TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #6

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Some of that information was covered by Callie Starnes on WRCB a week or so earlier, so no it didn't strike me as that bizarre.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 *Media Links*
Thanks ThoughtFox for your input. It is truly appreciated! :-)

My intention was not to express doubt in the validity of her statements. I'm sure, from what I have read about this case, everything she stated was probably true. I guess I am just surprised that Arleen made it all SO public. I'm sure it is being driven by her deep affection she has for Gail causing her to feel particularly biased about the mystery of her disappearance.

Maybe I should explain my reasoning. I guess what bothers me most is if I ask myself how I would feel about my best friend freely giving out details of my private life to the world ... missing or not ... I would not like it at all. But that is just me. As someone who has been in an abusive relationship, I can tell you that part of why women live with the abuse in silence is because to them, in a twisted way, it is embarrassing and you really don't want people to know because somehow you think maybe it could be your fault and maybe you can do something to fix it. I know ... it's not right. But unfortunately it happens. Gail is obviously a victim here in more ways than one. It is also evident to me that she is also a woman who lived with the abuse in silence. According to the article, she wouldn't even tell Arleen, her trusted best friend why she had a black eye. If she wouldn't be honest with her best friend, how do you think she would feel about everyone reading that article speculating on how she got it? Maybe I'm just a little to sensitive to her privacy. I don't know. I say tell the authorities everything ... hold no details or theories back. But out of respect for her, keep the very private details out of the public eye. IMO there is no reason why the public needs to know how he humiliated her with this other woman and which hotels they met at or details about how much money they spent or how much she drew out of her 401K or when she was laid off from work and most especially things Gail personally told Arleen in confidence. Of course, this is just my opinion. I apologize in advance if it offends anyone here. That is certainly not my intent. I guess you would just have to be there to understand.
that all said, when i first heard there were stipulations/parameters (but didn't know yet what they were) my first thought was that they might find drug paraphenalia and he didn't want to be charged on that. again, so many things unknown...

Of course, that would be very relevant since as a licensed pharmacist, IMO the last thing you want LE to find is drug paraphernalia in your home.
From the TFP article linked above:


The consent order to search the Palmgrens’ Signal Mountain home included these parameters:
  • Mike Mathis, a former Chattanooga Police Department investigator, who has been hired by Palmgren, must be present during the searches.
  • Any documents that investigators wish to copy must be copied through Palmgren and his attorneys.
  • Testing of trace evidence is allowed as long as it does not damage the property.
  • Detectives must get permission to further test items from the house from Palmgren’s attorney and the Hamilton County District Attorney’s Office.
  • If investigators damage the property, the sheriff’s office must replace the property.
Source: Consent Order

I always thought a consensual search was a permitted search. IE: LE responds to a missing person call, they do a write up report, and then may ask to search around the property....anything unusual. That didn't happen here. As I've said before, Hoss keeps saying Matt was open in the beginning to a what has changed in the past 50+ days since they have to now have a scripted consent/agreement from the defense lawyer?

Sorry, but I guess I just don't understand all.

I am not sure that LE has to get permission to test items from the home that may be related to a crime. ???? Anyone else?
oh and to clarify, i wasn't saying it was "ok" to care more about your "carpet" than about finding your missing spouse only that if he really is as controlling as he appears to be that that could be very important to him and why the parameters are in place. it could be completely separate from the desire to hide something.

that all said, when i first heard there were stipulations/parameters (but didn't know yet what they were) my first thought was that they might find drug paraphenalia and he didn't want to be charged on that. again, so many things unknown...

All that matters to me about this is that he isn't really in control of things, no matter how sterling his legal team is in dealing with police. If he was in control of things, they wouldn't be searching his property, would they?

That's why I still have hope that the truth can win out.
I am not sure that LE has to get permission to test items from the home that may be related to a crime. ???? Anyone else?

It's really interesting the way that is worded:

Detectives must get permission to further test items from the house from Palmgren’s attorney and the Hamilton County District Attorney’s Office.

But can Palmgren's attorney really overrule the District Attorney? No, not in the real world. :crazy:

So that stipulation makes it sound as if they are in control, but they aren't. It's like an attorney asking for something in court, but knowing he will be overruled. It's legalese.
Of course, that would be very relevant since as a licensed pharmacist, IMO the last thing you want LE to find is drug paraphernalia in your home.

It has been stated before, but just to keep the facts clear, Matt and Gail are both. dr.s of pharmacology, not pharmacist. Not sure about Gail, but I don't recall Matt ever even working in a pharmacy. He is in the paperwork and research side, not actually passing pills over a counter.

Also, not in response to your comment above, but general sentiment in the past several posts, I sort of see Matt's "lack of concern" as an indicator that he isn't involved. before you all jump me, let Me elaborate. If my spouse and I were unhappy like it seems they were, and all the events of the 29&30th happened, I might be inclined to think - fine, be that way, I didn't want you around anyway. The 48 hours isn't all that long if you are angry with each other, and honestly, we don't know what he knew about it. They may have talked and she said she was going off for a day or so, the kids may have said she planned to do so. if they had been happy and he had expected her home that night, then 48 hours would have been a long time, but not with this situation. Again, before You start typing that if he knows something he should be saying so, maybe he did, to the LE, and they are keeping it hush.

