TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - #32

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If LE does not have the decency (at this point, over 1 year later) to cough up the entirety of all 911 calls and who made them, then the least they could do for us is give us the times the calls were made.

Just imagine how much that would help us?! Just to have the times of the three 911 calls that were made would give us something to nail down the timeline.

I would love the time of Clint's call to his mom's cell. We need these times. My understanding is that the neighbor heard the scream around 7:40. We know Holly was on the phone till around 7:30 and was slipping on her flip flops to head out. Her disappearance (which went from being drug outta the being led by the arm through the walking next to the camo man without touching at all) took place just a few minutes till 8...and LE arrived around 8. Very quick response.

Except that if the first information is the most reliable, then we have a problem here. Early alerts said first 911 call came in at 7:30!

I imagine Holly's exam began around 8 or shortly after that. Could the mom have called someone other than 911? Did she call Dana...or a friend of Holly's...or Drew? That would make sense to me. If she made other calls while on her way home, I would love to know who she called....and the times.

According to Karen on her last news video reenactment, Karen tells us she called "everybody they knew". Unfortunately, some of this would have been from Teri Bromley's cellphone! Inexplicably, Karen left hers at school, feeling no need to check missed calls or the need to have that phone to call her husband or whoever. Getting access to Teri Bromley's phone records might prove a bit trickier.

Holly's friend crying and being upset is a bit peculiar. But I agree with another poster who mentioned the nursing program guidelines. Believe it or not, cosmetology is similar in its strict format. If you have 3 tardies in a semester you are out of the program. if you show up without your proper uniform, you get sent home. You are allowed 3 days of absence. Thats it. For ANY reason, even the death of your mother and father. Three days. If you miss the 4th for any reason, you are recycled. You are on your feet from 8 am to 3pm...with a 30 minute break for lunch. Its very tough. If a person is late for a test, there would be concern. I wonder if Karen had called to check and see if anyone of the friends in the class had heard from Holly...or if the friend had called Holly's home and talked to Clint?

No doubt! B.B. who according to SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE interview this good friend had a car described identical to Holly's. They were High School friends.
So if she was worried enough to burst into tears, why wasn't she worried enough to call her?
About the magazine article, I have been extremely curious how SEVENTEEN was able to contact B.B. for the interview. Did B.B. call them up?
If they called her, how did they get her phone number? And why?
I remember hearing that Cosmopolitan was doing an article, too awhile back.
Did they? I might have missed that.

I parsed my answer to your quote above.
I hope this works.
Thanks for posting the link to the video. After waiting so long to view it, it says "the video you are trying to watch cannot be view from your current country or location".

I guess I have to move to another country. :innocent:
Here's a really poor quality video of it somebody uploaded to Youtube that should work for you:

Thanks chili. Will view it tonight when I get home from work and post my comments.
I recently watched the AMW episode re Holly. Watching and listening to Holly sing “Peace in the Valley,” I found it very haunting now knowing she is missing.

Hello everyone,

I am a new user, but have read Websleuths for a very long time. I have followed Holly's case here and elsewhere since day 1, and have read many of the posts on this thread already. I agree with a lot of the previous comments already posted.

This case is one of the few that is really driving me crazy, and I think it is mainly because of 2 things. IMO only of course.

First and foremost, something is very odd about the way things have been released to the public since day 1. EVERYTHING is wrought with contradiction and confusion. Nothing about this case has been clear and concise.

Secondly, IMO, Holly is definitely a very pretty girl. She is the type of person who stands out in a crowd just because of her looks. It is not fair to other missing normal looking people to not get as much attention, but it is what it is, and I don't think that will ever change much.

As far as what compelled me to join today and discuss, it is nothing too earth shattering, but just something that has been bothering me that I read recently and cannot recall where I saw it, but I think it may have come from the latest JW interviews. It was a statement made by the mom where she said that on the morning when it first happened, she actually started "calling everyone we knew" or something like that.

