TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #12

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BBM Well, I think it's highly unusual for someone to leave those things behind, particularly the driver's license. In my experience, most women keep those things in their purse/wallet at all times. I never take my license out and leave it somewhere. If you get stopped by the police, you will be fined for not having your license, so I cannot think of any reason not to keep it with you. Do we know if those things were just left alone or were they in a purse that was left at the house? It's very odd to me. JMO

BBM.. To my knowledge we don't know...Wonder IF Matt P still has the drivers license..
My gut tells me she had them with her when she left unless she was somehow taken hostage at the residence and forced to leave w/o them...JMHO..
The fact that he hasn't made any statement to LE makes an outsider think he is hiding something.

I'm an outsider. It doesn't make me think Matt is hiding something. It makes me wonder if LE asked him to give a formal written statement. It's never been reported that LE asked Matt to give a formal statement and he refused. I've never seen LE state that Matt was being uncooperative.
IMHO...Gail's husband should have taken some of the money he is spending on an attorney and set up a reward fund for the mother of his children...JMHO
I'm an outsider. It doesn't make me think Matt is hiding something. It makes me wonder if LE asked him to give a formal written statement. It's never been reported that LE asked Matt to give a formal statement and he refused. I've never seen LE state that Matt was being uncooperative.

IMHO..His actions or shall I say non actions has most definitely convinced me he is hiding something...JMHO...
Prayers for Gail and her children. Praying the person/s responsible for her disappearance are brought to justice soon...JMHO
I don't know if Gail chose to run to a shelter in the beginning, but after this amount of time, I truly doubt it. She had family and a network of very capable friends she could rely on. She had access to funds she could tap into to sustain matter where she chose to go, IF she did. MOO, I don't think so. JMO, but I respectively, disagree that MP wanted a divorce. I really don't believe he did and have felt this from the beginning. He wanted his cake and the time and opportunity to eat it to. I know someone stated that MP had told her on the phone during the "conference" he was going to file for divorce the following week, but I so wish I could hear his voice when saying it....the context it was stated, the exact words he used, and the tone of his voice. It could have been stated in such a way as a threat...and Gail knew it. IF MP had anything to do with terrorizing her, ie, following her to make her frightened, unsure, and paranoid...maybe he was trying to push her to mental instability...or suicide. Gail was in a fragile state and re-evaluating her life after the loss of her brother, her job and trying to make the transition to a full time mother and wife (for her whole family)....then she discovers everything she was focusing on and sacrificing to make it happen... was in vain... she had been lied to and duped by the person she was making many of those changes for. He continued to drink (no sacrifice)...she attended meetings in how to cope....and THEN she discovers he had been caring on with an affair...for how long? He didn't waste any time to call her sister hundreds of miles away and make threats....twice-- after each time LE immediately left. What was he so urgently angry and/or afraid of-- to feel he had to make those calls? Adamant in getting what known to GP? He and Gail apparently had discussed him telling the children about the never took place. If he was so set to be with TH he could have called his attorney and started those divorce proceedings long ago....or at least separated from Gail...he didn't. Maybe he was trying to make her bonkos, just for control and submission...or to have her committed, but he wanted the fruits of what GP brought to marriage and didn't want to make any kind of sacrifices, imo. That failed big time when he discovered GP was one up on him....through her PI...and had the goods on him that not only could spoil his plans in keeping control over GP, the children and her assets...but his job and image as well. I believe GP made the huge and common mistake of telling him all she knew in that phone call. That conference was the catalyst...and last straw for Gail, she was all prepared to face him in court...and pop his manipulations in acquiring his "perfect way of life" lifestyle and future goals gained by it. I also think there are some heavy secrets tied up in this...hence, his mother and TH needing an attorney and other certain family members coming out in his dire defense. Time will tell....and if so, I have no doubt the FBI sniffed it out by now.

He had lost...and his only way to regain it was ultimate control* at that point in his mind, imo. *DV It took me awhile to write..and rewrite be "nice"'s not the emotion I'm feeling at the moment.... As someone else has mentioned....Gail was/is entitled to the many things she worked and made sacrifices for too...not for her liberties to be shaken or stripped...and certainly not for her to disappear. .

JMO, MOO, etc.

Sorry it took so long for me to get this back up...I wanted to make sure I stated it correctly and answered the specific questions I was asked. Here you are:

Well, I can see you certainly have put a lot of time and thought into your sernario of what has happened. (In my opinion)It is based on some huge assumptions about Matt and Gail, which I guess you drew from things you have read on the internet.

