TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #6

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I'm not sure exactly what are your thoughts about this, but mine are that once again the media has taken a comment out of context to create a different implication than was intended by the person who said it. If I were the quoted individual, I would be so upset and angry today.

On the other hand, I do understand that attendance was low. I'm sure it was a beautiful event, and that the expectation of higher attendance has made for some disappointment. That's understandable. Since it sounds as if all news media were in attendance to report the event, I'm sure the disappointment was even greater.

I'm reading on fb this morning CB's comments about the "Mountain Apathy" and that if Gail were seeing the low turnout she would not be encouraged to return. As a mountain resident I find that infuriating.

Bold statements judging that if I don't "care" in the ways dictated by one individual, then it must mean I am apathetic are divisive in nature, and I doubt I am the only resident who feels insulted. My bet is that the turnout will be even lower at the next event. I believe the headline is accurate, unfortunately.

I care a lot, and that's why I'm here on WS this morning instead of cleaning my house.


CB is taking the low interest in GP's missing too the point...where it prolly was. His editorial didn't help his PR image....nor what he was trying to do. Gather support. I was hoping it would be something to learn from....but I'm not seeing that from his latest posts. Too sad, really. Hope he takes a few days, relaxes and comes back afresh with a new attitude. Maybe he needs a little TO? :innocent:
BBM. Increase.

I want to point out that if you look at the timeline, you see that throughout many, many years, there are no reports whatever of Gail having paranoia, delusion, erratic behavior, behavior outside the norm - not a single report.

This leads me to be compelled to stress that this was not an increase, but an onset, a beginning, something new.

My opinion.

One of several reasons I feel compelled to point this out, is that the onset appeared to have occurred around the same time as the reported black eye. I ponder whether Gail may have had a head injury at that time, which brought on the behavior/symptoms that do not seem to be her norm. I just think it's something to note and keep in mind as a possibility.

This seems like a very good possibility. With all the stress of the marriage breakdown she probably didn't even think about seeing a doctor for it. Under normal circumstances, the spouse might see to it that an injury like that was tended to properly.....It would be sad if this were the case, with MP too busy (ahem) to pay attention.

I still question the origin of the black eye, too. If it were the result of being hit, she probably would not have wanted to go to the doctor. But you'd think she'd want to substantiate the abuse (again IF that were the case)?? It's just so hard to say.

Of course, we don't know--maybe she did go to the doctor.
Am I wrong to wonder why some people are upset that MP has his children on the lake for the 4th? Granted, he has not behaved as he should, his actions or lack of have drawn suspicion etc., but shouldn't the children be allowed to try to have as normal a 4th as possible? I don't get this.
Am I wrong to wonder why some people are upset that MP has his children on the lake for the 4th? Granted, he has not behaved as he should, his actions or lack of have drawn suspicion etc., but shouldn't the children be allowed to try to have as normal a 4th as possible? I don't get this.

My thoughts exactly. I've never agreed so completely with MP's actions since this whole thing began, but I think the children deserve a break, enjoying the company of the one parent they have right now. And if MP has a little enjoyment in the process, I'm not going to fault him for that. I doubt he has much enjoyment these days, and I think it's going to get worse for him before it gets better. :twocents:
I'm not sure exactly what are your thoughts about this, but mine are that once again the media has taken a comment out of context to create a different implication than was intended by the person who said it. If I were the quoted individual, I would be so upset and angry today.

On the other hand, I do understand that attendance was low. I'm sure it was a beautiful event, and that the expectation of higher attendance has made for some disappointment. That's understandable. Since it sounds as if all news media were in attendance to report the event, I'm sure the disappointment was even greater.

I'm reading on fb this morning CB's comments about the "Mountain Apathy" and that if Gail were seeing the low turnout she would not be encouraged to return. As a mountain resident I find that infuriating.

Bold statements judging that if I don't "care" in the ways dictated by one individual, then it must mean I am apathetic are divisive in nature, and I doubt I am the only resident who feels insulted. My bet is that the turnout will be even lower at the next event. I believe the headline is accurate, unfortunately.

I care a lot, and that's why I'm here on WS this morning instead of cleaning my house.


