TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #5

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It would be interesting to know if the neighbor who spotted the strange car in the neighborhood had gotten a license plate number?

Also, wonder what make/model the 'strange car' was?

Wonder when the LAST TIME the neighbor observed this 'strange car?'

Interesting that the fellow/now terminated employee of MP purchased a new car?


Interesting developments the past day or so.


PS....I would imagine MP isn't exactly the outdoors type. You know? The type to go deep in the woods for ANYTHING. Nope, he'd most likely stick close to the roads, maybe unpaved a bit, but designated roads. fwiw.....

Wonder if Le has made any trips to any other states outside of Tn, besides AL?


Maybe Gail wrote it down? She was writing license plates down...and MP knew it.
Batesville is literally 45 mins from me!! I'm in Memphis and since they now have our maj. I240 Interstate connect with 385 we take the hwy 72 exit and There's the teeny tiny town of Batesville that we go thru on our way to our lakehouse In Pickwick..

Literally a hop, skip and a jump from me..

Gee, I wonder if Smooth is in for a little trip to gather info or pics? Te he. :seeya:
And in speaking of hotels in Batesville.. I kid you not that on our route to Pickwick on hwy 72 there is what is called the "Bates" motel.. I kid you not!!! My entire adult life we've kidded about the "Bates" motel when we pass it .. Of course from the old Psycho movies..

ETA: in Batesville I seriously doubt that u will find a "hotel" and I'd not be shocked to learn that we are talking such a teeny tiny country town that this Bates "motel" may very well likely be the only motel/hotel located in Batesville...

I'm so glad you said that about the Bates Motel, because it certainly came to mind when I read this! :crazy:

But literally, all that water to search! And thousands of acres of farmland, pine trees, fields, and nothing but corn and cotton and soybeans, right? It's mind boggling to think of searching an area like that.

This makes the search especially difficult because we've got all of northern Alabama into Mississippi now. Incredible.

But see, I've been wondering if something happened to Gail away from her house, who would drive away in her Jeep in order to hide it somewhere? Would MP have to follow someone to give them a ride back from wherever the car/body was dumped? Well . . . I can't think of a better place to dump a car or body than rural northern MS. The girlfriend could just drive it back there with MP following her. If the kids stayed with Grandma, they could drive to MS and be back early the next day.

So this fits with my theory that perhaps the Jeep was driven away at night before Gail was reported missing. I think the police must be really suspicious to release all this information.

I hope they search all around her home, maybe within walking distance!
Like minds think alike...........:innocent:

Thoughtfox......I brought Batesville up on Google Maps too. The first thing I saw was Sardis? Lake. Have to find out how far and what routes to get Wetumpka. BRB.

It's pretty simple. For Batesville from Chattanooga they would take I-59 through Birmingham, then northwest on 78 into northern MS.

To get to Wetumpka is the same route, only you take 65 south at Birmingham and go towards Montgomery.

Wetumpka is really far from Batesville, so I'm not sure what connection you are making there.

If someone had taken Gail's jeep to Mississippi, it would have nothing to do with Wetumpka.
It would be interesting to know if the neighbor who spotted the strange car in the neighborhood had gotten a license plate number?

Also, wonder what make/model the 'strange car' was?

Wonder when the LAST TIME the neighbor observed this 'strange car?'

Did any of them have Mississippi plates? :twocents:

fran said:
Interesting that the fellow/now terminated employee of MP purchased a new car?

Hmmm, I missed that detail. Who was it?

fran said:
PS....I would imagine MP isn't exactly the outdoors type. You know? The type to go deep in the woods for ANYTHING. Nope, he'd most likely stick close to the roads, maybe unpaved a bit, but designated roads. fwiw.....

Still even if he stuck to the main roads, we are talking countless miles to search - incredible that this has spread now to another rural state full of lakes and trees.

fran said:
Wonder if Le has made any trips to any other states outside of Tn, besides AL?

I hope they've been to Batesville for sure. Something is not right about all this! I think the fact that she has a defense attorney means that the police are probably putting some pressure on this couple.
Interesting that the fellow/now terminated employee of MP purchased a new car?