As for Gail going to a shelter and the time she has been gone...I don't really know what to say. I do have to question the network of friends you mention. We have heard from Arlene, we have heard about Susie Button, we have heard of one or two others who used to work with her, but who else has stepped forward to claim friendship with Gail? Not saying that Gail was unfriendly or anything like that, but it seems strange to me that no one else really has chimed in with how close to Gail they were. Most of the people who are making such a ruckus and leading the search for her are total strangers. I just wonder if she did have people who she was 100% certain she could count on. Did she have a network of friends? Family, yes, I am sure her sister and brother and other family members, but friends...

I would have to think Matt most certainly wanted to seperate/divorce, and from what we have heard elsewhere, Gail didn't seem to want to do so. She obviously knew they didn't care for each other anymore (arguments that result in calls to LE), and maybe staying married kept him from being free to move on. Seriously, what exactly about this situation is having his cake and eating too? Being married and having an affair? If Matt and Gail were done, and it's fairly obvious they were, it would have been much easier for him to be with TH if he was divorced. Exactly what fruits of her efforts was he going to miss so badly that he would want to stay in the marriage?

Next, why would he want to terrorize her and make her mentally unstable? If he tried to and suceeded, how could anything good come from it? He was obviously busy having an affair. He isn't going to want to take time that he could be spending with TH, to go follow Gail around just to make her scared. If she was scared, he was going to have to deal with her being upset and nervous and whatever other emotions and reactions it produced. My guess is that things were not all that fun around home anyway, and having a terrorized wife wouldn't make it better.

The calls to Diane? Well, I don't know what the truth is there, but we have no context to those calls. We don't know that they were threats. We don't know what they were. They were posted elsewhere for a day or less, and abruptly removed. Why? Were they incorrect? Was it something the family didn't want pursued. I could pick up the phone, dial a number and say- 12 hours, she's got 12 hours. What the heck does it mean? We don't know...12 hours till the kids are supposed to be back? 12 hours till the carpet is dry after the cleaning? 12 hours till her next pill? 12 hours till her show comes on?

As to the claims I have read that he was so controlling of her...I have seen nothing that even points in that direction. It really seems that he went his way and she went hers. We have seen proof that she went back and forth to the lake, for the most part, whenever she chose. She was a SAHM and again from Arlene, spent a lot of time decorating, doing crafts, etc. It sounds like she could, for the most part, spend her days coming and going and doing anything she wanted. It has been stated that she spent lots of time with the kids, but we have been told that Matt coached soccer teams and such too. She seems to have spent lots of time with Arlene without Matt being around. That doesn't really sound all that controlling to me. The only thing I have seen mentioned as 'proof' of his controlling her is that he checked her emails... did he? My family has a primary email account and all of our email comes there. Is my husband controlling me if he looks at that account? I don't know how they had their email set up, I don't recall seeing that mentioned, but somehow, him checking her email doesn't fit the definition of controlling. Did he make her dress a certain way? No, I don't recall that ever being said. Did he make her be home at a certain time? No mention of that. Did he refuse to let her be around her friends? Obviously not. How did he control her??? Gail was the one hacking into his phone to get his messages, putting a tracking device on his car, supposedly hiring a PI to following him, checking credit cards to find receipts of his hotel stays, etc- Not Matt.

So, where am I going with this? Nowhere really...just pointing out that you have your thoughts and ideas, and that is fine, but that doesn't mean they are the only possiblity.

And finally, if Gail is out there somewhere-starting a new life, taking a break, doing whatever (and I pray that she is), then you are correct that she deserves whatever share of assests is hers. The amounts and details would be for the courts to decide, but certainly she deserves whatever is hers.
Could she have returned to the Signal Mt. home and no witnesses saw her return?

I think that is entirely possible. We know she left the house but we do not know if she came back.
BBM.. To my knowledge we don't know...Wonder IF Matt P still has the drivers license..
My gut tells me she had them with her when she left unless she was somehow taken hostage at the residence and forced to leave w/o them...JMHO..

It seems possible someone slipped into her car in the driveway, or she was ambushed in the house somehow. Meaning, they may have held a weapon on her and told her to go quietly to the Jeep and to not make a fuss. The perp sat in the rear seat as she left the driveway where the neighbor saw her leave.

