TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #6

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The first thing that pops to my mind is when she stated that she knew everything about what was going on, (paraphrasing - as I can't remember exactly) but she said they were best friends and she knew everything that was going on. He asked her how she knew that Gail had told her EVERYTHING. He asked her if she was Gail's only friend. She replied that Gail had other friends, but no one else that knew it all. He continued to ask how she could know that Gail hadn't told others, he even said (if I remember correctly) that Gail could have told her this part, and someone else another part, etc. AD didn't say that she didn't appreciate that, but she stumbled around a bit and I couldn't quiet tell if she didn't know how to respond, if she had never considered that before, if she was jealous at the thought that Gail could have told someone else something or if she just took a drink of something and couldn't respond. So... It seemed to me that she was flustered by his attempts to get her to back up what she was saying with something other than repeating it or speaking louder.

I haven't found an archive of it either. I would like to listen again, and also to hear the remaining ten minutes or so.

I have looked too, Confused, have you called to see if it was recorded, a copy can be obtained? I think that would clarify a lot to allow more people to hear it again. Thanks! :seeya:
An interview with AD on SMM said Gail did talk to them. Diane called LE for Gail, and LE called Gail back to talk to her as she was driving home that day. Whether she called LE or they called her, she spoke with them. But they weren't at the house when she got there. That's why I speculate she dropped the kids off and drove to the police station since it was so nearby. Or TRIED to drive to the station but got waylaid somehow.

Yes, I know about that phone call. I was really referring to her calling them (or maybe visiting them at the PD) earlier, because her telling people she thought she was being followed had been going on for some time before just that day.

I hope she called them or went by the PD and talked with them about it.

I also speculate that she may have headed to the PD. When she talked to them that day, they may have told her to come by. It wouldn't necessarily generate a police report, so could have happened, and we don't know.

But then we get to another of the many things baffling me about this case. Even if she only talked to them on the phone that one time when Diane had them call her, she was so scared, when she almost immediately disappeared, why didn't LE look for her? Or did they, and we just don't know about it?

She was gone all Sat afternoon, all Sat night with no one knowing where she was or if she was okay or if she had a bed to sleep in or something to eat, all Sun morning, all Sun afternoon, all Sun night, again, for the second night, nobody knowing if she had a bed or a meal or where she was, and all this after saying she was scared to death on the phone, and talking to LE, and nobody looked for her? Until Monday?

Was it really okay with everybody that she disappeared under those circumstances that nobody looked until Monday? How could that be okay with everybody?


And that's another award winning run on sentence I just wrote. Yay me! :)
Argh, happy409, you're right -- someone should have called! That's a great idea. I emailed but didn't get an answer. It's too late to call today since it's 7 PM Eastern and the holiday is coming up, so I doubt an archive or copy will show up before the holiday is over, unless someone happened to record it.
Yes, I know about that phone call. I was really referring to her calling them (or maybe visiting them at the PD) earlier, because her telling people she thought she was being followed had been going on for some time before just that day.

Earlier as in earlier in the day on the 30th, or days/weeks earlier?

By the way, when I post info in my responses, I'm not saying you don't know anything. I'm just posting info so everyone can know what specifically I am referring to; personally, I find it saves time, even if it ends up being a "duplicate" or whatever.
I am somewhat hung up on the distance/route between Gail's last known cell ping, the GPS ping on the Jeep, and MP's last ping from that same time period.

Can someone confirm for me what MP's mobile phone service is with?
Earlier as in earlier in the day on the 30th, or days/weeks earlier?

By the way, when I post info in my responses, I'm not saying you don't know anything. I'm just posting info so everyone can know what specifically I am referring to; personally, I find it saves time, even if it ends up being a "duplicate" or whatever.

Earlier in the weeks prior to the 30th.

I didn't think you were saying I don't know anything. I was just acknowledging what you'd said about the known phone call to LE. :)
bolded by me.