Now, this in itself, would not be too unusual because if you need help to search for your child, you surely would call everyone you know. But the thing that made this kind of stand out to me, was seeing another statement from LE where they said something along the lines of "people were meddling in LE business and sticking their noses where it shouldn't be" or something like that.

So, basically you have LE complaining about people interfering that morning, and why was that? Well, we now know why that happened, and we also know why a very large number of people showed up there that morning almost immediately after it happened.

Again, nothing too earth shattering, except I kept thinking to myself, wait a minute here.....if I was ever that situation, and I had just received a phone call and all I knew was hearing a scream and someone walking away with my daughter, I would surely be hoping for the best outcome, and I would be thinking all we have to do is find out where they went. Once I knew LE was on their way to my house, I am pretty darn sure I would be content with just getting there myself and meeting them. I don't think for one minute, I would start calling anybody else to come help at that point. In fact, I am pretty certain I would not want to let anybody else know about my business until I met with LE and asked them for directions in what we should do.

This is because I would keep thinking she would be showing up any minute. For all I knew at the time, she may have just had a shouting argument with someone, and would be showing back up any minute.

So what really bothers me, is it seems like certain parties knew that the situation was very grave and dire, almost even before they got to the house. Remember the "falling down" at school as well.

Also, remember the eye witness saying he did not think they would be finding her anytime soon. WHAT???!!!!!! WHY NOT???!!!!! I would be thinking the exact opposite!!!!! I would be thinking + hoping they would be showing up any minute or they would find her any minute. I would be thinking to myself >>>> "Surely this is just some sort of misunderstanding, and she will show up any minute".

So, basically, this is what has been eating at me lately. I cannot grasp why someone would immediately begin to call everyone they knew so soon before they could even assess the situation.

There could be a valid explanation.....If the early stories of being dragged are true, and the word "DRAGGING" was communicated on those early phone calls, then of course, it would then make much more sense.
But then, we have to wonder why we were lied to later about "not being dragged", but led or walking into woods.

This whole case is a quagmire of contradiction and confusion, and it is not all media's fault IMO. It is so upsetting because I keep thinking that if honest and accurate information was released from the get-go, then maybe she would have been found by now.

I keep praying that she can be found soon. I will never give up hope of them finding her. I do think all honest + true information should be released at this point to help find her. Like the 911 calls, etc.

Anyway, sorry if I rambled somewhat. It is hard to describe something that is so confusing already....LOL :banghead:
Hatfield! Welcome!!

I really appreciate your observations about Holly's case. I think you have an interesting approach that I haven't really thought about before but I agree with you. Matter of fact, when my son went missing, I was scared to call people because, just like you said, I thought he would be home anytime. I kept thinking, "This can't be happening...there's got to be a mistake. We will get it worked out."

I also have to stop and think about the poster who pointed out that Karen left her cell phone at school. How do you do that? Would you not be on that phone continuously with your husband, son or mother...would you not keep trying to phone your daughter? And how would you get all the phone numbers to everyone you know without your cell phone handy? Just some extra thoughts your post conjured up for me.

Thanks again for a wonderful first post!! I look forward to many more....
Also, remember the eye witness saying he did not think they would be finding her anytime soon.
snip snip snip snip

I don't remember this at all, but it's also true there's a lot I've forgotten.
Thanks Shefner. I appreciate it.

To Wfgodot, Yes, the eye witness mentioned that for sure. I think it may have been in the Jackson article possibly. I think it was in the same comments when he indicated he was in the police car writing his statement to LE. Where he also mentioned about how he tried to stop people from going up the trail to protect the footprints.
snip snip snip snip

I don't remember this at all, but it's also true there's a lot I've forgotten.

Hello wfgodot,
I went back to my notes and found where I kept the exact quotes from the article. I believe it was the jackson article. Below are some direct quotes from the article. Hope this helps:

"As I was writing my statement, I guess I kind of had a feeling that we might not get Holly back right away," Clint said.

