Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #3

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I think it's something he could of done especially with the time he had to prepare. I'll go find it.


Interestingly, when I was looking for it I found several others. This apparently is something that is more common that I had thought. The people who do it and get away with it are sharing lots of videos with instructions and tips on doing it.

Kinda eye opening. I would never of thought before I saw the video. Thinking outside the box by living in the box.......
The family is trying to organize a search party in Decatur this weekend if anyone is interested. <mod snip>

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The family is trying to organize a search party in Decatur this weekend if anyone is interested. <mod snip>

Sent from my LG-K550 using Tapatalk

Thank you for posting this! This is something I am going to try my best to help with.
Thank you for posting this! This is something I am going to try my best to help with.
<mod snip> I'm guessing their going to try to look in rural spots and maybe you could tell him about the storage buildings. I'm not familiar with Decatur I have only passed by it on the interstate but its interesting that they have focused there. Maybe they know something more than the ping?

Sent from my LG-K550 using Tapatalk
She was a loner because she was being isolated by a teacher grooming her to be his. He's not her "lover" or her savior. And unfortunately he's not offering her safety and it sounds as if she may have begun to realize that, albeit late. She has her father, her siblings and her community who now know what was going on and it does sound like she was close to her sister.
she has a best friend as well...
(I read plenty of cases on Websleuths, but don't post much, so this is my first time weighing in on this one. So, hi!)

This has probably been discussed and I missed it, but, if Elizabeth told her sister to call the police if she wasn't home by 6pm, what triggered her family, friend, whomever did it, to report her missing at 12:41pm? Was it that she hadn't shown up at school and no one could locate her elsewhere?

Also, maybe I'm naive, but my thoughts on the teen marriage search is that TC was looking for if, and where, he could legally marry her without another person's (parent's, judicial) permission, if he were "free and clear" of his current wife. Since the answer was nowhere (in the US) + divorces take time, real marriage just wasn't going to happen. Or perhaps he was searching for countries where they wouldn't have problems. What I find interesting, is prior to March 5 (the day he conducted the search), Elizabeth had no real mention of marriage on her Instagram. But on March 5, she had 2 posts directly referencing it, plus a promise ring post. And then several more in the days following. His first post that seemed to hint at running away was on February 23, with a picture of a jeep at the ocean with his the hashtag #ohtheplaces he then used on all his later (and very frequent) destination posts. That day also happens to be the day ET posted the Roses are red poem...

Perhaps this whole running away bit was originally construed by TC just for TC, and ET jumped on board and ran with it and he figured why not? TC's life had basically fallen apart (his own doing), why not run? Who knows how his wife reacted to this investigation and suspension and what their interactions were while he was still around...It's obvious based on TC's Instagram that as of February 23, he was planning to run. It's interesting that all his #ohtheplaces posts on February 23 didn't include the #love hashtag as well. But from the first one on February 24, and all subsequent ones after, both hashtags were used. Read ET's posts from early on February 23...they seem to indicate "trouble in paradise". Then February 24, he starts tagging his exotic photos #ohtheplaces #love and she posts her first travel themed post with a caption mentioning @bestfriend. My theory? TC was planning to run, and decided to do so on February 23. Sometime later that day/that night, TC and ET concocted the plan for ET to join him. And they just spent the next 20 days figuring out how to do it.

On the possibility that they're hiding in a storage facility. I don't think they are, but I think the Nissan Rogue is, and they have another vehicle. As someone who's done lots of searches for enclosed vehicle storage (I have an RV), there are hoards of spaces--in cities, in remote areas, in well maintained facilities, in crapholes where no one investigates anything as long as you pay your rent--where you could easily store a vehicle. No one said, to my knowledge, they were spotted in Decatur in the Nissan Rogue? Maybe it took them so long to get there/be sited there because they stayed in the immediate area switching out vehicles and stocking up from the stockpile of supplies they accumulated during 20 days of planning. And maybe they went to Decatur to throw people off, and then came right back and are hiding out "in plain sight", not far from where they started.

On another note, they could definitely be in a National Forest or the like campground and no one would know the better. Many are first-come, first-serve, have no one checking you in (you register yourself and pay, no ID needed), have water and electricity at the site and bathhouses (hello hot showers) mere steps away. Many are in areas not near big cities, and I could definitely see them popping in to a general store and buying supplies and no one thinking anything of it. Especially if only one went. It'd be pretty easy to survive in such an area and not feel so rugged in doing so.
I'm uncomfortable with trying to place full blame on the choices of the school's administration.
No one could have guessed this teacher, who was married to another school employee, would run off with the girl. People closer to ET may have gleaned a clue if they read her social media.
Most school admin people would not spend time with students outside the classroom.


