TN - Joann, 31, & Adrienne Bain, 14, Whiteville, 27 April 2012 - #5

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Being that GB was married to AMs sister, GB was aware of the family dynamics described by Johnny Mayes, Jr. He knew AM, knew everyone in the family, knew about the rifts between siblings, knew that the MFM was mean to everyone, knew AM had been accused by GB's ex wife who is AMs sister of molestation....the list goes on and on GB knew AM WELL, and continued to send his little girls off with him on a regular basis! WHY???????? Of course, GBs attorney is gonna put a good spin on his client. Doesn't convince me of anything at all! IMO, THERE IS WAY MORE TO THIS STORY THAN WHAT IS BEING TOLD!
Do you know personally that GB knew AM well? I do not.

LOL! I would absolutely LOVE to hear PB speak out. Why would you never trust her to tell the truth? Do you know her? Has she been proven to be a liar? She is probably the one that witnessed the shaving incident, and her daughter and grandchild were in the house during the murders and abductions. SHE would be someone that would know more than just about anyone else about exactly what kind of people both AM and GB are. Obviously, she can't be too bad, because she called and reported the incident she saw. She might be the one that could shed light onto this entire situation. I, for one, would listen to EVERYTHING she had to say about the entire situation. Just look at what her brother told the world about mommy dearest.
I would never trust PB to tell the truth about GB and their relationship because, and I know I shouldn't judge her on this, but it's because she is a Mayes. Sorry but that's the truth. Maybe she wants to paint a picture to get back at GB, for leaving her? (I don't know who left who) Maybe she is insecure with the relationship of her daughter with her dad? (I don't know)
She may have called and reported the incident she witnessed or she may have called because she was ticked at someone. She may have called because she's a crackhead and isn't thinking with her right mind. (nope, haven't heard that one either just throwing it out there) She may be so fed up with that family (doubt it or she wouldn't probably have been there). It happens! Only three people know the truth about that, one is PB, the other is KB, and the other one, AM, is dead. I'm going to trust KB on this one, and that is for her and her dads ears now. She deserves some privacy.
I would also listen to PB's story. I would believe only the parts that were believable to me, though, and not everything she says.

I also find it curious that the family moved back to TN to take care of GBs sick family member. I would bet that JB was the one giving the care. It has been stated that TM was the caretaker of AMs aging father.

That is what families do. They help each other out when needed.
In my own experience, any close encounters I and others had experienced with pedophile predators, as well as close encounters of others' children, have always been with trusted friends of the family and/or community.

The Bains and Mark J did nothing wrong here. I believe Adam was grooming. And, IMO, Adam was a good sociopath. We've seen it over and over again. Clergy, teachers, counselors, family members, babysitters, close family friends, etc. Trusted individuals. The public continues to become better educated about these predators.
Being that GB was married to AMs sister, GB was aware of the family dynamics described by Johnny Mayes, Jr. He knew AM, knew everyone in the family, knew about the rifts between siblings, knew that the MFM was mean to everyone, knew AM had been accused by GB's ex wife who is AMs sister of molestation....the list goes on and on GB knew AM WELL, and continued to send his little girls off with him on a regular basis! WHY???????? Of course, GBs attorney is gonna put a good spin on his client. Doesn't convince me of anything at all! IMO, THERE IS WAY MORE TO THIS STORY THAN WHAT IS BEING TOLD!

Absolutely there is more to the story. Does anyone actually know ANYTHING about GB other than he let the girls stay around AM? I don't know anything about his personality, etc etc; he could be just as must an idiot as Adam was. I haven't heard one of his family members say anything about all of this. I just think the whole situation should be Totally evaluated before they jump and give them back to him. Far too often the children's best interest is not considered in these kind of cases. I mean I am sorry he lost his wife and I know he is sad but that doesn't make him the best father. If he had taken the girls away from AM right when these charges were filed this very well might not have happened. AM may have moved on then instead of being allowed to continue to be around them. The account for MJ may be just for his defense fund to fight to get AB back. Maybe some people do want to give money for his defense. That happens a lot and I see nothing wrong with that. I don't know that he is best place for them but I really don't know that GB is the best place for them. From what I have seen so far, in my opinion, GB is definitely not the safest/best place for them. They really don't need to be separated though, that would be tragic for them. Maybe JB's mother or family member. Maybe MJ could consider taking them both, probably not for financial reason though. It makes me admire him that he wants her to come back to him, that will be more expense for him but obviously he is trying to protect her. Which I would be doing the same, no way would I let my child live with GB.
Also why is GB all of a sudden saying he wants to move them to California? Away from their friends, relatives and normal way of life right after this happened to them?
Do you know personally that GB knew AM well? I do not.

