TN - Joann, 31, & Adrienne Bain, 14, Whiteville, 27 April 2012 - #4

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Whhoooooaaaa stopped me in my tracks with that post. Could it be? On 4/22 he says he is picking up the van next week and his last post was 4/23. Googling lwb vw crafter now.

I see it is a UK website, but who knows??
I'd report it...!
And there it is!.. So there is very much a real reason this man thinks oNe of these girls are his.. I HOPE SOMEONE SENDS THIS ASAP TO NANCY GRACE TO LET HER KNOW "FACTS" ARE JB/AM DID HAVE A SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP AT SOME POINT!!.. She'll ignore it probably..

Horribly traumatic to know they were beat to death.. Or ATLEAST beaten badly in that garage.. You'd think there'd be blood from the beating of these two women.. God bless what a painful, painful horror..

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:

Vicki hadn't seen JB in years and had never seen AM. I believe she is getting her info from relatives also. I'm more interested in what GB said when he called JB's mother looking for JB. I'm not saying they never dated before JB and GB got together, but many in the media are spectulating they were having an affair at the time before her death and that is from rumors spread by TM"S family. Really as far as timing goes, maybe someone can figure out where AM was living during the time before JB and GB were married. I believe he married TM in Florida around the time JB and GB were married, it's really confusing.
Something both fighting (aggression) and frighting (panic) have in common is that they involve adrenaline rushes. Adrenaline rushes make people emotionally volatile and act unstable.

It is also not uncommon for victims of domestic violence to feel angry with the abuser and to take revenge when it is safe to do so. The only time it is safe to do so is when there are witnesses around.

So someone who is being abused behind closed doors can seem really unpleasant in public, while the abuser seems meek and mild.

Another common tactic by abusers is to subtly bait the victim in public until the victim loses their temper and verbally erupts. It's a form of gaslighting the victim, making the victim seem like the crazy one and undermining other people's opinion of the victim.

Thank you. That is very true. The neuro-chemical is the same. But, what is different is the neuro-pathways that follow the release of the adrenaline. Just like we learn to pull our hands away from a hot stove, people respond to fear or threats of violence in a certain pre-programmed way (unless they have gone through intensive therapy). The posturing/result can be very different. Some people immediately feel rage, anger towards the outside world, other internalize it and posture to protect themselves. If TM learned from a young age or with interaction with AM that if she "disobeyed" or "stood up for herself" she was hurt, beaten, etc...she would learn to be very submissive, compliant, etc. If she had successful results in the past standing up for herself, yelling, hitting to protect herself in distress, she would follow that pattern.

In this case, TM may have a form of betrayal bonding with AM. Just like women who we wonder about not leaving abusive and sometimes deadly relationships. She will do as he says and "shut down herself" to stay safe. Love can be easily confused with terror. I agree about the baiting thing, too. Seems like he also brings the jealousy game into play by convincing her these are his children...that would mean he has stepped out on her. If he is using the game of comparing women and she is lucky to have him, because obviously Joann obviously wanted him, too...then she is in very deep with feeling she is lucky to get any attention, she is not his first choice, etc...typical gas lighting abuse... UGH..
Someone else do it!! I've never sent anything in before. My question is, how long did Mayes know that JoAnn and the kids would be moving? When was it that they first decided?

Done! It really does seem like him. Not sure of the exact timeline.
I don't know, but it hit me as well. I mean thinking about it, was he preparing for this as early as 4/23? It may be a stretch but wow.

Thanks, Mamamia! Wow....I don't think it is a stretch. According to the affidavits this all was premeditated. Adam Mayes is a mechanic. This kind of thing could be right up his alley.....and he says it's a first project.

This wouldn't be out Adam Mayes would it?

mini tour bus.

Submitted by adam mayes (not verified) on Wed, 2012-03-28 21:08.

im going to bed buying a lwb vw crafter that im going to convert into a sleeper tour van to drive bands in.Im gonna have 2 tvs, xbox, couple of sockets, spot lights and strip lights on seperate switches,dvd/cd player, and possibly a fridge.As I will need power as often as possible I will be needing a mains hook up as well. So I guess Ill wire a leisure battery from the van battery through a split charge relay,and connect the mains socket to a charger to charge the leisure battery? will this provide me constant power when im plugged in? and can i run the power for the sockets, tvs and xbox all from one inverter?
anything else id need to consider?
any help would be great as this will be my first project.

