TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #1

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I spend the night in Chattanooga 2x/year on my way from Chicago to Orlando to visit w/family. I will never look @ that city the same way again after reading your description above. Yikes, it's scary...

Well, I live here and love it...and the place that's described is not somewhere I'd ever like to live...and yet the description is totally acurate. Mine would be totally opposite and also entirely accurate....

Is this not a brilliant example of there being two sides to everything, and the truth is the third, and how the whole picture is always required!

What's going on with Gail is exactly this, with the silence being the root of all gossip and speculation. I actually find Matt's silence somewhat reasonable, but the statements he has made are full of holes (seemingly!). The silence of the Signal Mountain police is what I find the strangest.

There's hope for us yet though....the kids all play together at school, have playdates and birthday parties across all the neighborhoods....Timesville road to The Brow.
I don't know whats really going on with this missing lady, but I truly hope she is found. If she took off on her own, then she needs to contact LE at the very least to let them know she's OK, even if she doesn't want to go back home. If she was harmed, either by accident or purposefully, I hope LE catches the person responsible.

I'm keeping this family in my prayers.
I DO personally know the Palmgren family. I have been friends with them for over 20 years. I will say that they are truly a sweet, caring and totally normal family. Matthew is a hard working, devoted family man. I am heartbroken that they are having to endure this...not only the disappearance of Gail, but the questions and public opinions.

Please remember to wait for all the FACTS before ruining this family.
Hi, I hope Gail is all right and returns home safely. I'm so sorry her friends and family are enduring this agony. You have my prayers!

But I do want to say this. No one on this board is out to ruin this family. This is, imo, one of the most caring and wonderful group of sleuthing folks you'll ever come across. All they want to do is help, and they take their own time to look things up, like locations, etc, and discuss possibilities. Lots and lots of good hearts here who care - many hours spent looking up helpful information, floating theories. When I think I'm in an apathetic world, I remind myself that there are literally thousands of people who care enough about a missing stranger to spend time searching for clues.

Of course that's just my opinion of this place.

I pray Gail is all right, and I pray for her friends and family.

Again, I'm so very sorry Gail is missing, and you are all added to my prayers.
I take it you have never driven down Timesville Rd then? If you had, I think you would understand.

The first time we went there to deliver a birthday invitation, it was quite a was actually very hard to find out how to get to it...and then turned out to be practically next door! I think it barely qualifies as a road, width and condition wise....but the folks I know that live there are not tatty or nasty or scary...just the opposite.
No-one thinks anyone there was envolved...this all goes back to the "affluence" of the mountain community but more importantly....just how many places there are to search for someone. I think we are all driving around with an eye to where a car may have, "gone in"....a thorough search would be very satisfying.

The new jeep 4 door unlimited sahara top of the line has a GPS. The Rubicon is specifically for offroading. I can't remember if Gail's jeep had a GPS but since she drove roads also, and it's an option available, then it seems likely it did.
Heck, am I the only one getting lost in all the posts? I sure could use a summary, so I'm re-posting the one I did earlier, plus all the links that have been posted to media stories. Several of these links have been posted over and over, which actually makes it appear this story has had more news coverage than it has.

April 22: First 911 call—dispute regarding travel in vehicles to lake house. Article says this is first of “at least three visits” during the next 10 days. Where is one between 22nd and 29th?

April 23: Date Mr. P. claims in court document (filed later) that Mrs. P. took valuables from house.

April 27: Day of unprecedented tornados. Signal was for the most part spared.

April 28-29: School was closed locally for damage clean-up.

April 29: 911 call—given numbers for safe place to stay. Resolved when “Matthew Palmgren agreed to stay at 40 Ridge Rock Drive and let Gail Palmgren take their two children…to their lake house in Alabama for the night,” according to police report

April 30: She brought children home and then disappeared (around 12:15, according to neighbors)
April 30: Date of change of address form, according to Mr. P.

