TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #6

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I think it's really simple.

MP didn't like Gail having all that "free" money while his was tied up.

And he viewed her money as his money, and there for the taking, which is what he did.

It's selfish and cold, but that didn't bother him either, apparently.

And no one on his legal team seems able to figure that Gail's "paranoia" might come from having her money frittered away. :(

bolded by me.

I'm worried that Gail's legal team may be up against a real Goliath here. Her lawyers appear to be extremely competent in their field, but they are up against criminal lawyers and I hate to say it, but it seems as if criminal lawyers don't care what tactic they use, as long as it works. They seem to sink to the level of their clients sometimes. IMO.

Of course--didn't David slay Goliath???? !!!
Update to WCRB story on Arlene and the DVR thingie. Same link. They just changed the last paragraph:

Channel 3 contacted Janice Atkinson, spokesperson for the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office. She says investigators tell her they did call Durham Wednesday morning to request the hard drive, and have tried to make contact with her before. Atkinson would not say why law enforcement did not show interest earlier in the case.
I'm not at all suprised.

The court has still not heard the motion for GAL, correct? Will that be heard on the 11th then? I wonder when the children began counseling, and with whom.

I wish AZLawyer or gitana could weigh in and explain this to us a little better.
From a law standpoint it may be defensible.
From the standpoint of protecting victims and children, not so much. JMHO
I'm not at all suprised.

The court has still not heard the motion for GAL, correct? Will that be heard on the 11th then? I wonder when the children began counseling, and with whom.

I wish AZLawyer or gitana could weigh in and explain this to us a little better.
From a law standpoint it may be defensible.
From the standpoint of protecting victims and children, not so much. JMHO

Is it possible that because MP's attorneys revoked his restraining order, etc, against Gail, the Court deems it unfair for Gail's family to make the same kind of legal action against him?
Well, I think it means he's hit a home run, Fran.

Matt used to snap his fingers and make Gail hop.

Now he snaps his fingers and the Court is hopping

Controllers don't like to be told what to do, and my experience has been that they are especially sensitive to timetables. They make their own and expect others to meet the demands. Usually the timetable demands urgency. This is one way abusers keep their victims off balance, by refusing to give them time to think things through--especially after she leaves him.

He's simply continuing his same behavior pattern, and the Court is letting him get away with it.

He decided when the hearing would take place, asserted his dominance in having it before Diane or Kevin could possibly get to the courthouse, and he got everything he wanted in Court today.

I'd bet that he's hand-picked the children's counselor and that Gail's funds will evaporate before you can say modsnip.

There was no justice for Gail or the children today.

I respectfully disagree with you on this. I don't think you know Matt or Gail for that matter, and you have no reason other than what you read on the net to think that he would "snap his fingers and make Gail hop". If the facts were really known, it could have been just the opposite.

He didn't decide when the hearing would held, his attorney's asked for a change and THE JUDGE decided when it would be. And no, I don't think he got everything he wanted in Court today...IMO he really wants Gail to show up so they can get this over with and get the media and FB and the general public out of their lives.

I am sure he hand picked the counselor. I wouldn't let anyone else pick a counselor for my children, why should he? As for the money, no one other than Gail and Matt know how it is all set up and none of us know who's is what. That will be for them, the bank and the courts to decide, not the web sleuths or the FB people.

Justice for Gail-she doesn't need justice, she needs to come home or be found.
Really? He would rather be in AL next-door to Arlene than in his secluded house on Signal Mt? Hmmmm.

And without electricity....

OK people, pay attention! They have 2 homes in AL. One they stay in, the nice one across the lake from Arlene. Then the vacant, A frame that is completely empty, without power, next door to AD.

