TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 **Location Project**

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Might want to talk to fireflylink about this. She has info on the VIN and Jeep and I believe is working with LE on this already. Some people are already doing some searches online, possibly real life. fireflylink has done a lot of searching on her own, if I understand correctly. Plus, I'm one of the online searchers and I'm already doing some searches on some of the places you've suggested. Just putting that out there. No need to waste time doing duplicate searches if the area of interest and search is already covered.

Yep I've been in touch with firefly, and she posted yesterday about her efforts. It's good info & she welcomed people to contact her, for anyone interested.

Fully agree about duplicate efforts. It's great if people want to share what they've covered and haven't covered yet, but many people across the net and off the net do a lot of work on these cases on their own or in private groups that they don't share, and there's no way to know about it. That's fine though. Double checks never hurt, and it's all for a good purpose.
I remember somebody saying Gail liked to off-road. Let me be the first to admit that I have no idea what off-roading is. :) Regardless, if this is a recreational group, maybe hashtags to target them with tweets?

Seems like the part about her liking off roading was confused. The best I remember, someone posted a photo of a jeep like Gail's and it had a sticker on it related to a off roading group. It wasn't actually Gail's.

I've not heard anyone outside of that discussion mention Gail going off-road. Just thought we better be certain on that before we follow that route.
Great ideas, everyone. Seriously great!

I still think the jeep is inside of a storage facility somewhere. Too bad we can't look up records to see if MP or someone close to him has rented one.....

It's the perfect spot.

IF he has something to do with all of this, that is.

firefly's email would be good to send to storage facilities, rental garages, places like that.
Seems like the part about her liking off roading was confused. The best I remember, someone posted a photo of a jeep like Gail's and it had a sticker on it related to a off roading group. It wasn't actually Gail's.

I've not heard anyone outside of that discussion mention Gail going off-road. Just thought we better be certain on that before we follow that route.

hmmm I guess that's where I got it from. I just don't remember. Would off-roaders be looking to buy Jeeps?

Or would they be a group that might possibly see Gail's Jeep somewhere when they're out off-roading? I'm thinking they go riding through woods and stuff? I'm just not entirely sure what off-roading is, what all kind of places they go riding. :(
Dumb question... :blushing:

Do I have to have a lot of "followers" for this to work? Or do the hash tags get my tweets out to people who are not following me? (I am not Twitter-literate.)

I have a Twitter account I never use, my only followers are my husband and a few family members. But I LOVE the idea of using Twitter to get the message out re: missing persons. I think I'd like to start tweeting for Gail, and others.

Nope, you don't need any Followers at all. Using the hashtags is the way to get specific groups of people to see your tweets. Anyone searching the hashtags you use will see your tweet with that hashtag pop up.

There are a couple different websites that analyze hashtags and you can determine which the most used ones are for a specific subject. For example, during the Casey Anthony trial, some of the hashtags were #caseyanthony #cayleeanthony #justice4caylee #justiceforcaylee #caseyanthonytrial. The most frequently used of those was #caseyanthony
hmmm I guess that's where I got it from. I just don't remember. Would off-roaders be looking to buy Jeeps?

Or would they be a group that might possibly see Gail's Jeep somewhere when they're out off-roading? I'm thinking they go riding through woods and stuff? I'm just not entirely sure what off-roading is, what all kind of places they go riding. :(

I'm not much of an off-roader, but I grew up in the desert where it is a very popular pastime (nothing else to do, LOL). I do think it would be valuable to reach out to off-roaders re: Gail's Jeep, because it could very well be in an off-road type of area. Off-roaders go places the general public typically doesn't, in remote and/or rugged areas. Even if Gail was not an off-roader herself, her Jeep is quite capable of going off-road and could be somewhere where it might be visible to off-roaders, if they knew to keep their eyes peeled. :twocents:
Nope, you don't need any Followers at all. Using the hashtags is the way to get specific groups of people to see your tweets. Anyone searching the hashtags you use will see your tweet with that hashtag pop up.