This is just a possibility--no evidence it happened.
It seems possible someone slipped into her car in the driveway, or she was ambushed in the house somehow. Meaning, they may have held a weapon on her and told her to go quietly to the Jeep and to not make a fuss. The perp sat in the rear seat as she left the driveway where the neighbor saw her leave.

This is just a possibility--no evidence it happened.

I have felt all along that she was kidnapped at the home or between home and WalMart Signal Mtn. This lady would not have allowed her children and her family to suffer from not knowing as has been the case. I personally believe that MP knows more than he is telling but that is just my thoughts. It just doesn't add up in any way.
For any of you following the Steven Koecher case, this is the exact same situation. Las Vegas is like a bowl-so following pings is only as accurate as the traffic in between the towers and what cell phone providers share which ones. It is maddening to try and figure out.

Ex: There are Towers A, B and C. A belongs to company A, B belongs to Company B, C belongs to Company C.

Company B and C share towers -Believe is missing and her phone pings off Tower B. Was I closer to tower B or C when it pinged?

If my cell phone provider is with Tower A, and I pinged on B, is it because the call dropped or was I closer to B?

You did a heck of a lot better job at explaining this than I did, believe09. Thank you!

(BTW, believe- please don't go missing!)
Ok I have snipped confused post abit for room etc, sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes but as this is written late at night and held to copy and paste in the few moments the thread is open when I am awake and not at work (Thanks for the tip on that Fran) I apologies in advance for the errors etc.

Well, I can see you certainly have put a lot of time and thought into your sernario of what has happened. (In my opinion)It is based on some huge assumptions about Matt and Gail, which I guess you drew from things you have read on the internet.
I know this is where I am getting my scenario from and reading many other similar missing wife cases. Matt has done nothing what so ever to show he is not involved in Gail’s disappearance and as I have said before until he man’s up and actually proves he is innocent even though the law as it is protect him from having to say anything he should do it for the children’s sake & their peace of mind. In my eyes and a good many others he should be seen as POI.

Most of the people who are making such a ruckus and leading the search for her are total strangers. I just wonder if she did have people who she was 100% certain she could count on. Did she have a network of friends? Family, yes, I am sure her sister and brother and other family members, but friends...
I would say those who made a ruckus as you put it can be thanked for getting the likes of the FBI and CUE involved, as for them being strangers I think we have proved that AD is a friend, <modsnip> some big hearted strangers have stepped up to help search for Gail where MP has let his children down by showing no support at all for looking for Gail. To me it seems MP under estimated the quality of friends Gail has, he was thinking quantity and hoping nobody would notice if she wasn’t around.
You would have to wonder where are all MP’s friends when it comes to stepping up and showing support to him, I haven’t seen too many people out there publicly telling us he wouldn’t do such a thing..and even those who say anything in his favour have just used attacks on people like AD with no proof he couldn’t have been involved.

Seriously, what exactly about this situation is having his cake and eating too? Being married and having an affair? If Matt and Gail were done, and it's fairly obvious they were, it would have been much easier for him to be with TH if he was divorced. Exactly what fruits of her efforts was he going to miss so badly that he would want to stay in the marriage?
We could ask the same question re Gail, what fruits of his efforts would she miss out on so badly that she wanted to stay married to him? What every woman wants, to find out her husband is a liar, a cheat and deceitful …sure makes him a keeper.
From what we hear she was preparing for divorce, was well prepared by the sound of it, he was avoiding the cost of divorce while still having a bit on the side. It would have been much easier for him to move on and divorce Gail but far more expensive, instead he chose to run with the affair until he got caught out, then it would be cheaper and much more profitable for him to get rid of her.

Next, why would he want to terrorize her and make her mentally unstable? If he tried to and suceeded, how could anything good come from it? He was obviously busy having an affair. He isn't going to want to take time that he could be spending with TH, to go follow Gail around just to make her scared. If she was scared, he was going to have to deal with her being upset and nervous and whatever other emotions and reactions it produced. My guess is that things were not all that fun around home anyway, and having a terrorized wife wouldn't make it better.
Greed, pure greed, a few months even a year of terrorizing her would be a small price to pay, his ultimate goal would be he drove Gail to suicide then everything would have been his no questions asked or failing that if he had to get rid of her and by claiming she mentally unstable he has provided a perfect cover for her not being around…she went mad and left. No one questioning his actions he could access all assets fairly soon and be living the good life with TH.

