Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #10

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In the side view of him in the newest Wal Mart photos does anyone else see that it almost looks like he has something under his shirt in back?

In the side view of him in the newest Wal Mart photos does anyone else see that it almost looks like he has something under his shirt in back?


Yeah, we have debated whether or not its actually a gun a few pages back. Some think its a gun, some think its an optical illusion because of the way his shirt disappears into the background.
In the side view of him in the newest Wal Mart photos does anyone else see that it almost looks like he has something under his shirt in back?

Yes. It was discussed at great length. I am with the poster peep who suggests it is an illusion created by the logo, lighting and wall. Words to that effect.
In the side view of him in the newest Wal Mart photos does anyone else see that it almost looks like he has something under his shirt in back?

In my experience, when someone has been a victim of abuse, especially chronic abuse, they do everything they can to PLEASE. That's their way to try to avoid more pain. There's hyper vigilance towards the abuser. They are always wondering if that person is getting upset, if something they did or said is going to set them off. They are constantly aware of the other person, so they can be "good".

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I'm way behind, but the thanks button wasn't enough. From personal experience I can confirm everything you said here. It is hard to explain to someone who hasn't been there, but it's critical to keep it in mind.

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According to family, she had recently bought a dress for her upcoming church confirmation. (IMO this could be for that.)

That's was so sad reading that post. It appears some normalcy was finally starting to take place in her abusive dysfunctional home life. Sadly, it wasn't soon enough and that young girl was fed up. If I was in her shoes I might have done what she did. The opportunity was there so she grabbed it. [emoji19]
Yes. It was discussed at great length. I am with the poster peep who suggests it is an illusion created by the logo, lighting and wall. Words to that effect.

I think it was his gun small back holstered. To each his own I guess.
She never attended her confirmation so could it be that was the excuse for buying the pretty lace dress? But ultimately it was bought for another purpose.

I don't think we can assume it could have been bought for other reasons unless we know she has it with her.
I don't think we can assume it could have been bought for other reasons unless we know she has it with her.

There appears to be a friend with her in the pic.. wonder if she knows if/why the dress was purchased..

With that humongous age difference I can't imagine what their real world conversations are like other then what's your favorite movie and do you like Justine Bieber or Beyoncé. I really doubt they would talk politics.

Their conversations now most likely consist of just details of their next move and getting away.
Respectfully disagree. I am 50 and my children are 10, 14, 17, and 24. With all four of them, I have fascinating discussions about history, science, literature, art, and yes, a lot of politics. Teenagers (or anyone, really) are not necessarily defined by their chronological age alone. Sophistication of thought, curiousity of intellect, and breadth of interest know no age-imposed bounds.

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18 minus 15 is 3 years, not 2. And you're really stretching it assuming she will still be into him in 3 years. The shine is gonna wear off fast and if she's returned to her family, she'll figured out in therapy that she's been taken advantage of. You're really underestimating the incredible amount of frontal lobe development that occurs in those 3 years.

Two years, one and a half months...if her 16th bday is in fact May 17 as another postage stated (not doubting it, just too lazy to check for myself at the moment). But, yeah, I agree with you, Lori_belle. I hope the shine wears off quickly and she returns home safely.
IMO they've got to almost be sick of each other. Stuck in a vehicle on the run with probably little good sleep and only each other to talk to..
Respectfully disagree. I am 50 and my children are 10, 14, 17, and 24. With all four of them, I have fascinating discussions about history, science, literature, art, and yes, a lot of politics. Teenagers (or anyone, really) are not necessarily defined by their chronological age alone. Sophistication of thought, curiousity of intellect, and breadth of interest know no age-imposed bounds.

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A parent/child interaction - or any healthy interaction between adult and child - isn't akin to the sick realm that this teacher and his student/kidnap victim are in. So while I don't fault him for having an intriguing convo with her, I do find massive problems with him thinking she's suitable to snatch away because he enjoyed spending time with her.
Makes my skin crawl, as a parent. Jmo

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There appears to be a friend with her in the pic.. wonder if she knows if/why the dress was purchased..


Your right I thought it was a mannequin. I wish her sister could confirm if the lace dress is missing from her closet.
Respectfully disagree. I am 50 and my children are 10, 14, 17, and 24. With all four of them, I have fascinating discussions about history, science, literature, art, and yes, a lot of politics. Teenagers (or anyone, really) are not necessarily defined by their chronological age alone. Sophistication of thought, curiousity of intellect, and breadth of interest know no age-imposed bounds.

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Right. And unfortunately I know some adults who don't have the depth or critical thinking skills of many teens. However, I don't really think this is relevant at all.

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IMO they've got to almost be sick of each other. Stuck in a vehicle on the run with probably little good sleep and only each other to talk to..
This is an abduction, not a vacation. I'm sure it hasn't been much fun for a while now. Like before they even left.

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I'm way behind, but the thanks button wasn't enough. From personal experience I can confirm everything you said here. It is hard to explain to someone who hasn't been there, but it's critical to keep it in mind.

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk


This exactly! This behavior makes no sense logically to anyone who hasn't been a victim of a master manipulator.

