TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #6

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I don't know. At this point, I'm thoroughly confused on that subject.

Me too. Perhaps fbx will be able to clarify.

I do know from experience that Verizon seems to have the best coverage in the area- and that most locals seem to agree.

I guess I'm wondering if there are alternate phones/plans used by the Palmgrens; if so, I go back to my tower and ping search. :waitasec:
I don't think we know what cell service they used. There were hypotheticals but as far as I know this has never been confirmed.
snipped for emphasis

Now on another note, I'm concerned to read this, and don't see where anybody has posted it yet:

I do not understand why the Court would provide for an expedited hearing on this, not giving the parties to the case even a CHANCE to be present.

I really hope the intent is to drag the attorneys and MP in, only to say the hearing will stand as scheduled, or else to grant the requested provisions in their entirety.
It is interesting that it was moved up to today. Thanks for posting.
I don't think we know what cell service they used. There were hypotheticals but as far as I know this has never been confirmed.

Ok, thanks JBean.

Just to try and clarify which towers may have pinged (or not) off of Gail's phone or GPS- I'm going to go back and see about towers 1,2,3 and 4 (Moccasin Bend area)
1 and 3 (Baylor School Rd area)
220 Hampton and the Lee Highway access rd tower.

Also, does anyone local to the area know which tower is at the 12/41 intersection in Clarksville?
Restraining order quick reference

  • Filed by Diane and Kevin
  • Filed on Friday, June 24
  • Filed in Hamilton County Chancery Court
  • Scheduled to be heard July 11 by Chancellor Frank Brown III
  • Matt cannot
    • move kids out of state
    • move kids further than 100 miles from their Signal Mountain home
    • make disparaging remarks about Gail to or in the presence of kids
    • damage or sell any of Gail's or jointly owned property
  • Matt must
    • set up counseling for kids
  • Asks for
    • court to appoint a legal guardian other than Matt for kids
    • visitation with kids by Gail’s family

(taking advantage of the opportunity to practice using the LIST function)

I went back to read the original document posted yesterday, as well as this summary. Just which provision here would warrant an emergency hearing? The order uses the word "relocate," in that Matt may not relocate the children more than 100 miles away. They are free to travel for weekends away as they wish, so the thought that he might have had out-of-town plans for the July 4 holiday doesn't warrant an urgent hearing.

July 11 is less than two weeks away. The only provision I see that would put MP in an urgent panic would be the MONEY part. And the Court is accommodating an emergency hearing? I sure hope the outcome has not been predetermined. After all, Diane and Kevin can't possibly get here on such short notice without a private jet.

Something smells funny to me, but I sure hope I am wrong.
Thank you fbx, and fireflylink--what an awesome post you wrote! Thanks for taking the time and trouble to clarify so completely. I appreciate it and find it very helpful.

Some time ago, I read a CB post to the effect of "I've done my job as liasion today." I didn't think much of it at the time--won't deny the tactics there have gone against the grain with me--but began to think last night I might have missed something important due to my personal aggravation.

Now on another note, I'm concerned to read this, and don't see where anybody has posted it yet:

I do not understand why the Court would provide for an expedited hearing on this, not giving the parties to the case even a CHANCE to be present.

I really hope the intent is to drag the attorneys and MP in, only to say the hearing will stand as scheduled, or else to grant the requested provisions in their entirety.

bolded by me.

Pearl*, thanks for posting this. It is very concerning. I hope your idea is true about what will happen today.

On the subject of the legal action, I suppose this is minor, but I wonder how the family will ever know if MP does make disparaging remarks about Gail to the children?
Moving up a hearing doesn't have to be done because of MP and his attorneys. Perhaps it's to accomodate one of the sibling's attorneys who is going on vacation the week of July 11th? I don't think it's that unusual.

This could have been done for the Judge's sake as well - maybe there was just a scheduling problem.

Were the siblings planning to be there for the hearing? It might be they would rather have this over sooner rather than later, before more stuff is hidden, lost, or sold. Time is of the essence, I think.

Maybe the police want a ruling on this before the holiday weekend. Who knows?

I think MP must have told someone he was planning to move somewhere with the children. Since they are out of school and he is out of a job, I'm guessing he might have been planning to take them to Mississippi for the summer.

That would leave an empty locked-up house on Signal Mt, as well as a house in Alabama with no electricity. :( Sad.

On the subject of the legal action, I suppose this is minor, but I wonder how the family will ever know if MP does make disparaging remarks about Gail to the children?

It's not minor at all. From what I've seen, the provision is frequently included in court orders but nearly impossible to enforce. And often violated. And that sure does a lot of damage to the children IMO.
Ok, thanks JBean.

Just to try and clarify which towers may have pinged (or not) off of Gail's phone or GPS- I'm going to go back and see about towers 1,2,3 and 4 (Moccasin Bend area)
1 and 3 (Baylor School Rd area)
220 Hampton and the Lee Highway access rd tower.

