Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #13 *Arrest*

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He saw an opportunity to not only escape but to do so as a hero for another person. In his mind, he is rescuing the pretty damsel in distress. He can reason why he is the hero for giving up his life in order to rescue her. He can justify his actions to himself by believing he is the strong and courageous hero he was always meant to be. Her following him and trusting him and giving herself to him only reaffirms the rightness of his actions.

The above is my opinion only.

Except he was grooming another girl before ET.

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Same here. The pharmacist is extremely picky about that, in fact.

It's usually an insurance thing. Insurance companies usually won't pay for more than a specified period of time for a prescription.

Definite man-child syndrome going on here. I strongly suspect that while TC had the upper hand in terms of making household decisions (for example, I doubt JC would have run them to the ground financially not just once but twice) and dictating the overall dynamic of the relationship (as manipulators tend to do) my guess is that JC was both a mommy AND a wife to TC which he probably resented despite the fact that his immaturity gave her no choice but to take on both roles.

I have to be honest here and say that I disagree that the Cummins family "did well" or that Jill is a strong woman. TC is purposely not with a strong woman because his personality type requires a partner who exhibits subservient tendencies in order to feel in control and secure about themselves. Oh, and there's someone's name they didn't mention that REALLY NEEDED TO BE MENTIONED. It's like they're so in denial about the kidnapping aspect that they've talked themselves into a scenario where Tad ran off with a 22 year old stripper. I can only conclude from this interview that the family is deeply traumatized and will need time and therapy to get to the other side and in the meantime, should not be agreeing to press appearances.

SO INTERESTING! The only thing I disagreed with was about not doing interviews. I think the interviews do get the word out (even tho they are focused on TC).

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It's not unusual for the family and wives to be in denial and try to rationalize this kind of thing. Picture this, you're 50 years old, you got married at 19, raised children, have grandchildren. Not only did you have children, you had daughters, they were once 15, and they had friends around who were 15. Now you find out your husband groomed and manipulated a 15 year old and kidnapped her. This isn't another woman he ran off with, this is twisted and you're trying to understand it all in context. I sat outside a hospital room while a medical teams was trying to repair the physical damage done to a child who had been sexually assaulted by her mother's boyfriend. The mother was sitting in the hallway being restrained because she was mad at her daughter. The child was 10 years old and the mother was screaming that the child had enticed him because she couldn't face the reality of the situation. Everyone who knew TC is trying to figure out how they could have liked a pervert. It's hard to do. It's not shocking to me that the town is calling ET names and victim blaming, it's a stage of grief and when they get past it, they'll be there to really support each other and the true victims in this case.
Here's another teacher allowed to continue working despite claims of sexual abuse. No one believed the abused, it went on for years!

I imagine TC's history is similar.
He has had other victims.

The Cummins are 100% victims of Tad and my heart truly goes out to them. In fact, it would be inhumane not to feel compassion and sympathy towards them. There are stages of grief when a death of a loved one occurs that a person goes through before the denial goes away and the family is in a similar situation here - the Tad they thought they knew is dead, if he ever existed at all. This is not an easy concept to accept and it may take years to do so which is exactly why putting them on television is bad judgement all around. I agree though that generating new interest in the case can only be a good thing so if this interview had to take place, then maybe a longer piece with less editing would have been prudent here.

One last point regarding the interview then I'm going to shut my insolent mouth and get back to the priority here - finding Elizabeth....Here's the last point: how would any of us feel if we were in Elizabeth's situation and saw this interview? How do we think it makes the Thomas family feel?
Another idea mentioned is maybe when TC and Elizabeth were exchanging social media messages that were hashtagged #missioncompleted, #missionalmostcompleted etc., they were talking about securing IDs.

This has been one of my thoughts... could ET have taken an ID? Birth Certificate? Passport? of an older sister?
They never let me get more than one month with my prescriptions here.

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Maybe it depends on what type/kind of insurance you have? And the doctor? And for what purpose the medications are given. My husband can get and does get a 90 day supply of his blood pressure meds, and maybe it does depends on what kind of blood pressure medicine it is and why it is given. My husband has had several heart attacks.

My fiancé is in the pharmaceutical industry which. It's super hard in Canada to get more then one month of meds. However I have had him be able to get my meds ( no pain meds or benzos ever early) earlier for vacations and such.
Also in Canada usually it's very difficult to pharmacy hop. Not sure about USA.

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I am very sad for the family. Made me cry. That situation must be mega painful. And the daughters are loving, forgiving gals it appears.
I just hope that JC can heal in time. I went through an abusive 30 year marriage. Crazy, he was the reverse in public. I had a death of a bf, and a couple bfs that cheated on me. Ay yi yi yi yi. Im healing with time. She seems like she is super nice, and has church support. Hoping she can have her own 'happy ending' as she journeys through this mess.
Something appears seriously wrong with TC, though, but she didn't see any signs of a problem. Don't know what that all means.
I definitely respect them for going public. It helps get the word out there.

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Hugs to you! :)
The Cummins are 100% victims of Tad and my heart truly goes out to them. In fact, it would be inhumane not to feel compassion and sympathy towards them. There are stages of grief when a death of a loved one occurs that a person goes through before the denial goes away and the family is in a similar situation here - the Tad they thought they knew is dead, if he ever existed at all. This is not an easy concept to accept and it may take years to do so which is exactly why putting them on television is bad judgement all around. I agree though that generating new interest in the case can only be a good thing so if this interview had to take place, then maybe a longer piece with less editing would have been prudent here.