In typical circumstances, I'd agree with you, Woe. In this particular case however, there is an obvious blending of personal life, school life, and worship life that blurs lines (a perusal of relevant Twitter accounts will help enlighten in this area). Don't get me wrong, 99% of the time a small community's social closeness is to its advantage (a tight-knit sense of community being a positive force in any moral, ethical society) but with something like what happened here, the blurred lines became blinders. I'm not suggesting the school's higher-ups had a crystal ball on the specifics or extremes of where this was going, but there is no doubt in my mind that bias came into play at some point whether intentional or not.
<mod snip> I'm guessing their going to try to look in rural spots and maybe you could tell him about the storage buildings. I'm not familiar with Decatur I have only passed by it on the interstate but its interesting that they have focused there. Maybe they know something more than the ping?

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<mod snip> It would be a drive but I'd be willing to help if I can find someone to babysit my little one (which is hard because I don't trust too many people to watch her).
IF Elizabeth happens to come across this page I would love for her to know that IF they happen to be anywhere near Mississippi, I will personally come help her get to safety I am sure most of us here will!
Does anyone know if the vehicle, A Rouque (sp) has the back seats that will fold down? If so, they could put a air mattress or sleeping bag in the back and sleep in the car. Just a thought
just and FYI, they weren't spotted in Decatur, her phone pinged there.
Sadly, I doubt TE will testify against him. She didn't rat him out to the school, no reason to believe she is going to side with the prosecution in a trial.

She doesn't have to. It is illegal to transport a minor across state lines without parent or guardian permission.
I've been following but haven't posted much if any yet on this case.

I use prepaid debit cards. When you first buy it it doesn't have your name but it does have to be registered and then you're sent a card with your name. I had a few troubles using it when it didn't have my name, but not too many. Of course, you could have any name put on it -- the card company doesn't check just retailers who care enough to ask for ID when a card is used.

I hope she's found safe and he's put away for a long time. Hopefully people won't be horrible and cruel to her, but I doubt that and just hope she gets all the support she needs to move past this and develop into a more confident young lady.

I'm not actually surprised they haven't been found yet, unfortunately. The country is vast, not everyone pays attention to others and not everyone watches traditional television these days... I get my news about even local-to-me cases from here mostly as I don't have cable or Wi-Fi at home and the antenna on the TV is annoying.

A couple years ago I was briefly homeless and couch surfed and stayed in crappy motels some of the time so I could be near work (by the by, being homeless while working a full time professional job sucks... It's hard to act all casual when you're carrying around 50 pounds of luggage and brushing your teeth in the office bathroom). If I made a reservation online using like or whatever, it was fine, but there were at least two motels who wouldn't rent a room to me because all I had was a prepaid card and they wouldn't accept it. Another place made me put down a deposit which was about 4 times the amount for the room (and then took their sweet time refunding it). Another only took it because I had made the reservation using a third party site.

I've used airbnb a couple times too. Airbnb likes you to put your actual photo on your profile and the hosts contacted me prior to my visit. I'm sure the system isn't the same for all hosts, though, as you can rent everything from a tent in someone's backyard (seriously) to a mansion and some have onsite hosts while others are more private. Many have their keys in one of those doorknob lock box things and you never even meet the owner.

What else... I think "forensics" means "debate team" in this context, not "related to criminal system."

Not my most eloquent post, but there it is.

Does anyone know if the vehicle, A Rouque (sp) has the back seats that will fold down? If so, they could put a air mattress or sleeping bag in the back and sleep in the car. Just a thought

A quick Google search seems to make me think that it is a possibility. But it would be cramped and most likely uncomfortable.
(I read plenty of cases on Websleuths, but don't post much, so this is my first time weighing in on this one. So, hi!)

This has probably been discussed and I missed it, but, if Elizabeth told her sister to call the police if she wasn't home by 6pm, what triggered her family, friend, whomever did it, to report her missing at 12:41pm? Was it that she hadn't shown up at school and no one could locate her elsewhere?