May 2: Mrs. P. sister begins (shortly after noon—at Wal-mart at foot of Signal) to distribute fliers regarding her disappearance.
May 2: Mr. P. reported her as missing
May 2: Last cell phone “ping” at Wal-Mart at foot of Signal

May 6: Mr. P. interviewed by Times Free Press by telephone. Says she has disappeared before, has psychiatric issues, and usually “just goes somewhere and decompresses but stays in contact with the kids.”
May 6(?): Family friend handing out fliers; interviewed by Times Free Press. She says she thinks Mrs. P. is scared; dismisses Mr. P. claims of “psychiatric issues.”
May 6(?): Mr. P. filed Chancery Court papers for legal separation: restraining order, custody, possession of home. Claims she has “bouts of depression” and is “delusional.” (claims Mrs. P. family, friends, and police dismiss)

May 8: Mother's Day

May 9: More than 2500 fliers have been distributed by her siblings and neighbors ( article)

May 11: More than 5000 fliers have been distributed by her siblings and neighbors, according to article (quote from brother)
[ame=""]TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 *Media Links* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Gotcha ~ I see what you're saying now. ;)

One thing I keep wondering about that was mentioned early on: the three bank accounts for which the missing woman changed the pin numbers. Did she withdraw some or any of the money? Has she used her new pin numbers anywhere in the area? There's so much we don't know about that, but it would be another way for police to track her whereabouts.

It is conspicuous that pin numbers being changed is the issue...NOT that the funds are missing. That items are missing from the home is specifically stated, so if money is missing, why just say PIN numbers. Again, someone planning to run takes cash if they can not items that must be sold in order to realise the cash. You do not need a PIN to withdraw from a teller window....account number and ID will do just fine....and on Signal Mountain they greet you by name as you walk through the door and are pulling up your account info as you walk up. I suggest you all think very carefully about what type of account requires a PIN in order to withdraw money from it. When you figure that out, please think about how that money then gets to you. I will propose again that this PIN changing is more likely the action of someone protectingfunds from possibly disappearing, pending divorce proceedings.
I couldn't agree more! We lived on Corral and then Fox Run. I can't tell you how many times I was tailed home late at night or pulled over for no reason. Once was around 11:00 at night, and I went to drop my water bill off in the drop box and the lady that patrols for the County pulled me over wanting to know why I pulled out of the water company and then said she thought I wasn't wearing my seat belt. I ALWAYS wear my seat belt, my boyfriend is a paramedic so that is something we both feel strongly on. I chalk it up to her being bored and thinking she could find something to get someone on.

...and don't forget the 5 car response to the snapping turtle crossing the road!!! (ok maybe not 5...but alot for a turtle!!)

seriously though, many people are worried that the SMPD may not be up to the job. Some of this is due to their lack of comment, but much is due to the lack of search activity. Silence is a huge "problem" here...but maybe we will find a good reason for it. Someone mentioned suicide possibilities and there was one in Chattanooga recently, and there was a frustrating silence and lack of activity around that MP investigation also. I'm not saying this is the case here...just that maybe, hopefully, it's not incompetence but the opposite. Perhaps the silence is because something is known.
Hmmm. Today's Times-Free Press article has some interesting comments at the bottom of the article, some by people who claim to be friends of hers. (I should say some of the comments are hateful trash as well.)

I'm not posting the link again, because it doesn't seem to be working now. I don't know why. It pulls the headline but not the article.
Hmmm. Today's Times-Free Press article has some interesting comments at the bottom of the article, some by people who claim to be friends of hers.

I'm not posting the link again, because it doesn't seem to be working now. I don't know why. It pulls the headline but not the article.

Here it is. I got some weird Google message but I just clicked out of it and the story appeared. I would take the comments with a grain of salt.

fbx said:
It is conspicuous that pin numbers being changed is the issue...NOT that the funds are missing. That items are missing from the home is specifically stated, so if money is missing, why just say PIN numbers. Again, someone planning to run takes cash if they can not items that must be sold in order to realise the cash. You do not need a PIN to withdraw from a teller window....account number and ID will do just fine....and on Signal Mountain they greet you by name as you walk through the door and are pulling up your account info as you walk up. I suggest you all think very carefully about what type of account requires a PIN in order to withdraw money from it. When you figure that out, please think about how that money then gets to you. I will propose again that this PIN changing is more likely the action of someone protecting funds from possibly disappearing, pending divorce proceedings.

I think I see where you're going with this. The person talking about the cards is actually the one who changed the pins, and not the missing woman.

I know that when my wallet was stolen once I had to get a new card, but my pin number stayed the same. It's been the same for 20 years, and I would never change it without an agreement from my husband (all we have is a joint account).

But, let's look at another scenario. Suppose this woman's cards were not stolen, but "misplaced" . . . by someone else who didn't want her to have access, or to just buy time so she wouldn't withdraw money. Maybe she was paranoid because she had a good reason to be paranoid. The husband probably didn't expect her to not only get the card replaced, but to change the pin numbers - that's a drastic measure but might show that she was definitely afraid that access to her own money might be cut off.