So this means Gail didn't tell the children where she was going when she dropped them off at home on 4/30. MP wouldn't have had to give them any explanation, they would have told him where she had gone.

:twocents:We don't know WHAT MP actually said to the children (if anything at all). HE SAYS this is what HE SAID to them...but this is his word and his word alone....when he responded to AD & DN insistence that he file a missing person report immediately.

Remember, he told AD she was "making things very complicated"(I may have paraphrased there but very close to what was actually said). We don't know what GP may have said to her children during the drive from Wetumpka, Alabama to Signal Mtn....or when they arrived back at the Signal Mountain Home. To my knowledge the children have not spoken to ANYONE other than MP's immediate side of HIS family since GP went missing (without supervision from someone from MP's family being present during the time of the conversation). GP's siblings, DN & KN have previously stated, and is a part of their court docs....that they have not been able to speak with the children ALONE (UNSUPERVISED) since their sister GP went missing on April 30,2011. :twocents:This seems a bit odd to me....does it to you all? They LOVE their Aunt and Uncle....yet they cannot be trusted alone with them??? Very strange IMHO. :twocents:

MP's attorney said, in court during "THE EMERGENCY SESSION" with Chancellor Frank Brown, that when he received the call on Friday from Hamilton County Courts with regard to the Temporary Order Chancellor Frank Brown had just signed....MP's attorney stated he was in the process of having his client(MP) and his children provide DNA samples for LE.
I don't know if he ever followed through on this.....he seemed kinda ticked off at the Friday court notification. Who knows, maybe there wasn't even an attempt to provide DNA samples for LE by MP's attorney...Maybe this was said in court as a ~~Now you have pissed us off comment~~ and Now maybe they(MP & kids) won't provide DNA for LE after all. If you are gonna fight MP on this... they may not get anything they want....and a "fight" is what they will get from MP and his attorney's. JMHO:twocents:(You ...meaning KN & DN)

:twocents:Anyway, getting back to the original comment...I don't think LE has officially or unofficially spoken to GP's children at all. And the children have been TOLD not to speak to anyone about their mother. MP made that very clear to the children's school counselors as well...:twocents:
IF he was such an interrogator, I wonder why he didn't ask AD to elaborate on GP's attendance to Al-Anon? Narry a word. He just glossed over it as if she didn't say the word Al-Anon.

(I think everyone knows what Al-Anon is.)

In another interview, AD told SMM that GP had found through Al-Anon that she couldn't fix the problem (ie meaning his drinking too much) and she tried to talk him into getting help. AD even elaborated on that GP told him she was afraid he'd get in so much trouble at work from his drinking that he'd loose his job. He refused.

I'm sure AD's statements could be checked.

Just curious,

Agreed, but I guess my perspective is that AD is the one who places the drinking problem in Matt's lap. That Gail went to AlAnon as a result or in order to deal with it.

AlAnon, if she attended AlAnon, has a wide range that it covers....Gail may have been going or may also have been going if she experienced anyone of her loved ones who had substance problems, correct? One thing we know for sure is that AlAnon and AA members do not, absolutely do not, disclose private information shared at meetings. So no members would verify or clarify what happened there. Not even to LE.

So, really, we dont know if anyone had substance problems in the house and if so who had the problems. Now I am a fan of the 4/23 DV call being associated with some kind of impairment of MP. That is pure speculation on my part, only because it makes the most sense to me.

Has AD stated whether or not she attended Alanon with GP? And, it would interest me to know how seriously Gail took the 12 step program, if she attended it.
Well, what a surprise!

I came here thinking that the board would be abuzz of all the new information and instead find a completely different reaction that in all my years on WS I would have never imagined.

It answered a lot of questions for me.

It also made me aware of new questions. It seems like we get fixated on certain information in a case and then once it hits the courts we see the emphasis is elsewhere.

Jammer has additional inside information it is obvious there are reasons he is asking these questions and it may be in GPs favor in the long run.

