TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #6

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I thought it was SB that said MP showed up 10 minutes after GP left but I could be wrong.
I couldn't agree more. AD's position is understandable, although I'm not sure the "tell all" stance has been the best path.

The community search leader's position has been more perplexing to me. He DOES give the impression of working closely with the police, and I think that's very odd and presumptuous. He doesn't present as having a badge, PI license, or history of working with SMPD, as far as I know, but has indeed become the unofficial spokesperson, giving interviews, soliciting tips, etc. Indications are that he has no prior connection with the family, having never met Gail according to statements I have read.

Does anybody know how this scenario developed in the first place?

Based on personal knowledge, I can tell you he was made aware of the need for somone local to coordinate via his being a friend with a local friend of GP's, and his desire to help the children get their mother back. No-one else local had stepped up to take on that role and DN & AD could not be availalbe locally for an indefinite period of time.
I thought it was SB that said MP showed up 10 minutes after GP left but I could be wrong.

I'm pretty sure it's verified--although I can't remember by whom. Now I feel bad for doubting that he even showed up. I knew that!!!! It seems like the more time goes by with no new information, the harder it is to keep the facts straight. :waitasec:
Based on personal knowledge, I can tell you he was made aware of the need for somone local to coordinate via his being a friend with a local friend of GP's, and his desire to help the children get their mother back. No-one else local had stepped up to take on that role and DN & AD could not be availalbe locally for an indefinite period of time.

Thank you for the information. It sounds to me like the needs and therefore his role has perhaps evolved over time into something different from what it was in the beginning?

Can you clarify the relationship between him and LE at this time? He seems to be functioning as a media spokesman for them, and presents as having frequent updates from them, which he then relays to the public. Has his role evolved into that of an official liasion? If so, it would seem that we could consider his statements more credible than "rumor" and that would be very helpful. If he is now a partner with LE, then I think his updates may not be receiving the attention they deserve.

The presentation is very confusing IMO, and I think that is a problem.
If I understand right, fireflylink, you're saying that Missing Persons Blog quoted ATRUEFRIEND? I don't think that's the case. The blog posted that at 10:08 AM on May 12, and ATRUEFRIEND quoted it over on Times Free Press at 11:03 PM on May 12, which was 13 hours later.

Only if the time stamps on the blog and/or the comments are off would the blog be quoting ATRUEFRIEND. Instead, I think it's the other way around, that ATRUEFRIEND is quoting the blog.

But I might be misunderstanding you, so let me know if I am.

:twocents:Thanks for finding that original blog article....this makes my trying to clarify this entry a much easier job...AD copied & pasted the partial QUOTE from Missing Persons of America Blog written by Jerrie Dean ~Blogger / Advocate for the Missing & Speaker who is from California and has (according to her Bio) been doing this since 2007(I believe)...check her Bio for yourselves ...
Those comments written as COMMENTS underneath the TFP article written on May 12, 2011...Were not AD (ATRUEFRIEND'S) OWN WORDS... if she is guilty of anything it would be not giving the original blogger (Jerrie Dean) credit for her words....meaning the blogger's words in the original article. At best AD forgot to give the author credit where credit was due.
But, let us remember AD was not writing a thesis ...she was making a comment about her missing best friend, in the COMMENTS section, along with a ton of other ppl. Let's not be too harsh on her...Afterall ... it was only 12 days since her friend went missing at the time the comment was left on the TFP page.
I wonder if Gail dropped off the kids and drove to the nearby police station. She went there the day before, maybe she thought it was the safest place.

So we know this sequence of events happened on the 29th/30th:

Gail and Matt got into some kind of fight/disturbance and both ended up at the police station nearby. A report was filed and Gail was given the number to a safe house. She decided to take the kids to the lake house instead. She texted Arlene saying she wanted to do something fun.

Hi, glorias. Can you or anyone provide more info on Gail having gone to the police station the day before? Is this referring to April 29? I hadn't seen that they went to the police station. I thought LE went to their house.

Any more info appreciated.

Based on personal knowledge, I can tell you he was made aware of the need for somone local to coordinate via his being a friend with a local friend of GP's, and his desire to help the children get their mother back. No-one else local had stepped up to take on that role and DN & AD could not be availalbe locally for an indefinite period of time.

I'm unclear on how much of this can be discussed, but in reading the Facebook, my understanding was that there had been some sort of split between Clive and the family, and that the family doesn't endorse what Clive is doing?
I'm pretty sure it's verified--although I can't remember by whom. Now I feel bad for doubting that he even showed up. I knew that!!!! It seems like the more time goes by with no new information, the harder it is to keep the facts straight. :waitasec:

If anyone has info on the 10 minutes until Matt came home being verified, I'd appreciate it. To be clear, my understanding of the WS rules is that verified has to be more than in a comment on a news article, which is considered rumor. Verification has to be something like MSM or a LE document.