The calls to Diane? Well, I don't know what the truth is there, but we have no context to those calls. We don't know that they were threats. We don't know what they were. They were posted elsewhere for a day or less, and abruptly removed. Why? Were they incorrect? Was it something the family didn't want pursued. I could pick up the phone, dial a number and say- 12 hours, she's got 12 hours. What the heck does it mean? We don't know...12 hours till the kids are supposed to be back? 12 hours till the carpet is dry after the cleaning? 12 hours till her next pill? 12 hours till her show comes on?
Maybe the family want them pursued but have been threatened by MP, keep your opinions to yourself or else the children will never see any of Gail’s family again. He has the controlling hand in this and after all Gail’s sister and brother have lost in the way of family over the years this would be heartbreaking for them.

As to the claims I have read that he was so controlling of her...I have seen nothing that even points in that direction. It really seems that he went his way and she went hers. We have seen proof that she went back and forth to the lake, for the most part, whenever she chose. She was a SAHM and again from Arlene, spent a lot of time decorating, doing crafts, etc. It sounds like she could, for the most part, spend her days coming and going and doing anything she wanted. It has been stated that she spent lots of time with the kids, but we have been told that Matt coached soccer teams and such too. She seems to have spent lots of time with Arlene without Matt being around. That doesn't really sound all that controlling to me. The only thing I have seen mentioned as 'proof' of his controlling her is that he checked her emails... did he? My family has a primary email account and all of our email comes there. Is my husband controlling me if he looks at that account? I don't know how they had their email set up, I don't recall seeing that mentioned, but somehow, him checking her email doesn't fit the definition of controlling. Did he make her dress a certain way? No, I don't recall that ever being said. Did he make her be home at a certain time? No mention of that. Did he refuse to let her be around her friends? Obviously not. How did he control her???
I know from personal experience in our family that a woman can be living life like that and being mentally and emotionally abused, I believe a common term for men who do this is “Street angel, home devil” and I am sure those poster who posted of their year of experience working with abused women can shed some light on just how sneaky and manipulating a control freak can be, which leads to the woman finding it extremely hard to ask for help because they think nobody will believe them…after all look at the great bloke everyone else sees.

Gail was the one hacking into his phone to get his messages, putting a tracking device on his car, supposedly hiring a PI to following him, checking credit cards to find receipts of his hotel stays, etc- Not Matt.
I don’t quite understand how this line proves anything about MP being controlling or not.
Why wouldn’t she take those steps? She had reason to believe her husband was being a lying, deceitful, cheat. I would think most women would take whatever steps they need to, to find out for sure and collect the evidence, especially if their husband was good at deceiving others into thinking he was such a brilliant husband.

So, where am I going with this? Nowhere really...just pointing out that you have your thoughts and ideas, and that is fine, but that doesn't mean they are the only possiblity.
I think I know where you are going with it and can see the help you are getting going there.

And finally, if Gail is out there somewhere-starting a new life, taking a break, doing whatever (and I pray that she is), then you are correct that she deserves whatever share of assests is hers. The amounts and details would be for the courts to decide, but certainly she deserves whatever is hers.

Gail deserves to be found and questions answered..

Gail could have had an accident, she could have used self-harm or something more sinister has happened to her, I don’t know for sure if MP is involved but there is nothing making me think he isn’t either. Ok I know the old there is no sign of foul play etc will get dragged out again but I believe there is also no evidence that MP wasn’t involved, he had opportunity, he had motive and he has the brains to plan it. If MP was involved I hope he has the book thrown at him and if he wasn’t then good at least the children will have some peace of mind. But he has nobody but himself to blame if people have formed a negative opinion of him because his actions or lack of should I say, say far more about him than anything AD has said.

As always just my thoughts.
I do have to question the network of friends you mention. We have heard from Arlene, we have heard about Susie Button, we have heard of one or two others who used to work with her, but who else has stepped forward to claim friendship with Gail? Not saying that Gail was unfriendly or anything like that, but it seems strange to me that no one else really has chimed in with how close to Gail they were. Most of the people who are making such a ruckus and leading the search for her are total strangers. I just wonder if she did have people who she was 100% certain she could count on. Did she have a network of friends? Family, yes, I am sure her sister and brother and other family members, but friends...

I would have to think Matt most certainly wanted to seperate/divorce, and from what we have heard elsewhere, Gail didn't seem to want to do so. She obviously knew they didn't care for each other anymore (arguments that result in calls to LE), and maybe staying married kept him from being free to move on. Seriously, what exactly about this situation is having his cake and eating too? Being married and having an affair? If Matt and Gail were done, and it's fairly obvious they were, it would have been much easier for him to be with TH if he was divorced. Exactly what fruits of her efforts was he going to miss so badly that he would want to stay in the marriage?