Also, maybe I'm naive, but my thoughts on the teen marriage search is that TC was looking for if, and where, he could legally marry her without another person's (parent's, judicial) permission, if he were "free and clear" of his current wife. Since the answer was nowhere (in the US) + divorces take time, real marriage just wasn't going to happen. Or perhaps he was searching for countries where they wouldn't have problems. What I find interesting, is prior to March 5 (the day he conducted the search), Elizabeth had no real mention of marriage on her Instagram. But on March 5, she had 2 posts directly referencing it, plus a promise ring post. And then several more in the days following. His first post that seemed to hint at running away was on February 23, with a picture of a jeep at the ocean with his the hashtag #ohtheplaces he then used on all his later (and very frequent) destination posts. That day also happens to be the day ET posted the Roses are red poem...

Perhaps this whole running away bit was originally construed by TC just for TC, and ET jumped on board and ran with it and he figured why not? TC's life had basically fallen apart (his own doing), why not run? Who knows how his wife reacted to this investigation and suspension and what their interactions were while he was still around...It's obvious based on TC's Instagram that as of February 23, he was planning to run. It's interesting that all his #ohtheplaces posts on February 23 didn't include the #love hashtag as well. But from the first one on February 24, and all subsequent ones after, both hashtags were used. Read ET's posts from early on February 23...they seem to indicate "trouble in paradise". Then February 24, he starts tagging his exotic photos #ohtheplaces #love and she posts her first travel themed post with a caption mentioning @bestfriend. My theory? TC was planning to run, and decided to do so on February 23. Sometime later that day/that night, TC and ET concocted the plan for ET to join him. And they just spent the next 20 days figuring out how to do it.

On the possibility that they're hiding in a storage facility. I don't think they are, but I think the Nissan Rogue is, and they have another vehicle. As someone who's done lots of searches for enclosed vehicle storage (I have an RV), there are hoards of spaces--in cities, in remote areas, in well maintained facilities, in crapholes where no one investigates anything as long as you pay your rent--where you could easily store a vehicle. No one said, to my knowledge, they were spotted in Decatur in the Nissan Rogue? Maybe it took them so long to get there/be sited there because they stayed in the immediate area switching out vehicles and stocking up from the stockpile of supplies they accumulated during 20 days of planning. And maybe they went to Decatur to throw people off, and then came right back and are hiding out "in plain sight", not far from where they started.

On another note, they could definitely be in a National Forest or the like campground and no one would know the better. Many are first-come, first-serve, have no one checking you in (you register yourself and pay, no ID needed), have water and electricity at the site and bathhouses (hello hot showers) mere steps away. Many are in areas not near big cities, and I could definitely see them popping in to a general store and buying supplies and no one thinking anything of it. Especially if only one went. It'd be pretty easy to survive in such an area and not feel so rugged in doing so.
The only sighting to date of them has been the Monday right before he picked her up at Shoneys. The phones pinged in Decatur or as it was stated early on they found the phones with the batteries removed in Decatur. That part has not been confirmed by LE they will only say pinged.

Sent from my LG-K550 using Tapatalk
(I read plenty of cases on Websleuths, but don't post much, so this is my first time weighing in on this one. So, hi!)

This has probably been discussed and I missed it, but, if Elizabeth told her sister to call the police if she wasn't home by 6pm, what triggered her family, friend, whomever did it, to report her missing at 12:41pm? Was it that she hadn't shown up at school and no one could locate her elsewhere?

Also, maybe I'm naive, but my thoughts on the teen marriage search is that TC was looking for if, and where, he could legally marry her without another person's (parent's, judicial) permission, if he were "free and clear" of his current wife. Since the answer was nowhere (in the US) + divorces take time, real marriage just wasn't going to happen. Or perhaps he was searching for countries where they wouldn't have problems. What I find interesting, is prior to March 5 (the day he conducted the search), Elizabeth had no real mention of marriage on her Instagram. But on March 5, she had 2 posts directly referencing it, plus a promise ring post. And then several more in the days following. His first post that seemed to hint at running away was on February 23, with a picture of a jeep at the ocean with his the hashtag #ohtheplaces he then used on all his later (and very frequent) destination posts. That day also happens to be the day ET posted the Roses are red poem...

Perhaps this whole running away bit was originally construed by TC just for TC, and ET jumped on board and ran with it and he figured why not? TC's life had basically fallen apart (his own doing), why not run? Who knows how his wife reacted to this investigation and suspension and what their interactions were while he was still around...It's obvious based on TC's Instagram that as of February 23, he was planning to run. It's interesting that all his #ohtheplaces posts on February 23 didn't include the #love hashtag as well. But from the first one on February 24, and all subsequent ones after, both hashtags were used. Read ET's posts from early on February 23...they seem to indicate "trouble in paradise". Then February 24, he starts tagging his exotic photos #ohtheplaces #love and she posts her first travel themed post with a caption mentioning @bestfriend. My theory? TC was planning to run, and decided to do so on February 23. Sometime later that day/that night, TC and ET concocted the plan for ET to join him. And they just spent the next 20 days figuring out how to do it.

