TN TN - Karen Swift, 44, Dyersburg, 30 Oct 2011 - #2

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I just can't imagine KS's disappearance being an "inside job." Why would someone who loves those kids want to hurt someone they dearly love, knowing how heartbroken they would be? If it was premeditated, why go through with those plans knowing that the children were in the house? It also would have meant that the children - including a sick child - were in the house alone for the period of time that the body was disposed of. I'm not saying it's not's just that it would be terribly callous and selfish of a parent not to be concerned about his own children's safety, health, comfort and emotional well-being.

Men that are violent towards their wives, or murder their wives, never make any sense to other people, yet it happens all the time. I think you make a good point ... the husband wouldn't be away from home for very long with the children in the house.
I agree with the automatic Internet connection. ..... It'd be interesting to know what type smartphone Karen had.. If a newer one like the iPhone it can pinpoint to the tee where that phone was last powered down/batteries removed/chunked in river.. I supposed they pinpointed That spot and searched it and it's immediate area working their way out.. Wonder what that location was? How close to the river?

Interesting post - It has been reported that Karen was an active phone user and was on her phone all the time, even playing games on it, etc. Do you think this would be a priority item for her - something she bought for herself because she enjoyed it so. We can't assume anything, but my bet would be that she had one with all the bells and whistles.
[ETA: There's something VERY wrong with the story from Nov 1 saying Karen dropped the kids off because we have heard the daughter has said she woke up and her mother was gone! Is that not true?? Or do we have a change in someone's story because of something said by the daughter??!! Now how am I supposed to sleep???!!!!!!][/QUOTE]

'Dropping off the kids' sounds like she then left (?), but it was also reported that the parents still lived together. I don't think she would have gone back to the party at 1:30 a.m., after dropping off a sick child?? Besides, it was reported that she was 'not having a very good time'. I watched a video where her oldest son was asked what he thinks his mother did when she got home that night, and he said she probably went up and put on her pajamas (words to that effect). No he wasn't there, but he had a good idea of her routine behaviors.

I am also beginning to think there is a lot of shoddy reporting in this case - so many different stories in the media.
I agree with the automatic Internet connection. It would do this if she had her email to "push" every so often(my options are every hour, every four hours, or manually).. Whatever setting the email push was set to would be how intermittently the phone would connect to the internet to check and download any new emails..

I also have the mymobilerecovery on my phone that will connect to internet Intermittenly to run a gps update of my location..

I've got an iPhone.. It'd be interesting to know what type smartphone Karen had.. If a newer one like the iPhone it can pinpoint to the tee where that phone was last powered down/batteries removed/chunked in river.. I supposed they pinpointed That spot and searched it and it's immediate area working their way out.. Wonder what that location was? How close to the river?

She has an iphone. I remember a text that my mom still has saved where Karen was making fun of my mom's autocorrects and she had told her she got a new iphone.
[ETA: There's something VERY wrong with the story from Nov 1 saying Karen dropped the kids off because we have heard the daughter has said she woke up and her mother was gone! Is that not true?? Or do we have a change in someone's story because of something said by the daughter??!! Now how am I supposed to sleep???!!!!!!]

'Dropping off the kids' sounds like she then left (?), but it was also reported that the parents still lived together. I don't think she would have gone back to the party at 1:30 a.m., after dropping off a sick child?? Besides, it was reported that she was 'not having a very good time'. I watched a video where her oldest son was asked what he thinks his mother did when she got home that night, and he said she probably went up and put on her pajamas (words to that effect). No he wasn't there, but he had a good idea of her routine behaviors.

I am also beginning to think there is a lot of shoddy reporting in this case - so many different stories in the media.[/QUOTE]

I agree with that! That's what makes me :banghead:

I keep remembering her brother in an interview saying that DS saw her leave. I can't remember if it was NG or Issues, but he did say it. That's totally different than what the reports have been. So did the story change, did her brother make a mistake or did DS slip up about the events to her brother...

I agree with that! That's what makes me :banghead:

I keep remembering her brother in an interview saying that DS saw her leave. I can't remember if it was NG or Issues, but he did say it. That's totally different than what the reports have been. So did the story change, did her brother make a mistake or did DS slip up about the events to her brother...


I have not seen that anywhere... That would really impact the investigation, IMO. Do you have a link? Thanks!

(ETA: MY BAD! I read "DS" as "darling son" and not the husband's initials... I was thinking if the son saw her leave then that puts a whole new spin on things since I didn't think the sons were home... Sorry!)

I have not seen that anywhere... That would really impact the investigation, IMO. Do you have a link? Thanks!

GRACE: To Jeffrey Johnson, Karen`s brother, you spoke to David Swift, the husband, almost two weeks ago. What did he tell you at that time, the last time you spoke to him?