"So I was trying to preserve the crime scene and keep it from being disrupted because I knew the only thing we might have would be footprints,
and I knew if someone stepped on them, then that's ruined."

"After I had stopped Mom and a few people and said,'Don't walk up the trail and in the woods,' people started walking up there, so I just
sat down in the car and continued writing my statement out," he said. "I wasn't going to be able to stop everyone who was coming up here
from walking where they had been."
Yes, I recall scratching my head over those comments from fact, my scalp has taken a beating on every single thing in this case...
Where in the wide, wide world of sports IS this girl? Someone(s) know - and I'm sick of all this confusion and double-speak.
It has been over a year. At what point does LE decide to release ANY information to possibly help in her return. As far as I know, they have not released a single finding -911 calls, evidence found, their version of the timeline of events. I do not want to insult anyone but whomever is handling this case seems incompetent. And if not incompetent then covering something up. I wish a real investigative reporter would go there and ask the hard questions to all involved. And if they say no comment then I would like to know that too. Jmo. I am just frustrated because I think of all the time, money, and emotion that is being wasted if LE knows what most likely happened. I want to stop looking for info on Holly but I can't. because if there is the slightest chance that she really was taken by a stranger I would hate to think we all abandoned her because of her family, LE or poor media reports. Moo
Tongue in cheek > I find it ironic this is in the Hot Cases forum.... just saying...
Hatfield! Welcome!!

I really appreciate your observations about Holly's case. I think you have an interesting approach that I haven't really thought about before but I agree with you. Matter of fact, when my son went missing, I was scared to call people because, just like you said, I thought he would be home anytime. I kept thinking, "This can't be happening...there's got to be a mistake. We will get it worked out."

I also have to stop and think about the poster who pointed out that Karen left her cell phone at school. How do you do that? Would you not be on that phone continuously with your husband, son or mother...would you not keep trying to phone your daughter? And how would you get all the phone numbers to everyone you know without your cell phone handy? Just some extra thoughts your post conjured up for me.

Thanks again for a wonderful first post!! I look forward to many more....

Yes, Great first post, Hatfield.
And Shef, yours has really good points about this business of her cellphone being "forgotton". Likewise, that she has these people's numbers all memorized? Really? cause a few hundred people showed up!
Heck if I saw Teri Bromley's name on my phone, why would I even answer it?
I'd probably think it was a wrong number or something.

Right. She hasn't even got the rest of the details from her son or LE and she's on the phone to cousin so and so and her hairdresser? Maybe the bagboy at the grocery store? The choir director?

I'm trying to think who these few hundred people she called in the commute home would have been to comprise "everybody she knew"! Which of course appears to have occured by means of near instant time travel anyways. (Considering how soon she arrived home from the time this started and all that occured plus the drive??)
But still, who can just drop what they are doing, leave work, home, school to show up within MINUTES after and be wandering the scene?
Because Clint tells us these people are already there as he is filling out his statement for LE!!!

Aside from which as Hatfield points out, nobody knew if she would be coming right back because she walked away carrying her lunchbox and school books so casually.

I, on the contrary, see all this and it makes it more suspicious for Holly NOT being in danger as opposed to being in danger.
Because if you were really interested in getting answers and having LE investigate, why would you call a few hundred people to be in the way?

LE for their part said there wasn't any evidence to be trampled apparently.
After all the years of her being a teacher, wouldn't Clint know she wouldn't have had access to her cellphone, being in a classroom of kids to be calling and asking her something as inane as who is in the garage? (He would have had no way of knowing she was actually standing in the lunchroom and receiving messages. Should have called the office!)

Yet, amazingly, she gets the message and DOES call him because a neighbor called her and rather than ask to speak with her LEAVES A MESSAGE?
"Hey, heard screaming at your house", signed The Neighbor.

Who would do that? Would you? I wouldn't. If it was so bad what your son supposedly told you he heard, would you call the Mom at school knowing she's in class, or would you just call LE and let them handle it?

