TN TN - Frances 'Franny' Graham, 72, Coker Creek, 18 Sept 2005

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
OMG! She made Greta last night. Here is a link to the transcript and a portion of it.,2933,171205,00.html

VAN SUSTEREN: He said that he was going out shopping with her on September 18. Do you know what he was going to buy or what was the purpose of the shopping trip?

DUNN: They had gone to the laundry mat was the plan when they left home according to the elder Mr. Dockery and they came on to Maryville which is approximately 70 miles away. They went to a Home Depot store and purchased an axe, a splitting wedge and a chain for a chain saw. They left there and went to a local Wal-Mart store where he bought a roll of duct tape.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, have you found, have you located all those items?

DUNN: We have those items in our custody, yes ma'am.

VAN SUSTEREN: Anything peculiar about any of them? Does for instance does the axe look like it's been used?

DUNN: I can't comment on that at this time.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Any of the other -- I mean was the duct tape, was the tape -- is it duct tape?

DUNN: The duct tape had been opened, yes ma'am.
I can say that opinions I have heard is that he did away with Franny and that the police are making sure all the t's are crossed and i's dotted. I sure hope if he brought harm to her he gets what he deserves.

tennessee said:
I can say that opinions I have heard is that he did away with Franny and that the police are making sure all the t's are crossed and i's dotted. I sure hope if he brought harm to her he gets what he deserves.

I saw Greta last night and it sure looks like LE suspects him. I think they're just waiting until tests etc come back in. Like, he couldn't comment about the axe, but I bet he knows............ :rolleyes:

Pray tell! What possible harm could a little 72 year old woman do who's taking care of another older person? :doh:

Sometimes, life just doesn't make any sense! :twocents:


PS........I honestly felt from day 1 that this person should be looked at more closely. But, you know, you get tired of suspecting the SO or the kids. It seems like so many times, it's the 'usual suspects.'..When will these people learn?..........fran
WOW, this crime was so badly done that it almost makes you laugh (no one yell at me, I don't mean to be unfeeling).

He purchased an axe, a splitting wedge and a chain for a chain saw. They left there and went to a local Wal-Mart store where he bought a roll of duct tape.

Did he buy a body bag and a shovel too? :angel:

Arthur Dockery maintains he and his father's girlfriend, 72-year-old Frances Graham, were abducted from behind Dubb’s Restaurant in Maryville on September 18, put in two separate van, and he later escaped four days later in Jellico.

"He said he was released in Jellico. Fortunately, the establishment he said he was released at had video cameras. He was not in that parking lot,” says Blount County Sheriff James Berrong.

Berrong says they are asking for the public's help on the case with any information which could come from several states.

"His cell phone was used in Illinois so that's a geographically wide range but he had to get there and back at one point in time,” says Berrong.

At this time Sheriff Berrong says it will remain a missing person's case until they find something to change that.
Little Franny walking right beside that SOB while he is picking out the tools for her murder :mad: As soon as the DNA from the tools comes back this is one guy that can kiss his butt goodbye. We know there are at least two more people involved in the murder...the van drivers and probably the boyfriend.

After these people are arrested I want to know "why?" My bet would be money but I could be wrong.
Honestly, if it comes out that her boyfriend/husband had anything to do with this, I will be a little surprised. I watched an interview with him and he seemed genuinely worried about her. We all know how that can go though. This is just so sad.

tennessee said:
Honestly, if it comes out that her boyfriend/husband had anything to do with this, I will be a little surprised. I watched an interview with him and he seemed genuinely worried about her. We all know how that can go though. This is just so sad.


It is really sad. I hope that the boyfriend wasn't involved. I wonder if the son and Franny were in the habit of shopping together. I wonder if he offered to take her on that particular day when maybe her and his dad usually went together. Just guessing or hoping I guess. It is pretty obvious that the son had the whole thing all set up before hand. It is just so awful.

Now I want LE to find Franny...doubtful as we know the tools he bought...and I want to know the motive. If the motive was money how would the son get her money without dad being aware. I wonder if Franny had family. If not, I'll even go as far to wonder if the son was planning on doing away with dad next so he would get everything from both of them. Pretty awful thought but this guy is pretty awful in my book. I also wonder if the son was involved in drugs...and needed money?

To Edit: Franny does have family. Anyone know how old the boyfriend is and how old the son is? I couldn't find their ages in any of the articles.
The boyfriend is around the same age as Franny. In the interview I saw, I thought he would be 70+.