Being at the lake doesn't mean next door to Arlene!
Okay, so Gail has been missing since 4/30. Yet in the last week or so we've had

- MP finally consenting to search of house
- MP and kids taking DNA tests (at the request of LE I would assume)
- GP's family filing for GAL and RO
- LE asking AD for this hard drive

I find it hard to believe that all these things suddenly happened independent of one another. The DNA samples might logically flow from the search of the home. It just seems like a lot of activity in a short time frame. Was the search the impetus for all of it? Did MP finally consent to the search because for some reason his attorney feared they were about to develop probable cause, in which case they would no longer be able to set the conditions?
Is it possible that because MP's attorneys revoked his restraining order, etc, against Gail, the Court deems it unfair for Gail's family to make the same kind of legal action against him?

I doubt it. MP chose to do that. It wouldn't change whether or not a restraining order to protect GP's interests may or may not be warranted.
I respectfully disagree with you on this. I don't think you know Matt or Gail for that matter, and you have no reason other than what you read on the net to think that he would "snap his fingers and make Gail hop". If the facts were really known, it could have been just the opposite.

He didn't decide when the hearing would held, his attorney's asked for a change and THE JUDGE decided when it would be. And no, I don't think he got everything he wanted in Court today...IMO he really wants Gail to show up so they can get this over with and get the media and FB and the general public out of their lives.

I am sure he hand picked the counselor. I wouldn't let anyone else pick a counselor for my children, why should he? As for the money, no one other than Gail and Matt know how it is all set up and none of us know who's is what. That will be for them, the bank and the courts to decide, not the web sleuths or the FB people.

Justice for Gail-she doesn't need justice, she needs to come home or be found.

You make it sound like it's Gail's fault. IMO she is the victim in all this, no matter what happened. It sounded like she was trying to make her marriage work in the face of abuse and actually being robbed by her own husband ($40k and the $400 per week). Not to mention his cheating on her...
Hey ya'll...not trying to be all mod-like (although I DO love our mods!) but maybe we should all cool down a little?

I think what we all want is for Gail to be found. Does anyone mind if I redirect a bit as to the direction Gail might have been headed when she left Signal after dropping off the children?
I respectfully disagree with you on this. I don't think you know Matt or Gail for that matter, and you have no reason other than what you read on the net to think that he would "snap his fingers and make Gail hop". If the facts were really known, it could have been just the opposite

Justice for Gail-she doesn't need justice, she needs to come home or be found.

Snipped by me.

Other than what you read on the net, what reason do you have to think that GP just ran off?? I understand you are being critical of posters judging an MP they don't know, but aren't you also ascribing motives to a GP that you don't really know all that well? How does the OP know that GP needs justice, I don't know, but how do you know she doesn't?
I respectfully disagree with you on this. I don't think you know Matt or Gail for that matter, and you have no reason other than what you read on the net to think that he would "snap his fingers and make Gail hop". If the facts were really known, it could have been just the opposite.

He didn't decide when the hearing would held, his attorney's asked for a change and THE JUDGE decided when it would be. And no, I don't think he got everything he wanted in Court today...IMO he really wants Gail to show up so they can get this over with and get the media and FB and the general public out of their lives.

I am sure he hand picked the counselor. I wouldn't let anyone else pick a counselor for my children, why should he? As for the money, no one other than Gail and Matt know how it is all set up and none of us know who's is what. That will be for them, the bank and the courts to decide, not the web sleuths or the FB people.

Justice for Gail-she doesn't need justice, she needs to come home or be found.


Ok, confused. I think you know I have some compassion for the position you are in, but I'm going to answer you point by point on this.

Yes, you are correct that my knowledge of Gail and Matt is completely through media coverage reports/the internet. We do have some information in that regard that slides the scales toward my suspicions, however. DV follows a distinctive pattern, and evidence points toward this being a DV case.

He did decide he wanted the hearing to be expedited. His attorneys act on his behalf, and if I'm not mistaken, they cannot ethically act without his approval. He hired them.

What more could the Court possibly have done for him today? Was any request denied?