IMHO..As I see it the strangers who you believe are causing the ruckus seem to be proving they are indeed friends of Gail eventhough she may have never met or knew them....JMHO..

In regards to people in her life she could count on... IIRC there is an old saying...
"Trouble is a sieve through which we sift our acquaintances. Those too big to pass through are our friends".

In reference to Matt wanting out of the marriage to be with TH, I'm thinking Matt may have realized it just might be more beneficial to him IF he were to have Gail "ERASED" rather than attempt to get a divorce...Could it be he came to the realization and knew ALL his wandering desires just might not be looked upon too favorably in a Court of Law?JMHO
Ok I have snipped confused post abit for room etc, sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes but as this is written late at night and held to copy and paste in the few moments the thread is open when I am awake and not at work (Thanks for the tip on that Fran) I apologies in advance for the errors etc.

Well, I can see you certainly have put a lot of time and thought into your sernario of what has happened. (In my opinion)It is based on some huge assumptions about Matt and Gail, which I guess you drew from things you have read on the internet.
I know this is where I am getting my scenario from and reading many other similar missing wife cases. Matt has done nothing what so ever to show he is not involved in Gail’s disappearance and as I have said before until he man’s up and actually proves he is innocent even though the law as it is protect him from having to say anything he should do it for the children’s sake & their peace of mind. In my eyes and a good many others he should be seen as POI.

Most of the people who are making such a ruckus and leading the search for her are total strangers. I just wonder if she did have people who she was 100% certain she could count on. Did she have a network of friends? Family, yes, I am sure her sister and brother and other family members, but friends...
I would say those who made a ruckus as you put it can be thanked for getting the likes of the FBI and CUE involved, as for them being strangers I think we have proved that AD is a friend, it has been stated that Karen is a friend of family members and some big hearted strangers have stepped up to help search for Gail where MP has let his children down by showing no support at all for looking for Gail. To me it seems MP under estimated the quality of friends Gail has, he was thinking quantity and hoping nobody would notice if she wasn’t around.
You would have to wonder where are all MP’s friends when it comes to stepping up and showing support to him, I haven’t seen too many people out there publicly telling us he wouldn’t do such a thing..and even those who say anything in his favour have just used attacks on people like AD with no proof he couldn’t have been involved.

Seriously, what exactly about this situation is having his cake and eating too? Being married and having an affair? If Matt and Gail were done, and it's fairly obvious they were, it would have been much easier for him to be with TH if he was divorced. Exactly what fruits of her efforts was he going to miss so badly that he would want to stay in the marriage?
We could ask the same question re Gail, what fruits of his efforts would she miss out on so badly that she wanted to stay married to him? What every woman wants, to find out her husband is a liar, a cheat and deceitful …sure makes him a keeper.
From what we hear she was preparing for divorce, was well prepared by the sound of it, he was avoiding the cost of divorce while still having a bit on the side. It would have been much easier for him to move on and divorce Gail but far more expensive, instead he chose to run with the affair until he got caught out, then it would be cheaper and much more profitable for him to get rid of her.

Next, why would he want to terrorize her and make her mentally unstable? If he tried to and suceeded, how could anything good come from it? He was obviously busy having an affair. He isn't going to want to take time that he could be spending with TH, to go follow Gail around just to make her scared. If she was scared, he was going to have to deal with her being upset and nervous and whatever other emotions and reactions it produced. My guess is that things were not all that fun around home anyway, and having a terrorized wife wouldn't make it better.
Greed, pure greed, a few months even a year of terrorizing her would be a small price to pay, his ultimate goal would be he drove Gail to suicide then everything would have been his no questions asked or failing that if he had to get rid of her and by claiming she mentally unstable he has provided a perfect cover for her not being around…she went mad and left. No one questioning his actions he could access all assets fairly soon and be living the good life with TH.

The calls to Diane? Well, I don't know what the truth is there, but we have no context to those calls. We don't know that they were threats. We don't know what they were. They were posted elsewhere for a day or less, and abruptly removed. Why? Were they incorrect? Was it something the family didn't want pursued. I could pick up the phone, dial a number and say- 12 hours, she's got 12 hours. What the heck does it mean? We don't know...12 hours till the kids are supposed to be back? 12 hours till the carpet is dry after the cleaning? 12 hours till her next pill? 12 hours till her show comes on?
Maybe the family want them pursued but have been threatened by MP, keep your opinions to yourself or else the children will never see any of Gail’s family again. He has the controlling hand in this and after all Gail’s sister and brother have lost in the way of family over the years this would be heartbreaking for them.