In my opinion, this case is on the fast track to Cold Case Town. I know that some people are turned off by the strong personalities in the spotlight, but I still don't think it's their fault. It takes people with those strong personalities to get things done. But, I still don't think it's solely a distaste for CB or AD that is the problem here. This case has received zero national attention. As a matter of fact, this case has not received much statewide attention. Why is that? Why have Nancy Grace or 48 hrs or Dateline NBC not been all over this story? Not to say that other cases are less worthy, but this case has a lot of angles that are loved by the national media. The national media following not only gets the word out, but it applies pressure that may be needed here. Keeping things under wraps and confined to the small community causes the case to become severely stagnant. No offense intended to anyone, but members of the Chattanooga media are not the most hard-hitting journalists. Not their fault, just like the local PD, these cases don't happen very often around here. Unfortunately, Nancy Grace and 48 hrs don't want to talk to CB or AD. Absolutely nothing against them, but the national media doesn't want to solely interview friends and neighbors in these stories. It would take the participation of others. But, in my mind, the lack of national attention doesn't hurt this case nearly as much as the "runaway" theory. To me, that's what's hurting this case the most. How much time before the focus changes and will it be too late then? I'm sure many disagree, but this is my opinion.
Am I wrong to wonder why some people are upset that MP has his children on the lake for the 4th? Granted, he has not behaved as he should, his actions or lack of have drawn suspicion etc., but shouldn't the children be allowed to try to have as normal a 4th as possible? I don't get this.

lalalu, I think this is a valuable question to raise.

Gail is still missing. Matt is the only parent available to their children right now. I don't know anything of the dynamics of their relationship; but Gail DID drop off the children at their SM home- and it would seem, knowing that MP would be there shortly, or eventually- to take care of them or that she would only be gone for a short period of time.

Since Matt has not been charged with anything pertaining to this situation, it certainly seems like he has every right and reason to take their children wherever he might choose, for any reason. As long as he leaves their wherabouts known- should further information develop about the location of their mother. (Just from a conscientious standpoint, not a legal one.
All IMHO, of course.)

Either way- Gail has not been found yet; and I think we need to continue looking to find her. Family and friends may be exhausted by fear and worry at this point. Maybe we can help ease that burden by focusing not so much on what MP did or did not do, or what GP did or did not do....but realigning a fact based bullet-by-bullet list of where/ when/ with who/ and how she was last seen?
In my opinion, this case is on the fast track to Cold Case Town. I know that some people are turned off by the strong personalities in the spotlight, but I still don't think it's their fault. It takes people with those strong personalities to get things done. But, I still don't think it's solely a distaste for CB or AD that is the problem here. This case has received zero national attention. As a matter of fact, this case has not received much statewide attention. Why is that? Why have Nancy Grace or 48 hrs or Dateline NBC not been all over this story? Not to say that other cases are less worthy, but this case has a lot of angles that are loved by the national media. The national media following not only gets the word out, but it applies pressure that may be needed here. Keeping things under wraps and confined to the small community causes the case to become severely stagnant. No offense intended to anyone, but members of the Chattanooga media are not the most hard-hitting journalists. Not their fault, just like the local PD, these cases don't happen very often around here. Unfortunately, Nancy Grace and 48 hrs don't want to talk to CB or AD. Absolutely nothing against them, but the national media doesn't want to solely interview friends and neighbors in these stories. It would take the participation of others. But, in my mind, the lack of national attention doesn't hurt this case nearly as much as the "runaway" theory. To me, that's what's hurting this case the most. How much time before the focus changes and will it be too late then? I'm sure many disagree, but this is my opinion.

Ok, well here's a thought I haven't seen anywhere. This mountain has a diverse population of professional people. I wonder if there is a PROFESSIONAL PR person who might be willing to take on the role of community spokeman? Somebody who is really tuned in to the thought processes in this community?

Of course, it would never work unless other people trying to fill that role would agree to hush.

I think everybody has unique gifts to contribute, and it would help if each person was working in his personal zone.

Current rallying tactics are not working, in my opinion. This would be a new approach.
I would imagine Gail was probably reacting in the same manner as I did when I was in her position. I trusted no one. I had a lot of episodes of panick attacts. There were times I would hyperventilate and would become anxious but I was never delusional. I felt like my mind was going 100mph trying to stay 2 steps ahead of those who were out to do me in. To the average person I probably didn't seem normal because I was pretty rattled inside and out due to all that I was going through at the time. The best way I could describe myself at the time was I was like a cat on a hot tin roof. My husband wanted me dead, his girlfriend in TN and her friends were out to make sure that happened all while my husband and his other girlfriend sat in another state watching it all unfold. I had to be on my guard 24/7 and at the same time keep close watch over my young children and mom to keep them out of harms way. According to my shrink at the time, I was acting normal under the circumstances. I didn't flip out, I went into survival mode just like Gail probably did. The only time I cried was when I was alone and then I would cry uncontrollably. My husband had moved us to TN where I was unfamiliar with my surroundings and the only family I had was my small children and my mom who lived with us. I didn't have a job and I barely knew anyone when all hell started to break loose around me. I don't think my husband expected me to be able to stand up and fight back as I did and in the end I won, but it took 3 long years of going through pure hell to get there. All one has to do is put yourself in Gail's shoes and have the walls around you start to come apart and you'll go into survival mode real quick and then you will understand.
Ok, well here's a thought I haven't seen anywhere. This mountain has a diverse population of professional people. I wonder if there is a PROFESSIONAL PR person who might be willing to take on the role of community spokeman? Somebody who is really tuned in to the thought processes in this community?

