TN - Joann, 31, & Adrienne Bain, 14, Whiteville, 27 April 2012 - #4

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When Adam was taken out of the ambulance, he had a sheet covering him from head to toe. Per reporter at ActionNews5
I for one will not feel bad that AM is dead, he deserved it. He has no sympathy from me.
I'm sure I am not alone, but this case really did a number on me. I'm so glad that on the eve of my birthday these little girls get to go home. Every morning I have woken up and immediately got caught up on the latest, and every night I have gone to sleep frustrated that these girls are still out there with this psycho. This case reminded me so much of Shasta and Dylan and my nerves did not handle it well. I am just so grateful that these girls are safe, and get to be with their dad tonight.

{{hugs}}. Happy Birthday, Lava!

I KWYM about the this case ripping you up like the Groenes. I have been waking up every couple of hours to check for updates this last week.

I am so grateful that those girls are alive! I will hopefully sleep this night. And hopefully so will A and K.

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I have a feeling charges might change in some form for TM & MM; perhaps down to just kidnapping.

Again, just my thoughts at this moment.
While this is a possibility, I hope not. If it wasn't for their help, AM would have never been able to murder a mother and daughter and kidnap two innocent children.
They were willing accomplices and co-conspired in this senseless and horrific crime.
I have such respect for law enforcement but that patrolman should have never posted that......that to me is awful and not right....:banghead:

I'm betting he's gonna be in big caca for that. And I'm also betting his FB page has already been set to private - or gone.

I agree. Going through the right channels when you're in a profession like that is not only wise, but it's ethical.

So much of this goes on every day. It's be much better if all professional orgs and large corporations took the time to give ALL staff very basic training in communications & social media. As well, all should have social media policies and employees should understand 'risk management' expectations for the company.

If that patrol officer got even a single detail wrong, it is very possible that there could have been a civil lawsuit as a result.

But, most orgs don't bother to give even the most basic of training. And most people don't think when they get on public channels and post without pausing.
If they weren't giving up the tip voluntarily, then I hope they squeezed 'the boys' so hard that the idjit won't walk for weeks. :maddening:

I have less than zero respect for people who wilfully withhold information during cases for missing children. And whoever this person is - they must have known by now (or during the squeezing) that AM was already a two-time murderer.

At very least, if this turns out to be true, then I hope that's another one that will be charged with a felony.

IIRC it was reported that RN was arrested for a probation violation (or something to that effect). I find it highly coincidental that soon after arresting him LE finds AM and the girls. Others speculated that perhaps RN was the "mole", and I'm beginning to think he was the one who not only was the mole, but also, the one who involuntarily gave LE the tip. I really have no knowledge of the legal system by any means, but how else would they be able to "squeeze" a tip out of someone unless that person was in police custody?

Am I the only one who is for some reason a little sad to see the AM died? I hate when anyone dies, even sickos for the most part. I just feel AM was mentally ill, and snapped or something. I do want him to have to pay for what he did, but not by death.

You are not the only one, just the most courageous one. My heart lept for joy when I first saw the news they were found. But, I've tears streaming down my face since then due to all the hatred. God loves all his children. Jesus would not have said these things. There hasn't been a trial. He probably did it, but TM could have done it. I am sad for AM for his mother who coped and remained loyal to a disturbed boy, I am sad for GB, and all that family. I am sad for TM's mother who bravely came on NG and did her best to make it as favorable as possible for TM, and especially when NG had to rub it in that her child may get the death penalty. I am crying for all the sadness and horror in the world. And, the same time, I am so grateful to God for allowing us to save these precious little flowers, AB and KB.

I just feel now there are more victims in this mess. His family (the ones who are totally innocent, have to deal with him being gone. It would be rough having him locked up, but being gone is totally different.

That is all
Thanks to all of you for caring so much. I am glad that in my search of any news about what happened that I stumbled onto this website.
Thank you, Hope. I was reading through all the comments about let him die, rot in hell, hope he lives and suffers and it upset me. I counted over 14 posts like that. Seriously, is an eye for an eye the best policy? I really don't think that was how our constitutional rights were established. Is it possible to get a fair trial...or does the general public decide your fate. Is it so easy for us to focus on the highs and lows the sensational media want us to and not see that there is no justice in a case like this, ever.

Mainly, because, I think in some ways AM was a victim to pressure, society, delusion or what not as well. And the fact he DID NOT kill these children shows in some way he was attached and bonded to them. What ever his trip, in his death, the opportunity is lost for LE, researchers, psychologists and the courts to learn what mental issues, pressure, etc can do prevent further incidents like this.

I honestly think that the deaths of JB and AB may have been an accident...they strangled from being tied up in a car wrong during the kidnapping...Who knows, but, AM being dead doesn't bring me any joy or triumph or any sense of closure or pleasure.

It brings me enormous joy because now these child VICTIMS may have a chance to somewhat heal if their boogeyman is dead.

I would happily dance on that evil $@?&$@s grave because I know he will never ruin another innocent life.

. Seriously, is an eye for an eye the best policy? I really don't think that was how our constitutional rights were established. Is it possible to get a fair trial...or does the general public decide your fate.

I think the innocent until proven guilty is awesome...for a jury.
As a citizen, I think I am entitled to have an opinion on
any matter...and I can think someone is guilty. I personally
am opposed to the death penalty..but there has been a
couple of times I had to really question that belief...and this
is one of them. Regardless of this man's mental issues, he
planned, murdered and kidnapped...I believe that is how he
should be remembered...JMO ^i^
I'm not going to pretend that I wasn't happy to hear that the guy was dead. If that makes me a bad person, I guess that seems a little unfair to me. But I will say this. The perpetrators of the crime in this case clearly did not choose their paths in life. The Mayes family was constantly on the move. Perhaps on the run even. We don't know for sure what was going on. But we have read that Johnny Mayes had mental health problems. Clearly, Adam Mayes had mental health problems. Mary Mayes, it is believed, was subjected to abuse. Teresa Mayes was subjected to abuse.

I believe some victims of abuse develop mental illness when they are constantly subjected to the abuse and never have the opportunity to receive treatment. There certainly must have been something amiss with Adam Mayes if he demanded peanut butter and mayo crackers, etc. Obviously, he had problems and he obviously never received the help he needed. This is why I am so troubled when schools just try to avoid the elephant in the room with some of the students. In my daughter's kindergarten class, there are a few kids who show clear signs of abuse and neglect. Yet the school only deals with it by putting up with the kid and meeting with the parents. Someone needs social services to get involved. Then again, some of the states have terrible track records with social services.

What I'm saying is that we can be part of the solution and speak up when we think a person needs help. If someone had spoken up about Adam Mayes three years ago, perhaps two ladies would still be alive right now, and perhaps Mayes would be one of the guys searching for the bad guy instead of being the bad guy himself.
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