TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #15

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I would say that that depends on how close to her car she was when she was accosted. If she had a ways to walk (from house to garage), she might have had them in a pocket. Also, in a earlier post, it was reported that one of the items they are asking people to look for are car keys.

Well that makes sense why dont they get out the metal detectors?
Im sure she had a wallet with her drivers lic and money!

The car keys were my theory on the blood i think maybe she poked him with the keys maybe. I was taught to use my keys to poke at someones eyes or anything i could.... so yea it might not be her blood. but that would make him MADDDDDD. JMO
That would increase your odds of being spotted or the items being found.

Why not just keep the items with her? (Not to mean let her have them.)

I think it would be less likely for the items, if found scattered about a county or two, to be connected, than if someone were to come across a little stash with all of her items, I guess. I know if I found a lunch sack, for instance, I would not think "crime victim" and he did not know that first day that a huge response was forming.
After seeing the searchers on the ground, I wondered if she took out her earring and poked him with it.
For the purpose of?
I am just chiming in here... . I would think the perp would drive around discarding everything in different places so it is scattered.. the perp may have even thought he was doing a good job hiding it or tossing it.

I keep thinking back to the zahra baker case... how Elise Baker drove all around (but all areas that she knew) discarding some things here.. other things there... the happhazard and seemingly circular plot of items in this case reminds me so much of that.. like the perp is tossing out/ getting rid of things in a circular area that he could know well..


Do the locals think that LE has a pretty good idea who did this?

Some days, yes some days, no. We all trust them to do their job. At this point I do believe the public wants to know if it was in fact something directed toward Holly or if this is a type of serial attacker.
I think whatever happend happend within the first hour she went missing.
He either tossed the stuff and went back to work. Not missing a beat.Or left town never to be seen again.
I have read this site in the past (you guys are amazing!), but for some reason this case just gnaws at me and I had to join.

Every day I hope for some good news about Holly, but none has come yet.

I sure hope LE is giving the family more info than they are giving the public, because look how maddening and frustrating it is for us bystanders. Can you imagine being her parents and knowing as little as we do? I wouldn't be able to take it.

As many of you have already said, I am sure LE has their reasons for keeping things so quiet, but I worry it may backfire... the less they are willing to talk, the less interested the media becomes and the less interested the public becomes, too. If there was a little more to go on, there could be even more publicity given and some great-aunt Ethel in Maine might hear about it and recall that her crazy great Nephew lives close to Darden, and come to think of it, he hasn't returned her calls for two weeks.

That's all hypothetical of course, but you get what I mean. I think they need to give a little more than what they have been to keep this in the public eye, and to keep searchers wanting to search (especially those coming from out of area/state).

I also have to say how touched I am about how everyone has come together in her community and outside of her community. It makes you realize that most people truly are good and giving and generous at heart. I've been brought to tears and goosebumps many times over the last 12 days because of these selfless people.

(all of this is my own opinion, of course)
It's the first optimistic report I have heard.

Then, they turn right around and cancel the searches for the next two days. Odd, isnt it?? Even in bad storms, there are time you could get out of your vehicle and search.
Diversion! I think we are making it more complicated then it is JMO

I agree there thats why I have not believed any of the complicated theories put forward. But I also dont believe this guy has spent two weeks criss crossing the neighborhood like Johnny Appleseed planting clues. He may have gone one way or another and tossed things out on the route. But I think any tossing was done in the first hour or so. Not knowing how he went may make things seem random. But if he had to go one way to hit another road that took him the direction he wanted to go, that would account for some random finds.
Diversion! I think we are making it more complicated then it is JMO

Agreed. After thinking through other ideas I'm back to what I originally thought. I think he did what he planned to do within a short time of kidnapping Holly. I think he hid her body(sorry) then went and dropped off all the different items to confuse everybody and lead them on a wild goose chase.
Sorry to quote myself. She asks if this could be a game changer and Mark Gwyn says yes it could be.

I think it could be the cell phone this time. What else could be a big piece of the puzzle or game changer?

Well that makes sense why dont they get out the metal detectors?
Im sure she had a wallet with her drivers lic and money!

The car keys were my theory on the blood i think maybe she poked him with the keys maybe. I was taught to use my keys to poke at someones eyes or anything i could.... so yea it might not be her blood. but that would make him MADDDDDD. JMO

Yeah I think they should use a metal detector too. Also, if he was waiting for her to go to school, what better place to hide than in the garage (carport, whatever lol). If I was LE, I would dust that building for prints. Who knows, they might get lucky and find something. JMO
Something else. If he got rid of her items while driving from her house, that means he would have turned down that dead end road (Easton St.) during prime business hours. On here was stated a concrete plant, and it appears, another building is there also. I just find it hard to believe he would have took that risk at that time. It would have been extremely easy to spot him. Wonder if any of those business have survellance (however u spell it) cameras?

That is an excellent point and a very good question. Hmm....
Can someone local direct me to the location of the Eaton plant, so I can add it to the map?

I added Woodlawn Shores as a search area for today.

Just google Eaton Road. They searched the whole thing but the picture shown was taken at the plant.
Then, they turn right around and cancel the searches for the next two days. Odd, isnt it?? Even in bad storms, there are time you could get out of your vehicle and search.

And if LE thought this guy still has her why not get on Tv and ask for him to leave her on any corner at any wall mart gas station anywhere or have her mom beg for him to send her home? To please let her go!!!!! JMO
That's probably when she screamed....when he was making her get into his vehicle.

It would be very hard to kidnap someone on an ATV if they were fighting or struggling. It's not like she'd get on the back and hold onto him around the waist.,0.090895&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=13

When I look at this map from point A to point C, it makes me think perp is driving north on 69 discarding Holly's items along the way. He does not want to be stopped with anything visible in the car. I believe the scream came when he was preparing to put her in the trunk of his car, she knows this is her final cry for any help! I don't think an ATV was involved, if it was, why haven't they found an abandoned ATV? He takes her from the home through the woods to his waiting car, which from looking at map to nearest road would probably take 15-30 minutes on foot. By this time LE has been called! He sees LE everywhere enroute from Swan Johnson on 69, he turns off to remain undetected and dispose of lunch purse. Once these items are out of the car, he proceeds to his prepared space for Holly. This was well planned and thought out in advance. He probably keeps her locked in, or up, while he carries out his normal daily routine...I feel he is close by. I do believe this town is going to be shocked to it's very core if and/or when the perp is revealed...If ever.
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