There are a couple different websites that analyze hashtags and you can determine which the most used ones are for a specific subject. For example, during the Casey Anthony trial, some of the hashtags were #caseyanthony #cayleeanthony #justice4caylee #justiceforcaylee #caseyanthonytrial. The most frequently used of those was #caseyanthony

Thanks BeanE! I'm going to do some quick Googling on how to use Twitter, and start using my account to send missing persons tweets - hopefully this afternoon.
I'm not much of an off-roader, but I grew up in the desert where it is a very popular pastime (nothing else to do, LOL). I do think it would be valuable to reach out to off-roaders re: Gail's Jeep, because it could very well be in an off-road type of area. Off-roaders go places the general public typically doesn't, in remote and/or rugged areas. Even if Gail was not an off-roader herself, her Jeep is quite capable of going off-road and could be somewhere where it might be visible to off-roaders, if they knew to keep their eyes peeled. :twocents:


mayqueen, I think this is a VERY valuable point that needs reiterating!

Gail and her Jeep may not be in the same place.

So it's important to search for both her Jeep- and Gail. Independantly, and in conjunction.
Great ideas, everyone. Seriously great!

I still think the jeep is inside of a storage facility somewhere. Too bad we can't look up records to see if MP or someone close to him has rented one.....

It's the perfect spot.

IF he has something to do with all of this, that is.

Shelby1, if MP or anyone associated with him were involved here they're not going to store that vehicle because they don't ever want that vehicle to be linked back to them again ever. I'm certain that LE has probably already got that VIN number flagged in the system and if it pops they'll be chasing after that lead. A chop shop will grind the VIN number off in order to get rid of the engine and the rest of the vehicle can be sold off in parts and it would be hard to trace them back to a particilar vehicle. If anyone tries to register a vehicle with that VIN LE is going to be talking to them including MP.
**Jeep Project**

Thanks to everyone who is participating!

The purpose of this thread is to provide a centralized point of communication and a place for those assisting in the Jeep location efforts to share their coverage areas or special interest areas.

The email and the content provided in that email are specifically geared to encourage any businesses or organizations potentially having access to identifying automobile information to cross-check the data provided with their own business records. This is of course something they must choose to willingly execute by their own decision. In turn, they are provided exact instructions on how to report a vehicle record match or possible sighting of an individual in the vehicle to LE. This is an effort to locate the Rubicon and potentially GP, or any other vehicle occupant.

There is no intention or focus on matching the Jeep's location with any specific person related or unrelated to this case. This is a neutral, informational search which will hopefully provide LE with legitimate, uncompromised investigational information. All we are trying to do is facilitate legitimate leads for LE so that they may be able to resolve the location of the Jeep and GP.

Some may wish to pick a state or region to focus on. Others may choose to focus on specific interest groups or other targeted resources. We have a lot of great idea people and thinkers here, let's work together and utilize our resources to cover as much "virtual" ground as possible.

I will put together a list of areas or special interest that have been "spoken for" and post it here. As we continue forward, I will update this list so that we don't duplicate or step on each other's toes.

Also, I think it would be great if everyone contunued to post suggestions for new special interest groups. This would be a great benefit for both this, and those participating in the twitter effort. Working in tandem, the tweeters and the emailers, working together, will be able to get the message out to a broader base of people and geographic locations!

Thanks again to everyone who has expressed an interest in helping with this task, your assistance is very much appreciated!

Here is the link to the original invitation to join the email effort:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #7[/ame]
Yep I've been in touch with firefly, and she posted yesterday about her efforts. It's good info & she welcomed people to contact her, for anyone interested.

Fully agree about duplicate efforts. It's great if people want to share what they've covered and haven't covered yet, but many people across the net and off the net do a lot of work on these cases on their own or in private groups that they don't share, and there's no way to know about it. That's fine though. Double checks never hurt, and it's all for a good purpose.

Awesome suggestions from everyone for the twitter and email projects. I have just created a "Jeep Project" thread here: [ame=""]TN Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 **Jeep Project** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

I will work on populating it with the areas or interests being covered as I get notification from those working on the email project. I think it would be wonderful for the twitter project to share/reference as well.

Thanks again everyone!
Currently, members are working on coverage for the following geographic or special interest areas:

Geographic areas currently getting coverage

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Illinois
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Missouri
  • Mississippi
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina

Special Interest areas currently getting coverage

  • eBay
  • Online newspapers
  • Craigslist

Feel free to branch out as new ideas occur. You add them in a reply to this thread, or pm me a list and I will update as I get them.

