Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #10

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I think that sometimes, when I offer insight here as an experienced wilderness camper/hiker, other posters might blow me off simply because it's something they themselves don't really have a broad understanding about. I don't have a fragile ego at all, so that doesn't bother me, but I do wish posters would listen to my experience in this area because it could be helpful to Elizabeth.

Having said all that, here are few observations I've made in the past , and a few more that I would add after reading the latest updates.

1. TC reads survivalist and off grid wilderness sites. To the best of my knowledge, he has very little actual experience in this. THAT is what is forcing him into public places, assuming they are actually trying to rough it in the wilderness. It's clear that he's " planned " this by researching things on the internet. But he hasn't planned it well, because clearly, he lacks practical experience. If he truly had experience, he wouldn't be in town shopping for food. Experienced campers/hikers pack freeze dried meals...they weight next to nothing, take up very little space, and require no refrigeration. I could feed us in a dispersed camping situation for months this way taking up the space of a small cardboard box.

2. I doubt very much that they are staying in super remote wilderness settings. To get to most of these within National Parks, you must hike in. I get a very strong sense that he is not comfortable being without the vehicle. That said, there are many service roads that are rarely trafficked, and it would not be difficult to pull a vehicle off of one of these roads into a wooded area, camouflage the car with camo netting, and not be seen. They could easily be camping on private property if they do have the camo netting (which I'd almost bet my famr they do).

3. I actually saw a Nissan Rogue the other day, and tried to evaluate it as a practical vehicle for camping long term. To me, it's size is would be a big problem. Even with the back seat put down, it would be a tight fit for 2 people to sleep in. Add to that all of the supplies you would need to haul with you, and I don't think I could do it. I certainly wouldn't attempt it without bringing along a fly (which is a tarp sort of thing that extends your " living space " from the back of the vehicle). If he doesn't have this kind of setup, and is trying to just flat out live out of the Rogue,

4. Water. That is an essential. If they are wilderness camping long term they would need to camp near a water source. This sounds obvious and simple, doesn't it? It actually isn't. Drinking from wilderness water sources can kill you if you don't know what you are doing. Ideally, water needs to be brought to a boil safe. This requires a fire. If he isn't hauling wood (along with all these other supplies in the cramped back of the Nissan), then he has to use wood that's available to him. Does he know what to burn and what not to burn (because even that requires a degree of knowledge). And, is he concerned that a fire might give them away? I read somewhere that he researched a water filter. I hope like hell he is not under the impression that these filters are a foolproof way to safely treat water, because believe me, they aren't. Even when they are used correctly and operating properly, there are many different types of organisms they don't keep out. Chemicals to treat water? They exist, of course, but they are certainly not ideal. What do you want to bet that one of the " ordinary food items " he purchased at the OKC walmart was a case of bottled water? :wink:

5. I mentioned yesterday that when I saw the OKC walmart pics that both TC and ET had every appearance of having been "camping". When I said camping, I didn't necessarily mean camping in the traditional sense, but rather "roughing it". I have absolutely know way of knowing what their "set up" is, but I know the look of roughing it when I see it. It's something that is difficult to explain to people who don't camp/hike, but every hiker knows it when they see it. It's just a mindset that shows up in your appearance and your obliviousness to your appearance. The instant I saw these 2, I was pretty damned sure they had not been staying at a motel. I see no reason to think that that has changed since the walmart video. I think that, given their lack of experience, they may be forced to risk a motel for a night here or there, but everything I've read and seen so far tells me they are trying to go off grid.

6. You do not carry a gun in the middle of your back. Reach back there and pretend you are trying to draw a gun. Can YOU do it? Even if that were possible, it's called conceal carry for a reason. Do you think people might be able to see a gun if it were stashed in the middle of your back just under your shoulder blades?

7. TC researched whether a mattress would fit in the back of the Nissan. From what I saw yesterday looking at a Nissan, I would guess no. But even if he does, it won't be a regular mattress. He would need an air mattress. He's already got way too much crap in that tiny storage space. :wink:

(I was going to type more, but I hate reading long posts myself, and now I'm tired of typing, so I'm cutting myself off.)