I don't mean to seem cold or uncaring, but realistically, with the facts-real facts that we have it seems like Gail had enough and left. things were going on, yes, on both sides. He had a PI, she had a PI. she even put a tracer on his car. He was having an affair, she was passing out paperwork and passports etc to friends and neighbors. His reaction, to me, seems like the reaction of a man who honestly thinks she walked out. if he had done something, I think he would be more involved, just trying to keep track of where the investigation was going, and point it away from himself. I know many of you are going to reply with the , but for the kids..., but again we don't know what the kids may know.

just thinking out loud on my part
Hmmm, I have to disagree. I see no reason why Gail would confide so much in a "casual friend" and send important papers to her. They have known each other quite a few years, since the time the Palmgren's lived in Kentucky according to Arlene.

I think Arlene has a strong personality, like a few other people in this case, and it's working against them because they become the focus instead of Gail.

To go back for a sec to the original post that I responded to, if they were so close and had known each other for so long, why didn't AD know about the brother? I would assume that the nature of his death would have greatly affected Gail, and she would have talked with AD about it.

As someone else has already stated, AD wasn't the only person Gail gave things to. I haven't seen Susie Button racing around the south east "interviewing" people, or on tv giving out info like Halloween candy. Does that make Susie not such a god friend?

I agree that AD seems to have a veery strong personality, and I wonder if maybe she pushed Gail into giving her the paperwork etc. Not at gunpoint or anything, but like - you just give me x, y and z and I will hold it for you, he won't know I have it and he won't ever be able to get it from me... Something to that effect. I could also see her saying something like- I'll go pick up that, don' you worry, I'll get it... Not saying that in a bad way, but I could possibly see her as the not taking no for an answer type.

Again, just thinking out loud.
It has been stated before, but just to keep the facts clear, Matt and Gail are both. dr.s of pharmacology, not pharmacist. Not sure about Gail, but I don't recall Matt ever even working in a pharmacy. He is in the paperwork and research side, not actually passing pills over a counter.

As a professional license holder in another state, I will tell you that if you are convicted of a felony, you will lose your license whether you are practicing or not. According to the State of Tennessee, MP is a licensed pharmacist. See the link below.
As a professional license holder in another state, I will tell you that if you are convicted of a felony, you will lose your license whether you are practicing or not. According to the State of Tennessee, MP is a licensed pharmacist. See the link below.

Thank you, and yes I am aware of this, and the fact that he is licensed. My intent was to keep the general reader aware that he is not in daily contact with bottles of pills. Just keeping facts clear.
As for the brother, I believe from looking him up on the net, that he died about 2 years ago. If Gail and AD were friends at that time, I would think AD would have known. I also wondered if maybe the "best friend" thing was a bit exaggerated by AD. She may have felt they were best friends, but Gail just thought of them as casual friends.

All JMO.

I believe Gail may have 2 brothers. Because it has been reported that one died 2 yrs ago and one was here in Chattanooga after Gail disappeared or has been mentioned numerous times as well as his wife. There was discussion early on that this brother was thinking about setting up some sort of fund. I agree with sleuthy1, I think this brother is the one AD was speaking of and I got the impression that Gail was not close to him. Believe me, it is possible to have family members that you don't talk to and can't stand and don't speak of to your friends. I've seen it. That's what I thought when AD said, "I didn't even know she had a brother in Florida".
Where in the hello is Gail? I just cannot believe her car hasn't been found by now!
It just burns me how people can sit here and slam Arlene like this. She obviously cares about her friend and what happened to her friend. Apparently they are close enough friends that Gail confined in her so what is the discussion about this best friends? It makes no sense. I wish I had a friend like Arlene and we ought to be grateful that she has spoken out on Gail's behalf or we would know nothing.
but in continuing to play devil's IS only 9 times out of 10 so there is that 10% that just look guilty but aren't, kwim? i know chances are..."if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck..." just saying in this trial by the public that there can't be a for sure conviction w/ the "evidence" we have thus far (the evidence being his questionable behaviour of course).

i know many have said they are glad they aren't LE in this situation due to the time zone confusion but for me, i already deal w/ that and if i WERE LE then at least i would know what all info was out there ... :banghead:

"If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck." (Like my Mama always used to say...). This is not an edge of your seat thriller or an episode of Murder She Wrote. Sometimes life is stranger than fiction, but sometimes it just is what it is. It's been going on since Cain and Abel. Sorry, but in my experience, innocent people usually look, uh.. innocent. That's why you'll find LE clearing them early on, not haggling with lawyers over stipulations for a property search.
It just burns me how people can sit here and slam Arlene like this. She obviously cares about her friend and what happened to her friend. Apparently they are close enough friends that Gail confined in her so what is the discussion about this best friends? It makes no sense. I wish I had a friend like Arlene and we ought to be grateful that she has spoken out on Gail's behalf or we would know nothing.

