TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #9

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I'm not sure why he would look like a grieving husband. They despised each other, were fighting like cats and dogs. Matt had been having an affair for months. Gail had been actively planning and readying for a divorce for months. They had agreed to separate.

For some reason I have just never had the impression Gail was the one who was doing the despising in that relationship...As I see it, going to Al-Anon, wanting to go to the lake house as a family indicates to me she may have wanted the relationship to work. IMO..Just because she was readying for a divorce and had agreed to separate doesn't mean she despised her husband..JMHO
:twocents:Emeralgem...just using your post to bounce off of...Hope you don't mind...Is mainly for McSpy's information. FYI---->Gail was offered a very good high paying position after she was laid off at Novartis in June 2010 but, MP told her not to take it. She was okay with that and did not accept the offer. She chose to be a stay at home Mom and loved staying at home with the children. Her job at Novartis required a great deal of travel, many times she took the children with her, along with her mother in law and sometimes her sister DNN (Mother in law and/or Aunt would be sitters during work hours and off time was spent with the kids as if it was vacation time). The travel, during those times was viewed as a "fun time for all", like a vacation of sorts. Finances were good until MP hit GP up for TWO large loans (from Gail's personal account) of $20,000.00 each in a short period of time before she went missing...not to mention the almost every other day $$$ ATM withdraws:waitasec:. GP knew nothing about those frequent withdraws (every other day) until her own PI shared ALL THE INFORMATION and pix that he had accumulated while looking into MP's affairs per GP's request. This was done to ready herself and the children for the divorce she was planning on filing very soon.

Less than 4 days after being reported missing by MP, after constant urging (insistence) of Gail's sister DNN and her friend AD on Monday May 2, 2011...Upon seeing AD's car in the driveway of a neighbor across the street form Gail's home (SB)...MP called SB's home phone and asked to speak with AD. You see, MP told the children that their Mom was down at the lake with Miss A ....and now Ms. A's vehicle (which the kids know) is parked directly across the street from their home on Signal Mountain. This concerned Matt enough to call SB home and ask to speak to AD. When SB gave AD the phone Matt asked "what are you doing here?" AD said she was here to look for Gail. She told him..."the more people looking the better chance they have of finding Gail". He disagreed and said "A she ran away, she is not kidnapped". AD said "Matt we need to find Gail for the kids". He replied "there is nothing you can do". AD said "I am going place to place to try to find her". Matt said "we are looking for her and I am doing everything I am told to do". Matt then continued by saying the following to AD..."You are making things worse by being here":waitasec: and then he abruptly hung up the phone on AD unexpectedly:banghead:. AD wanted to scream at him,:maddening: but she kept calm until he hung up on her.

IMHO ----> What a "piece of work huh?"

I most definitely understand WHY he told AD she was making things worse by being there, especially IF he told the children their mother was in Alabama at the lake house with AD...AD was making it worse for him...JMHO
Odd MP would say "She is not kidnapped." Did anyone even suspect kidnapping until CC's sighting was revealed? I wonder why he thought kidnapping was a possibility.
Sorry, ThoughtFox- it seems I'm being very confusing. I'm not doubting your timeline at all, actually.

I just can't make full sense of SB's report (and this is not necessarily doubting SB. Just trying to see how this would all work route-wise) She was heading back to her residence. If Gail dropped the children off and left @ 12:15pm- and the children were home alone for 10 mins before Matt returned- I would think she was traveling the same route as Matt was. And that Matt would have passed Gail. Does that make sense?

My understanding is that Susie saw Gail driving away from the house, not back to the house.

It appears to me that Gail was doing everything in her power that morning to ensure that she did not encounter Matt in any way. Because of that, my assumption has been that she most likely took a route away from the house that she knew was the least likely he would use coming up.

Based on the report from her Birmingham friends that she took a route that doubled her drive time to get to their home, I would not be surprised if she even went off on side roads, etc, in going away from the house that day.
On that Google Maps, which house is SB's, the one across the street and down?

I also live in a cul-de-sac (much smaller homes -- probably 3 of our neighborhood homes could fit into one home on Signal Mountain) and it's true we notice traffic because we're not a through street, but unless I'm outside or near a front window, I don't see or hear much at all. Sometimes I hear a lawn mower, but often I don't even hear that. So I wonder how much Gail's Signal Mountain neighbors would have even noticed?