Disheveled was the word that came to my mind when I saw the latest video and stills of TC and ET, as though they have been sleeping in a car or something and just finished washing up in a public restroom somewhere. His hair looks damp to me and I don't think it's just greasy. Hair dye is kind of drying for the scalp and the hair, and if it's only been a few days since they both colored their hair, they probably aren't at the greasy stage just yet unless they have been very active. Which is possible I guess if they are camping, but if they are, I'm with you in thinking that they probably are staying on well traveled trails, and not going very far in. They just don't seem seasoned enough or well equipped enough for that. I don't think her leggings would stand up to that environment very well either.

They're at Wal-Mart in broad daylight. If they're camping I guess they wouldn't want to hike to the car or back to the camp in the dark, so daylight makes sense. I can also imagine a young girl not wanting to stay out in the woods by herself while TC went to get supplies.

It would be very interesting to know what supplies they bought (water, propane, TP), and also interesting to know if they smelled of wood smoke at all. It's impossible to get that smell out of your clothes without a thorough wash.

If they are camping or just roughing it, you have to wonder how long a teenage girl will tolerate that lifestyle. I'm a grown woman who enjoys camping, but 5 days is about as much as I can stand before I want to hit the interstate and find a Cracker Barrel before I head home to a hot shower. So yeah, I imagine they're staying in the occasional motel.

Was it verified that they were sighted in Texas, or was that just a false alarm?
Okay, then that's another scenario where the phone would be turned on by a stranger and ping in Decatur.

Unless the finder took precautions to prevent the previous owner from tracing the phone through Find My IPhone or the android equivalent.

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Do you think that TC expected his wife to divorce him after he absconded with Elizabeth? I do. I wonder if he is doing his best to stay ahead of everyone until Elizabeth has her 16th birthday in May, and then marry? I also read that in some cases, pregnancy can also change the age requirement!
A gentlemen doesn't snatch a 15yr girl from her family and leave his wife, kids and grandkids of 31yrs for a 15 yr girl and humiliate his entire family.

I know what you mean but he's not worthy of being called a gentlemen.

I'm sorry, I should have used the "dripping with sarcasm" note. Wouldn't want anyone to misinterpret it. Ick.
I took the gentlemen comment in jest.

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White's right, I should have noted it better. You all have gotten to know me, but if ET saw that or her family, they might take it badly. It was sloppy and poor form on my part, even in jest.
People wrap their phones in aluminium foil to 'disappear' them. It may have become dislodged.

So don't understand this stuff. When a phone is on, does it ping the tower or does it only do it when it either receives a call or is being used? In short, what makes a phone ping a tower?
great 'long' post, mountain kat. been there done that right with you...the term is "grubby". and yes they looked grubby.

also agree with posters that assume the money will run out. they wouldn't look grubby unless they were on a fugitive budget.

regarding their direction, i disagree with most that this was a well thought out kidnapping/flight. IMO he had no idea where to go. he's not a rocket scientist, he could barely hold a job throughout the years. JMO but they headed south, quickly, for whatever reason. changed direction when he perhaps realized his and her instagrams noted many beach locales (i thought the same, orange beach alabama was my first and wrong conclusion).

one poster, threads back, mentioned vegas. even though i agree a beach destination (corpus christie, san diego) would be logical, they can't hide there nor afford it. travelling due west, they could possibly end up in a vegas or similar type "blend-in" locale...

I wonder if they could have camped out at a casino in Oklahoma? I saw RV parking last week when we were in Oklahoma. We stopped so that I could use the rest room, and then we needed to walk our dog, so we drove around to the RV area of this one casino (not in OK City) so that I could walk him. Maybe they could have parked and camped without an RV, but in their vehicle?
Just throwing out ideas...
I wonder if they could have camped out at a casino in Oklahoma? I saw RV parking last week when we were in Oklahoma. We stopped so that I could use the rest room, and then we needed to walk our dog, so we drove around to the RV area of this one casino (not in OK City) so that I could walk him. Maybe they could have parked and camped without an RV?
Just throwing out ideas...

I'm still holding out for west (I was picturing remote Utah) or Mexico.

But I acknowledge they could turn up anywhere. Any chance they picked up a used camper in Decatur (where phone pinged) before heading out?