:grouphug: I just got caught up with this thread and I don't see where Arlene has been slammed. But I definitely agree with you- I am grateful she spoke out and I would hope my friends would do the same for me in the situation. I always find it interesting when friends DO NOT speak up for a missing friend, but when someone actually does, there is a bit of overspeculation (MOO). She had the "guts" to speak out regardless and I applaude her for that.
I believe Gail may have 2 brothers. Because it has been reported that one died 2 yrs ago and one was here in Chattanooga after Gail disappeared or has been mentioned numerous times as well as his wife. There was discussion early on that this brother was thinking about setting up some sort of fund. I agree with sleuthy1, I think this brother is the one AD was speaking of and I got the impression that Gail was not close to him. Believe me, it is possible to have family members that you don't talk to and can't stand and don't speak of to your friends. I've seen it. That's what I thought when AD said, "I didn't even know she had a brother in Florida".

yes, she definitely has 2brothers- J and K. I think the one who died lived in FL, not sure where the other one lives. I do know that the obit was from a FL funeral home....I don't know how close Gail is to any of her siblings. it doesn't seem like AD and the siblings hit it off too well- from what I've read here and other places.
I see you haven't posted a lot yet, but I hope you will continue to contribute your thoughts. :twocents:

Thanks Pearl! You are kind and diplomatic to boot! I try to phrase my opinions gently, and even use qualifier's (media mistakes etc.) but it is impossible to please everyone ...of course I puzzle over unexpected reactions, all caps and such, but it's OK; it stimulates the mind.

I really just hope Gail is OK and that she did run away from her life because the only other option is that she is no longer alive.
Again, I fully realize LDT's are not admissable in court but just wonderinng IF MP was asked to take a LDT..I'm thinking IF I were him and innocent of any wrong doing in reference to my wife's disappearance I would readily submit to one to clear myself...JMHO..
It just burns me how people can sit here and slam Arlene like this. She obviously cares about her friend and what happened to her friend. Apparently they are close enough friends that Gail confined in her so what is the discussion about this best friends? It makes no sense. I wish I had a friend like Arlene and we ought to be grateful that she has spoken out on Gail's behalf or we would know nothing.

I don't see that anyone is slamming AD. Raising interesting and pertinent questions, but not slamming. The only person who has been slammed is Matt, and he has been very much slammed, even though there is no evidence connecting him to the disappearance. He is the husband and hasn't reacted like the public wants so he has pretty much been convicted in the court of public opinion.
I don't see that anyone is slamming AD. Raising interesting and pertinent questions, but not slamming. The only person who has been slammed is Matt, and he has been very much slammed, even though there is no evidence connecting him to the disappearance. He is the husband and hasn't reacted like the public wants so he has pretty much been convicted in the court of public opinion.

No one here has convicted him of causing Gail's disappearance, unless she was running away from him.
Nobody thinks too highly of a man who openly cheats on his wife, is abusive to her whether verbally or physically (911 calls) and probably is an alcoholic.

ETA: and gets fired from his job because his behavior was so bad....
It has been stated before, but just to keep the facts clear, Matt and Gail are both. dr.s of pharmacology, not pharmacist. Not sure about Gail, but I don't recall Matt ever even working in a pharmacy. He is in the paperwork and research side, not actually passing pills over a counter.

Also, not in response to your comment above, but general sentiment in the past several posts, I sort of see Matt's "lack of concern" as an indicator that he isn't involved. before you all jump me, let Me elaborate. If my spouse and I were unhappy like it seems they were, and all the events of the 29&30th happened, I might be inclined to think - fine, be that way, I didn't want you around anyway. The 48 hours isn't all that long if you are angry with each other, and honestly, we don't know what he knew about it. They may have talked and she said she was going off for a day or so, the kids may have said she planned to do so. if they had been happy and he had expected her home that night, then 48 hours would have been a long time, but not with this situation. Again, before You start typing that if he knows something he should be saying so, maybe he did, to the LE, and they are keeping it hush.

I don't mean to seem cold or uncaring, but realistically, with the facts-real facts that we have it seems like Gail had enough and left. things were going on, yes, on both sides. He had a PI, she had a PI. she even put a tracer on his car. He was having an affair, she was passing out paperwork and passports etc to friends and neighbors. His reaction, to me, seems like the reaction of a man who honestly thinks she walked out. if he had done something, I think he would be more involved, just trying to keep track of where the investigation was going, and point it away from himself. I know many of you are going to reply with the , but for the kids..., but again we don't know what the kids may know.

just thinking out loud on my part
I would completely agree with you about the 48 hours and not reporting her missing,except for one thing. In the separation filing he said she was suffering from mental illness and was delusional.
If her mental health was advanced to such a degree that she was suffering from delusional behavior, I would think at a minimum he would report her missing as an endangered type situation.
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