As to the claims I have read that he was so controlling of her...I have seen nothing that even points in that direction. It really seems that he went his way and she went hers. We have seen proof that she went back and forth to the lake, for the most part, whenever she chose. She was a SAHM and again from Arlene, spent a lot of time decorating, doing crafts, etc. It sounds like she could, for the most part, spend her days coming and going and doing anything she wanted. It has been stated that she spent lots of time with the kids, but we have been told that Matt coached soccer teams and such too. She seems to have spent lots of time with Arlene without Matt being around. That doesn't really sound all that controlling to me. The only thing I have seen mentioned as 'proof' of his controlling her is that he checked her emails... did he? My family has a primary email account and all of our email comes there. Is my husband controlling me if he looks at that account? I don't know how they had their email set up, I don't recall seeing that mentioned, but somehow, him checking her email doesn't fit the definition of controlling. Did he make her dress a certain way? No, I don't recall that ever being said. Did he make her be home at a certain time? No mention of that. Did he refuse to let her be around her friends? Obviously not. How did he control her???
I know from personal experience in our family that a woman can be living life like that and being mentally and emotionally abused, I believe a common term for men who do this is “Street angel, home devil” and I am sure those poster who posted of their year of experience working with abused women can shed some light on just how sneaky and manipulating a control freak can be, which leads to the woman finding it extremely hard to ask for help because they think nobody will believe them…after all look at the great bloke everyone else sees.

Gail was the one hacking into his phone to get his messages, putting a tracking device on his car, supposedly hiring a PI to following him, checking credit cards to find receipts of his hotel stays, etc- Not Matt.
I don’t quite understand how this line proves anything about MP being controlling or not.
Why wouldn’t she take those steps? She had reason to believe her husband was being a lying, deceitful, cheat. I would think most women would take whatever steps they need to, to find out for sure and collect the evidence, especially if their husband was good at deceiving others into thinking he was such a brilliant husband.

So, where am I going with this? Nowhere really...just pointing out that you have your thoughts and ideas, and that is fine, but that doesn't mean they are the only possiblity.
I think I know where you are going with it and can see the help you are getting going there.

And finally, if Gail is out there somewhere-starting a new life, taking a break, doing whatever (and I pray that she is), then you are correct that she deserves whatever share of assests is hers. The amounts and details would be for the courts to decide, but certainly she deserves whatever is hers.

Gail deserves to be found and questions answered..

Gail could have had an accident, she could have used self-harm or something more sinister has happened to her, I don’t know for sure if MP is involved but there is nothing making me think he isn’t either. Ok I know the old there is no sign of foul play etc will get dragged out again but I believe there is also no evidence that MP wasn’t involved, he had opportunity, he had motive and he has the brains to plan it. If MP was involved I hope he has the book thrown at him and if he wasn’t then good at least the children will have some peace of mind. But he has nobody but himself to blame if people have formed a negative opinion of him because his actions or lack of should I say, say far more about him than anything AD has said.

As always just my thoughts.

Excellent post Annie....:gthanks::tyou:
I count myself as one of Gail's friends. She does not know me. I do not "know" her. But I want Gail to be found so badly. I don't know the who, how or why of her disappearence but I want her found. My opinion is that she cannot come back either because of an accident or foul play. My gut opinion says foul play. I do not know that her husband had anything to do with it. But his actions sure indicate he has something to hide and that he has zero interest in what may have happened to Gail. Jmo
Most of the people who are making such a ruckus and leading the search for her are total strangers.

And thank goodness for that beautiful ruckus! We need more ruckus for all the missing women that go basically unnoticed and unaccounted for, not just Gail but everyone.

Gail is away from her kids, family, friends, even money and valuables. She has a right to those things. The best case scenario at this point is that she has lost her rights to those things to go into hiding because of a serious fear for her safety or, as some theorize, because of mental instability.

That scenario IMVHO means we should still be looking for her, to help her get back her access to her life. Our laws and our justice system should not be set up to "save" women by making them give up everything that matters to them. It should be set up so that they get the help, either legal or psychological, that they need so they can have their life back.