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So don't understand this stuff. When a phone is on, does it ping the tower or does it only do it when it either receives a call or is being used? In short, what makes a phone ping a tower?
Battery charge, from my understanding.
ETA: and being within range of a tower, of course.
So don't understand this stuff. When a phone is on, does it ping the tower or does it only do it when it either receives a call or is being used? In short, what makes a phone ping a tower?

I always thought it was the connection to the closest tower. I believe you can ping by 'find my phone' type apps too?
I'm still holding out for west (I was picturing remote Utah) or Mexico.

But I acknowledge they could turn up anywhere. Any chance they picked up a used camper in Decatur (where phone pinged) before heading out?

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I agree, could be west. I was thinking my state of Colorado, although with this snow we are having, they might want to go somewhere warmer?

Do you think that TC expected his wife to divorce him after he absconded with Elizabeth? I do. I wonder if he is doing his best to stay ahead of everyone until Elizabeth has her 16th birthday in May, and then marry? I also read that in some cases, pregnancy can also change the age requirement!

I was thinking that perhaps with all that has happened, that maybe he figured she would start the divorce proceedings, then he wouldn't have to, then at a certain point maybe he figured he would be divorced, then perhaps able to marry, maybe in Mexico? But they would have to stay low for awhile...
So, do you think that Elizabeth has figured out that Tad isn't a millionaire yet?
I drove from Oregon to D.C. last year in 4 days in a Honda Civic Hybrid camping in tents along the way.

I have no idea what makes you guys think that this is somehow challenging.

I should also add I was traveling with a 4 year old and my sister, a prissy 21 year old.

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We went the opposite way - Virginia to Oregon - in five days. Camping in Nebraska was the worst.
If you are traveling west on 40, you have to go south to hit the Wal-Mart on 240. It could be they took the road where 40/240 split. It is easy to do at that location. I've done it knowing which one I wanted. More likely though, someone planning to head south down 1-35 into Texas would stop there. It is very close to the 35-240 junction. If they were headed to a beach area in Texas, that would be a logical route.
Someone asked if that Wal-Mart is 24 hours, and I'm sure it is.
They might have stopped there in route between campgrounds, but they didn't get there to pick up supplies while camping somewhere else. That sits right in the middle of the most urban area Oklahoma has. There nearest wilderness area is at least an hour south and even that isn't a very likely place for true wilderness camping.
That Wal-Mart would be an easy place to park over night and no one would notice.
And as I said at the beginning of this kidnapping, many beaches on TX Gulf Coast you can camp for free. If they are sleeping in the vehicle, that is what they could be doing.
Let's hope they are doing this. He's so much older that her that he looks like her grandpa. People really stare at them if they see them sleeping in the back of a car together. (He used to look like her great grandpa before he dyed his hair and beard.)
This whole situation is sad, to me. A 15 year old impressionable girl, in my opinion, a father and grandfather... what kind of a man does this? I feel for both families... and I feel for a young girl who doesn't know her way in the world yet. She is not an adult. And neither is he apparently. What does he think will happen? How long can he run? Doesn't he want to see his own family?
great 'long' post, mountain kat. been there done that right with you...the term is "grubby". and yes they looked grubby.

also agree with posters that assume the money will run out. they wouldn't look grubby unless they were on a fugitive budget.

regarding their direction, i disagree with most that this was a well thought out kidnapping/flight. IMO he had no idea where to go. he's not a rocket scientist, he could barely hold a job throughout the years. JMO but they headed south, quickly, for whatever reason. changed direction when he perhaps realized his and her instagrams noted many beach locales (i thought the same, orange beach alabama was my first and wrong conclusion).

one poster, threads back, mentioned vegas. even though i agree a beach destination (corpus christie, san diego) would be logical, they can't hide there nor afford it. travelling due west, they could possibly end up in a vegas or similar type "blend-in" locale...


I partially agree. I don't think he thought this out as well as he could have and I now believe that he didn't have particular destinations in mind. Or if he did, he kept them to himself. What he did plan well is getting out of Tennessee early on and not staying in one place long enough to get caught.
I thought one had to be 18 to marry unless their parents signed for them.
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