I would never trust PB to tell the truth about GB and their relationship because, and I know I shouldn't judge her on this, but it's because she is a Mayes. Sorry but that's the truth. Maybe she wants to paint a picture to get back at GB, for leaving her? (I don't know who left who) Maybe she is insecure with the relationship of her daughter with her dad? (I don't know)
She may have called and reported the incident she witnessed or she may have called because she was ticked at someone. She may have called because she's a crackhead and isn't thinking with her right mind. (nope, haven't heard that one either just throwing it out there) She may be so fed up with that family (doubt it or she wouldn't probably have been there). It happens! Only three people know the truth about that, one is PB, the other is KB, and the other one, AM, is dead. I'm going to trust KB on this one, and that is for her and her dads ears now. She deserves some privacy.
I would also listen to PB's story. I would believe only the parts that were believable to me, though, and not everything she says.


I have personally read that GB has known AM his whole life, and I have personally read that AM was at their house all the time, etc. I have personally met AM once or twice as well, and I can personally say that there is no way that I would allow AM anywhere near my children, just from a brief encounter. I personally recognize a who is on drugs and doesn't work and beats his wife and uses her. I personally would never let scumbags have unlimited access to my children. I personally don't buy into the whole GB couldn't have known what kind of person AM was. If he didn't know, he should have gotten to know before putting his wife and children in danger with his "friend" who he willingly allowed to take little girls AFTER allegations made by the pedo's own sister, and GBs ex wife.

As far as PB goes, we know nothing of her. She could be just like the rest of the Mayes bunch, but she could be like Johnny. So far, she is the only person that seems to have tried to help these girls! She called the authorities! She did what was right! She didn't keep his dirty little family secret, she told it. She has much more credibility than others in this situation that allowed a pedo unlimited access to 3 young girls. Obviously, none of the brothers and sisters claimed his body, and are not trying to excuse his behavior or their mother's behavior.
Also why is GB all of a sudden saying he wants to move them to California? Away from their friends, relatives and normal way of life right after this happened to them?

Not moving to California, though I suppose he could if he saw fit. Mark is afraid the girls may not return from Cali if they go to spread Mom's ashes:

Mark said Gary Bain is trying to take the girls to California.

He said Gary wants to spread the ashes of Jo Ann and Adrienne on the beaches there, and is afraid Alexandria and Kyliyah will never come back to Tennessee.
I wonder is JB loved California too, seems odd he would want to spread her ashes there, when she so clearly loved Arizona and the St. John's area, you would think her wish would be to be spread in the place she loved the most. I think we will be hearing a lot more from this case in the future.
I am seeing questions and comments about "allowing" these girls to go to GB. No we don't know a lot about him. We have hints, in that the mother trusted him enough to marry him and allow him to adopt the girls. We haven't heard anything bad about him from the girls father. We haven't heard anything bad about him from LE, and I can guarentee that he was investigated when JB and the girls went missing. And if there was any bad info on him it would have come out then. But there was nothing.

It is just as wrong to blame GB for what happened as it is to blame JB for what happened. AM presented himself to them in one way, and they accepted that. That isn't unusual. We think we know people, but all we really know is what they allow us to see.

AM is the one who did this. Not JB, not GB. They knew him, they were friends with him and he seemed to get along with the girls and care for them. So they accepted him. They could not see into his mind and see his thoughts and plans. If he was doing something behind their backs and their children didn't mention it, they had no way of knowing. All they had to go on was what they saw in him and in the children. And evidently there were no red flags.

I know it is hard to believe that there were no red flags. But yes it is possible. I was molested by my grandfather. It went on over a period of months. I never told and my parents never knew. I finally told my mother about 30 years later, after he was dead for years. It is possible that if he molested the girls that they never told. It is even possible that if they were asked, they may have denied it. And if the kids never told how were JB and GB supposed to see it?

AM did this and his wife and mother reportedly helped. JB and GB did not do this.

And what is the alternatives? One child is the daughter of GB. The other child has another father. Should the girls not only lose their mother and one sister, but also lose their home, their father figure and each other? Split them up and send them to someone who might be worse?

We don't know that much about GB. But we never knew that much about GB before this happened. And by all reports that we recieved so far, they were doing well before this happened. Even with AM in their lives. If he was abusing them before, then they must have had a strong support system behind them, if they continued to do well even with the abuse. And GB was part of that support system.
Often, in cases of step children with medical problems, a bio parent will agree to sign off on an adoption so that their child can qualify for better medical coverage and benefits that the step parent might have available. I think it is very wrong to assume that the adoption occurred because the girls bio dad didn't care for them or love them. There is NO evidence of that from any source that I have seen.