I was hoping that interest from this board and contact with Jammer would glean further information like what were MP movements on the day and evening in question. I think he has heard hints and is asking leading questions.

Golly, I thought it would be celebrated that there was this level of local dialogue and that a local outlet like his Facebook could be utilized to further the efforts on GP behalf.

The MP haters weren’t even excited over the juicy MP tidbits?

IMO, definitely not a good day for the defense!

I thought Arlene did a beautiful job- very touching. And when she said – I’m not even going on I am alone in my interest and feelings of its importance.

Oh well, whatever, no wonder everyone is losing interest.


I am not getting this Jade-can you clarify your post for me?

FWIW, I think Arlene is not alone in her search-Gail's family has been working vigorously on Gail's behalf from the moment they knew she was missing. The identical moment. Gail has a number of close friends who are also working on her behalf, as well as at least three jurisdictions of law enforcement...and these are the ones we know of. Media is covering the story as well. We have numerous active, passionate posters here alone, much less on other places on the www....
Sorry for the confusion, fran! I've been diligently working on the last known pings, towers, etc. :waitasec:

I agree, this holds important information. I speculate she (or whomever) would go down the W Road, less people instead of parading through town to go down the front of the mountain which does take longer, IMHO. But if the river were the destination, down the front would be faster.

IF she made it off the mountain, and pings towards Wal-mart, she would most likely take a lesser traveled W-road to Mountain Creek Road, and go right towards Signal Mountain Boulevard. Between there are two storage facilities (one I believe is scheduled to be searched next week), gas stations, apartment complexes, a few homes, but nothing until you pass over signal mountain boulevard go right a bit, then left onto cherokee trail that turns into suck creek road, then a long, windy, stretch of vacant land, sporadic homes, and the river along side that ends up in Marion County. I believe where they searched the river, was the base of the mountain near suck creek road. It had been so many days, I was surprised they didn't consider things move over time. JMHO
:twocents:Anyway, getting back to the original comment...I don't think LE has officially or unofficially spoken to GP's children at all. And the children have been TOLD not to speak to anyone about their mother. MP made that very clear to the children's school counselors as well...:twocents:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

Oh, no... I sure hope you are wrong about this. How horrible!

P. S. I LOVE your new font! :blowkiss: I can SEE you now! :eye:

MP's attorney said, in court during "THE EMERGENCY SESSION" with Chancellor Frank Brown, that when he received the call on Friday from Hamilton County Courts with regard to the Temporary Order Chancellor Frank Brown had just signed....MP's attorney stated he was in the process of having his client(MP) and his children provide DNA samples for LE.
I don't know if he ever followed through on this.....he seemed kinda ticked off at the Friday court notification. Who knows, maybe there wasn't even an attempt to provide DNA samples for LE by MP's attorney...Maybe this was said in court as a ~~Now you have pissed us off comment~~ and Now maybe they(MP & kids) won't provide DNA for LE after all. If you are gonna fight MP on this... they may not get anything they want....and a "fight" is what they will get from MP and his attorney's. JMHO:twocents:(You ...meaning KN & DN)

I gotta tell you, I am in 100% agreement on that. My opinion is that Davis was just trying to score points:

Attorney Davis said he had been in the process of having DNA from Matt Palmgren and the children provided to detectives working the case, but he said the order gave him pause on whether he was allowed to do so. (Link.)

Personally, I think Davis was just doing the exaggeration thing. "Oh judge, we were JUST hanging around cooperating fully with LE when these horrible lawyers filed papers and kept us from doing it! And we're not sure if we can cooperate now or not! They're so mean."

I'm being snarky, but seriously, that particular paragraph in the article set my teeth on edge. And I doubt they ever did get the DNA evidence. Davis certainly made it clear they put a hold on getting it when the papers were filed.
I am somewhat hung up on the distance/route between Gail's last known cell ping, the GPS ping on the Jeep, and MP's last ping from that same time period.