Across the street and up from the circle. Her home is very large and I could see how she would not be able to get a good view of the P's drive as it gets closer to the house.

It is entirely possible that MP and GP would not have passed each other as they were coming from and going to the SM home. It would take maybe two minutes for Gail to leave her house and get to James Blvd. From there she would take a left to head towards W Road or take a right to go down the front of the mountain. Or she could have turned right on James and turned immediately back to the left on Cauthen Way to cut through to Taft Highway. Maybe she took that route to go to the Post Office if she really filled out a COA that day.

All I'm saying is that even though Signal Mountain is considered small and everyone knows everyone - it isn't necessarily that way. I've lived on the mountain a few more years than Gail and rarely run into people I really know at the grocery store or CVS or out to dinner. So, it is certainly possible they did not pass each other that day in their comings and goings.

Also re: BeanE's post about St. Ives. The houses aren't far back off the street. It may appear that way online but they really aren't. I think the day Gail went missing SB said she was in her yard when Gail left (that she ran up the hill to see her). She may have seen MP arrive home and we just aren't privy to that info.

It is entirely possible that MP and GP would not have passed each other as they were coming from and going to the SM home. It would take maybe two minutes for Gail to leave her house and get to James Blvd. From there she would take a left to head towards W Road or take a right to go down the front of the mountain. Or she could have turned right on James and turned immediately back to the left on Cauthen Way to cut through to Taft Highway. Maybe she took that route to go to the Post Office if she really filled out a COA that day.

All I'm saying is that even though Signal Mountain is considered small and everyone knows everyone - it isn't necessarily that way. I've lived on the mountain a few more years than Gail and rarely run into people I really know at the grocery store or CVS or out to dinner. So, it is certainly possible they did not pass each other that day in their comings and goings.

Also re: BeanE's post about St. Ives. The houses aren't far back off the street. It may appear that way online but they really aren't. I think the day Gail went missing SB said she was in her yard when Gail left (that she ran up the hill to see her). She may have seen MP arrive home and we just aren't privy to that info.

This is a great point.
This is a great point.

It is a great point- because I cannot for the life of me figure out how else it could be validated how long the children were left alone. :waitasec:

And I understand that Gail and Matt may not have passed- but when I look at the 10 minute time frame- and Matt returning from his mothers-and the phone ping situation- well, let's just say I am confused!

I know it is a possibility that Gail took Cauthen to Taft and Matt did not- however she would still (according to SB's sighting) have had to of gone Ridgerock to James- and then either continued down James or else taken Cauthen to Taft. It seems they would have passed on James.

Is that inaccurate? TIA.
Another change to a story of Arlene's.

In this article, Arlene said Gail went to the bank and reviewed the bank records and found the $400 withdrawals.

She said Gail told her she went to their bank to review the records and was startled to find "that Matt was getting $400 every couple of days from an ATM."

The PI giving Gail all the info wasn't until April 28.

I was summarizing events...I guess I am not doing as good a job as you do ... I guess you could say I was paraphrasing not relaying Gail's story verbatim in my statement above. I was trying to convey a VERY long story into a condensed version for McSpy. Not meaning to "misstate" any of the facts or distort the facts here BeanE. I guess your timeline would be more suitable, if it were not down for update. IMO AD's story has not changed...she stated that their financial situation changed when Gail got laid off....she did not say it became "dire" (ex) family became financially strapped. June 2010, there was definitely a change in the family's income level, but the family income was still a decent income, just less than they were accustomed to. Gail did not know why Matt was going through cash like he seemed to be...until she became aware of the couples bank statements. Everything began to add up for Gail, especially with her P.I.'s additional information, gleaned from his investigation. I should just take a "time out too"....I'll be with ThoughtFox chilling for awhile too.

It is entirely possible that MP and GP would not have passed each other as they were coming from and going to the SM home. It would take maybe two minutes for Gail to leave her house and get to James Blvd. From there she would take a left to head towards W Road or take a right to go down the front of the mountain. Or she could have turned right on James and turned immediately back to the left on Cauthen Way to cut through to Taft Highway. Maybe she took that route to go to the Post Office if she really filled out a COA that day.

