Found Deceased TN - Evelyn Boswell, 15 months, Sullivan County, 26 DEC 2019 *MOM ARRESTED* #6

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I am afraid of a media circus and a attention hungry attorney letting the media try this... another Baez would make this more frustrating for the community I think.

Legitimate fear, it’s going to be very difficult to seat a jury from this area given the magnitude of this case. I’m not sure I’ve met anyone either personally or through work that doesn’t have at least a fairly well thought out opinion on this case.

There’s enough twists, he said/she said, and finger pointing family dynamics that’s going to make this thing a struggle in court. Just really hoping LE has this thing covered from all angles and they find out precisely what happened and nail those involved to the maximum.

This makes me think about that interview with MB where she cautioned people “not to trespass” and not to touch anything that might look like what she was wearing when she was last seen. She knew she would be found like this if people went looking and her little pity-party was just an attempt in her mind to keep people away. I have my doubts that MB broke down and gave information that led to this, I really think she thought she was going to get away with this. MOO of course.
Just got home from a downtown show, saw this thread had blown up.... and there it is. Devastating. The ending we all feared.

Evelyn has been found, yet she is gone forever.

Rest in the arms of the angels, sweet baby girl.
I hadn't seen you on. I was afraid to PM with this horrible news..... At least we know that family can't hurt her anymore... poor Evelyn :(
Me too. Me too. :(. We need an entire revamp on the adoption/foster programs in this country...and safe haven laws. We need to do so much better.
I totally agree about the safe haven laws. I mentioned that earlier. These young girls need mandatory classes and information sessions when they have their babies, especially out of wedlock!
I hadn't seen you on. I was afraid to PM with this horrible news..... At least we know that family can't hurt her anymore... poor Evelyn :(

Thank you for thinking of me hdo82. This hurts. You are hurting. We all are hurting. We knew this was coming, just like it does in so many of these cases.

But the reality of a discarded child found dead.. breaks us... Every. Single. Time.
Another thing that bothers me about this - I’ve seen some speculation that this might be related to MB leaving her “things” on property at TBsr’s after her eviction.

If after EB went missing and MB refused to tell the truth about it, why didn’t the family go out there and go through those things? Do a thorough check of all the places that MB had access to or frequented? This makes the comment from Sheriff Cassidy yesterday about certain family members “ not being cooperative” really stick out. If this was any reasonable or decent human being that had a family member missing -let alone a 15 month old - I’d expect to see every stone uncovered in the search to find what happened to them. Something really is off in this and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that all of this occurred where it did.

I guess the answer is there aren’t any decent human beings in that circle. Just a pitiful shame that it cost a 15 month old their life.
Yes and that makes me feel more that she shouldn't be given the chance to be responsible for another humans well being ever again.
I said before I think MB issues are not nature but nuture and its terribly sad but IMO she knows right from wrong and she needs to own up to what she has done. Its truly horrific. Evelyn was a beautiful healthy baby and now......
I totally agree.
Another thing that bothers me about this - I’ve seen some speculation that this might be related to MB leaving her “things” on property at TBsr’s after her eviction.

If after EB went missing and MB refused to tell the truth about it, why didn’t the family go out there and go through those things? Do a thorough check of all the places that MB had access to or frequented? This makes the comment from Sheriff Cassidy yesterday about certain family members “ not being cooperative” really stick out. If this was any reasonable or decent human being that had a family member missing -let alone a 15 month old - I’d expect to see every stone uncovered in the search to find what happened to them. Something really is off in this and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that all of this occurred where it did.

I guess the answer is there aren’t any decent human beings in that circle. Just a pitiful shame that it cost a 15 month old their life.
I’m just hoping that the entire circle isn’t involved or complicit. It is easier for me to understand MB, with AB after the fact.
I’m just hoping that the entire circle isn’t involved or complicit. It is easier for me to understand MB, with AB after the fact.

I hope you are right and maybe some clarity will start to come out in the coming hours and days. But right now, I just don’t know how to process all of this and make any sense of it. To know that baby was found right there on property and chances are pretty good she had been there for some time. I just don’t get it - I don’t get why this had to happen in the first place and I don’t get why she wasn't found before now.
I don't believe TB Sr had anything to do with EB's passing. When have we ever seen a case where a grandparent is responsible for a child's death, and the mom doesn't report the child, but the grandparent DOES? OR even one where grandparent is aware of child's death and reports the missing child to authorities while simultaneously protecting the culprit he knows is guilty? Never. More likely MB buried her child on TB Sr's property without his knowledge (or AB did). Seems to me TB Sr. was the most upstanding one (that's not saying much), and the one who owned a lot of property, which he let MB live on. Yes, he had a criminal history but it seemed to me like a history of trying to keep bad elements away from his addict estranged wife (along with son). I'll be shocked if he was culpable in ANY way.
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I am broken. Truly truly broken. And I am P!55ED.

I feel like a friggin idiot. I legitimately thought this baby was still alive and just in someone else's hands, out there somewhere and someday she'd see this story and wonder if it was her we were talking about.

