TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #13

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I'm starting to see things popping up about the cell phone and pings. Have we found info on her phone pinging somewhere that I've missed?

it came from Nancy Grace's blog:

Urgent: Sources say nursing co-ed Holly Bobo's cell phone pinged soon after her abduction within one mile of her home! Her boyfriend allegedly claims he got a text from her phone that same morning sounding fine.
Local would not have to mean that very town...aren't there other small towns nearby?

I don't think LE set up roadblocks immediately, did they? They probably went out, took the report in person, walked around the property, etc...called in help...all plenty of time for a vehicle to get out of town...
Gosh, this is tricky. We know of at least one person (a poster here) who made a decision NOT to join the search today based on him/her feeling unsettled by the lack of clear and confirmed info among other things.

I'm not sure WHAT I think of all this, but I'm sure there is a sociological or psychological reason why last weekend saw greater numbers of searchers than this one.

This feels weird to quote my own post, but I must correct something I said. It WAS NOT A POSTER HERE that said they decided not to search today. I am following several websites regarding this case, and I got confused about where I had seen this. It WAS NOT a Websleuths poster who said that so please forgive me for misleading you.

Sorry about that.....:doh:
In this particular case I just don't think the perp is "local", as in anyone who will be missed in the everyday community.
I think he tried (probably) to take another girl besides Heather. Just a feeling I get, and that LE has been aware of this since Holly's abduction. Heather is just one who came forward in hindsight.
All JMO and always respectful of the views of others

Yeah, not local, as in been there since birth, local, right?
"The Bobo family stayed away from the media, but we are told they spent part of the day looking for Holly."

It is also important to note I think, that the boyfriend's family is also out there looking. Not the boyfriend himself, but when I've seen him mentioned he's been with Holly's family. (So if they were out searching it's certainly possible he went with them.)

After the cases of people not looking for the missing wife of their son or brother... the mother of their grandchildren, or nieces/nephews... I thought it important to point out this family is doing that and there is no marriage or children involved. His brothers and father have been searching daily along with their friends. (According to many on facebook.)

If it IS someone close to her, as has been surmised and speculated, then the person most likely IS one of her 600 Facebook friends. That's kind of sobering. The answer is right there.

To make it more sobering...

There are also people I would think would be on her friends list, who are not.

People very close to her (in my opinion innocent) boyfriend for example.

People who are actively involved in the search for her, closely connected to someone close to Holly.

People that I would probably feel obligated to add if I had a facebook, which is why I don't have a facebook.

I would think they should be considered if the friends list is being used at all?

Maybe she just hadn't added them yet, maybe she just didn't like them, or maybe they are just "interjecting themselves into the investigation."

If people are removing themselves I can see them doing that to avoid contact from the media. The people I am talking about however, haven't been on her friends list from day one. I went through it immediately in total awe of how many people changed their profile pictures within 24 hours of her being abducted. It was incredible!
hopefully this will end like the sarah maynard case where the perp had her tied up in the basement...not the rest of the story tho, just to be clear...
I really want to think it is a hostage situation and it's our best case scenario right now. Sometimes these guys like to 'keep' their victims. Until Holly is found I will hang onto this hope. She's out there...somewhere.
Yeah, not local, as in been there since birth, local, right?

I think he came from 100's of miles away and has been living off the grid around Natchez Trace Park for the winter months.
He wasn't born in TN in my opinion.
I also believe he has a medical/military background.
He was looking for a "mate" and intends to keep Holly forever if he can.
I think he takes great care not to harm her physically.
Waiting for her to be so dependent on him that she gets Stockholm Syndrome and begins to see him as her protector.
Which does eventually happen.
I would think he is using GPS and lot's of other higher tech equipment.
can anyone map the gravel pit area on HOllye's map???
(in my opinion innocent)[/I] boyfriend for example.

People who are actively involved in the search for her, closely connected to someone close to Holly.

People that I would probably feel obligated to add if I had a facebook, which is why I don't have a facebook.

I would think they should be considered if the friends list is being used at all?

Maybe she just hadn't added them yet, maybe she just didn't like them, or maybe they are just "interjecting themselves into the investigation."

If people are removing themselves I can see them doing that to avoid contact from the media. The people I am talking about however, haven't been on her friends list from day one. I went through it immediately in total awe of how many people changed their profile pictures within 24 hours of her being abducted. It was incredible!

(snipped by me....)

MsF - do you mean people who DO have Facebook pages but are not listed as her friends, but are friends of her BF's or brother's? Or are you talking about people like yourself who just don't 'do' Facebook? 'Cause I know lots of folks who don't do Facebook, so I wouldn't consider that alone to be hinky.

And can you tell me more about what you mean about '..changed their profile pictures....' ? This is an interesting angle.
Gosh, this is tricky. We know of at least one person (a poster here) who made a decision NOT to join the search today based on him/her feeling unsettled by the lack of clear and confirmed info among other things.

I'm not sure WHAT I think of all this, but I'm sure there is a sociological or psychological reason why last weekend saw greater numbers of searchers than this one.