I ran across a phone interview Greta had with Arthur Dockery on Sept.30...

VAN SUSTEREN: So, Arthur, how are you doing after this experience?

DOCKERY: Well, I've just been to the chiropractor today and I'm still kind of stiff from that but I'm feeling a lot better now that I'm home.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Take me back to September 18th. What happened?

DOCKERY: Well, we were pulled over by what I thought were police and they took Francis in one van and they put me in another van and I haven't seen her since then. Like I say, I thought they were police but I found out later they were not.

much more at link,2933,171113,00.html
chicoliving said:
I ran across a phone interview Greta had with Arthur Dockery on Sept.30...

VAN SUSTEREN: So, Arthur, how are you doing after this experience?

DOCKERY: Well, I've just been to the chiropractor today and I'm still kind of stiff from that but I'm feeling a lot better now that I'm home.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Take me back to September 18th. What happened?

DOCKERY: Well, we were pulled over by what I thought were police and they took Francis in one van and they put me in another van and I haven't seen her since then. Like I say, I thought they were police but I found out later they were not.

much more at link,2933,171113,00.html
This Dockery boy is lying his azz off!!!!!!!!!!! :liar: :loser:

Blount County Sheriff's Office investigators have ``shot several holes'' in the report filed by a 57-year-old man who claims he was one of the victims of a double kidnapping on Sept. 18, but Chief Deputy Ron Dunn said the man is ``sticking to his story.''

Art Dockery, 57, of Tellico Plains reported to the sheriff's office on Sept. 22 that he and 72-year-old Frances ``Franny'' Graham were kidnapped from the parking lot at Dubb's Restaurant off U.S. 129 Bypass at Foch Street.

Dockery said they were put into two different beige vans by people wearing what appeared to be law enforcement uniforms. He said they were told Graham was being arrested for shoplifting and he was being taken into custody as an accessory. "

More at link.
Hmm.... so one of the friends say they didn't get along. Pretty much hits the nail with the hammer, don't ya think?? Seems kinda strange that they would be "shopping" if they didn't get along. I wonder if the boyfriend/husband has his suspisions about his son. Suspisions he may be keeping to himself at the time.
Does the father/boyfriend have money?

Could he have thought it was going to be left to Franny, and he made sure she wasn't around to collect on his will?
Pook said:
Does the father/boyfriend have money?

Could he have thought it was going to be left to Franny, and he made sure she wasn't around to collect on his will?

You may just be onto something. I hadn't even thought of that!
Newest update.,1406,KNS_347_4148093,00.html

MARYVILLE - The saga of Frances Graham's abduction - as told by Arthur Dockery, the son of her longtime companion - has imploded into a heap of inaccuracies to the extent that "he doesn't have much of a story," Blount County authorities say.
Graham, 72, of Tellico Plains in Monroe County, disappeared last month. Authorities from several jurisdictions are trying to piece together exactly what happened, or didn't, on Sept. 18 when, according to Dockery, he and Graham were kidnapped, placed in separate vans and spirited away for reasons that remain unclear.

. . . . .

Berrong said Dockery could not explain why the abductors would have allowed him to keep his cell phone.

Dunn said that Dockery was asked where he would look for Graham if he were doing the searching, and Dockery told authorities he would look near the junction of Interstates 40 and 55 in West Memphis, Ark., in Crittenden County. Berrong said his office has been in contact with the Crittenden County Sheriff's Department in connection with the claim.

At this point, Dockery has been told that authorities have no reason to look anywhere else but at him as the culprit.

If Graham is the victim of foul play, Berrong said, "We believe we know the motive," but he declined to elaborate.

Graham and Dockery's father, Floyd Dockery, 86, had been unwed companions for about 23 years, Berrong said, and came to Monroe County from upstate New York some time ago. The younger Dockery came to live with the couple several weeks ago, Dunn said.
"I am confident this will be resolved," Berrong said. "It may just take some time."
un-flippin' believable! Just how stupid does this idiot think LE is? And why, pray tell, would his female kidnappers, who were apparently un-armed, keep him for four days and then just let him go? Is he such a nancy-boy he couldn't over power them and jump out of the van? What a bunch of baloney. If they find her and he's harmed her then PLEASE may there be justice for her. She's the same age as my mom and it just burns me up!!!!!!!!

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