Of course, it would never work unless other people trying to fill that role would agree to hush.

I think everybody has unique gifts to contribute, and it would help if each person was working in his personal zone.

Current rallying tactics are not working, in my opinion. This would be a new approach.

I completely agree with you. I know who, in my mind, would be the perfect and natural "spokesperson" to bring this case into the national spotlight and turn up the heat, but that's my opinion and you certainly can't force someone to do that. And I don't know that I blame them or if I could do it if I were in their shoes. This is so sad. Where is Gail???!!
This case has received zero national attention. As a matter of fact, this case has not received much statewide attention. Why is that? Why have Nancy Grace or 48 hrs or Dateline NBC not been all over this story?

I thought Gail's family expressed early in this process that they did not want this to happen. In fact, I think I read that Diane specifically asked people not to contact Nancy Grace. I thought the lack of national attention was in respect of the family's wishes. Am I incorrect?
There is nothing any more wrong or bad or negative about saying someone is paranoid or delusional, than there is saying someone is hypoglycemic or congested. They are all good words that well describe symptoms.

On the LEO, I was referring to the April 22 police report where the LEO documented that Gail called 911 because Matt wouldn't get back in the car and started walking home.

That's an unusual behavior. We know that many people here find it to be so, because we can see that many people have speculated and wondered if there is an additional reason. They don't find that reason to be adequate, common, expected, usual for calling 911.

Additionally, LE has classified Gail as Endangered, and there are no physical conditions reported. Rather, she is reported to have been in good health.

ETA: Very early on in the case, May 7, a LEO, Tizzio, who's now been put back on patrol, said at that point, they had not uncovered any psychiatric issues:

It was later, May 17, that LE (HCSO, CPD, ADPS) placed Gail in an Endangered status.

(All the endanged BOLOs are on the mindmap as well as the ADPS alert in the May 17 area, lower right hand corner. I'm watching the Casey Anthony trial in another window lol. If anyone wants the links, just holler, and if you give me a few, I'll pull the links for those.)
The problem with throwing the terms paranoid and delusional around is that when used inappropriately they are dismissive and trivialize perception of behavior.

If Gail was exhibiting true,clinical paranoid-delusional behavior which I have had to deal with first hand, it is not a negative desription but rather a statement fact.

But if gail was accusing MP of sneaking around, having a GF, not loving her, wanting to take the kids away from her,stealing money and the response to the accusations was that she was paranoid and delusional, then it is a negative dismissive statement, because those things were true.

So the terms may or may not have cast a negative light on Gail,it depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis of paranoid and delusional.
I thought Gail's family expressed early in this process that they did not want this to happen. In fact, I think I read that Diane specifically asked people not to contact Nancy Grace. I thought the lack of national attention was in respect of the family's wishes. Am I incorrect?

No, that was my understanding, too. I am sure that is why Nancy Grace and other national media have not been involved thus far.
I completely agree with you. I know who, in my mind, would be the perfect and natural "spokesperson" to bring this case into the national spotlight and turn up the heat, but that's my opinion and you certainly can't force someone to do that. And I don't know that I blame them or if I could do it if I were in their shoes. This is so sad. Where is Gail???!!


Well, I think to approach that person and ASK would be a great idea!

I think that, with assurances that person would not get unsolicited advice, and would be allowed to have complete control over the manner in which the job is handled, it just might be possible. This is such an emotional case that I think people with strong personalities might have trouble with those conditions, and nobody's going to take the job without being allowed to be in charge without being hassled about how to do the job.

LE has been hassled from the beginning, and I think that fact would make other professional people doubt that their judgment would be accepted and supported. This is an issue that would have to be overcome in order to make the job even do-able.

This mountain is full of wonderful, caring people. REALLY!
lalalu, I think this is a valuable question to raise.

Gail is still missing. Matt is the only parent available to their children right now. I don't know anything of the dynamics of their relationship; but Gail DID drop off the children at their SM home- and it would seem, knowing that MP would be there shortly, or eventually- to take care of them or that she would only be gone for a short period of time.

Since Matt has not been charged with anything pertaining to this situation, it certainly seems like he has every right and reason to take their children wherever he might choose, for any reason. As long as he leaves their wherabouts known- should further information develop about the location of their mother. (Just from a conscientious standpoint, not a legal one.
All IMHO, of course.)

Either way- Gail has not been found yet; and I think we need to continue looking to find her. Family and friends may be exhausted by fear and worry at this point. Maybe we can help ease that burden by focusing not so much on what MP did or did not do, or what GP did or did not do....but realigning a fact based bullet-by-bullet list of where/ when/ with who/ and how she was last seen?