Hmmm, I missed that detail. Who was it?

It was Tammy! It just got mentioned Tuesday in the new articles:

Sources said he left the conference without attending any of the sessions and joined a female BlueCross employee at another location, then they drove back to Chattanooga together after she allegedly bought a car there.

Can you believe it? I'm still just floored.
I was just processing everything I learned this evening, and now there's more! On one hand, I am encouraged to hear LE commenting and to see it make national news, but on the other, I had sort of talked myself into thinking Gail had left on her own. Sadly, I really doubt that now.

Just to speculate for a second, but if we're looking at a situation where two upper middle class professional types without a criminal past might get charged with a major crime, and if one or both of those two knew anything about said crime, I think it's reasonable to expect one of them would tell everything they knew. Just in an effort to avoid even more serious consequences, if for no other reason.
It was Tammy! It just got mentioned Tuesday in the new articles:

Sources said he left the conference without attending any of the sessions and joined a female BlueCross employee at another location, then they drove back to Chattanooga together after she allegedly bought a car there.

Can you believe it? I'm still just floored.

OMG - I didn't even catch that for some reason! How bizarre!

So she bought a new car in Pennsylvania just a week before Gail disappeared? I'm speechless now.
Just to speculate for a second, but if we're looking at a situation where two upper middle class professional types without a criminal past might get charged with a major crime, and if one or both of those two knew anything about said crime, I think it's reasonable to expect one of them would tell everything they knew. Just in an effort to avoid even more serious consequences, if for no other reason.

I think it just depends on how arrogant they are. To feel a need to commit a crime like that in the first place, you have to have a pretty big ego. I think that was pretty apparent in the first few days of this case.

And people who put their own needs in front of everybody else usually think they can do no wrong, or that the ends justify the means.

They clearly thought they would get away with cheating on the job and sneaking away from conferences where BC/BS was footing the bill. So what else did they expect to get away with?

And my hubby and I were talking about this: would they have ever been in trouble at BC/BS if Gail hadn't gone missing? How long has the relationship been going on?

Maybe MP was a good liar at work. Maybe other people covered for him. Maybe BC/BS trusted him - they must have - so they never questioned his travel expenses. Most conferences don't have a pop quiz afterward, so he took a chance and sneaked away.

But I agree with Dr. Phil, who said again on yesterday's show that these guys need to man-up and get a divorce instead of running around on their wives and pretending at home. :twocents:
Well it made the national news. Same TFP article.

That company Email will get ya everytime.

Did anyone else notice this in the MSNBC article?

BlueCross sent Matthew Palmgren a letter Monday informing him he was fired, said Lee Davis, a defense attorney who is representing him.

So he has Bryan Hoss and Lee Davis defending him? Maybe this was mentioned before, so I hope I'm not repeating anything. But having two defense lawyers while your girlfriend has lawyered up with a third really points to just one scenario. :(
I am gonna do a little digging around and see what I can find about possibly any specific about Batesville that have been mentioned or that would be relevant and I woukd certainly take the drive down and take photos..

Any/all suggestions of particular areas or places in amd around Batesville that you would be interested to actually have photos of and get actual visuals of these areas or places..

Open to Any suggestions any of you may have..
I was just processing everything I learned this evening, and now there's more! On one hand, I am encouraged to hear LE commenting and to see it make national news, but on the other, I had sort of talked myself into thinking Gail had left on her own. Sadly, I really doubt that now.

Just to speculate for a second, but if we're looking at a situation where two upper middle class professional types without a criminal past might get charged with a major crime, and if one or both of those two knew anything about said crime, I think it's reasonable to expect one of them would tell everything they knew. Just in an effort to avoid even more serious consequences, if for no other reason.

I had talked myself into thinking GP had left on her own too....or trying very hard to.

One or other, IF, er involved had better be talking....quick. If they both decide to lawyer and hush up, then it will make LE's job that much harder; but if LE gets the break they need to put them behind bars and throw away the key- w/o their help...then mercy won't be the focus. Just look at CA. JMO

**I think TH's lawyer is a newbie and has only been in practice since 2007.
OMG - I didn't even catch that for some reason! How bizarre!

