Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #10

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We know they fantasized about tropical locations. Other than a San Diego beach, where on the west coast, in the US, would they find that? How about climate? Where are the beaches warm year around along the Pacific Ocean within the US?


There really aren't any. You'd have to go to the Gulf Coast or to Florida for that. It's pretty nice in Baja, on the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), but that's Mexico.
Why would he head to Decatur to get to Okalahoma city? Why go south and then west? Is there some route that makes that desirable? Was it to throw LE off? I mean, by the time they hit OKC, the AA was just being sounded in TN, so he didn't need to bother heading south before heading west, so why?

From that Shoney's it's a pretty straight shot to I65.. to get to I40 from there they'd have to head towards north towards Nashville to get to I840/I40.. If I recall they left in the morning? They might hit rush hour traffic going N.. South I believe there is a highway that takes them from AL towards Memphis and I40..

All JMO..

Because he changed his plans? This guys losing it. The realness of what's he's done is sinking in. I think he's running scared. He's already put her in extreme danger. That's not love!
okay, went to check it out. Several websites claim that Walmart and Target both keep security footage for 45 days and that footage is reviewed by asset protection associates. So perhaps the footage was being reviewed by asset protection and they saw ET and TC and alerted the authorities.
We know they fantasized about tropical locations. Other than a San Diego beach, where on the west coast, in the US, would they find that? How about climate? Where are the beaches warm year around along the Pacific Ocean within the US?

Im thinking along the same lines as some beach location. When her sister confirmed she brought a bathing suit I just cant let that go.

Where I am stuck is whether they went directly south from OKC to South Padre Island or Corpus Christie or a place like that or did they continue on West to Southern California or not.
Because he changed his plans? This guys losing it. The realness of what's he's done is sinking in. I think he's running scared. He's already put her in extreme danger. That's not love!

That makes sense. The friend has said that someone was supposed to help them but it fell through. Maybe that person lived in Decatur and they went down to try to pressure them to help and after a few hours, headed back out.
I mean aren't there whole networks of people like TC that could help him or have I seen too many crime shows?

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That's was so sad reading that post. It appears some normalcy was finally starting to take place in her abusive dysfunctional home life. Sadly, it wasn't soon enough and that young girl was fed up. If I was in her shoes I might have done what she did. The opportunity was there so she grabbed it. [emoji19]

While I agree with the first sentence of your post, I respectfully disagree with the second half of your post. There is no proof she was fed up. No proof she grabbed the opportunity.
That makes sense. The friend has said that someone was supposed to help them but it fell through. Maybe that person lived in Decatur and they went down to try to pressure them to help and after a few hours, headed back out.

That could be when they dyed their hair...I wonder if they did meet up with someone in the Decatur area who was initially going to help them but then had second thoughts about getting involved.

There really aren't any. You'd have to go to the Gulf Coast or to Florida for that. It's pretty nice in Baja, on the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), but that's Mexico.

Things do fluctuate a lot this time of year but noticing south texas beach like South Padre Island is 83 degrees right now which is quite warm.

The water will still be chilly but sunning on the beach is doable.
Im thinking along the same lines as some beach location. When her sister confirmed she brought a bathing suit I just cant let that go.

Where I am stuck is whether they went directly south from OKC to South Padre Island or Corpus Christie or a place like that or did they continue on West to Southern California or not.

Like I said yesterday I'm in southern CA this has been on daily major news networks. They would get caught fairly early I would think.

According to her sister she doesn't dress feminine so the baggy shirts would be normal for her. I wonder if she would eventually cut her hair very short like a guy try to pass as a young boy. Throw on a baseball cap.
We know they fantasized about tropical locations. Other than a San Diego beach, where on the west coast, in the US, would they find that? How about climate? Where are the beaches warm year around along the Pacific Ocean within the US?

San Diego is nice year-round. Anywhere south of Santa Barbara should be nice right now. But... it cools off quite a bit at night.
We know they fantasized about tropical locations. Other than a San Diego beach, where on the west coast, in the US, would they find that? How about climate? Where are the beaches warm year around along the Pacific Ocean within the US?


There really aren't any. You'd have to go to the Gulf Coast or to Florida for that. It's pretty nice in Baja, on the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), but that's Mexico.