Just trying to be clear on what I'm looking for. I only put info in the timeline that has confirmation from MSM or a LE doc, which is why it's important to me.

Thank you for the information. It sounds to me like the needs and therefore his role has perhaps evolved over time into something different from what it was in the beginning?

Can you clarify the relationship between him and LE at this time? He seems to be functioning as a media spokesman for them, and presents as having frequent updates from them, which he then relays to the public. Has his role evolved into that of an official liasion? If so, it would seem that we could consider his statements more credible than "rumor" and that would be very helpful. If he is now a partner with LE, then I think his updates may not be receiving the attention they deserve.

The presentation is very confusing IMO, and I think that is a problem.

I'm totally confused. My understanding from reading on the FB is that he only asks LE if it's okay for him to do something, but then, we only have his word on that.

I just don't understand why LE would have any special relationship, giving case info, etc, appointing as their spokesperson, some random private citizen who never even knew Gail, and has a schism with her family.

Perhaps I just haven't seen accurate info, but I'm referring to what Clive himself has posted on the FB.
Hi, glorias. Can you or anyone provide more info on Gail having gone to the police station the day before? Is this referring to April 29? I hadn't seen that they went to the police station. I thought LE went to their house.

Any more info appreciated.

There is a screenshot of the police report somewhere and it says the call was handled at the police station. Both Matt and Gail ended up at the PD according to the only part of the police report we have been able to see.
I will look for it.
I'm totally confused. My understanding from reading on the FB is that he only asks LE if it's okay for him to do something, but then, we only have his word on that.

I just don't understand why LE would have any special relationship, giving case info, etc, appointing as their spokesperson, some random private citizen who never even knew Gail, and has a schism with her family.

Perhaps I just haven't seen accurate info, but I'm referring to what Clive himself has posted on the FB.

Ok, I just checked the site and see a completely different tone from the last time I looked, which had been a while. Obviously you are correct. I did not know he has a schism with the family either, although I knew they has dissociated with the facebook page somewhat, which I thought was a strategic move.

I'm more confused than ever about his role and motivation in this.
There is a screenshot of the police report somewhere and it says the call was handled at the police station. Both Matt and Gail ended up at the PD according to the only part of the police report we have been able to see.
I will look for it.

Thank you, JBean! I know where those videos are! I haz the linkies on the timeline. I'll grab 'em.

Thanks again.
Thank you, JBean! I know where those videos are! I haz the linkies on the timeline. I'll grab 'em.

Thanks again.
here is one article and it was backed up by the screen cap.

The next week, on April 29, police were dispatched a third time when the couple got into an argument at the Signal Mountain Police station, after which Palmgren and her children left to go to the family's lake house in Alabama. During this dispatch, Palmgren was also given phone numbers of a safe place to stay, according to the report.
People were asking where the 10 minutes figure came from regarding how long the kids were home before MP arrived on the 30th. ATRUEFRIEND says a neighbor knew they were only alone 10 minutes before Matt arrived:

It's down in the comments:

I don't think we know who the neighbor was. If someone else verified this here on WS, I can't find it, but that doesn't mean it's not here.
This is the only information we have that I know of giving a time frame for when Matt came home.
Guys as for FB and Clive, let's just leave it that they are all working the best way they know how to assist in finding Gail. I don't want to get into dissecting or critiquing relationships because we have no idea what goes on and it is a distraction.
Thanks everyone.
Bean, I don't know whether or not the aerial search took place, but I would be thrilled if it did (although aerials are unfortunately hampered by foliage in the region at this time of year- and don't forget the discussion of the April storms as well.)

I imagine it was likely inconclusive, if it occurred. Just my thought, though.

It did take would be good if they would do another in the fall. Hope I can say this...can't figure out the being verified thing at all.
Glorias, I agree! I cannot believe this came out and IMHO is a pitiful attempt to try and collaborate MP's claims on the court documents. If this happened Easter weekend, GP went home to Signal Mountain with the children and MP left to go on his 'convention' he obviously had no worries that GP was capable of taking care of the children, or was he NOT going to change his plans for his known rendezvous with TH? IMHO, for all we know they could have left together as well. JMHO, I am getting tired of the 'make GP look crazy' campaign and hope they can come up with something that may hold water, if necessary. :twocents:

And along these lines, more :twocents:....what's the big deal with Easter Candy??? My kids didn't have any either (and were grumpy about it!!) because they quite simply had enough junk already! I could see a problem with: travelling all the way in wet bathing suits, if they were sunburned, starving hungry because Gail hadn't fed them all day, unwashed, stressed out and crying etc. But really...using their lack of candy as an indication that Gail was being irresponsible with regard to her children is, well, ludicrous! I'm sure there's much truth in these statements, but I'm equally sure we'll find their true context just like we did with the RO statements.
Thank you for the information. It sounds to me like the needs and therefore his role has perhaps evolved over time into something different from what it was in the beginning?

