TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - # 9

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bbm... ITA
and I tend to think a knife or something sharp was involved... because a scratch will generally not cause blood to drip down....enough for the brother to see and alarm him.. someone was hit or sliced in this situation.. just my gut feeling...
I agree about scratches not producing enough blood to drip down on the carport to where it would be noticeable!!! One of them may have busted the other in the nose (maybe lip) which can produce a lot of blood quick or he may well have cut her with a knife (not deeply though) since she was able to walk away from the carport to the wooded area. There apparently was some struggle on her part, at least initially, for blood to be shed.

Wonder if there was a "blood" trail to the tree line and possibly beyond???
I don't think its animal blood, fake blood, etc. Thats a TV hokey ploy. Whoever did this wasnt kidding around or trying to frighten anyone. He was there to nab Holly and not leave potential evidence or anything behind.

So... the blood is hers (would not tell us anything) or his (maybe he got cut, bit, scratched) in the assault. In that case LE can do several things. THey would look for a match in the offender data base. If the suspect had submitted a DNA sample for some sort of prior he would be in the system. OR LE could, possibly, try to obtain DNA samples from a possible suspect. i.e. the cops suspected someone they might try to get a DNA sample to see if it matched the blood.

I am thinking along the same lines. I wonder if the blood results are from the perpetrator of the crime, and they are checking databases and other resources to see if there is a match.

Here is a new article from Isabelle recapping the whole week. For those that have not been following along, this is a good recap.
Here's another, WOW, that looks really long but it works. MSN articles, mostly local which I tend to give more credit to. Speaking of credit, there is a site, it's founder a friend of Websleuths who has everything in a nice tidy bundle, very good for finding quick links to what ever you need to look at regarding this case. For those of you not familiar, this is a very good tool.
just my thoughts: if blood results have come in after seven days (it has been 7 days since she was taken) they most likely have preliminary tests matching her dna

field tests will quickly show if it is human blood. tests to show blood type (match type) are quick as well... dna tests with a known sample usually take a week if expedited..

I think he is a student at UT Martin, which may be why the dad did not say anything about him. Perhaps the perp knew that and didn't think the brother would be at home that particular morning. Just sayin'


I've been wondering about the cars. Did both CB and Holly have cars at the house that morning?
I agree about scratches not producing enough blood to drip down on the carport to where it would be noticeable!!! One of them may have busted the other in the nose (maybe lip) which can produce a lot of blood quick or he may well have cut her with a knife (not deeply though) since she was able to walk away from the carport to the wooded area. There apparently was some struggle on her part, at least initially, for blood to be shed.

Wonder if there was a "blood" trail to the tree line and possibly beyond???

I said scratches but you know. It could be anything from being scratched by a knife (not stabbed or slashed), having an ear ring pulled out, etc. Although my cat scratched the palm of my hand and the 1" DEEP scratch bled enough to make a mess on my pillow and would have put some drops on the floor if I were standing up.
I've been wondering about the cars. Did both CB and Holly have cars at the house that morning?
nothing... in the media or media releases...

sure wish a media outlet would do a FOIA on the 911 calls
I said scratches but you know. It could be anything from being scratched by a knife (not stabbed or slashed), having an ear ring pulled out, etc. Although my cat scratched the palm of my hand and the 1" DEEP scratch bled enough to make a mess on my pillow and would have put some drops on the floor if I were standing up.

enough blood for someone to see it and immediately call 911?
The entrance point is where Holly's brother told LE he saw her last, as the agent mentioned the brother's statement at the start of talking about Holly being lead into the woods.

I assume he mentioned an exit because Holly hasn't been found in the woods, and neither has the perp. They're assuming based on eyewitness testimony and lack of any other evidence she was lead in and out of the woods.. imo.
I don't think they have concrete proof ie physical evidence of an entry or exit point, sorry to say

BBM. ITA. I keep thinking why would the perp drag her through dense woods if he had a vehicle and a perfectly good road with no close neighbors?
enough blood for someone to see it and immediately call 911?

Well we dont know how much blood was found. If I walked outside, was expecting my partner to be gone, and found any blood next to her car (still there) I would be suspicious. But yeah it was a reasonable quantity of blood. Probably 4-6 tablespoons full. You would be surprised how much some small cuts can bleed depending on where they are.
BBM. ITA. I keep thinking why would the perp drag her through dense woods if he had a vehicle and a perfectly good road with no close neighbors?

I think it was far less risky to hike through the woods to the next street to a parked car then go down the same street she lived even if the neighbors were not close by? Less risky to walk through a wooded area just after abducting her?

Imagine if the perp parked down their main street? He would have to walk with Holly towards his car with the risk that others that live on her street were driving by and going to work and potentially even getting a description of his car and/or license plate.
This is JMO..
but when I hear.. "Do whatever it takes to bring her home." It makes me think that the discussion between the sheriff and the family, is about a risky move... maybe even getting ready invade a home or something...
Maybe the meeting is also about what to say on National TV tonight... To throw the perp off... I really think the blood is from the perp... Most likely a R.S.O. who's DNA is in the data banks... JMO


It's making me wonder now also, using those words on the same day as the vigil.
Just my opinion but I think the odds are probably higher that it was Holly's blood. A 5'9"-6' 200 lb male (brother's estimate) ambushing a female half his weight and at least 6" (maybe more) shorter had the advantage and element of surprise in his favor and I just think she was the one wounded and bleeding.....not the other way around.

I HOPE it was her that knocked the cr@p out of him and made him bleed but I doubt it.
enough blood for someone to see it and immediately call 911?

Something like a blackberry bush would rip the skin. I work outside with shrubs and bushes. I get scratches or skin tears that when I continue to work the blood does drip. It this person cut himself a path through brambles he could have ripped his skin and not known it. When he struggled with holly he could have lost some drops of blood. It was said there wasn't much blood. I am assuming Holly struggled. The perp in his excitement to abduct Holly maybe didn't notice his cuts or scratches. jmo
They are so quiet about the pings of Holly's cell phone.

Here's what has not been said. After the brother saw the blood and Holly's car in the carport, did he try calling her? Did the mom try calling her when she heard Holly was led away?

Did the perp know Holly had a cell phone and took it away right after taking her or was it some time after? Sadly, perhaps if someone did call her and the phone rung, I suppose he would know she had a phone.
I agree. A previous poster suggested that LE had "ran the blood through a database and might know who it belongs to" I was just commenting that that was doubtful because it would have been grounds for an arrest.

I am wondering why everything is so tight lipped. LE doesn't even want family/friends/locals talking to the media. I can't recall ever hearing a gag order placed on an entire town...


No-one talked (co-workers, friends, family) - gave out information - in the Tina Herrman, Cody Maynard, Stephanie Sprang (and lone survivor Sarah Maynard) cases in Knox County/Howard, Ohio. The case was ran very well by all LE involved and they had daily pressers..........God Bless, Sarah and her journey........

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