I have been thinking about this. I think its entirely plausible that HE doesnt know there aren't really any warm year around beaches in Cali. When people think of Cali, they think about what they see on TV: beaches, sunshine all year long, bikinis, and girls on rollerblades. While some of that happens, that is not the reality for most living in Cali. Compared to where they are coming from in Tenn, California seems like a dream!

My guess isn't that he is going to California, though. My guess is they have traveled down I-40 from Oklahoma. Maybe gone on to Texas then to New Mexico. You can live on $4500 for awhile in the sticks of Texas and New Mexico. Not so long in California.
Good God thank you!! Sometimes it seems like it's not victim-friendly, child protecting Websleuths anymore on here. Thank you so much for giving some local, legal and sane perspective.

Agreed. And so sad.

In this case I totally believe that she told her sister to look for her if she wasn't home by 6. 100% believe it. At her age and with her mindset due to her childhood experiences, I feel she was pulled into something she didn't understand, didn't appreciate the reality of and didn't truly want.

It reminds me of being 12 and trying to convince a bunch of my friends in the neighborhood to runaway. We were going to steal horses and run through the forest and hitchhike to beaches. I was stupid enough to actually "plan" and even got up at 5:00 am and went to two girls' window and rapped on it trying to get them to run off (they had agreed the day before).

They chickened out and said they couldn't go or they'd get in trouble. It's hard to totally remember that moment but looking back I think in the cold darkness of early morning as reality set in, it was a relief to me.

I kind of see ET as having a similar mindset. I know she's older but she was both sheltered and abused and I think she's probably closer to that mindset. And kids at 15 can have some of that thinking still themselves.

I truly believe this kid was on the one hand flirting with a fantasy that was a fun escape from her situation but that at the very same time, she was unaware of the reality of the situation as she was being dragged into the "fantasy" by an older predator who manipulated her into meeting him to go off, and, she was also scared and uneasy in her gut about the whole thing.

It is possible to feel all those things at once.

Her message to her sibling along with her excitement about her Catholic confirmation that was coming that weekend, which, at the same time she was apparently "planning" with the pervert to take off, she kept calling her brother to make sure her would attend, really indicate she didn't fully understand what was happening and the reality of it.

I think it was hazy in her mind, involved a few hours at a beach or whatever and then coming home to sleep in her bed that night after the "fantasy" played out.

Sadly, the "friend" she went with wasn't a stupid 12 year old rapping at her window in the dark. It was a 50 year old predator.

I'm convinced she is terrified now and desperate to come home.
Thank you. Great post.
While I agree with the first sentence of your post, I respectfully disagree with the second half of your post. There is no proof she was fed up. No proof she grabbed the opportunity.

Sadly, no proof on a lot of this even the mom is just charged not convicted by a jury yet. Most of us here are just brainstorming giving our opinions.
While I agree with the first sentence of your post, I respectfully disagree with the second half of your post. There is no proof she was fed up. No proof she grabbed the opportunity.

I agree. IMO HE grabbed the opportunity. He found a perfect victim and ran.
On the issue of his wife filing for divorce, I'm actually primarily a divorce lawyer in Tennessee (obviously neither he nor his wife is my client). There is a mandatory waiting period after filing before you can get divorced. If you have minor children together, it's 90 days; if you don't, it's 60 days.

The hurdle for her is going to be service of process. She will have to get him served to divorce him. She could, I suppose, serve him by publication in the newspaper, but if she does, then the court won't have jurisdiction to assess alimony and divide marital property. Given that probably everything she owns is marital property due to the length of the marriage, she wouldn't be able to get clear title to a house or property without actual, rather than constructive, service. Personal service (where someone hands him the papers) is obviously preferable, but just like everybody else, she doesn't know where he is.

My suspicion is that she filed in order to have everything teed up to serve him as soon as he's arrested. After he's served, he'll have 30 days to file an answer before she's entitled to a default judgment, and after a default is granted, most courts will force her to wait another 30 days before having a final hearing (if the waiting period has expired at that point; it's a "whichever is longer" situation).

With respect to alimony, it's true she has a job, but what's not clear is whether he's earning to his capacity. Tennessee alimony law considers fault, although it's primarily based on the obligor's ability to pay and the obligee's financial need. I would suspect alimony will be awarded in this case, although perhaps not a huge monthly obligation because they were hardly wealthy.

MOO but she may feel like filing for divorce is the only thing within her power at this point to say that what Tad is done is NOT okay and she does NOT endorse his behavior. She is probably tired of hearing how he allegedly got special treatment because she works for the school and this is her way of saying she's just as mad as everybody else, if not more.