I just keep wondering if she ever had a chance to use the new pin numbers and get some cash out. Usually the police will announce if a missing person stopped at a bank, along with a video because all bank machines have cameras. I hope she is alive and they find such a video. The fact that we have nothing yet may not be a good sign. Why would she leave without cash?

Also the stuff removed from the house. Where is it? Pawn shop maybe? He never said where he thought she took the stuff.
This is what I don't get, and if I understand correctly. Two of those accounts supposedly are joint accounts. Sounds like the husband is upset his wife changed her pin number which doesn't affect his access at all. She changed her pin, so what? His pin is still good. IMO, all the accounts are in her name only and he is pissed she changed the pin and blocked him from it. If her name only is on the accounts it sounds like her money.

His statement about the accounts make about as much sense as his statement for the reason his keys were taken away. IMO.

The finances do have me wondering. The statement of the a/c's being maritial rather than joint sound like something the lawyer would say and he was parroting. Also, the mere fact that someone would have access to $420,000 thru an ATM for withdrawal is not the smartest in money management either. They either had a very bad consultant or accounts may have just recently been changed around. imo
Please forgive me if any of my questions seem obvious or have already been addressed here. First: does anyone know if her financials have been looked into? I read somewhere that she was travelling w/o her state DL and credit cards, but checking into her financials may be a valuable tool to help locate her. Second: does anyone know where Mr. Palmgren was during the time that Mrs. Palmgren was supposedly dropping their children off at home? I absolutely do NOT mean to imply that he is guilty of any wrong doing, I'm just curious about this is all. Finally: is there any speculation as to WHY she would be travelling without items as basic as her ID and credit cards? If a person intended to do some shopping, I'm not sure why they would leave those items behind. I also wonder if her phone records show any incoming calls immediately prior to her disappearance. Maybe she left to meet someone?

The DL and CCs is a big ? at this point. Did she drive all the way to AL without them? Leave them at home when she dropped the kids off? Did she even take a purse or just the ATM card?

Not much news in this case. LE keeping tight lipped and the family doesn't want it to go national. Her brother stated FBI had been contacted, but I don't know if they are involved yet. In adult MPs cases, I tend to think LE...or maybe the City Mgr in this case, may have a problem with strained resouces for the searches unless foul play becomes somewhat of a reality. imo

I think the pin #'s were changed via her phone*. I don't think a confirmation would be necessary if done from the bank or a puter. ?

Come to think about it...I've nevet rec'd a confirmation of a change of addy either. IIRC ....his wording was strange on that too. I'll see I can find that statement and ETA. Maybe someone (PI)? was following her...?

Here it was the bank info:
He said last Wednesday he received a notice from the Post Office indicating she had entered a change of address form dated April 30. He said he was notified that she had changed her pin number to three bank accounts in her name. He said the accounts contain approximately $420,000.

He said at least two of the accounts totaling over $320,000 "are marital property."
Wonder how or who notified him?
I agree. Just reading everything, and that's the first time I've seen anything really different in a while.

Don't mean to :deadhorse: but, seriously...a person, a MOTHER is MISSING.
No search? Almost no info forthcoming from the media? Something is up...cannot be certain if it's to respect other's privacy, or afraid of lawsuits, or both.

At some point this will become more public if WE make it so. Seems like no one around there will do it. :slapfight:

Thank you WS for putting this on the frontpage!

Heck, am I the only one getting lost in all the posts? I sure could use a summary, so I'm re-posting the one I did earlier, plus all the links that have been posted to media stories. Several of these links have been posted over and over, which actually makes it appear this story has had more news coverage than it has.
Pearl, you might want to consider placing your timeline on a separate Google Docs, and attaching to your signature for ease of other posters to access...and your ease with editing/additions. It wouldn't be a bad idea to copy and paste the articles either..if wanted, because they can disappear within a month and the original release is often times updated which can sometimes lose good information also.
Just a thought.... BTW...appreciate your work.
The info in this situation sucks. Sorry for the words but I have not nearly enough to even know where to start!!

The Mod posted this media links thread a page back:

[ame=""]TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 *Media Links* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
“Matthew Palmgren agreed to stay at 40 Ridge Rock Drive and let Gail Palmgren take their two children . . . to their lake house in Alabama for the night,” according to the report.

Seems there was an understanding and she was to bring the kids home Saturday and not to make it a week-end thing.
I read somewhere 44 year old Gail Nowacki Palmgren was reported missing by her husband and sister on April 30th.
I'm somewhat confused.. IF her husband waited 48 hours to report her missing was she last seen on the 30th and reported missing on May 2nd or was she reported missing on the 30th?
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