(Also want to chime in on the "thanks" to DatelineFan, what you said is spot-on.)
Its funny you mention Foxfire - I have thought the same thing. Foxfire would be all over LE not releasing the sighting sooner.

Things could change in their situation as she tires of him and tires of being on the run. But they could also be the same too. Nobody knows. She is a strong willed person and things could still be very similar. Nobody knows if the dynamic has changed yet.

What bothers me is why did LE wait so long to release that to the public.

I can only guess that certain LE agencies hang onto old strategies that are not necessarily good strategies in this day and age with social media and instant news.

Our beloved passed WS poster Foxfire was always a big advocate that LE should use the public more and drop some of the old antiquated strategies.

If they would have released that video as soon as they knew it was him then maybe we could have had him locked up by now.
JMO of course

It has been posted many, many, MANY times on the last thread and this one by myself, other posters and Mods that LE didn't have that information (WM sighting) until this past Thursday night.

They didn't wait long to release anything. They received the info, verified the info, released the info.
I'm a Tennessee lawyer, just sort of coincidentally. A DUI first offense is a misdemeanor.

What Tad has done here is arguably aggravated kidnapping because he is in possession of a deadly weapon. In Tennessee, aggravated kidnapping is a class B felony pursuant to TCA 39-13-304. He is probably also at this point (MOO) guilty of aggravated statutory rape, a class D felony pursuant to TCA 39-13-506(c), and statutory rape by an authority figure, a class C felony pursuant to TCA 39-13-532.

What he has done is also a federal crime because he has transported the minor child across state lines. I am less familiar with federal criminal law but I would imagine that he is subject to federal criminal liability for kidnapping across state lines and transporting a minor across state lines for sexual purposes. These are probably felonies.

I'm annoyed at the constant theme on this thread that what this slimeball has done is "not that illegal." Yes. It IS illegal and it is wrong! It doesn't matter if the child thinks she wants this. At all.

Good God thank you!! Sometimes it seems like it's not victim-friendly, child protecting Websleuths anymore on here. Thank you so much for giving some local, legal and sane perspective.

A few things I would like to address :
He may have told her there would be hotels and swimming pools (we know a credit card would be needed, I doubt she did)
I believe she fantasized she was in love with him.. Once she was in his care, his "kind" armor began to crack. Not so
She was easy to manipulate as she had previous abuse at home and a mother that was less that nurturing,
I have an 18 year old niece on fire to get married.....and she did. Both working only part time living with her mom (no pregnancy yet) But they are in love remember (sarcasm)

My most important disclosure. Many years ago, before the internet a family member of mine (female) 14 years old ran off with a man 20 years her senior sight unseen. He sent her a train ticket and off she went. There was no abuse, just terrible poverty. In her 14 year old mind the letters he shared sounded like heaven. She arrived states away from her home, and he took her in and married her Basically her job was an unpaid nanny for his 7 year old child and housekeeper. Over the years he controlled her with ridicule and fear. No physical abuse just ridicule because she lived in a poor upbringing. This was a family member, and when I began to understand the emotional abuse she endured for 30 years I wept. I cried I was devastated. This occurred initially in 1950s, but an abuser choses a weak or vulnerable individual to prey on. She was promised a better life. It came with a price.
This young lady has been victimized just as my dear family member. It too comes with a price.

Agreed. And so sad.

In this case I totally believe that she told her sister to look for her if she wasn't home by 6. 100% believe it. At her age and with her mindset due to her childhood experiences, I feel she was pulled into something she didn't understand, didn't appreciate the reality of and didn't truly want.

It reminds me of being 12 and trying to convince a bunch of my friends in the neighborhood to runaway. We were going to steal horses and run through the forest and hitchhike to beaches. I was stupid enough to actually "plan" and even got up at 5:00 am and went to two girls' window and rapped on it trying to get them to run off (they had agreed the day before).

They chickened out and said they couldn't go or they'd get in trouble. It's hard to totally remember that moment but looking back I think in the cold darkness of early morning as reality set in, it was a relief to me.

I kind of see ET as having a similar mindset. I know she's older but she was both sheltered and abused and I think she's probably closer to that mindset. And kids at 15 can have some of that thinking still themselves.

I truly believe this kid was on the one hand flirting with a fantasy that was a fun escape from her situation but that at the very same time, she was unaware of the reality of the situation as she was being dragged into the "fantasy" by an older predator who manipulated her into meeting him to go off, and, she was also scared and uneasy in her gut about the whole thing.

It is possible to feel all those things at once.

Her message to her sibling along with her excitement about her Catholic confirmation that was coming that weekend, which, at the same time she was apparently "planning" with the pervert to take off, she kept calling her brother to make sure her would attend, really indicate she didn't fully understand what was happening and the reality of it.

I think it was hazy in her mind, involved a few hours at a beach or whatever and then coming home to sleep in her bed that night after the "fantasy" played out.

Sadly, the "friend" she went with wasn't a stupid 12 year old rapping at her window in the dark. It was a 50 year old predator.

I'm convinced she is terrified now and desperate to come home.
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