TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #13

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ok, i found what i saw this morning on fox, the interview with john walsh. its at about 1.47 after the st. louis jailbreak and before the NMEC polo charity .... make of it what you will...

wanted to bring this forward as i didnt realize that the thread was closing...
I really don't know what to think right now. I wonder if his facts are right.

I've been willing to let the brother off the hook and feel great compassion for him. He implies he hasn't taken a lie detector test.

I noticed that the news anchor used the word 'dragged' when it no longer appears to have been the case and John Walsh didn't correct him. Maybe Walsh doesn't know any more than we do.

He doesn't seem to have much hope left and I find that disheartening. Maybe loss of hope is why the number of searchers is way down. They just can't give up.
509 volunteers as of 1:00 pm!/willnunley

awwww... I know they wanted 1500.... :-(

A bit off topic, but whenever I see these searches I think how it's too bad there isn't a way (at least far as I know) to get and utilize what I would call technical volunteers, say people who work for Face Book, Verizon, Google, and other computer, cell phone, companies to sift though all the high tech stuff there is today when something like happens...
I know, invasion of privacy issues prevent this sort of thing..
I thought they hoped for 1500 over the course of the weekend...

As far as the text, it could/probably did come from Holly before she was abducted...the "news" on the NG page only said the ping reportedly came after. If phone only
pinged the one time, battery was removed, I believe.

This is starting to look like, to me anyway, that even if LE does have a POI and I am not convinced they do, that it may not help them find Holly.
and, I really think the downturn in the volunteer effort was predicated by the Easter holiday. JMO, of course.

IMO the perp is waiting for the searchers to go away for good.
And then he will move Holly.
I don't think he wants to kill her at all.
A bit off topic, but whenever I see these searches I think how it's too bad there isn't a way (at least far as I know) to get and utilize what I would call technical volunteers, say people who work for Face Book, Verizon, Google, and other computer, cell phone, companies to sift though all the high tech stuff there is today when something like happens...
I know, invasion of privacy issues prevent this sort of thing..

True... But collectively, we have demanded the laws that now prevent us from getting timely help, in a crisis such as this.
A bit off topic, but whenever I see these searches I think how it's too bad there isn't a way (at least far as I know) to get and utilize what I would call technical volunteers, say people who work for Face Book, Verizon, Google, and other computer, cell phone, companies to sift though all the high tech stuff there is today when something like happens...
I know, invasion of privacy issues prevent this sort of thing.. a living will kind of thing, people could sign something that says if this ever happens to me, I agree that anyone and everyone who is accredited can go through my stuff...i.e.
This perp is not smart at all! I'm starting to think it is the same guy who attempted to snatch HS. Think about it, she is allowed to have her cell phone long enough to get closer to a tower to ping a mile away from her home? Come on, this guy is flying by the seat of his pants. He is going to be caught because frankly he has only been lucky so far.
I think it's important to remember to keep things in perspective when it comes to the volunteers. 500+ is still an astronomically high turnout, it just seems low in comparison.
After a week things begin to taper off, add to that the holiday weekend and I am quite surprised they had the large numbers today that they did.
I think John W. is about a week or more behind and is leaving the most dramatic version on his site...we all know LE "dragged" well over a week ago...
I'm starting to see things popping up about the cell phone and pings. Have we found info on her phone pinging somewhere that I've missed?
I really don't know what to think right now. I wonder if his facts are right.

I've been willing to let the brother off the hook and feel great compassion for him. He implies he hasn't taken a lie detector test.

I noticed that the news anchor used the word 'dragged' when it no longer appears to have been the case and John Walsh didn't correct him. Maybe Walsh doesn't know any more than we do.