Can you clarify the relationship between him and LE at this time? He seems to be functioning as a media spokesman for them, and presents as having frequent updates from them, which he then relays to the public. Has his role evolved into that of an official liasion? If so, it would seem that we could consider his statements more credible than "rumor" and that would be very helpful. If he is now a partner with LE, then I think his updates may not be receiving the attention they deserve.

The presentation is very confusing IMO, and I think that is a problem.
Yes, his role has evolved over the past weeks, mostly out of necessity due to AD being in AL, and DN having had to resume her responsibilities. From the onset of GP's disappearance there was a clear need for a local "anchor" and coordinator. He undertook this with sincere determination and a driven focus which allowed DN and AD to focus their energies on getting out the word of GP's disappearance. With very limited resources or knowledge of the local community being available to DN & AD, he was able to use his local contacts to help coordinate the initial private searches and bring community resources together. For those not familiar with Signal Mountain, geography detaches the community from hotel facilities and very limited options for dining. DN & AD were at the mercy of GP's very caring friends who gave them a temporary home while they were here. Basically, those that were involved from the start pitched in however they could.

Although I can give you my perspective on his relationship with LE, that of course is strictly my own observations, I suppose only LE could give an official accounting. I do know that he is in frequent contact with LE, and that communications go both ways. I am certain that he is provided with parameters with regards to the information exchanged and other activities related to the disappearance. These parameters are adhered to also, when interacting with volunteers or the media. HCSO does have their own information officer and releases information on all of their cases as time permits regarding their many investigations.

I don't feel that I can state that HCSO sees him as an "official liaison", that would tend to imply a level of authority bestowed upon someone under the direct supervision of the department. However, he is coordinating his volunteer liaison-type efforts directly with the investigators on behalf of GP's investigation at the local level, and with accountability to them, much the same as DN would be if she were available locally. Also, in my own personal interaction with LE regarding this investigation, I have understood from LE that his assistance has been appreciated and his passion for this to be resolved acknowledged and not fleeting. Let me add, that he by no means intends to imply that he is speaking for the family, he respects their wishes and ability to do so as they deem necessary. (that comes up occasionally)

Let me add a personal note here. Prior to GP's disappearance, I did not know him, AD, CB, DN or GP. GP's disappearance touched me with many parallels to my own life, and of a loved ones. Due those past experiences, I tend to sit back and "safely evaluate" certain circumstances and make a conscious effort to be objective. That being said, please bear with me as I share my own observations and personal opinions regarding AD, CB, and DN.

Through all of this I have found that AD is a dedicated, loyal pit-bull of a friend type person who I would nominate in a second to make sure I was found if I were to go missing. Others close to this have told me the very same thing, unwaveringly. I have never encountered anything but honesty and credibility with AD, never a shred of exaggeration. She has been bullied, bashed and threatened. Yet she unwaveringly stands back up, and doesn't let anyone deter her from promises made to a best friend. Some may question her methods at times, but her tenacity speaks volumes. IMO, GP knew who she was picking for the job she entrusted to AD. She sticks by the people in her world.

I can only speculate what has been going on with DN, it is now fact that she and her brother are focusing on the priority after so many weeks, protecting the children and preserving GP's interests for the children (or for GP should she be located and return). IMO, the family is concentrating on the only available opportunity to preserve what is left of a tragic situation, at this point anyway. They have to be more angry, confused and frustrated than any of us could ever imagine, and being so far away, to boot. IMO, if GP's family did not want the continued assistance I am certain they would ask us here, and others to stop. I can only speculate that they have chosen as time has gone by to focus on what they CAN do now, knowing that others here and elsewhere are doing what they are not able to. The same mission, just different tasks and paths.

What to say about CB? IMO, I can say that this is a man who truly believes in looking out for one another, in a community that cares for each other young or old, and does not let a persons status or address affect his opinion. I feel that he imparts his English culture and upbringing in everything he does, and stands passionately for what SHOULD be right in the world today. In an incredibly frustrating situation, he remains the sole local advocate for GP and the children and is determined to see resolution for GP's family. He works tirelessly without complaint, is there for any of the locals, volunteers and LE. CB stands by his values and expects others to do the same. He has never given me cause to doubt his integrity, and his focus and goals remain steadfast despite the virtual tornado he is sitting in. His goal is resolution to GP's disappearance. No matter what has to be done, he makes sure it gets done, pushes for awareness, researches, keeps the media in the loop, shares with LE, and follows up to make sure it was done properly.

I'm sorry, I REALLY did not expect this reply to be so lengthy :) I just hope this has clarified things for you, and that you have more of an idea how things are functioning here.
It did take would be good if they would do another in the fall. Hope I can say this...can't figure out the being verified thing at all.

Thanks, fbx.
I think an aerial in late Fall would be useful- but gosh I hope there is no need by then.

(Oh- and all you have to do to be verified is contact Tricia... she will handle it from there!)
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