On the possibility that they're hiding in a storage facility. I don't think they are, but I think the Nissan Rogue is, and they have another vehicle. As someone who's done lots of searches for enclosed vehicle storage (I have an RV), there are hoards of spaces--in cities, in remote areas, in well maintained facilities, in crapholes where no one investigates anything as long as you pay your rent--where you could easily store a vehicle. No one said, to my knowledge, they were spotted in Decatur in the Nissan Rogue? Maybe it took them so long to get there/be sited there because they stayed in the immediate area switching out vehicles and stocking up from the stockpile of supplies they accumulated during 20 days of planning. And maybe they went to Decatur to throw people off, and then came right back and are hiding out "in plain sight", not far from where they started.

On another note, they could definitely be in a National Forest or the like campground and no one would know the better. Many are first-come, first-serve, have no one checking you in (you register yourself and pay, no ID needed), have water and electricity at the site and bathhouses (hello hot showers) mere steps away. Many are in areas not near big cities, and I could definitely see them popping in to a general store and buying supplies and no one thinking anything of it. Especially if only one went. It'd be pretty easy to survive in such an area and not feel so rugged in doing so.

Great thoughts! Just got to say you should post more often. :)
Sorry if this is a repeat post:


The TBI reports Cummins searched the topic of teen marriage online on March 5th, and details on his Nissan Roogue [sic] to see if it had features which would allow law enforcement to track the vehicle.

Well, there's this:

Stolen Vehicle Locator


Using sophisticated tracking technology, the Stolen Vehicle Locator feature can help pinpoint your vehicle&#8217;s location and assist police in recovering it, in the unfortunate event that it becomes stolen.

Initiating the service
Just contact us with the police report details to initiate the service, and we&#8217;ll work with the authorities in an effort to bring your Nissan back.

That Nissan is long ditched. Every state has license plate readers in fixed locations and some use mobile and roving readers in others where legal by state law.They would have gotten a hit by now if they were in that vehicle and mobile.I'm surprised the vehicle has not turned up abandoned and also surprised the Amber Alert is only in a small area. They could have left the areas of alert by now even if on foot.
I've been following but haven't posted much if any yet on this case.

I use prepaid debit cards. When you first buy it it doesn't have your name but it does have to be registered and then you're sent a card with your name. I had a few troubles using it when it didn't have my name, but not too many. Of course, you could have any name put on it -- the card company doesn't check just retailers who care enough to ask for ID when a card is used.

I hope she's found safe and he's put away for a long time. Hopefully people won't be horrible and cruel to her, but I doubt that and just hope she gets all the support she needs to move past this and develop into a more confident young lady.

I'm not actually surprised they haven't been found yet, unfortunately. The country is vast, not everyone pays attention to others and not everyone watches traditional television these days... I get my news about even local-to-me cases from here mostly as I don't have cable or Wi-Fi at home and the antenna on the TV is annoying.

A couple years ago I was briefly homeless and couch surfed and stayed in crappy motels some of the time so I could be near work (by the by, being homeless while working a full time professional job sucks... It's hard to act all casual when you're carrying around 50 pounds of luggage and brushing your teeth in the office bathroom). If I made a reservation online using like or whatever, it was fine, but there were at least two motels who wouldn't rent a room to me because all I had was a prepaid card and they wouldn't accept it. Another place made me put down a deposit which was about 4 times the amount for the room (and then took their sweet time refunding it). Another only took it because I had made the reservation using a third party site.

I've used airbnb a couple times too. Airbnb likes you to put your actual photo on your profile and the hosts contacted me prior to my visit. I'm sure the system isn't the same for all hosts, though, as you can rent everything from a tent in someone's backyard (seriously) to a mansion and some have onsite hosts while others are more private. Many have their keys in one of those doorknob lock box things and you never even meet the owner.

What else... I think "forensics" means "debate team" in this context, not "related to criminal system."

Not my most eloquent post, but there it is.


Thanks for your post. Have you seen anything to suggest it's debate team vs. criminal Forensics? I know both are offered as electives at the high school level, but I haven't started searching the high school website for course descriptions or anything yet. I'd love it if someone else did!

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