So she bought a new car in Pennsylvania just a week before Gail disappeared? I'm speechless now.

Just wondering where you got that she purchased the car in Pennsylvania? The connference was in Minnesota and I haven't seen Pennsylvannia referenced anywhere, just " another location."

Sorry, I just read the article over again and saw where it claims the conference was in Pennsylvannia. I believe this information is incorrect and that the conference was in Minneapolis to be exact.
Did anyone else notice this in the MSNBC article?

So he has Bryan Hoss and Lee Davis defending him? Maybe this was mentioned before, so I hope I'm not repeating anything. But having two defense lawyers while your girlfriend has lawyered up with a third really points to just one scenario. :(
I caught that too. Another atty? But, Davis and Hoss are not from seperate firms, they are partners and practice together. Interesting information on both Davis ,and Hoss After carefully reading both of their bios, and given the recent LE and media info, IMO my concern for Gail just pegged even more.

I would have to wonder also, when TH initially hired her atty? IMO, the earlier she hired him, the worse it could be for Gail...on the other hand, considering all of the info that has been clarified in the past two days, she would almost have to in order to protect herself...due to her close association with MP.

I am praying for the best for Gail and her children, but fearful of what else might come out in the near future. I am afraid the unknown seems so sad and ominous.
Sorry, I'm a little lost here, folks. Did the witness who saw Gail drive off in her Jeep (I realize it might not have been Gail)- but- somehow get discredited?
Not saying this is my opinion at all- but lets keep in mind that a LOT of people have affairs- and don't murder their spouses. JMHO.

If it was indeed Gail that left in the Jeep, then I find it very unlikely someone tracked her down to murder her. If she was not the one who left with the Jeep- then she is a LOT closer to home. Again- JMHO.
I am gonna do a little digging around and see what I can find about possibly any specific about Batesville that have been mentioned or that would be relevant and I woukd certainly take the drive down and take photos..

Any/all suggestions of particular areas or places in amd around Batesville that you would be interested to actually have photos of and get actual visuals of these areas or places..

Open to Any suggestions any of you may have..

There's a new poster with the updated #'s on:!/pages/Bring-Gail-Home-Now/210209109009469

couldn't hurt to post/hand out some fliers?
There's a new poster with the updated #'s on:!/pages/Bring-Gail-Home-Now/210209109009469

couldn't hurt to post/hand out some fliers?
Sorrry for the long list- but you get the idea..... start with a 5 mile radious and work out from there- as many people we have on here- this can be done.

o Post flyers in:

§ Fast food restaurants

§ Restaurants

§ Post offices

§ Schools & School districts

§ Grocery stores

§ Banks

§ Drive up ATM’s

§ UPS & FedX

§ Utility companies

§ Morgues

§ Stores

§ Chamber of Commerce

§ Shopping centers

§ Service stations (every store if possible)

§ Truck stops

§ Hotels

§ Child related businesses

§ Hospitals

§ Doctor’s offices

§ Apartment complexes

§ Airports

§ Rental car agencies

§ Sporting events

§ Parks

§ Homeless shelters and community kitchens

§ Suicide prevention lines

§ Public transportation

§ Craigslist

§ Libraries, public and schools

§ Churches

§ City Govt buildings

§ Yahoo groups (via email)

§ Bike couriers

§ Meter readers

§ Phone companies/trucks

§ Cab companies

§ Universities
Did anyone else notice this in the MSNBC article?

So he has Bryan Hoss and Lee Davis defending him? Maybe this was mentioned before, so I hope I'm not repeating anything. But having two defense lawyers while your girlfriend has lawyered up with a third really points to just one scenario. :(

I don't think this is significant at all, that Lee Davis and Bryan Hoss both are on the case to an extent. With them being partners, it could be as simple as Hoss being out of town. Especially with only two attorneys in the firm, they would be working as a team often.

Barrow doesn't have nearly as much experience or notoriety as Hoss and Davis. Makes me think MP isn't sharing his funds $$$$$ with TH.
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