TN - Joann, 31, & Adrienne Bain, 14, Whiteville, 27 April 2012 - #1

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
He really dos'nt have much to loose now does he. Sad sad situation.Everybody take care of yourselves down there.
MFM is AM mother 65- pretty sure that is the one on vinelink

JLM is father, 68

there is a SDM, brother I assume, around early 40's, who just happens to pop up on vinelink/ UGH I am confident this is the Madison county
Custody Status:
Out of Custody
Own Recognizance

Is the whole freaking family in jail?? Where is AM's Dad???

i didn't find any other sibs
Those of you who posted a while back regarding a syndrome our suspect may have, please repost.
But this post on the missing fb page throws a whole other family member into this mix:banghead:

The two eldest girls were adopted by JB's husband. Their assumed biological father is another man. I do not know his name. I say "assumed" only because there appear some questions regarding whether AM is the father of one of the girls.
the family already lived in Arizona- came back to TN and were going back west-what in the world happened this time with AM??? insane

Oh, is there a link re the older to being adopted by GB?? Or is it assumed...I thought they only used the last name....
Wow, I totally missed that! How awful... the police came and talked to him, and the girls were there. But due to some slick story from AM they didn't take the kids with them?! So horrible if true!

I am still catching up so I don't know if this has been cleared up. When LE first interviewed AM they did not know the girls were with him. He made up some slick lie. Then when they knew he was lying they went back to interview him and that is when they found the graves and him gone.
Those of you who posted a while back regarding a syndrome our suspect may have, please repost.

Thought he may have Marfan's Syndrome. Just has the characteristic appearance. Marfan's doesn't have anything to do with one's character or intelligence -- just physical features.
The sister in law Bobbi Booth stated that Adam Meyers dated JoAnn Bain before she married Gary Bain. Nobody seems to be discussing this on the thread here... I am floored by it. To me, when he was telling friends and his landlord that at least one of the kids was his, he may have been telling the truth. I had him pegged as a pedophile but now I think he was really believing that they were going to move away with HIS child, Alexandria (whether she really was his biologically or not). She is the one in his FB profile pic. This is key to the case, I believe... and makes me worry even more for the youngest girl since he already killed mom and Adrienne (who was not biologically his).

Alexandria is 12......I read up here that Joann and Gary were married 11 Years....and JB and AM dated before the marriage. If all that is true, then yeah, he could believe that Alexandria is his child.
C.J. LeMaster ‏ @CJLeMaster

Several vehicles, including the GTR HAZ/MAT command vehicle, have left the Guntown command post. We have not been told why. #wtva
it just gets stranger by the hour.
This latest developmental hurts my heart! I have been praying with everything I have, that this would not turn into another Joseph Duncan situation! The more I read, the less I am hopeful...

This man obviously has issue. Let's continue to pray for the safe return of these two young girl! And by God! Let's pray this man is caught before he can continue his damage!
I read earlier that there was going to be a candlelight vigil tomorrow night. Has anyone heard about this or if it's still scheduled? I was thinking about going.
3onyourside ‏ @3onyourside

Bodies in Guntown, MS identified as Jo Ann and Adrienne Bain #Breaking
Work with the possibility of protective custody and hope that the official upcoming statement sheds some light on this. At this point, no point in being confused, just wait another day....and get confused tomorrow!
Is there a time when this statement is being released or are we just waiting for it to drop? Tia
Why has our suspect's vehicle not been identified? Where were the parents and his wife when he was burying bodies? He is hiding out in a rent free place, maybe the woods like Joseph Duncan, and I fear so much for the safety of those little girls. Doubtful he has Internet access wherever he is, but if he does, he really needs to tune into the logical side and drop those girls off in a place with lights and drive away.

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