened. IIRC, Shannon was sitting in the driver seat of her vehicle and Chris was standing outside next to her, and they were kissing. They were ambushed by at least 2 of the perps. Channon and Chris were forced into the back seat floorboard of her vehicle, one laying on top of the other.

I think it all happened so fast that Channon and Chris didn't have enough time to even think about fighting back. IMO, the carjacking took only seconds to complete. I believe they were overpowered immediately.

Just such a tragedy....

OK that is what I thought and also said that I don't see where the lesson is here, in as what they could have done differently. I still don't.
OK that is what I thought and also said that I don't see where the lesson is here, in as what they could have done differently. I still don't.

What they could have done is to try and fight back, even if it was no use.

I hope and pray I'm NEVER in C & C's situation.

Your best bet always is to fight back.
How do we know they didn't try to fight back? And besides we know there were guns...Chris was shot, wasn't he? I guess they could have "chosen" to be shot to death right there instead?
OK that is what I thought and also said that I don't see where the lesson is here, in as what they could have done differently. I still don't.

In the second part of my post, I was just giving my opinion on the board discussion about fighting back. That comment was not directed to you. Sorry for the confusion.
How do we know they didn't try to fight back? And besides we know there were guns...Chris was shot, wasn't he? I guess they could have "chosen" to be shot to death right there instead?

The only thing I can offer up about fighting back is one of the defense attorneys was making the point that Chris and Channon were voluntarily at the house because there was no defense wounds on them. The ME said that people that are outnumbered and overwhelmed will not fight back and will not have defensive wounds on them. So it doesn't appear these poor kids fought back.

I've heard that fighting back and trying to get away immediately is your best bet. Once a perp takes you away from your abduction location, your chances of survival drops to something like 10 percent.
How do we know they didn't try to fight back? And besides we know there were guns...Chris was shot, wasn't he? I guess they could have "chosen" to be shot to death right there instead?

I think the idea is that "in general" it is best for a victim to fight immediately while still in a reletively public place. Now, in this instance, maybe there really wasnt a chance to do that, or that fighting might have still resulted in them being shot. But I still stand by the idea that fighting quckly is best, especially if the victim is a female, and I think we all know why. If the criminal wants to merely rob you, he can do that at the scene of the aduction. If he wants to take you somewhere else, he is clearly planning more than robbery.
I just want to add that I do agree with the experts that say to fight back and try as hard as possible to keep from changing locations.

However, IMO I do not believe Channon and Chris had the opportunity to fight back. I think they were ambushed with both weapons (a gun) and physical force. I believe the perps ran up on them and grabbed them physically, pushing them to where they wanted them in the vehicle (backseat floorboard), while holding a gun on them at the same time.

It appears Channon and Chris did not fight back, as the medical examiner testified that there were no defensive marks/wounds on them.

Just by replaying the scenario in my head, I believe there was no chance to fight back or even think about fighting back. They were overpowered and outnumbered from the get an initial attack that took only seconds to complete.

Also, I'm not saying those of you that say to fight back are blaming Channon and Chris for not fighting back. I just think in some circumstances there are no ways to fight back.
The only thing I can offer up about fighting back is one of the defense attorneys was making the point that Chris and Channon were voluntarily at the house because there was no defense wounds on them. The ME said that people that are outnumbered and overwhelmed will not fight back and will not have defensive wounds on them. So it doesn't appear these poor kids fought back.

I've heard that fighting back and trying to get away immediately is your best bet. Once a perp takes you away from your abduction location, your chances of survival drops to something like 10 percent.

The defense was trying to take a wild stab that the jury might believe that nonsense (not saying "nonsense" to you, but it was utter nonsense.) And I can't see what anyone can do it a group of people climbs right into your vehicle with you, with guns. They were trapped.

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