TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #1

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He's not talking to the media-do you blame him? Anything he says will be analyized to the nth and turned around on him. Of course he is following the advice of his attorney, and would be an idiot not to. As for the restraining order, do you blame him. He doesn't know where she is or what is going on with her...

Of course he is searching for her...think about it, it is in HIS best interest for her to be found! If she isn't found, he is going to be blamed. Many of the posters on here are already hinting or downright saying he should be. Whether he is seperated from her or not, whether she is on meds or not, etc. he wants her found so that he can clear himself. That's not selfish or unloving, that's self preservation. Any of us in this situation would do the same.

Here is the basic truth, there are many details that we are not hearing. The police are remaining quiet and they must have a reason for doing so-for all we know, they have instructed Matt to do the same.

Matt hang in there: I have known you for a long time and I know your a good, kindhearted person. Hug and comfort your kids.
Gail-girl come home. Whatever the problem is, it can be worked out. The family-yours, the Palmgrens and mostly your kids need this to be over with.
I am praying for all of you...

Confused, I am with you. So much we don't know about, because I'm sure they are not allowed to talk about it. I am a friend of theirs as well, mainly hers, but I would be floored if Matt was involved in a sinister fashion.
But this soooo does not sound like it is going to turn out well. I just hope and pray for all of them.
Confused, I am with you. So much we don't know about, because I'm sure they are not allowed to talk about it. I am a friend of theirs as well, mainly hers, but I would be floored if Matt was involved in a sinister fashion.
But this soooo does not sound like it is going to turn out well. I just hope and pray for all of them.

I am happy that we are receiving a balanced view. I am not married to any theory-I think she needs to be found. And since we are civilians, we are entitiled to speculate and discuss the facts as they have been is OK to do so as long as we remain within our Terms of Service. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, as long as we express it appropriately.
Respectfully snipped and bolded by me: Are Timesville and St Ives worthwile places to distribute posters and do you know of any motobike gangs that still might hang out there?


if she decided to take off volunarily, then I seriously doubt she would go into Timesville. While I'm pretty positive that the people who live in St. Ives are very well aware of what is going on, it may actually be a very good idea because maybe someone else saw her leaving the neighborhood, or witnessed something.

There wouldn't be any motorbike gangs or anything like that around because you can't access St. Ives from Timesville. It was more along the lines of 20 somethings on dirtbikes out there. The mudpit is long gone, so I doubt that there is anywhere they could ride safely. I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't a lot of 4 wheelers on the leftover trails in those woods though, as well as marijuana growers, and probably a few moonshine stills.
if she decided to take off volunarily, then I seriously doubt she would go into Timesville. While I'm pretty positive that the people who live in St. Ives are very well aware of what is going on, it may actually be a very good idea because maybe someone else saw her leaving the neighborhood, or witnessed something.

There wouldn't be any motorbike gangs or anything like that around because you can't access St. Ives from Timesville. It was more along the lines of 20 somethings on dirtbikes out there. The mudpit is long gone, so I doubt that there is anywhere they could ride safely. I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't a lot of 4 wheelers on the leftover trails in those woods though, as well as marijuana growers, and probably a few moonshine stills.

THANK YOU!!! Perfect info. I thought maybe there were some biker gangs-I know a few who will participate in searches. :)
I think Channel 3 would. They are usually very receptive in the public input. Just my opinion, I think that channel 3 has more of an accurate news coverage than any other media in the area. News Channel 9 seems to get facts mixed up more often than not. Callie Starnes from channel 3 is a GREAT investigative reporter and would be a great person to try to help get the word out more. She is the one who followed the Tanya Craft case from beginning to end and did an amazing job.

Jed Mescon lives on Signal Mtn. and he's covered the story on the morning WRCB news.
Jed Mescon lives on Signal Mtn. and he's covered the story on the morning WRCB news.

I don't live there anymore, so I can't actually watch the news. I do follow daily though and on FB. I just looked again, and Callie Starnes was the writer of the latest article on the site.

Jed Mescon does a great job following local stories as well.
There is GPS and Jeep is a division of Chrysler. It seems counter intuitive to believe that the GPS requests arent logged some where-anyone know any differently? I would like to really investigate that angle.