Also, does anyone local to the area know which tower is at the 12/41 intersection in Clarksville?

JBean is correct, there is no way of knowing what type of phone Gail had. Other SM residents have just said they prefer Verizon, but no one ever said that Gail used Verizon.

I have AT&T and it has really good coverage in the county too. So plenty of towers for that company too.

Clarksville? That's up near the Kentucky border on the other side of Nashville . . . :waitasec:

Also, I'm not sure how locals can really help with this tower search. Most towers here are on top of uninhabited ridges almost out of sight. I live right beside a ridge and I couldn't tell you exactly how many towers are up there - I only know of two, but there could definitely be more. I can't actually see any of them in the summer with all the foliage around.
@calliestarnes Callie Starnes

Matt Palmgren's attorney: "W're not going to argue the merits of it (restraining order) in media, we'd rather do that in court." #missingmom
8 minutes ago!/calliestarnes/status/85786066258370560

Matt Palmgren's attorneys don't want to wait until July 11th, trying to get hearing bumped to tomorrow.
8 minutes ago!/calliestarnes/status/85786309725130752

Thoughtfox, the information here is the basis for my concern. (posted yesterday. Not 8 minutes ago.)

bolded by me.

Pearl*, thanks for posting this. It is very concerning. I hope your idea is true about what will happen today.

On the subject of the legal action, I suppose this is minor, but I wonder how the family will ever know if MP does make disparaging remarks about Gail to the children?

They might know if the children ever get to talk to family members again. Then MP would be in hot water.

They might also know if neighbors overhear things, or the police hear him saying anything to the kids.

Stipulations like that can't really be enforced, but it sends a strong message that Gail has a right to be shown respect, especially around her kids. It's the family acting as her advocate in her absence.
They might know if the children ever get to talk to family members again. Then MP would be in hot water.

They might also know if neighbors overhear things, or the police hear him saying anything to the kids.

Stipulations like that can't really be enforced, but it sends a strong message that Gail has a right to be shown respect, especially around her kids. It's the family acting as her advocate in her absence.

I don't know, I have a feeling those kids are pretty smart--they know that their dad is the only parent they have right now, and if they told anyone he was saying bad things about Gail, the future for them could be even more uncertain. Just guessing, of course. And of course, the truth might come out anyway, as smart as the kids might be. They are close to their mom. :(
I went back to read the original document posted yesterday, as well as this summary. Just which provision here would warrant an emergency hearing? The order uses the word "relocate," in that Matt may not relocate the children more than 100 miles away. They are free to travel for weekends away as they wish, so the thought that he might have had out-of-town plans for the July 4 holiday doesn't warrant an urgent hearing.

July 11 is less than two weeks away. The only provision I see that would put MP in an urgent panic would be the MONEY part. And the Court is accommodating an emergency hearing? I sure hope the outcome has not been predetermined. After all, Diane and Kevin can't possibly get here on such short notice without a private jet.

Something smells funny to me, but I sure hope I am wrong.

I'm wondering if it's because the Chancellor already put a temporary order into effect. I'm thinking were that not in effect, it would be advantageous to wait until July 11th, or even longer.

But... IANAL. :)
I'm wondering if it's because the Chancellor already put a temporary order into effect. I'm thinking were that not in effect, it would be advantageous to wait until July 11th, or even longer.

But... IANAL. :)

I'm wondering what part of the temporary order is bothering him so much though. The parts that would reasonably bother him could just as easily be heard July 11, IMO. I think most if not all the provisions would be consistent with what a loving dad would do anyway.

Unless he's a modsnip missing his frequent $400 withdrawals.
Maybe MP just doesn't want to confront her siblings or bother with them around, kwim? I think her lawyers will do a good job in their absence in pursuing their wishes. imo
I'm wondering what part of the temporary order is bothering him so much though. The parts that would reasonably bother him could just as easily be heard July 11, IMO. I think most if not all the provisions would be consistent with what a loving dad would do anyway.

Unless he's a modsnip missing his frequent $400 withdrawals.

Well I'm personally thinking it's $$ that's bothering him, more than the stuff related to the kids. I had the $20k and $400 $$ related reports in mind.
Here's another article, posted within the last hour:

So, yes, the expedited hearing was granted to accommodate Matt.

And yes, Diane and Kevin had wanted to attend the hearing but now have been blocked from doing so.

So far, this doesn't sound like justice to me.

Man, that is wiggedy-whack. :banghead:

Looks like the local media is all over this, so I hope they will report what happens immediately.

I want to know what he says about the stuff - jewelry and coins. Also the allegations of driving while intoxicated.

On the other hand, I honestly doubt the Judge will appoint another guardian, but they might appoint a social worker or some type of oversight with the family. I just don't know . . .
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