MOO. Wow. I don't know if I've ever seen an interview like this with the mother of a missing child. I can't seem to get a feel for her at all. My thoughts:
- She's smiling a lot. Is that a nervous smile or a liar smile?
- Who is sitting next to her? She seems to be coached or influenced by that person.
- It's so hard for my mind to imagine a person doing this interview if everything was a lie. Is there some truth to what she's saying? She looked straight at the camera at the end talking to her mom saying it's gone on long enough. That seemed more real to me.
- The way she describes Evelyn is odd. Saying she's never been mean?? Saying she pulled her hair. Just odd .
- When talking about her family not being a cult she said it's not like we're kidnapping babies. That really was odd considering her baby has supposedly been kidnapped by her mother.
IMO I'm glad she gave this interview. She just gave LE a lot more information. I hope LE just says take us to Evelyn. I feel a break is coming very soon with Grandma coming back too.