All I'm saying is that even though Signal Mountain is considered small and everyone knows everyone - it isn't necessarily that way. I've lived on the mountain a few more years than Gail and rarely run into people I really know at the grocery store or CVS or out to dinner. So, it is certainly possible they did not pass each other that day in their comings and goings.

Also re: BeanE's post about St. Ives. The houses aren't far back off the street. It may appear that way online but they really aren't. I think the day Gail went missing SB said she was in her yard when Gail left (that she ran up the hill to see her). She may have seen MP arrive home and we just aren't privy to that info.

Hmm. I have conflicting info about this that I need to confirm.

The ping situation is making me insane. Gail had her cell with her. The jeep has GPS capabilities. Matt had his phone with him. He had a tracking device on his vehicle that would ping from a satellite. They were traveling in opposite directions, with only two main routes possible if the last ping (that day- not the 2nd) is accurate...

I think I need to get some sleep!
I know it is a possibility that Gail took Cauthen to Taft and Matt did not- however she would still (according to SB's sighting) have had to of gone Ridgerock to James- and then either continued down James or else taken Cauthen to Taft. It seems they would have passed on James.

Is that inaccurate? TIA.[/QUOTE]

If she went right on James she could have taken one of the many cut throughs that people sometimes take. Sometimes from James I cut through Rolling Way to Taft (which at that intersection may be considered Ridgeway Ave). Sometimes I cut through on Laurel to Taft/Ridgeway. There's no rhyme or reason just a choice I make when I driving.

There is only one way from her house to James. You are correct about that.

If she went left on James she could have gone straight to Taft and then right on Anderson Pike to the W. There are also streets she could have cut through to get to W.

All the cut throughs that I am referring to are populated residential streets.

I hope this helps.
If this happened as reported, I can see Matt P having provided the kids with an explanation of their mother's absence by stating she was with Arlene D. There are two motivations for the story that I can see-he was forestalling telling them she had disappeared, or he had some nefarious purpose in creating the cover story.

Either way, Arlene D.'s presence at Susie B's house would absolutely have thrown his story into a tail spin. He was forced by her presence, likely, to have to change what he told the children I would think. So I can also see why he would feel her presence was making things difficult in terms of maintaining this story.

This is a neutral post fwiw-I am not indicating that anyone was justified or unjustified in their feelings.

Only Matt P. can explain his motivation I would think.

Where is Gail?
If this happened as reported, I can see Matt P having provided the kids with an explanation of their mother's absence by stating she was with Arlene D. There are two motivations for the story that I can see-he was forestalling telling them she had disappeared, or he had some nefarious purpose in creating the cover story.

Either way, Arlene D.'s presence at Susie B's house would absolutely have thrown his story into a tail spin. He was forced by her presence, likely, to have to change what he told the children I would think. So I can also see why he would feel her presence was making things difficult in terms of maintaining this story.

This is a neutral post fwiw-I am not indicating that anyone was justified or unjustified in their feelings.

Only Matt P. can explain his motivation I would think.

Where is Gail?

BBM. I imagine it was the former, because the latter would just be a bonehead thing to do - the children would very quickly find out from any number of people that their mom wasn't at the lake house.

I imagine since Matt filed the missing person report on Monday May 2, he also told the kids that day - if not sooner - that their mom was missing, and not at the lake house. That is, of course, if he told them at all that she was at the lake house. I've only seen/heard that from Arlene.
If this happened as reported, I can see Matt P having provided the kids with an explanation of their mother's absence by stating she was with Arlene D. There are two motivations for the story that I can see-he was forestalling telling them she had disappeared, or he had some nefarious purpose in creating the cover story. Either way, Arlene D.'s presence at Susie B's house would absolutely have thrown his story into a tail spin. He was forced by her presence, likely, to have to change what he told the children I would think. So I can also see why he would feel her presence was making things difficult in terms of maintaining this story.

This is a neutral post fwiw-I am not indicating that anyone was justified or unjustified in their feelings.

Only Matt P. can explain his motivation I would think.

Where is Gail?

BBM Dark Red...In reference to myself, I suspect the latter..JMHO
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