One last point regarding the interview then I'm going to shut my insolent mouth and get back to the priority here - finding Elizabeth....Here's the last point: how would any of us feel if we were in Elizabeth's situation and saw this interview? How do we think it makes the Thomas family feel?

My two take away points were
#1 I cannot stand fake crying
#2 his daughters looked unusually happy.

Outside of that the other family members really didn't have much to say one way or another.

A complaint want ET wasn't mentioned at all.

Family is happy we are back in the media so people will continue to look for them.
I could be completely wrong on this, but, I think in his mind he needed an escape. Not just a geographical escape but, also, from regrets. At his age, he may feel trapped in a life without purpose and a waning time of opportunity. At some point in life, several us wonder "what might have been". This is especially true when you compare your everyday life with what is posted on social media. The reality is that life is not meant for a few great moments, it is about everyday moments. I think Tad got caught up in comparing his real life to the fantasy life he envisioned.

He saw an opportunity to not only escape but to do so as a hero for another person. In his mind, he is rescuing the pretty damsel in distress. He can reason why he is the hero for giving up his life in order to rescue her. He can justify his actions to himself by believing he is the strong and courageous hero he was always meant to be. Her following him and trusting him and giving herself to him only reaffirms the rightness of his actions.

I know this all sounds like a fairy tale and that is exactly the escape both Tad and Elizabeth and trying to capture. In reality it is basic emotional needs of men and women. Emotions are what drive so many of our decisions, especially irrational ones. Our mind then tries to create a world that justifies the decision. In this case, that world is a fantasy of the hero and the girl living in a tropical paradise forever.

This scenario is the primary basis for my theory that they are on the run, rather than hiding out, to that tropical paradise. For Tad, that very well could be a place and lifestyle he was exposed to on a mission trip in Central America. That place has the tropical weather, access to beaches, simple lifestyle, low cost of living, and far away from the past realities of life. At the same time, it is a place with less risk of being sought. It has the long term possibilities they see in their fantasy future.

From a drive time perspective, they could be there now.

How do they get caught? They may be found by an inquisitive vacationer or mission team member. They may seek medical help and recognized. Elizabeth may realize that this is just another case of entrapment for her and seek help. Tad may have a spiritual moment and turn himself in. These are all the positives and I hope it is the way this ends.

The above is my opinion only.

I agree with this post. I think TC is delusional and sick in the head. When people are desperate, they can do desperate things. Narcissists don't blame themselves for their actions, they blame others. They always have to be the 'hero'. TC in his mind, is a hero - rescuing ET. I strongly believe that she is pregnant. I hope not. I hope she can get back home safely, heal and go on with her life. I don't care what happens to TC. Life in prison is too good for that sicko. His family and ET's family, do not deserve the hell that TC has put them in because of his delusions.

The fact that JC and her daughters can go on national tv is impressive to me. I don't think I could do that . I would be too upset. This definitely tells me that they want ET home - will say anything to TC to try to get this young lady home.

ET, please get home.

One more thing. I am in the area of WHNT . I saw an Amber Alert billboard a few weeks ago for Elizabeth, but I don't think it is displayed anymore. I will pay more attention today when I drive home from work. I expected to see a lot of Amber Alert billboards for Elizabeth on I-65 (in AL.) but I only saw one AA for her . I guess I thought billboards would be all over the place in Northern AL.

One more thing!! WHNT is keeping the Amber Alert for Elizabeth active on their website. I read their news online almost everyday and there is usually something mentioned about Elizabeth.
Except he was grooming another girl before ET.

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Not another. 3 others. 3. They have names and are forever effected. Two have stepped forward the other for reasons cannot.
Not another. 3 others. 3. They have names and are forever effected. Two have stepped forward the other for reasons cannot.

I imagine it was very difficult for them to come forward after seeing how ET was treated. They should be proud of their strength.
1. That would cost more money than TC could afford. 2. It's not that easy. If it was terrorists would be able to travel wherever they want.

Fake passports, would cost $1,000 to $2,000 each.

The Cost Of Fake Passports On The Dark Net

I saw a special on Dateline or 20/20 one of those type shows they answered ads from Craigslist pretending to be a customers that sold fake documents. These criminals are desperate for money so I'm sure they would take less money or barter. Its much easier than you think especially for caucasian.

We also don't know for sure exactly how much money they had. Could have been much more we don't know what they've sold either.

To TC passport might have been worth that amount just to get over to another country. Teachers are much needed in countries like Mexico. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for them to pick up little jobs once they got there. They would have to eventually get jobs anyway when the money ran out. I'm sure TC knew that
My fiancé is in the pharmaceutical industry which. It's super hard in Canada to get more then one month of meds. However I have had him be able to get my meds ( no pain meds or benzos ever early) earlier for vacations and such.
Also in Canada usually it's very difficult to pharmacy hop. Not sure about USA.

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I know my doctor has sometimes prescribed two or three months worth so I only have to pay one co-pay. Or if you tell him you are going to be out of town next month and need a refill ahead of time, he'd likely wrote another one for you.

Haven't heard that either is the case with Tad. Sure police know.

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