IIRC from another case here, the GPS would not be functioning 48 hours after the car had been turned off. ?? The case was missing wife found dead in the UNM parklot...can't remember her name now, but her sister was/is a member here. I'm now "sorta" wondering about the 48 hr wait for him reporting her. ?
A friend of mine was pulled over a few weeks ago and while he was running her license, she was putting trash in a Wal-Mart bag. The "usual" two officers that do this, came up to her and made her get out and said they had probable cause to search her car for putting trash in a bag.

I hate that they do this, but it's like they have nothing better to do than try to point fingers at anyone they can.

My boyfriend was pulled over one day and instead of telling him why he was being pulled over they started asking him if he knew anything about someone burning the Signal Mtn sign. He had no idea what they were talking about!!

I hope that TBI or the FBI gets involved in this because I am not very convinced that SMPD can handle this.

I've had my car searched on more than one occasion because I looked nervous or for pulling into the recycling center to answer my cellphone, and have been repeatedly questioned if I was carrying any drugs, or was using. I admit that I do look younger than my actual age (I'm in my thirties), but I find it offensive because I am very clean and take care of myself and do not and never have used any drugs. I don't even drink. It's sad that a number of good officers have their reputations soiled among the Hamilton County officers because of the overaggressive actions of more than a few on the force. It's sad that officers working for the County roll their eyes when the Mtn. is mentioned. It's embarrassing and nothing has ever been done to remedy the situation. I hope that it doesn't take a tragedy for the community to climb out from under their protective covers and open their eyes to the problem.
Why would her vehicle have Alabama tags? I'm *advertiser censored* uming she purchased it new.
Why would her vehicle have Alabama tags? I'm *advertiser censored* uming she purchased it new.

Registered to the lake house, probably ...

As for the "quickie" separation, I'm thinking that Mr. Palmgren probably wants to try to freeze assets - another good way to bring someone out of hiding. If her debit/credit cards haven't been used that's a bad sign, but someone with access to a large amount of cash, she might be able to get pretty far before a card was needed ...

As well, some people just get fed up. It doesn't mean he had anything to do with her disappearance. If I was having marital problems I might do the same thing ... my spouse left, I had nothing to do with it, but wouldn't want my marital assets depleted by someone on the run without a proper hearing as to what he was entitled to deplete. I think it's a smart move by someone who could be run dry by a runaway wife (mental issues debated) or by the expenses of a search. Plus, he probably wanted to press for custody before her family attempted to try to make a criminal out of him in Circuit or Chancery Court in Hamilton County. It seems a likely move that if she doesn't turn up soon, the wife's family will press to have the kids taken from him when there's no public evidence that he has anything to do with her disappearance.

As for the mental health debate, family members that live far from each other rarely seem to have the best information regarding state of mind in their relatives. There's just a lot that isn't/wouldn't be conveyed in an email, phone call, Skype, whatever. I'm from Chattanooga - my parents live there and I'm in Chicago now. When I was having issues with my job and my life here, I was really good at making everything look like roses. I don't know many people who WANT their families to worry about them; we minimize issues until they just can't be minimized or hidden anymore - Gail could have adult onset mental illness and her family might not know ... Living with her on a daily basis probably gives a bit more insight than family living elsewhere.

I'm going to second/third/fourth that the SMPD is probably ill equipped to deal with this. Maybe the TBI is a better option ... They're good at giving speeding tickets, not so much on the more complicated stuff.
As for the mental health debate, family members that live far from each other rarely seem to have the best information regarding state of mind in their relatives. There's just a lot that isn't/wouldn't be conveyed in an email, phone call, Skype, whatever. I'm from Chattanooga - my parents live there and I'm in Chicago now. When I was having issues with my job and my life here, I was really good at making everything look like roses. I don't know many people who WANT their families to worry about them; we minimize issues until they just can't be minimized or hidden anymore - Gail could have adult onset mental illness and her family might not know ... Living with her on a daily basis probably gives a bit more insight than family living elsewhere.