It could have been for insurance purposes, but just the fact KB had the Bain name, maybe they wanted all three girls to have the same name along with JB.
I have personally read that GB has known AM his whole life, and I have personally read that AM was at their house all the time, etc. I have personally met AM once or twice as well, and I can personally say that there is no way that I would allow AM anywhere near my children, just from a brief encounter. I personally recognize a who is on drugs and doesn't work and beats his wife and uses her. I personally would never let scumbags have unlimited access to my children. I personally don't buy into the whole GB couldn't have known what kind of person AM was. If he didn't know, he should have gotten to know before putting his wife and children in danger with his "friend" who he willingly allowed to take little girls AFTER allegations made by the pedo's own sister, and GBs ex wife.

As far as PB goes, we know nothing of her. She could be just like the rest of the Mayes bunch, but she could be like Johnny. So far, she is the only person that seems to have tried to help these girls! She called the authorities! She did what was right! She didn't keep his dirty little family secret, she told it. She has much more credibility than others in this situation that allowed a pedo unlimited access to 3 young girls. Obviously, none of the brothers and sisters claimed his body, and are not trying to excuse his behavior or their mother's behavior.
Okay, I have more understanding now that you say you have met AM. So you must be from the area. Have you ever met MJ or any of the B's? I ask because you seem so adamant that GB is at fault for what happened, at least partially, imo. Some people, and it's beyond me why, are much more trusting with themselves and their family than I am. Not saying I like it, but anyone in our lives that we deal with, yours included, could be like this without us knowing.
MJ obviously thought that GB was an acceptable guy to raise what was his bio daughters. Actually I read somewhere that MJ said that he and GB were close friends and he'd like to get back to that.

I wonder is JB loved California too, seems odd he would want to spread her ashes there, when she so clearly loved Arizona and the St. John's area, you would think her wish would be to be spread in the place she loved the most. I think we will be hearing a lot more from this case in the future.
One of my friends husbands died on the operating table a few years back. They always planned on going to Ireland and that's where he wanted his ashes scattered if anything ever happened to him. She honored that request and some of his family felt like she was out spending his money (insurance money) and they were mad because she didn't bury him near his other family members where they could go to the grave. This could have been something that JB wanted, cremation and her ashes scattered at a particular place in CA.

Not moving to California, though I suppose he could if he saw fit. Mark is afraid the girls may not return from Cali if they go to spread Mom's ashes:

Mark said Gary Bain is trying to take the girls to California.

He said Gary wants to spread the ashes of Jo Ann and Adrienne on the beaches there, and is afraid Alexandria and Kyliyah will never come back to Tennessee.

Just what these two girls do not need.
I haven't been here for a couple of days and I am wondering if GB ever released a statement to the media?
I think when these girls are alot older we'll hear alot of things we think we'll never know. I'll bet they'll have alot to say, they could even write a book.
Joann must have loved the ocean? Maybe she found it freeing to be so close to the water. Maybe she expressed wishes to be spread before the ocean and taken away by the waves? Gary is her husband. He should know what she wished. Everyone that is close to me knows exactly what I want and I am very young, with no children. But I make sure that people who will be responsible for me, if something were to happen, that they know what my wishes would be.

This may have been Joann's wish and he feels that since Adrienne died with her mother that day, that they should be together? It's Gary's decision and I am sure he will put into account what Alexandria and Kyliyah would like too. Maybe it will signify a new beginning for them? Maybe they will be happy to see their mother and sister free -- how they wished to be free? They will make it something that they do together?

People have been taken from the home while others sleep. Polly? Elizabeth? Have you ever thought IF GB or his daughter and granddaughter would have woken up? They would be dead too and these girls would have no one! AM and TM knew what they wanted and they went and took a wife/mother and a daughter/sister away from a husband and two little girls forever. They planned this. It's been in the works for a long, long time. AM had help not only from his wife, but his own MOTHER! He groomed this family and unfortunately, it happens. I will NOT blame GB or JB for this. I blame the ones who victimized them! AM and anyone involved with it!

GB has my 100% support.
Also why is GB all of a sudden saying he wants to move them to California? Away from their friends, relatives and normal way of life right after this happened to them?

GB has said nothing of the sort. He appears to be trying to protect the privacy of his daughters while they recover.

MJ, AB's biological father, is alleging that GB wants to go to California to spread JB's and AB's ashes on the beach.

That is way, way, way too much information! No one outside the immediate family should know that unless the family (meaning the Bains) decide it would be a good idea to release that info.