This is just my personal opinion, but I feel that if someone is a "conditional" searcher, then I would not want them on the search if I was LE. This makes me think that the person was only searching for all of the info that they thought that they could get from searching, rather than searching for Holly because it was in their hearts.
I really want to think it is a hostage situation and it's our best case scenario right now. Sometimes these guys like to 'keep' their victims. Until Holly is found I will hang onto this hope. She's out there...somewhere.

i remember reading after they caught that guy in the maynerd case and he was talking about how "they" watched movies together and he brought her meals, etc.... trying to sound like he was really caring for her - taking care of her! really twisted stuff BUT she was alive, so lets hope holly is too! no matter how slim the possibility...
I wanted to throw out some counterpoints and additions to the thoughts be tossed around:

1. The possible text to the B/F. If it happened after she was abducted there's only three possibilities. A: It came from her after she was abducted, B: it came from the abductor or C: it came from Holly and either because of poor signal strength/glitch didn't get delivered until the phone came within range of signal. It happens here near a major metro area that for whatever reason text messages I send to the spouse don't get through and will come flooding in when the phone is suddenly in range but "appear" to be from that time. In the case of A/B it's possible the perp would not have known people had called 911 and as others have said was trying to buy more time and or/create an alibi. If she sent a hypothetical text at 830am and someone wasn't where they should have been at that time they had a potential alibi.

2. Cell coverage is not great in that area. Here is an AT&T map I posted earlier. I do not know which brand phone she had/carrier but this will likely be somewhat similar from the others. There's a huge area of weak signal in the main search areas. This could have effected the phones ability to get a signal/ping even if it was still working.

3. I believe all carriers have the ability to recall which phones were active in which areas. Lack of towers would probably make extreme pinpointing tough though.

4. MOO but I think LE has a much better idea than we think. The roadblocks themselves I thought were very telling and the timing followed the announcement of having the blood tests back and that they weren't going to release them. It also timed out with the idea of the cell ping which could have initially been thought to be part of the movement out of the area but now may have been viewed as something else. MOO.

5. "In fear for her life" or along those lines were the words used at the time by LE. Remember it isn't just what they said but what they didn't say. Just because they didn't specifically say something.....MOO they said enough for me to understand why she was in fear for her life. Either she had a strong reason to fear for her life because of who this person was/known to her, or this person had a gun like most hunters, or both.


Hypothetically I think at some point as a spouse or parent of a missing person it gets to a point. Statistics probably show that at this time range the chances of a favorable outcome are lowering. As a parent would I want LE to perhaps somewhat recklessly do what they have to do to find my child dead or alive but then maybe have a hard time prosecuting because the route they took to get there, or would I want them to methodically do what they have to do to put the perp behind bars forever probably understanding there's not a great likelihood of a safe return anyway?

I am of the opinion that they are desperately looking for evidence that definitively ties this abduction to a particular person(s) that they believe were involved. Until they get that proof they don't have the needed ammo to execute search warrants etc.

I think in a lot of these cases it ends up being some random person. Some nutjob that ended up in an area and does something bad. MOO I don't think that is the case here at all. Stepping away for a few days and thinking about it in totality there's just too much already known to think this is anything but someone well known to the family/community which is what LE has already been saying.

I think they've said far more than we realize. Hopefully with a successful return of a health Holly we will look back and say "wow that was more clear than we thought all along."

Last thought. In most other cases I can recall of this high a profile LE was very clear in who they ruled out. Current, old boyfriends, girlfriends etc. There have been statements made about a previous acquantaince and others. Surely by now LE knows whether those people were where they were supposed to be/accounted for between 6-830 am Wednesday. You would think to help focus the public they'd be ruling people out now. I think it's kind of telling that hasn't happened to any significance yet.

MOO LE, the family and the locals all have a very good idea of who was responsible.

Some very good points made ensht! The only thing I wanted to quickly add was to the above BBM.. if this happens to be the case.that Holly actually sent the text at an earlier time[anytime that morning prior to the attack]and then due to the reasons you mentioned^above^ the actual text did not "come thru"/was not received until a later time that morning[possibly at some point even say 1 or both of the 911 calls had already been placed] thus for sure knowing that the attack had indeed already occurred/or was in the process of still occurring..

I just wanted to add that LE..cell phone carrier..and even actual cell records[including those anyone can view online] would clearly show the accurate/true time that the msg was actually sent from Holly's phone..regardless of when it actually "came thru" to the receiver's phone[in this case the bf's cell phone] all of these easily obtained records would show when it actually was sent..

So that IMO leads me to believe that either it did actually get sent from her phone prior to the attack[which IMO is less than a slim to none chance of having actually happened] or even quite possibly that even tho LE are fully aware of when this msg actually/truly did occur but maybe there is reason they want to lead "someone" to believe that LE believes their "claim" of what they are "alleging" to have happened regarding the txt time and txt subject that came from Holly's phone at some point that morning..IYKWIM??
I use a different name and several of my family and friends also do or use nicknames. We all do this for several reasons and I'm glad we do. We also do not use our real birth dates.

i do this too. after reading all of these cases i just cant let myself put my real name on anything like a facebook or myspace... nope
This perp is not smart at all! I'm starting to think it is the same guy who attempted to snatch HS. Think about it, she is allowed to have her cell phone long enough to get closer to a tower to ping a mile away from her home? Come on, this guy is flying by the seat of his pants. He is going to be caught because frankly he has only been lucky so far.

No facts are known about who has the cellphone or where it is.
Strong words contrary to previous reports about the poly.

Mr.Walsh and Mr.Klass don't ever minch words or hold back their opinion that's for sure.
They're not always right though, but I admire them for their tireless effort in helping crime victims.
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