JOHNSON: He just -- well, he told me that she did leave the house that night. He was at the top of the stairs when she had left. And that - -

GRACE: At 5:00 a.m.? What time did she leave?

JOHNSON: Well, we never was clear on the time. I really still don`t know the time. I know we didn`t get the phone call that she was missing Sunday until like 4:00 in the afternoon.

GRACE: OK. So the phone call was made -- the Google search on her phone was done at 5:00 a.m. She goes and picks her daughter up at 1:45 a.m. So she`s -- from the sleepover. So she`s getting back home, getting in bed around 2:00 a.m.

JOHNSON: The dog where her vehicle was didn`t pick her scent up out of the -- out of the area. I`m thinking that somebody else drove that vehicle there.

GRACE: That is entirely possible. Karen may never have even been in that car when it was dropped on the side of the road.

Have you learned, Jeffery Johnson, whether the car tire had the air let out of it or was it actually punctured?

JOHNSON: That`s what we haven`t gotten no answers on.
I corrected/clarified my post above...

Sorry, I was reading "DS" = "darling/dear son" rather than as "DS" = "Karen's husband". Those initials confused me - yes, makes much more sense now... Carry on! :innocent:

(I was thinking if her son saw her leave, then I may change my theory, but... nevermind... no new info. My bad.)
Best thing I can do is HOPE there are no misunderstandings amongst those investigating and things are clear as church bells on Sunday morning.

While I hope I keep in mind, a criminal act that requires careful planning to execute can go unsolved; a spur of the moment reaction that ends in murder can be solved quickly.

Three weeks ago today, Karen was living life.
Three weeks ago tomorrow, whatever happened to Karen, time better tell.
Someone brought up the position of the seat when the vehicle was parked to maybe see if the seat was moved back for a person larger than Karen. I'm not sure if the same person or someone else mentioned that they always moved the seat back when they exited the vehicle. One thing I don't imagine would get moved unless someone else is driving the car would be the rear view mirror. When I drive my wife's car I always need to readjust the mirror since I'm considerably taller than she is,if I don't I see the back seat through the mirror. When I exit the vehicle I never think to readjust the mirror, nor do I move the seat back up to the position it was in before I drove the vehicle.

If someone other than Karen parked the car along the road where it was found they might of adjusted the mirror for their driving position and never bothered or thought to readjust the mirror when they left the vehicle sitting along the highway. This could also be one more indication to LE if someone other than Karen was driving the car.

Joe - would you adjust your wifes mirrow to drive less than 1/2 a mile?

just curious
Someone brought up the position of the seat when the vehicle was parked to maybe see if the seat was moved back for a person larger than Karen. I'm not sure if the same person or someone else mentioned that they always moved the seat back when they exited the vehicle. One thing I don't imagine would get moved unless someone else is driving the car would be the rear view mirror. When I drive my wife's car I always need to readjust the mirror since I'm considerably taller than she is,if I don't I see the back seat through the mirror. When I exit the vehicle I never think to readjust the mirror, nor do I move the seat back up to the position it was in before I drove the vehicle.

If someone other than Karen parked the car along the road where it was found they might of adjusted the mirror for their driving position and never bothered or thought to readjust the mirror when they left the vehicle sitting along the highway. This could also be one more indication to LE if someone other than Karen was driving the car.


Good points. If my husband drives my Jeep, I always have to readjust the rearview and side mirrors the next time I get in it. He puts the seat back just a little more than I do as well.
Was it ever mentioned if Karen's purse (if she usually carried one) was found inside the house or is missing? Women never go anywhere without their purse.

I would also be interested to know if Karen was in the habit of taking her keys out of the car when she parked at the house. Some people that park in the garage always leave their keys in the car. People that park in the driveway might take their keys out of the car because they have their house key on the ring and need it to unlock the door to enter the house. Some people that live in the country never lock their house nor do they take the keys out of their cars. Either way if someone else drove her car they would need to know were to find her keys if they were not kept in the car. If Karen's car keys were usually kept in her purse and the purse is still in the house that doesn't seem logical.

Her children if interview might be able to shed light on Karen's habits as far as taking the keys out of the car and if she carried a purse. If her purse was left inside the house it makes my hinky meter go one notch higher as to who I think might have caused harm to Karen.

Joe - would you adjust your wifes mirrow to drive less than 1/2 a mile?

just curious

If I drove her body 15 miles away and then drove the car back 15 miles and parked 1/2 mile from the house I would.

But seriously yes even if I drove 1/2 mile I would still adjust the mirror. I don't get 100 ft out of the driveway and I have to adjust the mirror. It is just habit to look into the mirror and when I see the back seat I need to adjust it so I can see the road behind me.
Joe - would you adjust your wifes mirrow to drive less than 1/2 a mile?

just curious

I think I would at between 2 and 5 a.m. Remember they did a turn around in order to have the car facing the other direction, correct? There may have been traffic. The neighbor was heading to work at 5:30 a.m.