BBM Some of Gail's friends and former co-workers have made statements online, but I have not seen statements they made to the MSM. I don't know why, but in my opinion, the media went to the family for a story and spoke to DN and then they went to AD or she went to them and they stuck with her. The media may not have approached other friends. After what AD has been through, I wouldn't blame them for staying out of the spotlight. Of course we don't know if LE has interviewed any of Gail's other friends besides AD, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. I doubt we would hear about it. JMO
confused;7220286]Sorry it took so long for me to get this back up...I wanted to make sure I stated it correctly and answered the specific questions I was asked. Here you are:

Well, I can see you certainly have put a lot of time and thought into your sernario of what has happened. (In my opinion)It is based on some huge assumptions about Matt and Gail, which I guess you drew from things you have read on the internet.
I have never met Gail the internet is the only way for me to gather info....and readily admit some or all of it could be erroneous because you really don't know the "who" behind what's being said. Even people close to GP may not know what was truly going on in their home ...because people can wear many masks.

As for Gail going to a shelter and the time she has been gone...I don't really know what to say. I do have to question the network of friends you mention. We have heard from Arlene, we have heard about Susie Button, we have heard of one or two others who used to work with her, but who else has stepped forward to claim friendship with Gail? Not saying that Gail was unfriendly or anything like that, but it seems strange to me that no one else really has chimed in with how close to Gail they were. Most of the people who are making such a ruckus and leading the search for her are total strangers. I just wonder if she did have people who she was 100% certain she could count on. Did she have a network of friends? Family, yes, I am sure her sister and brother and other family members, but friends...
Gail like most of us, imo, has more friends than she knows. In a situation like this it can can be surprising. The people she went to HS and college with. They have friends, and then they have friends of friends, etc. Maybe the waitress where her family might have gone every Sunday after church---do you realize how many all walks of life a waitress may know? Her priest, or the proprietors of where she hung out when in her teens. The doctors, teachers, the business owners, politicians, etc. The all have friends...and friends of friends too. I've seen it happen...and the list could go on and on and it's tentacles stretch far and wide. It's a blessing of human spirit.

I would have to think Matt most certainly wanted to seperate/divorce, and from what we have heard elsewhere, Gail didn't seem to want to do so. She obviously knew they didn't care for each other anymore (arguments that result in calls to LE), and maybe staying married kept him from being free to move on. Seriously, what exactly about this situation is having his cake and eating too? Being married and having an affair? If Matt and Gail were done, and it's fairly obvious they were, it would have been much easier for him to be with TH if he was divorced. Exactly what fruits of her efforts was he going to miss so badly that he would want to stay in the marriage?
Change is difficult for some people. It's easier for some to manipulate the situation within their own comfort zone....and have it all, per se. His mistress and a wife. Two very different women...physically and more important.. psychologically... based on his wants and needs, his image and his well being.

If the marriage was "done" why didn't he file or leave the one was hog tying him?

If he was so in love with TH, then why didn't he leave the home?

JMO, I don't think MP had to worry about when and where he would find the time to spend with TH or any other women. I think he felt a obligation somewhat to the children as far as time allocated to them, but I picture him not spending much time in the home at all, tbh. The fruits?
Apparently MP enjoys that lake house...and the A Frame was totally hers. It was said GP earned more than he did, so she may have had stock options she took advantage of, a hefty savings and retirement sum socked away, etc. He had a built in loving child care provider in their own home where he didn't have to worry if they had school activities to go to and homework assignments to complete. He didn't have to worry or take the time to pick them up...and make sure they were taken care of. He didn't have to be home to make sure they were fed every night. He didn't have to maintain the home...cook, clean, grocery shop or call the repair man...he had a wife to it all and he could spend his time with whoever..and when. Maybe he did take care of the kids when GP was working and had to travel, but I'd bet my bippy he wasn't complaining about the money she provided.

Again, why didn't he leave the home if he was so unhappy and had someone else to fulfill him? All he had to do was walk out that door.
One second of time in decision.... ????? Very easy...why?
***TH has a real awakening, imo. Most men after a divorce don't immediately run to the altar again.....and most of the mistresses that were there during the break up..don't end up becoming the new Mrs....especially in MP's income bracket.

Next, why would he want to terrorize her and make her mentally unstable? If he tried to and suceeded, how could anything good come from it? He was obviously busy having an affair. He isn't going to want to take time that he could be spending with TH, to go follow Gail around just to make her scared. If she was scared, he was going to have to deal with her being upset and nervous and whatever other emotions and reactions it produced. My guess is that things were not all that fun around home anyway, and having a terrorized wife wouldn't make it better.