Once a secretary answered I can not see leaving such a message to be delivered to her.

It isn't just the actions and nonsensical story happening at home. The Mom's story is even worse, in my opinion.

She doesn't say she called Holly. She calls Clint.
Then she doesn't mention the scream to him.

It's all just so ridiculous.
Lastly, the cousin.
Great! The first telling of the story it was explained how the phone calls led them to
deduce it wasn't Drew and if it wasn't Drew she was walking with then it must be some bad guy...or her cousin?

OK, we'll go with cousin. He thinks it might have been their cousin.
And? So?
If she is with her cousin, this would be cause for alarm?

Are we to assume that this is "the relative" who didn't recognize Drew and his Dad thereby killing two birds with one story? It couldn't have been THAT cousin because she's been on the phone and blah, blah, blah?
Well, wouldn't that just be the height of coincidence that would be almost Guinness worthy that either which way Clint had in his mind who this was, that it was solved by the same miraculous phone call to Mom discussing hunting rights that morning?

The only cousin on that side of the family is Whitney's brother.

After all the discussion that morning involving her family, oddly Ms.Bobo doesn't talk with her sister who is AT THE SAME SCHOOL to tell her what is going on.
So she calls EVERYBODY she knows. Except her sister?

Since the secretary took Karen home, I suppose the principal walked into her class carrying a message? "Niece Holly thought to be abducted, police called, carry on!"

I say that because we assume she didn't just jump up and leave the classroom.
Why wouldn't they have thought that she would need to leave once she heard the news?
Then it would be THREE people leaving the school that morning unexpectedly. Instead of
having her sister take her home to start with! WHY?

Mrs.Bromley didn't just up and run back to the school either did she? She called her husband so that he could be come the erstwhile Family Spokesperson, of course!

Mrs. Bromley was evidently an unnecessary addition to the office that day, seemingly.
I saw that she actually worked for a different school as a coach ANYWAY!
Hello wfgodot,
I went back to my notes and found where I kept the exact quotes from the article. I believe it was the jackson article. Below are some direct quotes from the article. Hope this helps:

"As I was writing my statement, I guess I kind of had a feeling that we might not get Holly back right away," Clint said.

"So I was trying to preserve the crime scene and keep it from being disrupted because I knew the only thing we might have would be footprints,
and I knew if someone stepped on them, then that's ruined."

"After I had stopped Mom and a few people and said,'Don't walk up the trail and in the woods,' people started walking up there, so I just
sat down in the car and continued writing my statement out," he said. "I wasn't going to be able to stop everyone who was coming up here
from walking where they had been."
Thanks, Hatfield! I remember elements of the rest of his statement above but completely forgot the (telltale?) bit about not getting her back "right away."


Clint says the darnedest things.
Hello everyone,

Secondly, IMO, Holly is definitely a very pretty girl. She is the type of person who stands out in a crowd just because of her looks. It is not fair to other missing normal looking people to not get as much attention, but it is what it is, and I don't think that will ever change much.

Actually Holly's case has garnered scant attention outside of here, for the most part. It was bumped off of Nancy Grace and was covered once or so on the JVM show and thats about it as far as any "in depth", national type of coverage. The bulk of the written stories come from Jackson Sun or Gather (which is about worthless).
Actually Holly's case has garnered scant attention outside of here, for the most part. It was bumped off of Nancy Grace and was covered once or so on the JVM show and thats about it as far as any "in depth", national type of coverage. The bulk of the written stories come from Jackson Sun or Gather (which is about worthless).

I agreed with Hatfield because it is being treated like the biggest missing person's case in the history of Tennessee.
With personal acknowledgement and reward money from the Governor.
With reward money totalling $335,000, it far exceeds any other in the state.

The LE resources and multi-jursidictional task forces, as well as large city TV station coverage in Memphis and Nashville, even Chattanooga, I would say her point was valid.

With all the above, the fact that MSM ignores it makes it even more curious.
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