This is a really good point. In my daily life, I doubt anyone but my husband(and now a close friend who is dealing with issues with her daughter so I shared) would know I suffered from severe anxiety and mild depression(VERY severe anxiety though)

I lead a fairly happy life, have a wonderful and amazing husband and family and lots of friends, it's not something most people would... expect. My anxiety is solely a chemical issue and isn't based on any past issue, incident, or anything caused by anything i am 'suffering' from, so it's not really anything you can look in on and see. I would say almost my entire family but my husband would say I didn't suffer from 'mental health' issues if I happened to go missing.
Missing woman’s husband seeks custody of children


Arlene Durham, a family friend who lives at Lake Jordan in Titus, Ala., said she saw Gail Palmgren and the children the night of April 29.

“She was very upset and very worried. You could tell something was the matter,” she said. “She wouldn’t talk because the kids were here.”

The April 22 call came after an argument in the car. Gail Palmgren told police her husband wanted to take a boat down to the lake house and she wanted them to go to Alabama as a family.

Matthew Palmgren told police he needed the Jeep to haul the boat and his wife got mad and decided to hide the key. So he got out and began walking home, according to the report.

Asked about the boat, Durham replied, “That’s full of crap.”

“That boat’s already down here. That boat hasn’t left the lake in three years that I know of,” she said.

Durham, who spoke to Gail Palmgren almost daily, said Matthew Palmgren emotionally abused his wife. She suspected physical abuse also took place.

On the weekend of April 10, her friend had a black eye.

She said, “Oh, I ran into something,” Durham remembers.

IIRC from another case here, the GPS would not be functioning 48 hours after the car had been turned off. ?? The case was missing wife found dead in the UNM parklot...can't remember her name now, but her sister was/is a member here. I'm now "sorta" wondering about the 48 hr wait for him reporting her. ?

That was Rochelle Simmons, who I spoke of earlier. Her husband was suspected as they had argued before her disappearance. I think everyone was shocked when they found out she had committed suicide, as that was not in her character and no one realized the extent of her mental illness.
Not saying Gail has mental illness, but I am just going to give the husband the benefit of the doubt, as most times, the spouse gets the net cast on them for being suspected of doing something sinister. In Rochelle's case, it didn't turn out that way, and the same could be true here.

As for the GPS, I don't think any info has been gleaned yet?
Gotcha ~ I see what you're saying now. ;)

One thing I keep wondering about that was mentioned early on: the three bank accounts for which the missing woman changed the pin numbers. Did she withdraw some or any of the money? Has she used her new pin numbers anywhere in the area? There's so much we don't know about that, but it would be another way for police to track her whereabouts.

This is what I don't get, and if I understand correctly. Two of those accounts supposedly are joint accounts. Sounds like the husband is upset his wife changed her pin number which doesn't affect his access at all. She changed her pin, so what? His pin is still good. IMO, all the accounts are in her name only and he is pissed she changed the pin and blocked him from it. If her name only is on the accounts it sounds like her money.

His statement about the accounts make about as much sense as his statement for the reason his keys were taken away. IMO.
I am thinking maybe the husband and her were to meet after she dropped off the children? JMOO
Please forgive me if any of my questions seem obvious or have already been addressed here. First: does anyone know if her financials have been looked into? I read somewhere that she was travelling w/o her state DL and credit cards, but checking into her financials may be a valuable tool to help locate her. Second: does anyone know where Mr. Palmgren was during the time that Mrs. Palmgren was supposedly dropping their children off at home? I absolutely do NOT mean to imply that he is guilty of any wrong doing, I'm just curious about this is all. Finally: is there any speculation as to WHY she would be travelling without items as basic as her ID and credit cards? If a person intended to do some shopping, I'm not sure why they would leave those items behind. I also wonder if her phone records show any incoming calls immediately prior to her disappearance. Maybe she left to meet someone?
"Investigators said Mrs. Palmgren told them she called 9-1-1 &#8220;because he wouldn&#8217;t get back into the car and started walking home.&#8221;

For some reason she seems to want (on record) frequent 911 calls.
I don't see this one as a police matter.
Hope they find her soon, she needs to be found.
"Investigators said Mrs. Palmgren told them she called 9-1-1 “because he wouldn’t get back into the car and started walking home.”

For some reason she seems to want (on record) frequent 911 calls.
I don't see this one as a police matter.
Hope they find her soon, she needs to be found.

Personally, I think there is a lot left out of this one. Like how did he exit the car? Again, what state was everyone in? Perhaps he was very sleepy and not fit to drive? Just examples.
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