Joe- Great point!!
With this, I agree. I have serious doubts Karen left the house on her own, however, have tried to figure out any other possible scenario. Also recall the friend who was on NG's program stating Karen wasn't interested in a new relationship, therefore I can't imagine her leaving her sick child to go meet anyone that morning. And yes, most responsible parents would already have some type of medicine for their children on hand. Even if she didn't, there wouldn't be a need to go to the store before the children even awakened.

With that said, what it basically leaves us with is something happening to her inside the house, and the rest of the scene is staged to look like she was abducted near her car. It would be very helpful to know about the flat tire, to either confirm or refute this scenario.


Agree! At this point we could use more info about cell phone records, and flat tire. To me the flat tire, her cloths in the car, yet she isn't there - seems to be a staged crime scene!

If the tire was cut by a knife, it wouldn't make sense that she was where she was (going or coming from someplace)... if a nail or slower leak, air sensors should have warned her...
Considering things were supposed to be okay between her and hubby, won't she call him to help change tire?
OK, all you super sleuths have got me thinking. I have several loose ends of things I have read or heard. I wish I had had the fore-sight to save the links of everything I have read or heard, but I didn't. Sorry. This may answer questions for some, and raise questions with others.

1. It was reported early on that Karen's clothes were found outside of her car. The workout clothes which she kept in the car were still folded and arranged under a bush. The article said they appear staged. Her Halloween costume was also scattered on the ground.

2. It was reported that her friends are speaking out that the marriage was volatile and that Karen would never leave the house that late at night, would never go with a stranger or someone she did not know well. Her friends are very vocal about who they think did this.

3. Karen's friends said she was not interested in dating, that she was focused on starting a new life with her children and that she always put her children first.

4. Per Karen's father speaking to NG, Karen's scent was not picked up (by dogs) around or leaving her car.

5. This one is my own opinion as to whether a father would be callous enough to leave his children home alone. I am NOT referring to Karen's husband here, but other husbands, who have been found guilty of this kind of behavior in the past. Some do leave their kids alone, some harm the children to get back at the spouse, some harm the spouse in front of the children, some abandon their children. I think someone desperate enough to harm a spouse in such a way is desperate enough to leave his children alone. He has one thing on his mind. This is my own opinion.
That's where I'm at with everything we've heard so far - that basically something happened to her in the house ... which is part of the reason I would like photos or even a hand sketch of the house layout so I can build a floor plan. I suspect it's important in terms of understanding whether she would have been at the bottom of the stairs - presumably at the front door - in the middle of the night, proximity from stairs to bedroom to garage to vehicle ... whether it's all plausible.

The flat tire could be anything, and given that she was out earlier in the evening - anything less than a slashed tire would not tell us too much, other than perhaps she drove over a nail.

I'm having a hard time following your thoughts here. She could have parked the car out front, not used the garage. The hubby said he talked to her from the top of the stairs. I assume he may have heard her and the daughter come in the front door... or perhaps there is a door into the kitchen from the garage which is visible from the upstairs landing. I don't see what difference it makes as far as where she was when they spoke.

The car was not found at the end of the driveway, it was on the side of the highway about a 1/2 mile from the house. LE said it appeared she had made a U-turn to park on the other side of the road, pointed in the direction of the house. Maybe she realized the tire was going flat and intended to drive back home, but it went completely flat before she could make it. And perhaps some sicko came along about that time and saw a stranded woman and took advantage of the opportunity. Makes as much sense as the husband staging the whole thing. Women have been abducted from their driveways or mailbox or jogging just a few yards from their house.

Another thing that has been discussed. People do occasionally run out of medicinal supplies. Perhaps the child came down with a sudden 24-hour virus, vomiting and diarrhea and there was no Kaopectate or Immodium handy. Most mothers would not think twice about making a quick run to a convenience store to get medicine, even in the middle of the night. Heck, we've made a run to get coffee when we ran out, just so we could have it first thing in the morning!

Someone else mentioned that the mom and sick daughter went to bed downstairs and the little sister was in her room upstairs. The brother said that his 9 y.o. sister remembered her mom lying down with her and when she woke up her mom was gone and she was in bed with her little sister. Does it make sense to carry a sleeping 9 y.o. child UPSTAIRS??? Not to me!!

I've also only read that it was the 9 y.o. at the sleepover, not both girls. I believe this misconception that it was both was due to the thought that Mom would have been terrified to leave one daughter home alone with the dad, which I think is ludicrous. If she was so afraid of him, she wouldn't have still been living in the same house. Where are we getting the idea that he is violent? I've never seen that mentioned in any media report. Yes, some divorcing couples fight and a few end up dead, but it's not a given. Suspicious, maybe but not written in stone.
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