Deceased/Not Found TN - Janet Levine March, 33, Nashville, 15 Aug 1996 *P. March guilty*

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Did Perry March get married to someone named Carmen? He's such a creep I don't know why anyone would want to even be his penpal. These women that hook up with killers are brain dead so I guess it doesn't make any difference anyway. If they had any selfworth at all they wouldn't give these monsters even one look. Seriously though...what do these women get out of being married to a killer that will never get out of prison? Nothing in her life really changes aside from her weekly juants to the prison to see her man. She has to support herself...sleep alone...maybe...won't ever have kids, etc. The woman probably support their men by keeping then in commissary money, clothes and anything else they need. Suckers.
Yes he married her while he was living in Mexico. I think they have 1 child.
He deserves no less. He is the scum of the earth. May Janet finally have some justice. I personally would want the death penalty and I would be glad to administer myself.

ITA. :clap:
What a clown. On the ID channel last weekend they ran this story again and I got a refresh. Ack. What ever happened to divorce? People do manage to get on with their lives afterwards, why kill?
Glad to hear they have finally sentenced him. DrewP reminds me of him in the sheer arrogance they both show. He will be ok in prison, he will stay busy filing appeals for himself and others, and they will probably give him a job that doesn't involve physical labor after a while. Since he will do others appeals, they will owe him so he will have protectors. Still they won't like his arrogance, he will have to tone that down. I wonder if he feels any remorse about his father's sentence?

I think that is funny that the judge didn't give AM the minimal sentence. He reminds me a lot of CA, and all the drama, denial and assistance that goes along with it. Now this one will have a tough time in prison. He may have been tough at one time (though I see him as more of a braggart than a tough guy.) But he will bluster and challenge some big real tough guy and they will slap him down like the little p...ant that he is. I hope someone will make sure that Perry hears about it when it happens. Of course he will never blame himself for it, he will probably blame the prosecution and the judge.

Anybody know if Carmen has applied for citizenship in the US so that she can be closer to her man? Anyone want to bet on how long she remains a faithful prison widow?
You are pretty much on the mark of what has transpired.

Arthur March Died in prison over a year ago.

Perry was just interviewed by Newschannel 5 a couple of weeks ago from inside his jail.He is in fact helping inmates filing motions and appeals.I am sure his commissary account is full of money from inmates having outside people deposit money into his account.Thats the way inmates make money while in prison.All one Dope dealer needs to do is get one of his drug buddies from outside to send in a postal money order in any amount perscribed.It can even be sent in annonomusly. From that account Perry March can buy commissary items,pay his attorneys ,pay for his appeal and deposit money into his phone account that the prison controls.

Perry said he has not seen his kids since he has been incarcerated but feels like his older son would like to see him.Not sure if thats going true or not.The kid is almost a adult by now and has no doubt heard the tapes from prison where he tried to kill Janet Marches Parents.I doubt Perry is going to get a invitation any time soon.
Here in georgia you have to be on the visitors list to even send a money order, you definetly have to put all the right info or it goes right back.

His lawyer is saying the evidence obtained by Nathaniel Farris wearing a wire should have been excluded:

"Herbison said because Farris was acting as an agent of the government, according to law, March should have had an attorney present at the time."

Does this sound as ludicrous to everyone else as it does to me? You should have a lawyer present when talking to an informant wearing a wire? Um, doesn't that defeat the purpose of an informant wearing a wire?
Hi. It's
me again, but a year later. Anyhow, read my girlfriend' Jeanne King's book on March. She tells me that ol' Perry is sitting in his cell and handwriting up briefs galore. Doesn't have a chance.....not to worry.
The story can be found at At any rate, March is appealing his conviction because of judicial errors and because it wasn't "fair." Wasn't fair to kill Janet either, Perry.
Didn't he try to arrange hits on his in-laws from prison? He isn't going anywhere...get comfortable, Perry...what a creep...
I'm going to try to get Jeanne King's book. Don't know how I missed it for 2 years.
Yadler, y'all should engage in a bit more self-promotion.
The story can be found at At any rate, March is appealing his conviction because of judicial errors and because it wasn't "fair." Wasn't fair to kill Janet either, Perry.

Oh, he has to be kidding- it wasn't fair he killed Janet. This guy is a nutjob.

The only place he is going is to the other side of the CELL....:dance::dance:

Thanks for the mention of the book, would love to read it.

Don't get me started on what's not fair.
Is it fair to Sammy and Zippy to have to grow up without their Mom? To have been made to think she just ducked out of their little lives? To be ripped from everything they knew three times?
Was it fair to the Levines to wonder where their loving daughter was? To have to fear for their lives from a hired hit? To have to spend their retirement raising grandchildren?
It'll be a miracle if the kids don't grow up with major emotional scars.

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