Hand-picking a counselor is not, of course, a bad thing. I think it would be beneficial under the circumstances if the court were over-seeing this somewhat. I don't know if that is possible, however. For Matt to make all decisions in this regard is a conflict of interest IMO. It's difficult for me not to wonder if the counselor might be a friend of his (even if an ethical friend), and if that is true, the children might feel somewhat inhibited. It's worth some legal discussion, IMO.

Given Matt's pattern, if the funds aren't frozen, they'll be gone shortly. Why on earth would Matt object to the financial provisions made in the temporary order? Unless he wanted to access the funds. No bank or court can decide anything regarding funds that have been spent. I haven't read any suggestions from WS or FB regarding how the funds should be spent; only that they be preserved. It's curious to me that Matt doesn't want to preserve the funds. Or maybe he just doesn't want to be TOLD to do that. I don't know.

Oh, yes. Gail definitely deserves justice, and today's hearing was an insult IMO.
It didn't sound like "divorce demands" to me! Anyone else???

Well, talking about possessions, counseling and who can say what how to the kid’s sounds like parental concerns that would be brought up in a divorce.

If the siblings have any evidence to discredit MP’s role as a parent it seems it would have been brought forth.

GP gave the money to MP of her own free will as far as we know.

I guess I don’t see her weak and used as others she seemed like a powerful business women herself who was independent and judging by her choice and color of vehicle pretty feisty.

I do have the unpopular opinion that she was having trouble coping in the last weeks. But everyone else seems to disagree.

What is wrong with him taking them to the lake house? Poor kids I’m sure they need a break.

All Imo
Hmmmmm...............I don't know about other Websleuthers here, but I have made a few observations in going over GP's timeline, leading up to her disappearance.

3/11...Let's see, it was in March, '11, that the couple went to the the wedding in St Martin...... It was at that time GP began suspecting for real, that MP was having an affair. This is also what lead up to GP accessing his cell phone and seeing the suggestive text messages with his alleged paramour. This is also what led up to GP checking the hotel bonus points account and discovering the cash paid rooms around Chattanooga and even Batesville, Ms. This is also what led up to GP checking the bank records and discovering why MP was going through HER money like water! $20K in just three weeks and asking, no demanding more is a significant amount. What was he doing with the $400 cash atm withdrawal every couple of days?

4/11....Early April, 11, is when GP hired a PI and purchased a GPS and realized MP was secretly keeping tabs on her and everything she did and said, to whom. It was then GP discovered definitely MP was having an affair. It was early April, 11, when the family arguments became more volatile as evidenced by GP arriving at the lake property with a black eye, etc. This is when GP began planning her escape from the marriage, this is when GP began sending 'friends' items to keep safe for her. She was planning an exit.

4/23.....Is the next to the last 911 call from the residence. I read that, per AD, this was the weekend GP was going to confront MP at the lake property. But there was the 911 call prior to the departure from SM, and GP showed up without MP and it was said, to AD that MP was coming down separately. This is also the weekend that GP called AD three times and said she was scared and 'come and get me.' But AD couldn't and sent her ex instead. However GP and kids were gone by the time M arrived.....(M=ex to AD)

4/23....GP shows up at 'friends' unanncounced and stays for two nights uninvited. GP is scared and said she's being followed, something about license numbers, GP calls 911 and now the 'friends' say GP was acting earatic. But GP left her jewels with said friends and returned home on either 4/24 or 4/25...

4/25...This is the week MP went out of town, didn't go to his supposed destination, allegedly met his g/f in another state, and MP called GP and said, "I'm filing legal separation papers next week."

4/29....MP returns home SEVERAL hours earlier than his supposedly scheduled flight and voila!!!................ANOTHER 911 call! This is where LE gave GP the 'safe house #' and she 'went to the lake property, with kids, dog, etc,' and MP remained at the house on SM.