I'm with you. I had such strong feelings, convinced baby Evelyn was alive. I'm sure we're not alone but that fact doesn't remove what idiots we feel to be.
I don't believe TB Sr had anything to do with EB's passing. When have we ever seen a case where a grandparent is responsible for a child's death, and the mom doesn't report the child, but the grandparent DOES? OR even one where grandparent is aware of child's death and reports the missing child to authorities while simultaneously protecting the culprit he knows is guilty? Never. More likely MB buried her child on TB Sr's property without his knowledge (or AB did). Seems to me TB Sr. was the most responsible one (that's not saying much), and the one who owned a lot of property, which he let MB live on. Yes, he had a criminal history but it seemed to me like a history of trying to keep bad elements away from his addict estranged wife (along with son). I'll be shocked if he was culpable in ANY way.

Hope you are right. I’m having a hard time believing that someone didn’t search this property at some point or notice something was different/out of place. MB had access and frequented there at least at some point one would imagine.

Maybe more details will provide some insight into how she was found that would absolve any questions where that is concerned. I keep going back to the Sheriff’s comment about people not being cooperative. It sounds like at least parts of this property were searched before, would like to know why not all of it was searched. In this place where she was found, had it been searched before and if not, why not?
Hope you are right. I’m having a hard time believing that someone didn’t search this property at some point or notice something was different/out of place. MB had access and frequented there at least at some point one would imagine.

Maybe more details will provide some insight into how she was found that would absolve any questions where that is concerned. I keep going back to the Sheriff’s comment about people not being cooperative. It sounds like at least parts of this property were searched before, would like to know why not all of it was searched. In this place where she was found, had it been searched before and if not, why not?

In this article, it states "According to the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office, investigators searched the property of a family member in the 500 block of Muddy Creek Road on Friday evening after receiving new information in the case."
Community brings teddy bears, stuffed animals to Muddy Creek Rd. where TBI said they believe they have found Evelyn Boswell’s remains

I'm thinking someone told them specifically where EB was. TB Sr. owns a lot of land, with buildings, trailers, sheds, etc. so they may not have found her in previous searches. And/or she was moved there AFTER searches occurred...
I'm with you. I had such strong feelings, convinced baby Evelyn was alive. I'm sure we're not alone but that fact doesn't remove what idiots we feel to be.

You are by no means an idiot! You are a compassionate human being who hoped, believed and rooted for a baby to be alive! Hugs to you, and to everyone who had hope for a different outcome.

I shared this quote a while back on another thread, and now is a good time to share it again.

What separates us from the animals, what separates us from the chaos, is our ability to mourn people we've never met.” – David Levithan.
In this article, it states "According to the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office, investigators searched the property of a family member in the 500 block of Muddy Creek Road on Friday evening after receiving new information in the case."
Community brings teddy bears, stuffed animals to Muddy Creek Rd. where TBI said they believe they have found Evelyn Boswell’s remains

I'm thinking someone told them specifically where EB was. TB Sr. owns a lot of land, with buildings, trailers, sheds, etc. so they may not have found her in previous searches. And/or she was moved there AFTER searches occurred...
That’s all possible. But I’m struggling with the fact that after all of the lies and the assorted cast of characters that are tied into this mess, that someone wouldn’t have thought to do a thorough search of the property - not necessarily law enforcement - but family/friends. I guess no one wants to think that their own flesh and blood could do something so heinous and leave the remains on your property. Would like to know if LE was met with any resistance in previous attempts and it took a search warrant to get access to this area or if it was just overlooked or not obvious in initial searches.
Yeah, me too. I'm usually so good with maps that I rarely need any help, but my mind is numb, and my heart is so broken that I would be grateful for any help in locating the property in Google maps. Hug and hold those you love and keep them close. Good night all.

543 Muddy Creek Rd, Blountville, TN 37617
Google Maps

feel so bad for Ethan Perry this evening, the poor guy has lost his child at such a young age himself with the person he obviously loved at one point in his life and trusted to keep Evelyn safe

stuck all the way in Louisiana as well i hope they let him come home for court and burial and such
That’s all possible. But I’m struggling with the fact that after all of the lies and the assorted cast of characters that are tied into this mess, that someone wouldn’t have thought to do a thorough search of the property - not necessarily law enforcement - but family/friends. I guess no one wants to think that their own flesh and blood could do something so heinous and leave the remains on your property. Would like to know if LE was met with any resistance in previous attempts and it took a search warrant to get access to this area or if it was just overlooked or not obvious in initial searches.
I think if LE was met with resistance, they'd have gotten a warrant and she'd have been found much earlier. Maybe they'd already searched TB Sr's properties earlier but EB wasn't there yet? Maybe someone moved her because they thought the property of the guy who reported her missing would be the one place police would never look? I wouldn't be surprised if the pillow found under the trailer was tested and had EB's DNA with signs of decomposition, and the police used this info to convince MB or AB to talk and tell where specifically EB was.
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