Excellent post, Oriah. Thank you for sharing it.
My thoughts exactly. I've never agreed so completely with MP's actions since this whole thing began, but I think the children deserve a break, enjoying the company of the one parent they have right now. And if MP has a little enjoyment in the process, I'm not going to fault him for that. I doubt he has much enjoyment these days, and I think it's going to get worse for him before it gets better. :twocents:

:twocents:It has come to my attention that MP's relatives are up visiting for the holiday:fireworks:.....hmmmm. I wonder if HIS RELATIVES are relegated to staying with neighbors/friends in Wetumpka,AL/SM?:happy4th:
According to the separation filing:
Gail was suffering from severe mental issues
Gail was under the care of a psychiatrist "for some time"
She began experiencing bouts of depression after losing her job
She was prescribed medications
Plaintiff noticed that Defendant was becoming more and more paranoid
Approximately 4 weeks [before filing] she thought she was being followed,and began writing down license plate #'s and asking others to run the plates to determine identity.
Accused Matt of breaking into her car

The wife has sever psycholgical problems that have not been corrected. her condition has gotten worse and she is now manic and apparently suffering from delusions.

My thoughts-

So there is someone that may have the license plate numbers she checked on, if she was phoning them in to check identities.

I don't doubt she was dealing with depression. she was highly suspicious of her husbands behavior and *knew* before confirmation by the PI that her dh was having an affair. Crumbling marriage+dishonest husband+affair=depression. Seeking treatment is normal and natural, so obviously she wasn't so unbalanced that she did not seek treatment for her depression.I take the non-expert description of her mental state with a grain of salt. I have a family member that suffers from severe mental issues. He is delusional,paranoid and unstable. I would no more put children in his care than the man in the moon. His behavior on every level is erratic and unpredictable. Matt says he saw a behavior change escalating over a 4 week period. Why would he leave children in her care? Police were called and at the end of that exchange she was the one to leave with the kids? Why wouldn't Matt explain that she was under the care of a psychiatrist, was delusional and paranoid and should not leave with the children?

He left them alone with her for a week while he went to his "conference" with Tammy H.

Sorry but if any of you have ever dealt with someone that is either in or has a recent escalating history of delusional,paranoid,manic type behavior, it is impossible for me to comprehend anyone leaving young children in their care under any circumstances.
I thought Gail's family expressed early in this process that they did not want this to happen. In fact, I think I read that Diane specifically asked people not to contact Nancy Grace. I thought the lack of national attention was in respect of the family's wishes. Am I incorrect?

Just my opinion...
I don't think either of the siblings have ever turned down an opportunity for factual national coverage on Gail. Someone like Nancy Grace, who can be a bit over the top, might not be good for the siblings if they are attempting to obtain rights to a relationship with the children. The court fiasco just happened and who knows how long that has been in the works or what is coming next. There is also the possibility that something like Dateline could vilify Gail. I really think both Dateline and NG are dictated by ratings. I am not saying that no good ever comes out but this story could taken a direction very quickly that would knock the feet out from under any custody hope.
I thought Gail's family expressed early in this process that they did not want this to happen. In fact, I think I read that Diane specifically asked people not to contact Nancy Grace. I thought the lack of national attention was in respect of the family's wishes. Am I incorrect?
I would love to see some back up for that and the context in which it was said. if anyone has it that would be great.

Well, I think to approach that person and ASK would be a great idea!

I think that, with assurances that person would not get unsolicited advice, and would be allowed to have complete control over the manner in which the job is handled, it just might be possible. This is such an emotional case that I think people with strong personalities might have trouble with those conditions, and nobody's going to take the job without being allowed to be in charge without being hassled about how to do the job.

LE has been hassled from the beginning, and I think that fact would make other professional people doubt that their judgment would be accepted and supported. This is an issue that would have to be overcome in order to make the job even do-able.

This mountain is full of wonderful, caring people. REALLY!

BBM I wish I could ask, but alas, I don't know the person, so I really couldn't. I guess I'm full of opinions, but no solutions. :( Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way for people to ever ensure complete control over any situation in life. I guess sometimes we have to take what we can get in order to achieve our goals. I don't mean to upset or anger anyone, this case is just so frustrating and the pages on the calender keep turning. I keep comparing the progress (or lack of it) to the Holly Bobo case as they both keep getting colder. It's so sad. My heart breaks for Gail's children. Definitely agree about the mountain and all of Chattanooga-full of very wonderful and caring people.
Thinking about the search for Gail going cold...I just e mailed a short request to all my local news stations which included links from the media in Chattanooga. I also sent out a call to arms in my e mail address book with an attachment to the letter and links I sent out, asking my friends and family to do the same. It may not work today, but maybe if it could pick up momentum... than local news will begin sharing this story. It is worth a shot.
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