Can someone confirm for me what MP's mobile phone service is with? TIA.

I believe Confused confirmed that, Oriah.
Gails bio siblings can provide relevant DNA samples if it is to narrow down Gail in the event she cannot speak for herself...and I dont mean dead. There are roughly 1700 living unidentified people on the FBI's books each year.

Now I am riveted on whether or not MP follows through with the DNA. A cheek swab for each. NBD. No drama, not a big production.
Yes, I know about that phone call. I was really referring to her calling them (or maybe visiting them at the PD) earlier, because her telling people she thought she was being followed had been going on for some time before just that day.

I hope she called them or went by the PD and talked with them about it.

I also speculate that she may have headed to the PD. When she talked to them that day, they may have told her to come by. It wouldn't necessarily generate a police report, so could have happened, and we don't know.

But then we get to another of the many things baffling me about this case. Even if she only talked to them on the phone that one time when Diane had them call her, she was so scared, when she almost immediately disappeared, why didn't LE look for her? Or did they, and we just don't know about it?

She was gone all Sat afternoon, all Sat night with no one knowing where she was or if she was okay or if she had a bed to sleep in or something to eat, all Sun morning, all Sun afternoon, all Sun night, again, for the second night, nobody knowing if she had a bed or a meal or where she was, and all this after saying she was scared to death on the phone, and talking to LE, and nobody looked for her? Until Monday?

Was it really okay with everybody that she disappeared under those circumstances that nobody looked until Monday? How could that be okay with everybody?


And that's another award winning run on sentence I just wrote. Yay me! :)

Gail's sister and AD were trying to get MP to call LE and report her missing. Diane called first on the 2nd and MP called later in the day, iirc.

Wouldn't there be a log with the time Diane called LE and then LE calling Gail. The call from LE to her would also show on her phone records.


:twocents:Anyway, getting back to the original comment...I don't think LE has officially or unofficially spoken to GP's children at all. And the children have been TOLD not to speak to anyone about their mother. MP made that very clear to the children's school counselors as well...:twocents:

This is very troubling. I can't imagine why LE would not speak to the children considering they were two of the last known people to see her on the day she disappeared. There's no telling what they know that might help find her. I would think they would have been taken immediately to talk to the investigators on day one :waitasec:
I don't know if the names can be posted. I'm just trying to find out where the names came from, and where it came from that Gail told them Matt was having an affair and she was leaving him.

The names on the radio interview from AD, initials TG.

I am not sure now where it states Gail told them she had found out about the affair, but I think it was said when GP gave them the jewelry to hold. They must have wondered a reason behind it and therefore, telling them she thought Matt was having an affair, felt she was being followed, and assumed a divorce was imminent. IMHO I still can't believe as much as she seemed to trust them, how they handled it...SMH
Gails bio siblings can provide relevant DNA samples if it is to narrow down Gail in the event she cannot speak for herself...and I dont mean dead. There are roughly 1700 living unidentified people on the FBI's books each year.

Now I am riveted on whether or not MP follows through with the DNA. A cheek swab for each. NBD. No drama, not a big production.

True! But interesting! My take on the DNA samples were to match up against possible evidence taken from the completed and pending searches and rule them out, leaving possibly GP's open to intepretation.

:waitasec: Wonder if TH was ever in ANY of the HOMES (TN or AL) or MP's mother's home?
This is very troubling. I can't imagine why LE would not speak to the children considering they were two of the last known people to see her on the day she disappeared. There's no telling what they know that might help find her. I would think they would have been taken immediately to talk to the investigators on day one :waitasec:

This does not surprise me one bit. LE took MP's word...she does this all the time, blah, blah, blah, we'll just go to the ballgame, same 'ole, same 'ole. :sick:

Shame on <modsnip>'s admin and counselor's for not interceding and at least make sure the children were OK! Hopefully, this isn't something they will regret later, they see this A LOT!!
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