He doesn't seem to have much hope left and I find that disheartening. Maybe loss of hope is why the number of searchers is way down. They just can't give up.

thats how i felt right after watching it too. i dont know what i think, lol, other than i wish they would just find her asap and deal with the rest later... i wish they would make an official statement that could clarify where they are at in the investigation. i know that the public doesnt have a right to know every little detail but we do have a right to know if there is a danger being posed to innocent citizens. le's lack of info leads me to believe that they believe this to be an isolated incident including someone known to the family - how well known to the family could have been very little...
I'm starting to see things popping up about the cell phone and pings. Have we found info on her phone pinging somewhere that I've missed?
No I'm just going off of what people have posted...for all I know there was no PINGS.
I thought they hoped for 1500 over the course of the weekend...

As far as the text, it could/probably did come from Holly before she was abducted...the "news" on the NG page only said the ping reportedly came after. If phone only
pinged the one time, battery was removed, I believe.

This is starting to look like, to me anyway, that even if LE does have a POI and I am not convinced they do, that it may not help them find Holly.

I'd presume they had someone on the list of potentials right away and were probably watching that person right away. That would limit the ability for her to have gone too far.

Again on the phone not sure why everyone keeps skipping over the total lack of solid coverage in a lot of the search area. We have two possibilities here either someone planted evidence or she was able to leave a trail for awhile. To assume the perp was smart enough to remove a battery but not realize she was tossing things....

Depending on the phone, carrier and location I'm betting there are many areas in the general search area with very weak or non-existent coverage.
I tend to think the perp is educated.
But he could be just lucky.
If he is, then he must have gotten rid of Holly early on.
With all the dogs out there why has a body not been found?
Statistics would say that this is a local that is "obsessively washing his car" and knew Holly or the family.
Like the profile said.
If so, wouldn't they know who he was by now? In a town of 2400?
With all the searchers, local LE, TBI and FBI, he has to be very lucky.
Or very smart.
In this particular case I just don't think the perp is "local", as in anyone who will be missed in the everyday community.
I think he tried (probably) to take another girl besides Heather. Just a feeling I get, and that LE has been aware of this since Holly's abduction. Heather is just one who came forward in hindsight.
All JMO and always respectful of the views of others
Things I wish I knew about her cell:

When she left was her phone turned off?

Did she have her ring set to vibrate ready for class?

Was there a PING and if so, could this have been when she was able to sneak her phone to turn it on, and hit fast reply by hitting buttons while in a pocket or purse? Like her BF on speed dial?

Did LE find her phone?

Were finger prints lifted off the phone?

What were her last messages to her, any asking her what she was going to do that following morning. (the morning she was taken)

What kind of phone did she have

What carrier did she have
hopefully this will end like the sarah maynard case where the perp had her tied up in the basement...not the rest of the story tho, just to be clear...
I tend to think the perp is educated.
But he could be just lucky.
If he is, then he must have gotten rid of Holly early on.
With all the dogs out there why has a body not been found?
Statistics would say that this is a local that is "obsessively washing his car" and knew Holly or the family.
Like the profile said.
If so, wouldn't they know who he was by now? In a town of 2400?
With all the searchers, local LE, TBI and FBI, he has to be very lucky.
Or very smart.
In this particular case I just don't think the perp is "local", as in anyone who will be missed in the everyday community.
I think he tried (probably) to take another girl besides Heather. Just a feeling I get, and that LE has been aware of this since Holly's abduction. Heather is just one who came forward in hindsight.
All JMO and always respectful of the views of others

Snow, my theory matches your theory. I was surprised to see how much!
Nice picture in there of Holly with a horse.
Makes me believe that she does own one.
She could have been targeted and stalked by the perp while out riding.
See this makes me think that there are trails that an ATV could've been used on, because there seem to be horse trails around the Bobo house.
At least that's what some of the aerial pictures seem to show.
I admit I don't see that well, but it seemed to me that the house was surrounded by a gravel trail very much like the ones used to exercise a horse.
For the oddest reason, I also don't think the bloodspray on the yard was human.


When I was a teenager, I had a horse and went riding frequently. I remember several times when I was intercepted by a stranger who was out riding himself and suggested I visit his home. He had two large dogs.

I remember feeling ill at ease and exiting the area.
Maybe LE thinks she is in the area because LE had locked all the roads up fast once the 911 call came in.
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