TN TN - Kaitlynn Abree Ledbetter, 25, wooded area w/o shoes, Overton Co, 2 May 2021

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I’m confused. Is the house fire the same house where she was arguing with her dad?
So, this does veer off a bit into maybe TOO speculative...but here goes.


Assuming that the photo shown in the house fire was taken from the street, combined with the reportage of it being in the "100 block," I think I can narrow down which house Kaitlynn was in. It's in the screenshot/map I created (not posting it in plaintext in case I'm wrong).

If I'm correct, this is much closer to Hilham Hwy than I originally considered, thus making the scenario of leaving the area in a vehicle (whether voluntary or abduction) much more plausible.

According to Zillow, the property has a mobile/manufactured home (2010). Those are built piecemeal and can be moved in one piece. I know TN can get tornadoes, so basements are probably required, however i don't really know much about regulations there. But I'm thinking - picturing - the house being somewhat elevated, so a window could be 7' above ground level. The basement would be above ground, loosely speaking. MOO and I heavily caution against taking my analysis as correct until we get better, corroborating proof.
So, this does veer off a bit into maybe TOO speculative...but here goes.

View attachment 312432

Assuming that the photo shown in the house fire was taken from the street, combined with the reportage of it being in the "100 block," I think I can narrow down which house Kaitlynn was in. It's in the screenshot/map I created (not posting it in plaintext in case I'm wrong).

If I'm correct, this is much closer to Hilham Hwy than I originally considered, thus making the scenario of leaving the area in a vehicle (whether voluntary or abduction) much more plausible.

According to Zillow, the property has a mobile/manufactured home (2010). Those are built piecemeal and can be moved in one piece. I know TN can get tornadoes, so basements are probably required, however i don't really know much about regulations there. But I'm thinking - picturing - the house being somewhat elevated, so a window could be 7' above ground level. The basement would be above ground, loosely speaking. MOO and I heavily caution against taking my analysis as correct until we get better, corroborating proof.

If you search Tennessee assessment records you can find the house (TN Property Viewer). The house is about a half mile north of the one on your map.
Unable to find any recent updates.
It also appears the official fb group is no longer available or possibly private now.
Kaitlyn's sister is the only admin of the private fb group created for her (Official Kaitlyn Abree Ledbetter Missing person discussion Group). There have been only a few posts in the last month. Also, a week ago (seven months after her disappearance) there was a public fb post from someone close that she's still missing.

ETA: It appears that her name is Kaitlyn and not Kaitlynn (in the thread title).
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I've just started to read up on this older case. I’m sure much of this has already been covered and/or discussed. Here’s what I have gathered so far but please let me know if any of this is incorrect.

Kaitlyn Ledbetter is 25 years old and was last seen at 5:30AM on 5/02/2021, at her residence in the 100 block Turkey Town Rd in Hilham, TN, a very rural, heavily-wooded, and isolated area.

My understanding is that around 5:30AM on 5/02/2021 Kaitlyn pushed out a window screen at her residence, then jumped out of a window approximately seven feet above ground level. She then ran into a heavily-wooded area near this residence. Her father reported her missing.

Kaitlyn was wearing pajamas and no shoes at the time she disappeared. She left her cell phone behind at her residence when she disappeared.

Local LE used tracking dogs to follow her trail, which ended at a road near her home. She’s not been seen or heard from since.

The only other people reported to be in the residence at the time of Kaitlyn’s disappearance were her father and her father’s girlfriend. The father’s girlfriend died a few months later in a house fire at the same Turkey Town Rd house where Kaitlyn was last seen.

There are reports that an argument of some kind may have occurred between Kaitlyn and her father around 5:30AM that morning.

I’ve not read any reports about Kaitlyn having relationship, drug, or mental health issues before she went missing.

Does all of this sound correct? Have then been any recent developments in this case?
Worm, thanks for the confirmation. I was hoping I had the general facts correct.