I heard some concern several pages back that her filing would make it easier for TC to marry ET. The kind of man who would steal a 15 year old child to "marry" her is also the kind of man who isn't going to care one single bit that bigamy is illegal. And until the divorce is finalized, they're still married anyway. But it's not like if TC and ET applied for a marriage license, there's some federal database that would flag him as already married. That just doesn't exist. Of course, they would probably creep whatever county clerk out due to the age difference and I doubt they'd take that risk even with fake IDs.

18 minus 15 is 3 years, not 2. And you're really stretching it assuming she will still be into him in 3 years. The shine is gonna wear off fast and if she's returned to her family, she'll figured out in therapy that she's been taken advantage of. You're really underestimating the incredible amount of frontal lobe development that occurs in those 3 years.

So grateful you're posting here.

I haven't flown in many years, but last summer, our 11 year old nephew came to spend a month here with Hubby and I. We live in East TN and have a VERY tiny airport. Because our nephew was a minor and had to have a direct flight, we had to drive to Charlotte, NC. to pick him up. I left my ID back at the house. I figured it wouldn't make much difference, since my husband had his ID on him, and Ian had all his "unaccompanied minor" paperwork in order. WRONG. I wasn't even permitted up to the terminal to pick him up, because I didn't have ID. I ended up sitting alone downstairs for 2 hours because his flight was delayed.

Now, Charlotte Airport was under construction when we went there, so maybe that might have had something to do with the added security, I don't know. But the whole experience has left me with the impression that it would be incredibly difficult for TC to hop on a plane with a minor in tow, without both of them having to produce ID's some where along the line.

Am I wrong?

No. I think you're right.

my heart breaks for ET. How lonely and isolated she must feel - not being able to talk with her friends and family. Whatever she dreamed about with TC before is probably out the window now. Now he is just an old dude, who has gross bodily functions.

Eww. True.
Along that same line there was a child who had been abducted (Child was 16) by a noncustodial parent. The child was taken through 5 states, stopped at gas stations, ate at diners, etc. Plenty of public areas where the child could have sought help. When she was found the biggest question I had was her mindset and I asked why she didn't ask for help when they stopped in those diners, or gas stations or stores. She shrugged and said she kept thinking school was on Monday, so they'd have to turn around at some point and start heading back. It really shocked me. There was a 5 day vacation from school and she was thinking she was safe because the rules were she had to be in school. Funny how the mind works when people are in dangerous situations. That's why LE keeps saying that ET may not even understand her situation.
Agreed... the pic was only 2 days out. She expected to go home. IMO
Why would he head to Decatur to get to Okalahoma city? Why go south and then west? Is there some route that makes that desirable? Was it to throw LE off? I mean, by the time they hit OKC, the AA was just being sounded in TN, so he didn't need to bother heading south before heading west, so why?

I believe both were to throw off LE. Once they were out of Tennessee, i bet he had ET turn on her phone... put it in silent mode.. wrap it in a fast food bag or something similar and ditch it in a garbage can. The phone may have died at 3:06pm.. and they were long gone. There is no way they lollygagged around and just arrived in Decatur at 3pm. He knew that LE would assume he was going south and he immediately went west. They stay off the grid for the next two nights.. probably staying in rural Arkansas on 3/13 and rural Oklahoma the night of the 14th. When he's ready to make his next change in direction.. he decides to make a quick stop at a Walmart. There is NO way he goes to a Walmart unless it's to throw off LE. There are thousands of other places he could've picked up food off the grid.

Where he went from there is anyone's guess. Oklahoma City is essentially the center of the US and he knew that.



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I have been thinking about this. I think its entirely plausible that HE doesnt know there aren't really any warm year around beaches in Cali. When people think of Cali, they think about what they see on TV: beaches, sunshine all year long, bikinis, and girls on rollerblades. While some of that happens, that is not the reality for most living in Cali. Compared to where they are coming from in Tenn, California seems like a dream!

My guess isn't that he is going to California, though. My guess is they have traveled down I-40 from Oklahoma. Maybe gone on to Texas then to New Mexico. You can live on $4500 for awhile in the sticks of Texas and New Mexico. Not so long in California.

Exactly! That $4500 isn't going to last long here in California, not to mention, that accent and that Tennessee plate will really stand out here. Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona would be better destinations for fugitives on a budget.
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