It would serve his purpose of not having to share...pure greed, as someone else has mentioned. He would have total control over the children and gain what she had brought to marriage financially. Have her declared unstable.... push her to suicide ....would certainly accomplish that. I think he had someone else following her and there are many little or subtle things he could do to make her feel unsure, doubting her self and her own sanity. Gaslighting. Some relish in the anxiety they are bestowing on their's not really a pain-in-the arse mentality.... it's a control issue.

The calls to Diane? Well, I don't know what the truth is there, but we have no context to those calls. We don't know that they were threats. We don't know what they were. They were posted elsewhere for a day or less, and abruptly removed. Why? Were they incorrect? Was it something the family didn't want pursued. I could pick up the phone, dial a number and say- 12 hours, she's got 12 hours. What the heck does it mean? We don't know...12 hours till the kids are supposed to be back? 12 hours till the carpet is dry after the cleaning? 12 hours till her next pill? 12 hours till her show comes on?

I can only go by what was stated. They were said to be "threats"....and by all the reports of GP being scared...and she thought she was being followed, I don't think a wet carpet, a pill or her favorite TV show were foremost in her--- or his mind...especially right after a domestic issue with LE involved and she leaves the home...both times. I thought after a domestic situation the parties involved were to have no contact for 24 hours, and I would think that would include phone calls; but it seems MP was adamant to relay something (after LE leaves) he felt GP should hear...about a 10 or 12 hour time period he knew she had ....and going as far as involving someone else.. hundreds of miles away to do so. Must have been imperative?

As to the claims I have read that he was so controlling of her...I have seen nothing that even points in that direction. It really seems that he went his way and she went hers. We have seen proof that she went back and forth to the lake, for the most part, whenever she chose. She was a SAHM and again from Arlene, spent a lot of time decorating, doing crafts, etc. It sounds like she could, for the most part, spend her days coming and going and doing anything she wanted. It has been stated that she spent lots of time with the kids, but we have been told that Matt coached soccer teams and such too. She seems to have spent lots of time with Arlene without Matt being around. That doesn't really sound all that controlling to me. The only thing I have seen mentioned as 'proof' of his controlling her is that he checked her emails... did he? My family has a primary email account and all of our email comes there. Is my husband controlling me if he looks at that account? I don't know how they had their email set up, I don't recall seeing that mentioned, but somehow, him checking her email doesn't fit the definition of controlling. Did he make her dress a certain way? No, I don't recall that ever being said. Did he make her be home at a certain time? No mention of that. Did he refuse to let her be around her friends? Obviously not. How did he control her??? Gail was the one hacking into his phone to get his messages, putting a tracking device on his car, supposedly hiring a PI to following him, checking credit cards to find receipts of his hotel stays, etc- Not Matt.
I think MP was mostly controlling GP by manipulating her with lies and cunning be able to do what he wanted to. It's when he realized Gail "knew"...and she had taken steps to divorce... having enough "proof" in countering everything he was to gain...he lost his control. But there are many types of control...and that is the core of domestic issues. I and many others here have probably been in this situation. You don't have to be married to them. IMO, there's probably more than we know occurring behind the scenes. Intimidation, verbal and emotional abuse are acts of control well as physical. Think about when you get into a verbal argument or disagreement....there is an element of control in dispute as well...and at it's base...some level of fear.

So, where am I going with this? Nowhere really...just pointing out that you have your thoughts and ideas, and that is fine, but that doesn't mean they are the only possibility.

And finally, if Gail is out there somewhere-starting a new life, taking a break, doing whatever (and I pray that she is), then you are correct that she deserves whatever share of assests is hers. The amounts and details would be for the courts to decide, but certainly she deserves whatever is hers.

Fully agree with everything stated in the last quotes confused. Thanks for responding.....and your thoughts and input.

She could have left on her own, but why not contact someone?...Did she really believe that no one cared? Her children? Did she attempt to reach for help many times before and was discounted? Was there something out there better and worth leaving behind her children and everything she accumulated in her life? I really don't think AD is deliberately giving out false information and I don't know Gail. Would she and was she misleading AD? Was it really GP making the withdrawals? IDK. I could be totally wrong about MP, and there are others who may have a motive, agree...but for moment...he's my #1 POI. We've seen it happen too many times in situations like this. JMO, IMO, etc.
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