He posted on 04/22 that he was picking up the van next week, so that wouldn't leave much time to do any conversion. Still I would go ahead and tip this, cause you never know. He could have bought a van, and if he hadn't registered it or changed title no one might have known he had it.
Well, Mahan (the one to says she "believes" JB and AM had an intimate relationship) has given conflicting accounts and stories in the media and many don't think she is the most reliable source. Not saying isn't true, there have been so many false statements flying around and seemingly a few people wanting their 15 minutes. Who knows what the truth is.

It has been said they dated before JB married GB. If true I don't think it means JB was having an affair with AM or that any of the kids are his. I agree there are many many rumors. It might be some time before we get the real story.

It says on this link that Joann privately home schooled her girls. How does this fit in with enrolling them temporally while in TN, after returning from AZ? I am very confused about this, especially since according to some msm reports, they were remaining on TN until the girls finished out the school year.

I don't think the home school thing is the one picture posted frequently they appear to be wearing khaki pants and white shirts that are typical of a school uniform.

There was a supposed sighting of AM in Ramer, TN. Not sure how reliable it is though...

So the supposed Ramer sighting was the day TM and MM were charged.....May 6 was the day the affidavits came out. Charged the same day?

Linda Reed disappeared April 29. If she is connected to AM it means he was driving around quite a bit, since he was at the convenience store on April 30th.
Hello all. I am new here. I've been reading the forum for a few days. I am from Union county oroginally and am very familiar with the geography of the state. I am trying to figure out why thre are posts regarding Linda Reed. Why are people trying to connect that case with the Bain case? I find it hard to believe AM would be interrogated in TN on the 29th, drive 4.5 hours to Gallman to kidnap a woman and her groceries, then drive 3.5 hours back to Alpine. Seems if he were going to get some random person, he would have done that between TN and Alpine. jmo
I don't think the home school thing is the one picture posted frequently they appear to be wearing khaki pants and white shirts that are typical of a school uniform.


Maybe she homeschooled in AZ and they were enrolled in TN?
I see it is a UK website, but who knows??
I'd report it...!

We have folks from the UK here posting I agree, who knows. Glad it got reported, let the FBI decide if it's anything.
Your description of your family pretty much describes mine as well. If you want a decent life, you get away from the crazies in it. Plain and simple, you get out however you can, and you don't look back either!

Amen, sister!
And there it is!.. So there is very much a real reason this man thinks oNe of these girls are his.. I HOPE SOMEONE SENDS THIS ASAP TO NANCY GRACE TO LET HER KNOW "FACTS" ARE JB/AM DID HAVE A SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP AT SOME POINT!!.. She'll ignore it probably..

Horribly traumatic to know they were beat to death.. Or ATLEAST beaten badly in that garage.. You'd think there'd be blood from the beating of these two women.. God bless what a painful, painful horror..

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:

My greatest concern is this type of reporting and attitude from people like Nancy can cause AM, who is desperate enough, to murder-suicide. Yes, we feel great to hear what a loser someone is on TV, but in many cases, it can actually push someone over the edge. If there is a chance of getting these little girls back, it is not going to be from the trash talking sensational media that the average american thrives on. It is going to be because AM feels he has a chance of being heard, understood and listened to by society. Nancy does a lot of irresponsible reporting in situations where hostages/kidnap victims are involved and makes desperate situations worse by destroying situations where a negotiation could have occurred. Let's just hope AM does not listen to this and has enough "bonding with his children" to protect them. There is a fine line that pushes men, including "fathers" over the edge to resort to ending lives of a family. All this talk, including TM's sister, etc...really is doing more harm then good. Ethical journalism does not sell to the masses and our society is run by capitalism. Let's hope the media is not the straw that fully alienates AM from society to cause him to end all their lives...:banghead:

It says on this link that Joann privately home schooled her girls. How does this fit in with enrolling them temporally while in TN, after returning from AZ? I am very confused about this, especially since according to some msm reports, they were remaining on TN until the girls finished out the school year.

It's possible that JB wasn't certified to home school in TN. Every state has different certifications or she didn't register her intent to home school them in time. jmo
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