4/30...GP unexpectedly leaves the lake for home, calls her sis and asks her to have LE meet her at the SM house, GP shows up, MP not there, she quickly drops off kids and speeds away, talks to sis as she leaves home and last time anyone has heard from GP....MP, otoh, said GP was to return that day to discuss things and she dropped the kids off and left.....

Gail has now disappeared without a trace and ...............................

Where is Gail?

PS....questions...............?? about GP's cell phone, ONE ping 5/02................
?? IF LE contacted GP that day she was on her way home from the lake, what was said?....................???hopefully LE has checked with everyone at the 'safe house' to be SURE someone isn't hiding GP?.................???....does anyone else think it MAY be a possibility, that LE should or COULD check the area, grit by grit, where GP's cell phone last pinged????...............???where does that road lead to???????????
Moving up a hearing doesn't have to be done because of MP and his attorneys. Perhaps it's to accomodate one of the sibling's attorneys who is going on vacation the week of July 11th? I don't think it's that unusual.

This could have been done for the Judge's sake as well - maybe there was just a scheduling problem.

Were the siblings planning to be there for the hearing? It might be they would rather have this over sooner rather than later, before more stuff is hidden, lost, or sold. Time is of the essence, I think.

Maybe the police want a ruling on this before the holiday weekend. Who knows?

I think MP must have told someone he was planning to move somewhere with the children. Since they are out of school and he is out of a job, I'm guessing he might have been planning to take them to Mississippi for the summer.

That would leave an empty locked-up house on Signal Mt, as well as a house in Alabama with no electricity. :( Sad.

:maddening:This was all MP's Attorney's doing(and MP). they WANTED IT MOVED UP TO TODAY and would not discuss the reasoning behind it. DN & KN only found out about this push for urgency last evening and were very disappointed and concerned with regard to MP's attorneys request to expedite. Both siblings were planning on being in attendance for the July 11th hearing as originally scheduled. I am sure they are livid at this point. I know I would be if EVERYTHING had been tossed from this court. :banghead:Wouldn't you be?
<PS....questions...............?? about GP's cell phone, ONE ping 5/02................
?? IF LE contacted GP that day she was on her way home from the lake, what was said?....................???hopefully LE has checked with everyone at the 'safe house' to be SURE someone isn't hiding GP?.................???....does anyone else think it MAY be a possibility, that LE should or COULD check the area, grit by grit, where GP's cell phone last pinged????...............???where does that road lead to??????????? >

Respectfully snipped, Fran...

I'm not sure, but I am on it like white on rice. ;)
The court has still not heard the motion for GAL, correct? Will that be heard on the 11th then? I wonder when the children began counseling, and with whom.

My understanding is that everything was lumped into the single document which Frank Brown has now dissolved. The temporary order and request for hearing were together; the hearing was expedited; and all requests by Diane and Kevin were denied. Case closed for now.

I do not believe any hearing is scheduled, no court documents pending resolution, and all back to square one. Except for the provision that future filings would be heard by a different judge.

Does anybody have a different impression?

ETA: Found it. Other petitions pending but no court order in place while they are pending.
I know the restraining order was resolved. The issue of the GAL was not in the restraining order (or did I miss it?) So did the judge deny that motion, or will THAT motion be heard by a different judge? I'm so puzzled.
:maddening:This was all MP's Attorney's doing(and MP). they WANTED IT MOVED UP TO TODAY and would not discuss the reasoning behind it. DN & KN only found out about this push for urgency last evening and were very disappointed and concerned with regard to MP's attorneys request to expedite. Both siblings were planning on being in attendance for the July 11th hearing as originally scheduled. I am sure they are livid at this point. I know I would be if EVERYTHING had been tossed from this court. :banghead:Wouldn't you be?

Sleuthy, I read a later post by Thoughtfox which qualified many of these comments based on information TF did not have when this one was written.

Absolutely, I'm right with you on this one. I can't imagine how DN and KN must be feeling right now.
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