Any questions, please ask.
Awesome suggestions from everyone for the twitter and email projects. I have just created a "Jeep Project" thread here: TN Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 **Jeep Project** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I will work on populating it with the areas or interests being covered as I get notification from those working on the email project. I think it would be wonderful for the twitter project to share/reference as well.

Thanks again everyone!

Super, firefly! I had PMed the mods to see if they wanted to have a separate thread for Jeep finding efforts. I just PMed them back to see if they can move all the Jeep finding posts over to the thread you've created.

I think it would be helpful to have all the info in one place to reduce searching for the info through the main threads, and much of the info is common whether it's email, twitter, facebook, online searching, etc.

Thanks for getting a thread going!
Hey all I'm afraid I won't be much use today my baby has a fever and she's really miserable I will try to work on the hash tags more later this evening. if anyone gets a chance to look into this sooner I'd welcome the help but if not I'll just keep on trucking later tonight. . I took a quick look at the post and I'm so happy about everyone excellent ideas and all the hard work. sorry about the bad grammar I only have 1 free hand right now
From the original post:

Just like everyone here on WS, we are doing what we can with what various resources and support we can provide. All for the same important cause, the effort to locate Gail and her Jeep. the saying goes, "nothing worthwhile in life is free". What could be more worthwhile than to locate Gail and have answers to so many questions for her family and children?

On that note, I have seen many awesome suggestions from several posters to try and get the word out about the missing Jeep and Gail. I would like to extend an invitation to any of you on WS who wish to join my ongoing "Jeep Email Blitz Campaign". Let me clearly state, that I personally contacted LE (HCSO), proposed the effort and provided them with a sample email for their approval regarding content, specific informational details and the intended scope of distribution (so as not to compromise or undermine their investigative efforts). The intention of the email is to target agencies and companies which could potentially come into contact, and be able to verify/identify the Rubicon (via the VIN) and/or Gail or any other occupants of the vehicle. Since most of us are scattered around the country, using individual local knowledge and imagination could get this out further as a group instead of just one person.

If anyone registered on WS is interested (and JBean also blesses this), I would be happy to receive a PM containing your email address. I will then, in return, forward the email with 1 small attachment (as approved by LE), to that email address, along with the simple guidelines I have been following. Just a few people sending a few emails to specific targets (NO SPAMMING) will go a lot further every day.

This has not generated much return mail to the account I am using. All case-specific contact is specifically directed to LE. I have had just a few courtesy responses from companies verifying that they have run the VIN through their systems and have nothing to report, and a couple of good luck wishes in the effort. So, basically just send them out, pray somebody gets a hit, and contacts LE.

One last note on this, as a common courtesy I have also been in contact with DN regarding this, provided her with all of the details of this project, and a copy of the sample email as well. She clearly expressed her appreciation of the efforts to help locate GP and her Jeep.

Thanks everyone for your consideration, any help is welcomed and appreciated!

P.S. Just for clarification about email addresses...I will ONLY use this email to send the sample email with instructions, or to reply to an email you send to me at the jeep email address. I do not want to bypass this site or shut anyone here "out", but it IS necessary for the email to be forwarded from the Jeep's email addy to yours for the email to remain unaltered. Obviously, if there is a communication you feel is sensitive to the case, please feel free to either PM or use jeep addy. Otherwise, I have no problem discussing any of this where we can all participate as a group. We on WS all have the same end-goal in mind!
To start, a list of potential targets or resources which could potentially have knowledge of, or come in to contact with an unlocated vehicle:

FYI - Many places where parking is paid or regulated are now using computerized data systems with hand-held plate scanners to track short and long-term parkers and abandoned vehicles.