MJ also alleges he's afraid that if GB is allowed to take his daughters to California they may never return to Tennessee.

Again, way, way, way too much information! That is no one's business except the Bain family.

Please consider that AB and KB may well not want to face their friends right now. It is very common for victims of trauma to want privacy.

You know, like the privacy that MJ is busily invading?
I have personally read that GB has known AM his whole life, and I have personally read that AM was at their house all the time, etc. I have personally met AM once or twice as well, and I can personally say that there is no way that I would allow AM anywhere near my children, just from a brief encounter. I personally recognize a who is on drugs and doesn't work and beats his wife and uses her. I personally would never let scumbags have unlimited access to my children. I personally don't buy into the whole GB couldn't have known what kind of person AM was. If he didn't know, he should have gotten to know before putting his wife and children in danger with his "friend" who he willingly allowed to take little girls AFTER allegations made by the pedo's own sister, and GBs ex wife.

As far as PB goes, we know nothing of her. She could be just like the rest of the Mayes bunch, but she could be like Johnny. So far, she is the only person that seems to have tried to help these girls! She called the authorities! She did what was right! She didn't keep his dirty little family secret, she told it. She has much more credibility than others in this situation that allowed a pedo unlimited access to 3 young girls. Obviously, none of the brothers and sisters claimed his body, and are not trying to excuse his behavior or their mother's behavior.


How interesting that you met AM! I hope you will go through the verification process at WS so we can ask you more about it.
I haven't been here for a couple of days and I am wondering if GB ever released a statement to the media?
Not that I have seen.

I think when these girls are alot older we'll hear alot of things we think we'll never know. I'll bet they'll have alot to say, they could even write a book.
I bet they will have a lot to say, and it may be more than any of us ever could imagine about a lot of people in their lives. If they ever want to speak about their lives in any capacity I hope they feel secure enough to do so.

I think, though, a lot of us going through life experiences, good and bad have a lot to say that would shock a lot of people. (Thinking of my ex's family here and mine and my children's experience out of that dark hole)

GB has said nothing of the sort. He appears to be trying to protect the privacy of his daughters while they recover.

MJ, AB's biological father, is alleging that GB wants to go to California to spread JB's and AB's ashes on the beach.

That is way, way, way too much information! No one outside the immediate family should know that unless the family (meaning the Bains) decide it would be a good idea to release that info.

MJ also alleges he's afraid that if GB is allowed to take his daughters to California they may never return to Tennessee.

Again, way, way, way too much information! That is no one's business except the Bain family.

Please consider that AB and KB may well not want to face their friends right now. It is very common for victims of trauma to want privacy.

You know, like the privacy that MJ is busily invading?

Amen! It's no one's business what GB does. It's his decision. Not MJ's. It's obvious that GB has shared this information with MJ -- maybe including him? And it's not good enough for MJ? Well, he gave up his rights and if he doesn't respect the wishes of GB and HIS family, then he can just not go?

Joann must have loved the ocean? Maybe she found it freeing to be so close to the water. Maybe she expressed wishes to be spread before the ocean and taken away by the waves? Gary is her husband. He should know what she wished. Everyone that is close to me knows exactly what I want and I am very young, with no children. But I make sure that people who will be responsible for me, if something were to happen, that they know what my wishes would be.

This may have been Joann's wish and he feels that since Adrienne died with her mother that day, that they should be together? It's Gary's decision and I am sure he will put into account what Alexandria and Kyliyah would like too. Maybe it will signify a new beginning for them? Maybe they will be happy to see their mother and sister free -- how they wished to be free? They will make it something that they do together?

People have been taken from the home while others sleep. Polly? Elizabeth? Have you ever thought IF GB or his daughter and granddaughter would have woken up? They would be dead too and these girls would have no one! AM and TM knew what they wanted and they went and took a wife/mother and a daughter/sister away from a husband and two little girls forever. They planned this. It's been in the works for a long, long time. AM had help not only from his wife, but his own MOTHER! He groomed this family and unfortunately, it happens. I will NOT blame GB or JB for this. I blame the ones who victimized them! AM and anyone involved with it!

GB has my 100% support.


I wonder if perhaps that may be what is upsetting Mark? As the adoptive father, GB is the one who makes the decision on how Adrienne is honored. And Mark has no say so over that. Which would then bring up the issue that now GB also has the only say so over his other daughter's decisions. That could have brought it home to Mark. It may have been one thing for their mother to be involved in those decisions, but now GB is the only one to make the decisions and GB is cremating Adrienne and taking her ashes to California. An issue he probably never thought of before.

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