If there are no known drug abuse or mental health issues involved here, then IMO the most likely reason Kaitlyn made the decision to jump out of a high window, wearing pajamas and no shoes, and then run into the dense woods near here residence at 5:30AM, was likely the threat of imminent physical danger. That would seem to make the most sense, especially given how she was dressed at the time and that she left her cell phone in the residence.

Do we know if Kaitlyn's father had firearms in the residence at this time?

It was reported that Kaitlyn had an argument with her father that morning. I haven't read any details about this argument, but it's logical to assume this incident with her father had a direct impact on Kaitlyn fleeing the residence. It's possible this argument on the morning she disappeared may have been part of a long-standing conflict with her father and things "heated up" at that time, but without details concerning the relationship between Kaitlyn and her father, and possibly his father's girlfriend, we don't know for sure.

Hopefully local LE has more information regarding the relationship between Kaitlyn and her father, and about this argument on the morning she disappeared.

I understand her sister has a Facebook group regarding Kaitlyn's disappearance. I do not have an FB account, but has anything notable been posted by her sister on FB regarding this argument, or the general relationship Kaitlyn had with her father leading up to her disappearance? Did Kaitlyn herself send any emails or text messages to family members or friends about her situation around this time?

Regarding her disappearance, presumably Kaitlyn's father, and possibly the father's girlfriend, witnessed Kaitlyn running into the woods that morning, barefoot and wearing pajamas. Since Turkey Town Road is a very rural road, and given the early morning time of this incident, it's unlikely anyone in a passing vehicle would have seen Kaitlyn running into the woods, so we have no third-party confirmation of this. The girlfriend of Kaitlyn's father died in the house fire here a few months later, adding a bit more uncertainty in this case.

Is there any reason to assume Kaitlyn never actually left the residence, and that that this may have been a fabrication on the part of her father and his girlfriend for some reason?

I believe local LE tracking dogs found Kaitlyn's trail in the woods, so the assumption is that she did actually leave the house, however I don't recall media or LE reports of finding any actual physical evidence of Kaitlyn being in the woods, other than the tracking dogs picking up her scent.

Another thought: Is is possible that the tracking dogs actually found a previous trail left by Kaitlyn? I don't know how often Kaitlyn went into these woods, if ever, but if she regularly visited that area would tracking dogs or LE be able to tell a difference between a trail left by Kaitlyn on 5/2/21 and a previous trail?

If Kaitlyn actually was in the woods without shoes it's likely her progress through the dense woods was slow. If she had lived on Turkey Town Road for some time then she probably knew this area fairly well and knew that if she crossed the woods she would eventually come to a road.

Assuming Kaitlyn did leave the house, and did travel through the woods, and her scent trail ended at this road, the question is what happened at that point?
I've seen nothing new regarding Kaitlynn's disappearance in quite some time. At this point, without any additional evidence or information released by her family or local LE, there's not much to go on.
I've been thinking about this case for a while since my earlier posts. AFAIK, Kaitlynn Ledbetter is still missing. If there have been any updates please add them to this thread.

Based on what we know so far, other than Kaitlynn herself there were only two witnesses to this incident: Kaitlynn's father and his girlfriend. No one else was reported in the home at this time.

This is a very rural, heavily-wooded area, and the incident took place in the early morning hours, so it's unlikely there would be third-party witnesses to these events. Therefore, the description of events surrounding Kaitlynn's disappearance would be based on their statements given to local LE.

Tragically, a few months after Kaitlynn disappeared the girlfriend of Kaitlynn's father died in a fire at this same house. Therefore, the only known surviving witness in Kaitlynn's disappearance is her father, assuming I have these facts correct.

I've seen no MSM or LE reports regarding events leading up to Kaitlynn's disappearance so we have no information regarding the relationships between Kaitlynn, her father, and his girlfriend. We don't know whether substance abuse, domestic violence, or mental health issues may have been involved in this situation.

Shortly after her disappearance, LE reported they tracked Kaitlynn's path through the woods near her home, but the trail ended at a local road. AFAIK there have been no sightings of Kaitlynn since, and no other physical evidence has been found.

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