  • Online auto sales
  • Auction sites
  • CarFax (already initiated, regular follow-ups scheduled)
  • Online auto parts distributors
  • Jeep enthusiast groups
  • Off-Road enthusiast groups
  • Car-hauler transport companies
  • Companies who regulate metered parking and vialoations.
  • Companies contracted to patrol highways and interstates and "tag" vehicles on the roadside.
  • Tow and impound companies (private and city-sponsored) who are under contract to retrieve, ticket or impound tagged or abandoned vehicles.
  • Corporate and private parking lots and garages.
  • Hotel, motel and conference center parking facilities.
  • Hospital parking facilities
  • Title pawn or other "quick loan" establishments
  • Local, state and federal parks frequently monitor vehicle traffic. Some require individual vehicles be registered and display a park-issued window sticker or temporary dash tag.
  • Private, unused properties in rural areas
  • Garages, barns, storage sheds and unused agricultural buildings
  • Natural caverns, mines, etc.
  • Car and truck rental companies may have privately owned vehicles on the premises while the owners are using a rental vehicle.
  • Airports
  • Bus stations
  • Train Stations
  • Park and Ride lots
  • Car dealers who may have had a vehicle offered for trade, or had a vehicle "left" or abandoned during off-hours.
  • Used car sales
  • Car repair facilites
  • Body Shops
  • Automobile storage facilities (some require vehicle specific information as a condition for enclosed storage).
  • Salvage yards
  • Automotive recyclers
  • Large shopping centers
  • Large industrial parks (especially those with unfilled bldgs)
  • Storage facilities - some "household" storage facilities will offer exterior and interior storage.
  • Recreational vehicle storage facilities which offer outdoor RV storage (sometimes tarped).
  • Truck stops
  • Driver associations
  • Travel Centers
  • Rest areas (unattended vehicles will result in towing by authorities)
  • Campgrounds
  • Marinas (a vehicle could go unnoticed for an extended period if it is believed to be associated with a boater who frequently goes out for extended times).
  • RV rental companies would frequently have customer's vehicles on-site while their units are out.
  • Road maintenance and/or utility crews may occasionally locate vehicles in or near their easment areas.
  • Railroad line inspectors could potentially observe a vehicle in areas off of the tracks while performing track-line inspectins.
  • Amusement parks and other large volume tourist-type areas.
  • Educational facilities (although, most would ticket and tow without permits)
  • Apartment complexes may not take notice of a newer vehicle unless it interfered with available parking.
  • Mobile windshield or tire service companies
  • Road Service insurance companies
  • Oil change companies (they record VIN to distribute filters and track recommended vehicle service)
  • 24 hour grocery and shopping facilities
  • Churches (especially Catholic)
  • Church-run organizations and recreational facilities (especially Catholic)
*Feel free to post or PM with additional suggestions :)
Both the state level parks and the federal level forestry service have both campgrounds and parking lots. I point out the forestry service because a lot of people don't know about it, or don't realize it's separate from the state parks.

Example: TN state parks

Forestry service:

Separate forestry website for reserving cabins, and this search is specifically for the ones in TN. I hope this will work:

These forestry service cabins came to my mind because of a case I followed years ago, and the other relevant type of place was abandoned mining camps. Some have old abandoned shacks still there. Good place to hide a vehicle.

I know I went to websites that listed the all the abandoned mining camps in each state, but I'm not finding them right now. I'll try to poke around some more tomorrow. I'm going back and forth among 4 different cases at the moment trying to get some stuff done lol.
Currently, members are working on coverage for the following geographic or special interest areas:

Geographic areas currently getting coverage

  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Illinois
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Missouri
  • Mississippi
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina

Special Interest areas currently getting coverage

  • eBay
  • Online newspapers
  • Craigslist

Feel free to branch out as new ideas occur. You add them in a reply to this thread, or pm me a list and I will update as I get them.

Any questions, please ask.

Way to go everybody, and thank you! I'll figure out a better way to list the updates a little later. For now, with an active afternoon and evening I just want to get the targets and resources listed. Since this evening, the following have coverage also. It cannot hurt to offer the info to a target or resource, they can choose to go further with it or long as we are getting the message out there it provides a potential opportunity for GP or for LE.

  • Kansas
  • Catholic Churches and outreach in TN and the immediately surrounding states
  • Knoxville offices
  • Shelter outreach (imediate region, initially)
  • Al-Anon offices (even if only shared discreetly among the group leaders, It may offer GP an oportunity she may not fully realize).
Just a quick note. For the Tweets, we're going to have to break down the states into smaller geo areas. People searching for news tend to search just their local area or the nearest large city. There have to be lists of, eg, the top 10 largest cities per state. Then we can lookup the hashtags for those cities.

Here's a hashtag search engine. You can compare hashtags to get the most used ones. e.g. if you want to give it a whirl, you can compare #CHA to #CHAnews (both Chattanooga hashtags)

There are two other hashtag search engines but I'll be darned if the names of them will come to me atm. They'll come to me later - probably in the middle of the night lol. :)

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